Chapter 20: Chapter 20
One day has passed.
One day…and already things have changed tremendously since Sakura and Ino agreed to become Naruto's wives. For one thing, people treated them differently…but it wasn't bad difference. Even Kiba, whom Sakura gotten to know over the months, treated her different. Although the only difference was the teasing perverted comments never stopped coming.
One good thing was that Ami, Sakura's former bully, was absent the next day after the festival so the girls were spared the insulting comments from least for now. Unfortunely Iruka announced that Mizuki, the bane of every student's existence, was coming back for exams.
That made Naruto despair. Mizuki always targeted him more then everybody.
As class begun, Iruka started reviewing what they learned over the four years. As class went on, Sasuke Uchiha kept on looking at the blonde boy that had snatched two of the most devoted of his followers.
After he watched the girls accept his marriage proposal, he went back home and laid on his bed, his hunger forgotten, his mind racing with thoughts about what the hell happened.
Sakura and Ino.
Sakura was one of the firsts to chase him and shortly Ino followed. As time passed, their chasing increased in intensity to the point where they started peeking at him at home. Every morning he would find some trace of somebody near his home. Fresh foot trails, disturbed leaves, and other signs.
But...almost a year before, he noticed Sakura strangely absent for almost two weeks. He was curious as to why she was gone since she was obsessed with her schoolwork as she was him. His curiosity getting the better of him, he took the risk and asked Ino, her friend, and got the answer after the girl recovered from the fact that Sasuke was talking to her.
`I don't really know. It's been a week since I talked to her. She's not at her home or any place that she frequents. I told the Hokage about her but he only said that she was going through some unique training. I even asked my father about her but he wouldn't tell me anything. To be honest, I'm getting worried.'
Strangely enough, Naruto was also absent but only for a few days.
But he didn't think any of it when Sakura finally came back. The only thought that ran in his mind when she came back was that the peace that he had was gone.
He sighed and scratched his head. He was thinking too hard. Maybe he would ask Naruto about it during lunch.
Ino suddenly oofed when her sister's butt landed on her lap and the upper part of her body made herself comfortable on her, even going as far as wiggling her butt before she laid back on her, using her breasts as a pillow.
"Saku-chan..." Ino spoke, her eyes spying the increasing amount of onlookers. "Do you really think you should be doing that in public?"
"Why not? People know who we belong to. Why not let them know that we're bi and we're not afraid to show our affections in public." After she said that, she turned her head and moved a hand behind Ino's head and forced it down some, allowing Sakura to reach up and give her a kiss on the lips, staying there for a few moments before breaking apart. Ino smirked when her eyes saw the reactions of the male audience.
"You really are a sadistic bitch aren't you?" Sakura chuckled and patted her cheek before going back to her previous position.
"You know me so well."
Ino chuckled as she encircled her arms around her friend, her eyes looking up and seeing almost everybody looking at them. Shock, grins, lusty eyes met her sight as well as a smirking Naruto who was leaning against a wall, snacking on a rice ball. Seeing movement to her side, she saw Kiba make his way toward Naruto.
`Naruto you lucky bastard."
Naruto looked to the side when he heard Kiba call out to him. He waited until he reached him to speak.
"How's that?"
"Them!" Kiba pointed to the snuggling girls. "How the hell did you manage to score two bisexual chicks?" Naruto chuckled and straightened himself up.
"Trade secret Kiba. Trade secret."
After that, he walked away, leaving the confused Kiba behind as he walked. He didn't go beyond five feet when someone else walked up to him.
"Dobe." Naruto stopped when he heard that word. He turned around to see Sasuke, hands in his pockets and a curious expression on his face. "Can we talk?"
Naruto was shocked to even speak at the moment. Never had the Uchiha asked to speak with him. He thought he didn't think that he even wanted to speak with him. He recovered his senses and agreed.
"Sakura." Ino warned, seeing Sasuke and Naruto walk away from the break area.
"I know. Let's follow." Sakura stood up, followed by Ino, her hand going to her pouch and withdrawing a kunai, twirling it until the point was facing up, hiding the weapon from view. They were about to follow but they stayed their movement, seeing Naruto signaled to them to stay. They hesitated before they narrowed their eyes.
"We're not going to leave him alone are we?" Ino asked causing Sakura to smirk.
The girls walked out of view and changed their forms to something inconspious...bugs.
Beetles to be exact.
After the change was complete, they opened their wings and flew to where Naruto and Sasuke were talking, completely unaware of a certain bug user watching them. They settled on a tree branch and watched their conversation but were unable to hear what they were saying.
As Naruto talked, his eyes went to a branch behind Sasuke when he saw movement. When he saw the beetles, he ignored it...for a second before his eyes snapped back to the beetles, scowling on the inside. He casually reached into his kunai pouch and pulled out a kunai, tossing in his hand like it was nothing and then threw it to the branch where the two beetles were.
It landed, and the two beetles scurried away.
"Kiba, we may be friends but you keep up with those comments, you'll find yourself without an organ needed for children."
Kiba gulped at the threat his friend was giving him. He knew she was serious since he saw what she did to a male boy that tried to roughhouse her because of her collar.
"Sakura, you're bringing it onto yourself. I mean how could you not? Many a male fantasy involves collars and the fact that you call your fiancée `Naruto-sama' and basically act like a slave." Kiba said with a grin causing Sakura to roll her eyes.
"What I do in my personal life is none of your business...and besides, you shouldn't be telling me what I should do with my personal life. Tell me Kiba-kun..." Sakura said in an insulting manner. "What exactly do you masturbate to?" Kiba gulped at the seemingly knowing eyes of Sakura.
"How do you..." Kiba suddenly yelped when Sakura slammed her foot in her nether regions rather harshly.
"I have my sources Kiba. Now tell me." Kiba gulped but stayed his mouth, not wanting to die. "I got boots in my locker Kiba. You want me to put them on?"
"You and Ino!" Kiba blurted out, causing Sakura to raise her eyebrow. "You and Ino." He repeated softly, sighing in relief as Sakura took her foot off.
"Now that wasn't so hard was it mutt?" Kiba let out a loud, high pitched scream as Sakura slammed her foot into Kiba's jewels, causing him to fall off the desk he was sitting on and collapse onto the floor, holding his injured pride in his hands. Sakura bent down to whisper in his ear. "The next time you masturbate to us Kiba, I want you to imagine what the pain will feel like with my foot cleaved in a boot, or even metal...with spikes."
Kiba whimpered as Sakura patted his cheek before standing up, only to feel a sharp pain in the back of the head courtesy of a hand slamming into her head. Sakura cried out in pain as she held her head, turning around, her hands fixing to hurt the person who hurt her only to say...
"Naruto-sama...Kiba deserved it." She said in a cute, whiny voice causing Naruto to chuckle.
"Oh no, by all means, abuse Kiba. That wasn't what that smack was for."
"I'm sorry." She said, causing Naruto to pat her shoulder.
"While I do appreciate your concern for me, I think I can take care of myself. Now where's Ino-chan? I need to smack her as well." He frowned when Sakura shrugged her shoulders, indicating that she didn't know.
"She's with Chouji." Came the strained voice of the crying Kiba, causing both male and female to look down at him. "After she came in, Chouji asked to speak with her privately so they went to the library."
"How do you know that Kiba? You and I have been speaking since I came in here."
"I heard them." Kiba yelped when Sakura placed her foot back on his injured manhood.
"Bullshit Kiba...they weren't even in the room. How the hell did you know that?"
"Tell me how you knew what I masturbated to."
"Your mother is good friends with my family. Now tell her." Naruto said, giving Kiba the answer.
"You know my mom?" Kiba asked surprised but yelped when Sakura pressed down harder. "Alright alright! Chouji wanted my advice on how to confess to Ino that he had a crush on her ever since he saw her for the first time! Please get off!"
Kiba sighed when Sakura took her foot off. Amidst the pain filling the Inuzuka's mind, he remembered a task that his mother wanted him to do while he was in school. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a letter and held it up.
"Naruto..." Kiba croaked. "Mom wanted you to have this."
The letter was snatched out of his hand by the pink haired girl and she opened it, looking it over once before giving it to Naruto. He took it and read it, smirking as he reached the end before pocketing it and said that he'll go find Ino.
Not a second after that, the door opened and Chouji stepped in, followed by Ino who had a dismal look on her face. She walked back to her seat without saying a word to Sakura and Naruto and laid her head on her arms.
Just then Iruka stepped in and called everybody to their seats as lunch break was over. Sakura and Naruto both went to a empty seat that was besides the female blonde to see if they could get some answers but she just said that she'll tell them later.
Naruto watched his pet as she poked her food, her mind deep in thought. Ever since she came back from the library, she has been unusually saddened by something and the other two may have some idea what it was.
"You really should eat Ino-chan...our final exams are tomorrow you know."
"I'm not hungry." She responded. Naruto sighed and put down his fork.
"Alright...what happened in there?" Ino sighed and looked up but averted her eyes after a few seconds.
"After we came back from out surveillance, Chouji asked to speak with me privately. I agreed and we went to the library since it was empty. We talked for a while, just random conversation, but after a while, the conversation started taking another direction and then he dropped a big load on me."
"He admitted that he had a crush on me since the day he met me when we were children."
"Really?" Ino nodded.
"I'll admit that I was surprised as hell. I had no idea that he felt that way about me. I mean, I knew he thought of me as friends but not like this."
"What did you do?"
"What could I do?!" Ino exclaimed. "What are you supposed to do when someone tells you that he had a crush on you since you were little kids?" Ino turned to Sakura. "What did you do when you realized that Naruto-sama had a crush on you?" Sakura gulped and hesitated and looked to Naruto who nodded.
"I knew for some time that he liked me. He would stare at me with a blush on his face and stutter whenever he tried to talk to me but when he told me outright that he had a crush on me, I ran."
"You ran?" Ino repeated, surprised.
"Even though I somewhat knew, it was still a shock to me and I didn't know what to do so I ran. I ran home and told my parents about it. Naturally they were outraged and shocked that the so-called `demon' has taken an interest in their daughter and it was then they insisted that he was a no good troublemaker and that I should do whatever I could to keep him away from me. Believe it or not, it was my mother that came up with the idea of physical abuse."
"It seemed to work for a while but he came back, determined to woo me. After a while, it became a ritual. He could come up, I would hit him, and he would bounce back and try again." Ino sighed and buried her head in her hands.
"When I asked him why was he telling this now, when I was fixing to get married? He replied that he couldn't handle me being with someone else and not knowing how he felt."
"I can understand how he feels. If Sakura got married without her knowing how I felt about her, I would regret it for the rest of my life." Naruto commented, causing the girls to nod.
"Which is why I gave him a gift." Ino said, causing her master and sister to raise an eyebrow.
"What kind of gift Ino?" Naruto questioned causing Ino to gulp. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should lie but she knew he would know that she was lying in an instant so she would tell the truth, no matter if she gets punished afterwards.
"A-A kiss."
The silverware in Sakura's hands dropped with a clatter.
"I wanted to give him something for his courage of telling me when I was about to get married. It took a lot for him to confess to me so I gave him a reward." Ino said quickly to explain. She kept her eyes down, not wanting to see the look of betrayal on his face.
"On the lips?" He asked and she nodded, tensing up as she could almost feel Naruto's hands go for her. She gulped when Naruto's hand settled on her shoulder. There were a few moments of tense silence and Ino spent that time praying for her life.
"Ino..." Ino freaked out on the inside. "That was nice of you." Ino snapped her eyes open and looked at the smiling Naruto in shock.
"You're not mad?" She asked. He chuckled and shook his head.
"I would've done the same thing if I was in your position. This way, it gives Chouji a feeling of closure. He knows that you are unavailable but he also knows that you are willing to remain best friends so no Ino...I'm not mad at you. What about you Sakura?" They turned to the shocked girl as she processed the information. Finally she sighed.
"I understand Ino. I'm not mad. I was just shocked that you took the daring chance to do that."
"I had to do something Sakura. I knew what could happen if things went wrong in there. He could've killed himself in grief or he could've allowed himself to be killed on a mission. I didn't want that for Chouji so I did what I thought was best." Sakura was silent for a moment before she sighed.
"Alright...I understand and I can see that happening."
"I hope you don't think any less of me."
"We don't Ino-chan...we don't."
The night passed and the trio spent the time studying for the exam. They studied until it was time to go to bed. The next day, they were up bright and early and ready. After they had breakfast and cleaned themselves up, they went to school.
"Well looky here." A voice sounded out, causing the two girls to turn around at the familiar voice causing them to scowl at the person.
"Ami...and here I was thinking that you finally decided to drop out since you weren't here yesterday."
The purple haired girl scowled as she took position in front of them.
"For your information, I was getting some extra training in so you sluts don't have a chance in hell in beating me." At this, the girls snorted causing the former bully to frown inside. She wanted them riled up. She'll just have to bring out the secret weapon. "Speaking of sluts, when I heard that the blonde idiot proposed to you and gave you collars in place of wedding rings and you accepted them. It confirmed it that you are nothing more then just sluts who just sold their soul to the devil."
The reaction she got from them was not what she expected.
"Ami..." Sakura chuckled, standing up. "If you're saying that, then you didn't see what happened that night. He asked for our submission to him and we gave it to him. Naruto-sama gave us so much and more and we fell in love with him that we are willing to do whatever he wants of us. If that makes us slaves, then so be it."
"And I will not allow you or anybody else to insult my husband."
Ami gulped in fear as Ino joined Sakura against her. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. She was expecting them to get angry, embarrassed, but it wasn't happening. Slowly she turned around and went back to her seat, her mood a complete 180.
Sakura sighed as she and Ino sat back down. She hated Ami. She hated the fact that she bullied her when she was little but not anymore. Ever since Naruto captured Ami and let her use her for domme training, her fear of Ami disappeared and in its place, confidence and determination.
But Naruto kept her memories of the event sealed up in her. She couldn't even dream of the event so the damage Sakura did to Ami was erased and the old Ami took her place. That made her despair. She wanted that bitch to know her place.
"Looks like she hasn't changed at all Saku-chan." Naruto voice spoke to her from behind her. Said girl looked behind her and frowned.
"I know and that's the problem. She can change but..." She trailed off, knowing that Naruto knew exactly what she was talking about. He chuckled and laid back but didn't respond.
The door opened and Hinata stepped in, going straight to her seat. She sat down and laid her head upon her arms, waiting for the last day of school to start. Naruto watched the girl as she settled. He could see that something was different about her but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
Suddenly the door opened and Iruka and Mizuki stepped in, calling everyone to their seats as the exams were about to begin.
For the next three hours, exams were given to test each student to see if they have the capability of being a ninja. First was the written exam. It wasn't a problem for Naruto since he actively studied since the imprinting.
Next was the physical exam. They tested strength, agility, accuracy, senses, and among other things. After that came the mental exam courtesy of Ibiki and his cohorts. Needless to say, that was the most painful part of the exam. After a brief break, the next and final exam was jutsu knowledge. The students were told to demonstrate what jutsu's they knew.
That took a while, longer then the instructors thought but they eventually finished. After that was finished, they instructed the students to leave for a couple of hours and then come back.
"Oh Kami...I was horrible I know it. I failed."
Sakura rolled her eyes at Ino's drama. She always hated tests, even now. While Ino despaired, she moved herself to Ino's back and started rubbing her shoulders, massaging it.
"I'm going" Ino trailed off as her sister's hands worked her magic on her shoulders. Sakura chuckled from behind Ino.
"I'm sure you did fine Ino-chan. There's no point in worrying about the tests now. There's a half hour left and then we'll find out."
"Alright...when we call your name, please come up and retrieve your headband." Iruka announced to the class, standing behind his desk along with Mizuki and headbands. "Aburame Shino."
For the next hour, names were called alphabetically. For the names that were left out, that meant that they failed. When Iruka got to the H's, Naruto waited to hear Sakura's and Hinata's name. Sakura's name was called and she let out a shout of joy and Naruto hugged and kissed her and waited for Hinata's name but when the I's came without Hinata's name being called, Naruto was shocked and looked at said girl. It was then he saw Hinata's face.
It was the face of one who has given up in life.
`Oh kami...what have I done?'
He was about to stand up and walk toward her but she stood up and left the room before he could even have a chance. A shout came from the Inuzuka as his came was called and rushed forward to get his headband. He sat back down, trying to figure out what happened with her. As the names continued, his eyes set upon Mizuki and his instincts sent up a red flag in his mind seeing the unusually happy smirk on his face.
`Mizuki's not a happy one usually. He's up to something.'
Naruto perked up when he heard his name being called and grinned. He stood up and walked to the front of the room and retrieved his headband, his smile not leaving his face as he tied it on his head as he walked back to his seat.
Deep in the forest, a pale eyed girl sobbed quietly in the privacy of the forest, a kunai held tightly in her clutches. The girl had been though so much mental destruction that it surprised her that she hung on for this long but she finally snapped when she failed the exam and witnessed Naruto embrace his soon-to-be wife and congratulated her on passing but when her name wasn't called, she made her decision.
After she left, she found a private place in the woods and sat down while pulling out a kunai and looked at it before breaking down and crying her eyes out. After a while, her tears slowly lessened until it almost stopped.
`Naruto-kun...I'm sorry I couldn't be the girl you wanted. I'm sorry I couldn't be strong like Sakura-san or Ino-san. I'm sorry...I'm sorry I couldn't be the submissive you wanted.'
With that, she put the blade to her neck, right above the major blood vessel that would promise a quick death. She pushed the blade against her skin and prepared herself to slice it open, saying one final farewell before tightening her grip and...
"I wouldn't do that if I was you."
Hinata gasped and stayed her hand as the silver haired chunnin, Mizuki, jumped down from the trees. She gulped as he started walking toward her.
"Stay back! I'll do it!" Hinata quickly warned and he stopped, waving his hands in front of him.
"Oh no by all means, kill yourself." Mizuki turned around and started walking away. "I guess you don't want to hear how you can get Naruto to notice you." He started counting down as he walked away. Right when he got to one, Hinata shouted for him to stop causing him to grin.
"How...what do you mean Naruto-kun can notice me?" Mizuki chuckled and turned around.
"Put down the knife and I'll tell you."
Hinata hesitated for a moment before her hand twitched and she slowly put down the kunai. Mizuki, seeing how it was safe to continue, walked up to her and sat down next to her.
"I've only been here for a couple days but in that time, I kept on hearing the tale of the persistent Naruto in his attempts to romance his soon-to-be wives." Mizuki internally shuddered at the thought of the demon brat being married. "From what I heard, he likes girls with fire, passion, spirit...something that you don't have and apparently he wants submissive females, which you are but you are not betrothed to him. Why?" Hinata thought about it but she already knew the answer.
"I may be a submissive, but I don't have the passion those girls have. I can't do anything in front of him, I can't say anything in front of him, I can't even look at him. Naruto-kun...he's somebody that likes a challenge. I think that the challenge of taming those two was the ultimate challenge and in the process, they fell in love with him."
"Knowing that, can you figure out a way to at least get him to talk to you?" Mizuki asked, causing Hinata to snort.
"Growing a spine for starters."
"What if I told you that I know of a way for you to do that and pass the exam you just failed?" Mizuki said, causing Hinata to snap her head toward the teacher.
"How?" She exclaimed causing Mizuki to smirk.
"Here's what you do."
"Dammit Hinata, what have you gotten yourself into?"
Naruto asked himself as he and his pets jumped through the trees in pursuit of the Hyuuga heirness. He was just entering the Hokage tower when he was rammed over by numerous ninja flying out the door and running into the forest. After the girls helped him up, the Hokage meet his sight and he informed him of what just happened.
Hinata Hyuuga stole the Forbidden Scroll.
He had then smacked his head and took off in the forest followed by the girls, hoping that he'll find her first and see if he could smack some sense in that girl.
Fortunately, the nose knows.
Naruto knows how Hinata smells and was able to pick her scent a few meters into the forest. He and the girls followed it for about fifteen minutes until the trail ended at a clearing. He signaled to stop and they landed before they emerged into the clearing and watched the figure in the clearing.
The figure was Hinata Hyuuga, holding a very large scroll and hyperventilating, mumbling something.
Fortunately, due to their increases senses and sufficient training, they were able to faintly make out what she was saying.
"Oh kami...I can't believe I just did that. Oh kami...why did I just do that? I'm so glad this is just a test."
A confused expression arrived on everybody's face. Why did she say it was a test? Didn't she realize what she was holding? Naruto was about to stand up and go to her but didn't as Mizuki jumped down and called out to her. Said female perked up, jumped up, and ran to her teacher.
"Mizuki-sensei! I did it see? I did what you told me to do! I even learned a genjutsu!" Hinata held up the scroll for him to see. Mizuki smiled.
"That's good work Hinata and your time isn't that bad. Now give me the scroll and we'll start the next phase of your training." Hinata nodded and moved forward and Mizuki followed, his hand going to his right cheek pocket and withdrawing a hanky.
A hanky saturated with chloroform.
His hand slowly moved forward toward Hinata's mouth. Hopefully, she wouldn't put up much of a fight and he can get her to Kumo.
Unfortunately, this wasn't the case.
Hinata's senses tingled and she turned around, just as the fabric neared her mouth. She ducked and jumped away, shock clearly visible on her face.
"Stay your feet." Naruto ordered seeing his pets start to move. They looked at Naruto in confusion.
"Let's just see what happens."
"Mizuki-sensei? What are you doing?" She asked surprised, seeing the cloth in his hand. She gulped when he chuckled.
"I was so hoping you weren't going to put up a fight but that's out the window. Now we have to do this the hard way."
Mizuki lunged toward the surprised Hinata, his arms reaching out to grab the heirness but failing to do so.
Thus starts the game of cat and mouse.
"So Mizuki was a traitor all along?" Sakura commented, seeing Hinata try to avoid Mizuki's clutches and successfully accomplishing that due to her bloodline. Two minutes into the chase, Mizuki started taunting the young girl, to try and get her to make some kind of mistake so he could grab her.
"I knew he was bad but I never thought that he would try something like this and..." Naruto suddenly stopped speaking when something Mizuki said caught his attention. He sushed the girls when they tried to speak.
"Come on Hinata...don't make this hard on yourself. All I want to do break your legs and sell you to Kumo...maybe have a little fun myself before I hand you over so they can turn you into breeding stock. Hiashi might have saved you when they tried before but no one will save you now."
"Did he just..." Sakura started.
"Say that he'll turn Hinata over to Kumo and..." Ino continued.
"Turn her into breeding stock." Naruto finished with a snarl. "Sakura...immobilize him."
Sakura grinned.
"My pleasure master." Just as Sakura took a step, Naruto held up his hand, stopping the girl in her tracks. She was confused until she took a look in front of her.
`Na-Naruto-kun is here?' Hinata thought, completely ignoring Mizuki's advance toward her. "What is he doing here? How long has he been here...watching me?' She asked herself these questions when something came to mind. `Why isn't he helping me? Why is he just sitting there?' It was then she realized why. `He wants me to die. He doesn't want me around, this weak stuttering pathetic girl.'
She stayed still as Mizuki drew closer to her, her arms down to her sides and her eyes closed, her mind dieing from the blow it just received. She wanted nothing more then to die right now. She opened her eyes to see Mizuki running toward and reaching toward her in slow motion.
And then her life flashed before her eyes.
Her mother, her father, her entire family flashed before her eyes.
They were smiling.
Which is weird because her father never smiles nowadays. Her mother still smiles but that smile came out so rarely. She saw herself being comforted by Neji that day Naruto proposed to his wives while she cried her eyes out.
She saw herself watching Naruto try and try to woo his wives, getting pounded on and pounded on. She watched him get up and try again. He never gave up in trying to get their attention.
Suddenly, she had an epiphany.
Naruto never gave up so why should she?
Focusing on Mizuki, he was mere inches away from her. Quickly sending chakra into her eyes, she activated her eyes and made a quick side step and delivered a Juuken strike to his stomach, causing Mizuki to drop to his knees in a sudden and intense case of indigestion.
"Da..damn li-little bi-bitch! I'm...I'm going to k-kill you."
He looked up, only to see Hinata making several hand seals, to what jutsu he didn't know. "Kokugangyo no jutsu."
Suddenly, the whole area went black and he couldn't hear anything nor see anything.
"Hinata...what are you doing?" Mizuki asked, recovering from the last strike she gave him. There was silence. He tried to dispel the genjutsu but he didn't have any luck.
Then...the pummeling started.
It started with his back, near his shoulder blades. As Mizuki's body reacted, the strikes started to be random, preventing Mizuki to try and defend against this but he couldn't.
This girl, who was weak, spineless, witless, was beating the shit out of him.
The three observers blinked in shock, unable to speak as they witness the young Hyuuga beat the crap out of the teacher.
"Did I...miss something?" Sakura asked, shock clearly evident in her voice. The blonde male of the group shook his head, his eyes never leaving the spectacle.
"Not that I know of. It seems that Hinata has grown a spine at least."
They continued watching the one-sided fight as Hinata used the Juuken style on his body, aiming for the limbs first before going for the torso. Finally, she ended the assault with a good old fashioned kick to the nuts...which did it for the traitor.
His mind going blank, he collapsed onto the ground, eyes rolled into the back of his head as the blackness vanished to reveal Hinata, her body shaking at what she just did.
`Oh Kami...what have I done?'
She was too immersed in her despair to notice Naruto and his wives drop down from their position. They walked up to her and stopped when they reached her.
"Hinata...look at me." Said girl didn't respond. Naruto put his hands on both sides of her face and gently forced it up to look at his face.
"It's alright Hinata...Mizuki won't bother you again." Right after he said that, Hinata latched onto him, pulling her body against him while crying her eyes off.
"I-I did i-it for y-you." She cried out, causing everybody to be confused and surprised at the same time, including Naruto.
"Why?" He asked.
"I-I wa-wanted you to l-like me. I-I'm we-weak. You o-only like strong g-girls. You-you li-like ch-challenges. Me...I-I'm no-nothing." After she was finished, she broke down crying in Naruto's arms. Naruto sighed as he embraced the girl. He should've realized that this was going to happen but he didn't expect Mizuki to convince the girl to do what he wanted. She was just lucky that they were able to get her away from him before that bastard did any damage to the girl. He sighed again.
He knew what he had to do.
"Hinata...I need to take you to Interrogation and Torture."
Hinata gasped and broke contact with Naruto and took several steps back. She looked at him with fear in her eyes.
"W-why?" She gasped out. Naruto sighed and stepped forward.
"You committed a crime Hinata and you need to answer for it. If you are innocent, Ibiki will find out." Hinata tried to back away but Naruto laid his hands on her shoulder, keeping her there. "Hinata, all you have to do is tell your side of the story and a Yamanaka will look in Mizuki's mind and gets his side."
As he said that, Naruto moved one of his hands over her head, letting his chakra flow into her head, his chakra going to the part of the brain that controls sleep. Sure enough, Hinata's eyes started to close as she fell asleep.
Naruto quickly caught her as he legs gave way and moved her so she was bridal style in his arms. He barked a quick order to Sakura to retrieve the scroll. She did and joined Naruto as they left the clearing and to the I/T division to drop off Hinata.