Buffy SI (OP MC)

Chapter 2: [2]


"Finally it's lunch time!" I cheer and both Xander and Jesse laugh at my expression of joy.

Walking through the halls coming to the ground floor atrium, I spot Buffy talking to Willow, "So what can you tell me about Mr.Dreamy who came over and put Cordelia in place?" I hear Buffy asking Willow and Willow stuttering gibberish before collecting herself.

"He, he's Damon…Xander's older brother though he's only about a year older than us…he ran away from home a couple of years ago, but we always kept in touch until a couple of weeks ago."

"Oh you got it bad for him!" Buffy giggles.

"Wha-what no I don't…" Willow's voice gets really small and whispery, and that's when Xander attacks, followed up by a smooth insertion by Jesse into the conversation, while I lean against a column and start smoking a cig away from everyone.

'Man, I know I'm only using my finger in place of a lighter but, having magic, and having it just react to and do what I want is so frickin awesome!' I express and watch as Cordelia comes over to inform everyone about the and I quote "Extreme Dead Guy, in the girls locker room."

"Were there any marks on his body around his neck?" I ask as I force myself into the conversation.

"I don't know, morbid much, freak?!" Cordelia snidely replies to me while Buffy arches an eyebrow at my cutting her off before she could alienate herself.

"Fuck you to bitch, catch you later guys." I say to Cordelia while waving to the future Mystery Incorporated, and make my way to the gym, just as I reach the locker room door I catch Buffy coming up behind me and reach into my messenger bag.

"Here, you may need this." I murmur to Buffy as I grab her hand and set her stake down in it.

"How do you have Mr.Pointy?" Buffy asks me in surprise, "Wait, how do you know about Vampires?!"

"I'm a hunter, and you're the Slayer…heh I thought you'd be taller for some reason…" I reply to Buffy while smirking at her as I take a long drag of my cig, grab hold of the door handle and twist, the locking mechanism shearing off inside, the door slowly opens.

Buffy is just standing there with her mouth hanging open, "Come on let's see if this one will turn or if he really is just a deadie."

"H-how did you?"

I raise an eyebrow at Buffy and motion to my exposed abdomen from the black mesh shirt, "Well, I work out…not all of us have the benefit of Slayer Strength." I tell Buffy a little white lie.

"Oh…" Buffy Murmurs and we enter the girl's locker room side by side.

Buffy squats down and turns the dead guy's head towards her and finds puncture wounds on his neck, and starts to stand while I cross my arms over my chest and look at her in disappointment.

"Wha-what?" Buffy asks me and I shake my head from side to side and kneel down beside the body and open the poor guy's mouth.

"Why are you doing that?" Buffy asks me while making a gagging sound.

"To see if he's been turned." I reply to Buffy matter of factly.

"Why though, can't you just tell?" Buffy asks me and I just look at her like she's an idiot while Buffy looks at me like I've grown a second head.

"I mean, I'm sure if I casted a spell on him or used, magic sense I could have felt whether or not he was in transition or not…but this is the easiest way to tell."


"Nevermind, come on…we should go talk to your Watcher…he's the new librarian…right?" I ask Buffy and she nods with a bit of a lost expression in her eyes.


~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

I feel like the ground is moving underneath my feet, and I can't find my balance…one question plagues my mind as we walk to the library, 'Who is Damon Harris and how does he know that I'm the Slayer?'

"Why are you smoking in school?" I finally ask him, and he stops walking, "You know…I didn't even notice that I was still smoking…" Damon says as he turns to look at me, almost sounding dazed, as we reach the library.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

Walking into Buffy immediately starts to aggressively question Giles, "Okay what's the sitch?"

I rest my right hand on Buffy's shoulder making her round on me about ready to cut me down to size in the way only a teenage girl can, but I raise my fore finger to my lips in a shh, gesture.

"Sorry?" Giles questions as he walks out of his office and develops a surprised expression on his face but notices me giving the be quiet gesture.

"Is there anyone besides the three of us in the library right now, Geeves?" I ask him.

"It's Giles' young man, Mr.Giles and I don't believe so."

"Ah, apologies then Giles, it is nice to make your acquaintance."

"Alright Buffy, since Mr.Giles here says the library is empty go ahead and do your thing."

'I know Xander was here in the show…but since Giles says no one's here I don't see a point of fucking up cannon.'

"Right, So you've heard about the dead guy, right?"

"The dead guy in the locker?"

"Yes…" Giles replies his voice only slightly condescending…though if Buffy notices she doesn't say anything.

"Good, cause it's the weirdest thing, he's got two little-little holes in his neck…" Buffy continues on her tangent and walks away from me, sets her bag down on the main table, her shirt brown skirt hugging her hips and ass tightly.

'Damn, she's got a nice ass…just like her momma…'

"And all his blood's been drained, isn't that bizarre, Aren't you just going, ooh?"

"I was afraid of this…" Giles mutters.

'Well, I wasn't, It's my first day, I was afraid that I was gonna be behind in all my classes, that I wouldn't make any friends, that I was going to have last month's hair. I didn't think that there'd be vampires on campus!" Buffy says with the pent-up attitude of a teenage girl whose life is falling apart…and I couldn't help but feel for her a bit.

"And I don't care…"

"Then why are you here?" Giles asks Buffy, approaching something akin to exasperation.

"To tell you that I don't care, and plus that he made me come talk to you…" Buffy replies to Giles and indicates me by pointing over her shoulder at me with her thumb.

"So, now that I've told you, that I don't care…bye!" Buffy says and turns away from Giles to look at me with an uncertain expression crossing her face and I can tell that she very much does care and even though she tries to deny it, she enjoys having a purpose.

Giles lifts his hand to his head and rubs his right temple, "Is he-will he rise again?"

"Who?" Buffy asks with a slight stutter as she partially turns away from me to look back at Giles.

"The boy, the dead boy…"

"No, he's just dead…" Buffy murmurs and her voice manages to convey sadness for the loss of life while still being full of teenaged girl angst.

"Can you be sure?" Giles questions in a serious voice.

"Yeah, to make you a vampire they have to suck your blood, and then you have to suck their blood, it's like a whole big sucking thing, Mostly they're just gonna kill you."

"Why am I still talking to you?!"

'I should probably reassure Geeves, he looks like he's about to pop a gasket…'

"She's right though, I checked the dead guy's mouth and lips, and there was no residual vampire blood…he was definitely just a meal…"

"Oh, thank you…you have experience with Vampires?" I start to reply to Giles but Buffy cuts me off.

"Yeah he said he's a hunter." Buffy starts to walk away from Giles and grabs her bag off of the table and begins to walk towards me.

"W-wait, do you think it's just a coincidence you're here? That boy is just the beginning."

"WHY, can't you people just leave me Alone?!" Buffy snaps at Giles.

"Because you are the Slayer Buffy, and yes I know you are more than just the Slayer you're a person too, that wants to have a life and friends…maybe a boyfriend or girlfriend or four…and you can have that it's just you are burdened with glorious purpose…" I cut Giles off and say to Buffy, hoping that I can break through her resistance to being the Slayer early on in her life.

"I-I…" Buffy murmurs while looking at me before putting her head down and running out of the library like her ass is on fire.

"I really don't understand her attitude, she's already accepted her duty, she's slain vampires before…"

"Yeah she has Giles…for her she's been there done that…and in return it…ruined her life…she lost all her friends, was bullied…caused her parents divorce…she's been through a lot man…she just needs time…"

"I'm afraid we don't have time…I'm sorry I haven't caught your name…" Giles says as he walks over to me and stops at a respectful distance away.

"Damon Harris, Warlock and Hunter extraordinar…" I reply to Giles and offer him my hand showing off the Keystone tattoo which makes the man's eyes widen.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, pray, tell me why you would come to Sunnydale?"

"Well actually I'm from Sunnydale grew up here then on my fourteenth birthday…I saw a vampire kill my friend and used magic for the first time…thinking I was a freak I ran away from home…lived on the streets of L.A. for about a month till I was taken in by a coven of witches where they taught me how to use my natural talent with magic…but then we were attacked by a band of vampires…I was the only survivor after that I stared training and hunting vampires…and somehow I found myself drawn back to this hellhole…just arrived this morning actually…"

"My…my word…I'm sorry for what you've gone through it sounds quite…"

"Thanks Giles, I'm gonna go after Buffy and I'll try and get her to come back here so you guys can continue your conversation."

"I…thank you…" Giles finally says and I nod to him in understanding.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

It takes me all of ten minutes to track down Buffy who is hiding in a little alcove wiping away tears…I don't give her a chance to say anything and just pull her into a hug and slowly rub the back of her head and her lower back.

"I know it's scary and dangerous Buffy, but rare few people find their true purpose in life…and I can tell that slaying…no saving people is something you find fulfilling, you don't have to do it alone and you can always talk to me…you don't have to worry about endangering my life…my middle and is danger…" I add a little joke at the end and Buffy looks up at me with misty eyes as her hands grip my jacket.

Buffy swallows thickly, "Why?" That one little question…has too many answers.

"Because…I want to help you…"

"But you don't even know me!"

"Don't care, I can get to know you and that is something I care about…" I reply to Buffy and her face grows a bit flushed.

"You should go talk to that English guy…he seems like he has something really important to tell you…"

"I-I will…"

"Good, now I've gotta get to class but…I'll meet you at the Bronze tonight and from there maybe we can go hunting together after dancing a little…"

"I'm meeting Willow there…" Buffy murmurs and I smile down at her.

"Cool…see you later B." I reply to Buffy and slip out of her weak hug.

"Yeah, definitely." Buffy replies back to me.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

The end of day bell rings and Xander stalks over to me, alongside Willow and Jesse, "Are you coming home?" Xander asks me and I shake my head no.

"Nope," I reply while popping the p, "Gonna get a room at ol'Motor Inn…come on though I'll drop you and Willow off at home."

"Actually Jesse and I are taking his van to hit up the comic shop…"

"Ahh, cool cool…Willow the offers open…"

"Yes, I mean yes I'd like a ride home." Willow nearly shouts her yes but than turns a bit shy for the rest of her reply.

"Cool, then onward to my Baby!" I joke and sling my right arm over Willow's shoulders and drag her along with me, Willow leans into me as we walk.

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