Chapter 4: [4]
After helping Willow clean up, pick out around ten solid outfits for her, she and I put the clothes that weren't quite her or were too risque for her to be comfortable in, in the area of the room taped off and labeled [leave here, for dressing room staff].
"Now, it's your turn…for me to dress you up!" Willow cheers and has relaxed and become a lot more comfortable and outspoken after everything that we have done together today in the changing room and no I don't just mean the blowjob and finger banging session either but helping her in and out of clothes and giving her my honest opinion and then listening to her feedback and helping to find things that she's more comfortable in, and for the most part just reassuring her that she looks cute, and or sexy in whichever outfit combinations she tries on.
I just smile and nod in acceptance. Willow doesn't even seem to register my lack of enthusiasm as she pulls me along back into the main part of the shop, the woman guarding the changing room winks at me with a bit of a flush.
"Hey, Damon…why are you buying me clothes…?" Willow finally asks me on our way back into the changing room.
"I didn't like seeing you bullied by Cordelia or acting all meek…plus I missed your birthday…" I reply to Willow and for the most part it's true it really pissed me off seeing Willow getting bullied by Cordelia, my crush on Charisma Carpenter notwithstanding.
"I'm really happy you're home Damon…things just haven't been right without you…" Willow murmurs as she hugs me tightly once we're back in the privacy of the changing room.
'Aww, this girl…she could give sugar diabetes…looking all cute and adorable like…while being able to get her throat fucked…bad, Shane bad…no remember you're Damon now!'
"You make it bearable…coming home I mean…"
"I know…" Willow giggles a giggle that really isn't a giggle…
"What was up with you and Buffy earlier at school today after hearing about the dead body, you left and she chased after you…are you guys a…are you doing the things with her that we did earlier?" Willow asks me in a soft voice, and I can tell she's been working up the courage to ask me for a while now. 'Come to think of it, this is probably why Willow blushed and looked away from me when we first got in the car earlier.'
"No…there's nothing going on between Buffy and I…" I reply to Willow trailing off.
"But you want there to be…I can tell."
"Maybe…she is really pretty and witty…"
Willow giggles a real giggle and smirks at me…and suddenly I feel a tingle on the back of my neck, "Yeah, I know she's your type…and she definitely can't get you out of her head…she grilled me on info about you, during lunch."
I start to open my mouth to say something, and am stopped by Willow standing on her toes and sealing my lips with her's.
Willow pulls back from the self initiated kiss, with a shy expression on her face, "As long as it's not Cordelia…I'm okay with it."
"Wait huh, you're okay with what?!" I ask Willow in surprise and she just smiles at me, shakes her head from side to side and lets out a giggle while holding up a shirt and a pair of jeans for me to try on.
"You'll figure it out…now, let's play dress up!"
'Did…Willow just give me an all access pass to herself and a free pass on…another girl…I mean if she's Bi and she already knows it…I could understand…but like this after just getting each other off…could this have something to do with the Charm of Luck…I mean it has kinda been making random encounters occur for me in my favor…like finding baby, and bumping into Buffy…in the hallway…you know what, let's not question this any further for now.'
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I can't believe we did those things, and the way Damon kisses me…it's like a dream come true.
But what if I'm not enough? I know he and Cordelia used to date, and she still hasn't gotten over him…it's why she tries so hard to make my life miserable…more miserable than it already is.
And even though he says nothing is going on between him and Buffy I saw him hugging and comforting her…after she ran off after him during lunch.
Is it weird that I want him to be mine but I'm okay with him also being Buffy's? I mean Buffy is gorgeous and she has a great rack…if I was a guy I'd…oh my gawd Willow, you can't be crushing on the new girl! You're not gay! I mean you literally just gave…got face fucked by the boy you've been in love with since you were three and you loved every second of it.
"I'm so confused…" I sigh a little bit too loudly.
"What are you confused about Wills?" My heartbeat flutters at the sound of Damon's caring…borderline loving and it just fills me with so much warmth and love.
"About how we're going to pay for all of this."
"Oh don't worry about it, I'm not rich by any means but I have enough to buy us a decent wardrobe…unless you start looking at shoes…that is…" I don't know why but I burst into a fit of giggles…at Damon's comment about shoes.
I don't like the idea of him staying at the Motor Inn, people disappear from there all the time…and are never heard from again.
"Hey, Damon…instead of staying at the Motor Inn why don't you stay with me in my room…until you can find a safer place to stay?" I find myself asking though in truth my voice doesn't sound like I'm asking but telling Damon to stay with me, and my heart starts pounding in my chest as a vision of Damon and I in bed together going all the way flashes in my mind.
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"I…I don't think that would be a good idea Wills…I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you or my dick in my pants…" I reply to Willow's heartfelt offer, earnestly.
"Plus…your parents…" I continue to say only for Willow to fire back with something completely unexpected with her typical reserved and shy attitude, "Maybe I don't want you to keep your hands off of me…or your dick in your pants." Though she says the last bit about my dick much less confident and much more quietly, to the point I almost didn't hear her.
'I guess I should have expected a reply like this after what we did earlier…but damn I expected a shyer…more innocent Willow…not a girl that feels liberated enough to speak her mind...on what she wants so openly.'
"Let me think about it Wills, I'll let you know later…" I finally say back to Willow, not giving her a hard denial in any sense of the word.
"Okay…" Willow manages to fill that one word with a lot of pent-up attitude and emotion, but lets the matter drop for now as I walk out from behind the changing screen.
"Hmm, I guess you are better off in the darker colors, let's stick with navy blues, dark reds, dark gray, and the range of blacks." Willow hums while tapping her index finger against her bottom lip in thought.
… "Okay, I think that's a good amount of clothes for you, you have enough to get you through a school week, the weekend and to Wednesday of the next week." Willow says in a happy satisfied voice while I release a tired yawn and a relieved sigh.
"Oh come on it wasn't that bad…" Willow teases as she eyes my mesh shirt with disdain even though she admitted she enjoys the view it gives her.
"It wasn't, but that's only because I got to spend so much time with you…" I say to tease Willow who's face turns as red as her hair while she looks at the ground, as we push two shopping carts up to the cashier's station.
"You two make such a cute couple." A girl in her late teens gushes, and at her provocative I wrap my arm around Willow's waist and pull her tightly to my side.
"Thanks, but we're not actually dating, he's my best friend…" Willow says and the cashier herself makes a disappointment filled noise in the back of her throat, 'Damn, did I just get friend zoned…?' I wonder while the cashier who is still wearing a disappointed expression on her face begins ringing up Willow's clothes, once done ringing up Willow's clothes and bagging them she starts to ring up mine, the bill comes to $576.97.
Willow turns and looks at me with wide eyes, "Damon I don't nee-"
"Shush, I'm not letting you get bullied for the rest of your highschool career because your mother hates you for being prettier than her." I gently chastise Willow and boop her nose making the redhead giggle but also look guilty and pleased at the same time, while I pull out 600 dollars from my stock of 100 dollar bills.
"Here you go." I hand the 600 bucks over to the cashier who seems like she'd be a senior in highschool who is doing her best not to squeal.
"So…since you're not together…are you looking for a-" The cashier shuts up as Willow starts to glare at her…wait is Willow growling…nah must just be my imagination.
The girl coughs and quickly hands me back my change while Willow grabs the bags and hands me half of them, to carry.
On our way out of the store I can't help myself, "So... we're just friends but you growl at the pretty cashier who tries soliciting me?"
"She's a gold digger..." Willow says in a squeaky voice turning shy once more, "Uhuh-than what was up with you in the changing room pretty much telling me I should ask Buffy out?" I continue to tease Willow finding her blushing face and glaring adorable.
"Shutup-Damon!" Willow mutters while pouting, "She's the first girl besides Amy who honestly approached me to be my friend...and not to set me up for some demoralizing prank... though she also pumped me for information about you so she's definitely interested, and then with the way she ran off after you..." Willow starts babbling.
" it possible that you might like in like like her?" I ask Willow keeping my voice light and nonconfrontational.
"Wha-I don't like girls, I took your thing in my mouth and loved it!" Willow says a bit too loudly and a couple of older women walking together chuckle.
"Shh, I know...that you like me Wills and what did Wills it was great...but that doesn't mean, you can't like girls too..." I tell Willow gently who looks at me like I've grown a second head while I take her right hand in mine and just give her hand a light squeeze, and start walking to Victoria Secrets.
After entering the lingerie store, and picking out much more flattering underwear for Willow did she finally start talking to me again.
"Damon...did you mean it?" What is it with teenage girls and asking vague questions.
'Oh, she probably wants to know if I meant what I said about it being okay for her to like girls and guys.'
"Did I mean what Wills?"
"You know what!" Willow replies with a bit of heat in her voice making me smirk.
"About it being okay liking you and Buffy at the same time?" Willow's voice is much softer and self-conscious now.
' I the only guy Willow likes? I mean I find that hard to believe...'
"Yes Willow, it is alright... you're not a freak, and it's not disgusting... it's just a part of who you me wanting to have sex with every beautiful girl I see, is a part of me."
"Jerk..." Willow murmurs, but then smiles at me and stands on her toes to plant a kiss against my cheek, "Thanks Damon...for making me feel normal..."
"Ehh, whenever you need a lead ballon just let me know Wills." I joke and Willow giggles before blushing as I hold up a bra to her chest, her other bra was left forgotten in the changing room.
"Hmm, I was right you're a thirty two C, you're mom tried really hard to make you undesirable... didn't she..." I hum to myself as I finish picking out sets of thongs, bras and normal and functional panties that have a bit more sex appeal to them.
~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~
Leaving the mall loaded down with bags Willow walking beside me her arm threaded through mine also holding bags.
"Alright Willow, I'm gonna drop you off at home and then head to the Motor Inn, and before you say anything I'd rather have the room rented out and not need than need it and not have it."
"Okay." Willow just says to me her voice filled with happiness...and no it wasn't the clothes, or the hot fudge sundaes that truly made her happy it was the Gameboy and and copies of Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue, that truly made the girl ecstatic.