Buffy SI (OP MC)

Chapter 5: [5]

Pulling up in front of the office of the Motor Inn, the building bathed in shadows reminding me that my first day in a new universe is rapidly coming to an end.

'No matter what you've got going on the world keeps spinnin…' I internally express while feeling a sense of dejection.

Putting "Baby" in park, and shutting off the engine, I gently and fondly pat the steering while pulling the door lever and getting out of the car.

I walk through the open door, finding the attendant to be a middle-aged fat man much like the guy who owns the car dealership, in fact they could be brothers but this guy seems more sleezy, the hourly rates for room rentals behind him and the prostitute walking out of the back room doesn't help any.

"What can I do for ya kid?" The man asks, his voice thick and dripping with sleaze.

"Need a room for a month." I tell him and the guy's eyes light up with greed.

"Five hundred bucks, and if you need any party favors…or party guests you just come to ole Pete here and I'll set you up good."

"Thanks." I reply to him and stealthily grab five bills from my bag, and set it down on the counter, where Sleezy Pete slides me a key.

"Apartment three." giving him a nod I take my key from the counter and leave the office getting into my baby and backing up in front of Apartment three, getting out of my ride I grab my snackage, new threads and enter my new home stepping on a cockroach as I do so.

'Maybe…I ought to take Willow up on her offer…maybe there's a cleaning spell, and a sanctuary spell or something that can keep out pests and insects…' I internally express while setting my bags down on a kitchenette counter, and pull my grimoire out of my canvas messenger bag.

Opening the book it is now filled with scrolling text, which includes an index with spells, flipping through the pages there are detailed spell descriptions and punctuations, and illustrations.

"Okay, I'm looking for a general sanitation spell, and a spell that will turn this place into a place of safety…" I murmur and suddenly the grimoire takes on a golden hue and the pages turn on their own.

[Jōka suru: A general cleaning/purifying spell for places and people removes bad bacteria, dirt, grime, evil spirits, curses…] The list of what the spell does goes on and on.

'I sure hope that all of my magic spells aren't Japanese even if the hell dimension that they're technically from was anime-like…whatever let's give it a try.'

"Jōka suru!" I mutter while willing my new abode and furniture to be thoroughly cleaned, I can feel this sensation, this power…energy flowing through and out of me, nothing major but mostly like what would be consumed at a mile long brisk walk, but all at once.

"Whooo…dang, that felt strange." I let out a long breath, and pull out the wheeled chair, which is at the end of the kitchenette counter, flopping down into said chair.

'Now, that I've drawn on it, I can feel this magical energy and how it flows throughout me…nourishes me…it feels great.'

"Should get the protection spell done, Dejitto!" A golden light glows around the doorways and windows of my room, at the back of my mind I get this sense that I'm the only one that can enter this space unless I give someone a willing invitation, into my dwellings, though this spell seems to be constantly consuming the energy subfusing my being, it's not a lot right now but I can tell it'll really add up the longer the spell is active.

'Hmm, too bad I can't use the ambient magical energy of the world to power spells, I mean I know that part of the lore for the Archamada book of magic and the Charms of Bezel say they grant unlimited magical power…but if my body can only process and use so much at a time…'

"Stop it, you're finding faults in being able to use magic, fucking magic…something you've wanted to do for pretty much your entire life…so be happy with what you got!" I say to myself while smacking the back of my head.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

Buffy At the Bronze,

God that was mortifying…I really hope Willow or Damon are here, I think to myself after waving like an idiot to a guy who was waving to someone behind me.

'Yes, Willow is here, and wow…she looks hot!' I can't help but feel a little insecure next to her now.

"Hey!" Willow happily greets me while waving at me in excitement.

"Hey yourself, you look amazing Willow, you're here with someone? I hope!" I return Willow's excited greeting in mind but can't help but fish for some info, a small…okay a big part of me hoping that she isn't here with Damon.

"No…I'm just here…I thought Damon would show…you're hoping to see Damon too though aren't you?"

'Oh my god, am I that see through?'

"I…are you guys going out?!" I ask and am a little embarrassed at the jealousy that makes it into my voice at the insinuation that he's already taken.

"No, we used to go out…but we broke up…" I feel my heart skip a beat at Willow's non-chalantness.

'What…why?!' I wonder as sure he smokes but other than that he's dreamy, has a car…abs…beautiful eyes…and a warmth to him.

"How come?" I can't help myself from asking.

"He broke my favorite Barbie…" Willow's reply leaves me blinking at her, 'I think there might be something wrong with this girl…but then again who am I to judge I kill vampires.' I give Willow a questioning look and she quickly answers my unspoken question.

"We were five…and now I think he just sees me as a sister…"


"Oh…" I try to sound surprised and disappointed in a show of solidarity but inside I'm doing a little happy dance.

"Yeah, I don't actually do a lot of dating…"

"Oh yeah, how come?"

"Well, when I'm with a boy I like, I kinda…while I can't say anything witty or cool…I turn mute…"

"It can't be that bad."

"It is…and since boys are more interested in a girl that can talk!"

I can't help but snort at Willow's idea of what a boy's want and nearly choke on the extra coke Willow had motioned for me to have.

Clearing my throat, "You really haven't been dating if you think that's what boys want." I start to apologize as I see the hurt expression pass over Willow's face, but she quickly reminds me of why it's so hard to be friends with other girls.

"It's probably, easy for-"

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

Entering The Bronze the mid level late 90'# music makes me feel nostalgic…even though I missed this by almost five years in my last life.

'Ah, shit it's Willow and Buffy's first out of school conversation…and if it's going as poorly as it looks…I better get in there.' Because if we're being honest, if Willow wasn't taken by a vampire…alongside Jesse, combined with his death the probability of the Scooby gang actually forming diminishes greatly…and I have no intention of allowing Willow to be taken.

"Well hello ladies." I quickly interject hoping to smooth out Willow's awkward reply that might hurt Buffy's feelings, and keeping Buffy from using her scathing sarcasm that might crush Willow.

"Hey!" Both greet me excitedly and then turn to face each other and gain a light flush.

"Willow, I see you're making those clothes look good, Buffy you look beautiful as well.."

"Thanks!" Both girls seemingly preen at my praise making me smirk on the inside.

Nodding my head I look up at the catwalk and spot Giles...perving on everyone, "Wonder why Geeves is up there?" I say and point up making Buffy and Willow look up at Giles.

"Damon, that's Mr.Giles, don't be rude...we should all go say hello!" Willow crosses her arms over her chest and gives me a little glare and stink eye, but it seems like I'm quickly forgiven as Willow grabs mine and Buffy's arms and drags us to the stairs that lead up to the catwalk.

Buffy looks to me with wide eyes full of worry and fear, giving her a look of reassurance, I gently tug on Willow's hand making her spin around into my chest.

Cupping Willow's cheek I lean in so that my lips are centimeters from her ear.

"Willow, tonight...you will learn things that will change your understanding of the world...and may change the way you see me...but I need you to promise me that you'll listen to everything I have to say and let me get you home safely for the night once I'm done." I murmur into Willow's left ear her heavy hot breaths bleed through my shirt, her hands press against my chest...slowly sliding along my shoulders as she pushes her hips forwards so that she is firmly glued to my front.

"I promise." Willow's reply comes in a breathless gasp, while I look at Buffy over Willow's shoulder, Buffy is biting her bottom lip and staring at the back of Willow's head enviously, making me smile at the pretty blonde.

"Come on let's go say high to Giles." I murmur and now I'm taking Willow's and Buffy's hand the three of us walking together up the catwalk.

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