Chapter 4: Unnamed
Wall Maria. Near shiganshina district.
In the outskirt of wall Maria, somewhere in the clearing of a forest near shiganshina district. Our boy Henry has already been two and half years old last night, the night when he woke up in the middle of the night as a direct result of his consiousness taking over this body for the first time. Rather than simply controlling it like a drone from his PATH's dimensions. So the moment he judge that his body was capable enough to bear the full Brunt of his memories, he waste no time and simply transfered it here inside his toddler body.
So that he can lived here among his second family, while growing up alongside his most favorite character Mikasa from up close. Rather than watching it from the sideline like a cuck.
But there is a little bit of a problem. You see, because of his absenced consiousness, his little body was devoid of any personality and always has this blank and downcast look.
He also has never been seen or heard of him crying by his family member, making them absolutely devastated and sad, especially his mother. Whose always cried alone when she was hugging him or breastfeeding him.
But now that he's here, he shall absolutely make sure to wipe their sadness and return the happiness he robbed in this two years.
In the morning, after taking over his body the night's before.
Inside the shared bedroom between the two twins, a two and a half years old Henry is still sleeping under a shared blanket, while Mikasa cuddle him cutely on his left side.
They look very adorable when they cuddle together on top of white mattress bed for children, that was made by their father's loving hand.
The bedroom appearance is very simplistic, it has only one shared bed for the two siblings. There is also a single chest in the corner of the room used for storing clothes for the two of them. And a single glass window beside the bed to let the sun or moon light in, making the room have just enough light for both night and at day.
The adorable scene of the two was suddenly interupted by a knocking sound of the door.
"Ery... Mika... Can Mama comes in?". Even thought there was no answer from the other side, she still open the door nontheless.
But before she step inside, she peeked her head for a while looking at her two innocent little Angels.
" hehehe💕... You two looks so perfect when cuddling together..". She said while her hand covering her lips to hold back her cute laugh. Looking at her cute overlord little Angels.
After admiring them for a while, she then aproach her sleeping childrens to wake up both of them to join a family breakfast.
"Rise and shine!❤️, both of you..". The voice of their mother make them stirring on their bed."Mika, Ery... Wake up!, it is time for your meals...". Mikasa only responding to her call with a growl, and goes back to sleep by placing her head on top of henry's chest.
But before she can dozing off again, her brother suddenly woke up and sit straight on the bed. Making the chibi Mikasa yelp and become sulky. "Mama!,Henry is a meanie!". Her mother could only smile at her. Then her mother sit on the bed beside Mikasa, hugging her, while rubbing her still short hair. "Mikasa ... Don't be like that, your brother is having a hard time with expressing himself. I'm sure that beneath his expressionless look, lies a good heart inside him. So, Mikasa... Can you promise to mama that no matter what happen, you will always stand by his side and protect him like a good sister that you are?". "Humn!... I promise!". She answered back to her mother. Even though she didn't understand what her mother was talking about at all.
Satisfied with her daughter's answer, Hitomi then glancing at her son, noticing that he is still silent while looking downward toward his open palms. "Henry, i am sorry if Mikasa's words is hurting you, i'm sure that she didn't meant any of it. Right, Mika?". "Yes mama!".
Hearing her daughter's cute response, she can't help but pinching Mikasa's cheek playfully, making her start giggling non stop. After done playing with her daughter, she then look at her son once again to see his reaction. Half expecting to receive his usual silent nod or sometimes straight up ignoring everyone, as if he is living inside a world of his own.
But to her shock!, he look at her eyes with his deep black eyes, while his lips is wide with a warmth smile. Making her eyes goes wide because of shock. "Eh?... Right now, my sweet boy just smile...". She though intensely, still couldn't believe what she just saw. Henry however, only widening his arms as if he is asking to be hugged.
"Mommy!". That was the only confirmation she needed Before she quickly grabbing his tiny body and hugging him like a koala. Making him suffocated by her big breast.
But his mother is not noticing his comfort/discomfort, because currently her face is on top of his head while sobbing loudly with a happy tears. She is absolutely overjoyed that her baby boy talked to her for the first time. Heck, He even smiled to her on top of it. Making all of her worry for him finally dissapeard forever, replaced with Joy and relief.
But the same couldn't be said for Henry, because he feels that he is about to passed out from a lack of oxygen. "Hmmpm!!..". He start wailing his arms to signaling his mother to stop, but unfortunately his distressed situation is not noticed by her. Making him have no other choise but to pinch her bewbs hard. "Ngh.....?". Fortunately, that pinch finally make her notice his discomfort and stopped her from crushing his head by her heavy breast. "My boy!, are you alright!".
She ask her boy worriedly, while grabbing his cheeks and asking for confirmation.
"YeS MoMmiY". He couldn't replied properly when his cheeks is being squeezed by her, making his replies sound childish and cute.
"Ahh... Sniff,Mommy is reliefed...". She then start raining him with kisses on his face, for making up the love he missed all this time.
Mikasa however, can only watch from the side confused of what the heck is going on. One moment, her mother start crying, while the other, her mother start kissing her brother like there's no tomorrow. Because she is still a literal child, she couldn't understand of what is actually going on, but one thing is for sure is that she didn't want to be left behind, while her brother is receiving all of her mother's attention.
"Mama!, i want to be kissed too!". But before she can be included in this kissing spree, the head of the family suddenly come inside the room with a puzzled expression. "Hitomi, love, what is this commotion about?". Seeing that her husband comes in to check them, she then stop bothering her son to wipe her teary eyes, and then look at her husband. "Dear!, our boy is finally healed!". Her telling him that their son's problem was no more, making him gasp in disbelive and about to ask her what is her meaning about that. But soon he abandon the questioning when he Saw that the boy is acknowlaging his presence with a smile. "Daddy?".
"..." ?!!
Disbeliefed by what he just Saw and hear, he walked to his son with a fast paced step and immediately grabbing his son, hugging him in a standing position.
(I suck at illustrating a scene so i leave a pic)
[Pict here]
Hitomi's heart is being filled by a warmth feeling inside her, when seeing her husband hugging her boy with a reliefed smile on his face, while his eyes are being closed,holding back a tear that threatened to come out.
But the emosional scene was ruined when Henry's stomach's are grumbling with hunger. "Hahaha!.... Are you hungry my good boy?". His father ask him with a smile, while rising him up by grabbing underneath his armpits. Making Henry absolutely feel cringed by this whole situation and want it to end ASAP.
"Yes!...ugh, i hate this kind of moment...".
"Hehe!... It's decided then, Hitomi love, would you kindly prepare some meals for our cute son and daughter?".
"Of course dear!". With that said, she grab Mikasa and carry her with Mikasa's head on her shoulder, and leave the bedroom with her husband following behind with Henry.
Not long after, they quickly arived at a long table with four simple chair Made of Wood, in the dining room that has been combined with a kitchen. Mr and Mrs Ackerman then sit on the chair side by side with their child on their lap, because they are still to young to sit on their own.
Because Henry and Mikasa has just stop breastfeeding from their mother a few months ago, they only feeding them bread that has been dipped into a bowl of diary milk. But will slowly and steadily gave them more heavy food such as meat etc.
They happily enjoyed their food without complaining, especially Mikasa, but Henry on the other hand, only eating with a sour mood. Absolutely dissapointed that he missed the incredible chance to being pampered by a litteral mommy of his. Even if he wanted to, he can't start asking his mother out of no where, to give him milk straight from the source now do we?.
"So how is the food?, was it tasty?". His father asked, "Yes!, so much so that i can't wait to devour all of it...". Henry answered with nonchalant voice. "Eh?...*laughing confusedly*. Was that supposed to be a sarcasm?". His father looking confused. But after thinking for a while, he discarded the idea, because there is no way a child could made up a complicated thinking such as sarcasm, right?. But maybe he actually meant what he say about the food being tasty.
"Brother, you can ate Mikasa's food!". His Mikasa said, while offering a palm of bread for him to reach. "It's alright mika, what i'm said before was just a sarcasm. So you can keep it". "Sarcasm?". Mikasa don't even understand what Henry was talking about. But their parents on the other hand, is absolutely dumbstrucked by his answer. They don't know if they should be happy that their son is apparently a genius, or they should be concerned that their son will not enjoying his childhood, because his mind is matured too early.
"Alright, maybe Henry was blessed by the gods for all of his trouble before?..." Neil Ackerman didn't know what to think, and only can come up with those.
His wife on the other hand, promised to support her son no matter what. Even if he is behave differently from every other children. Because she is happy enough that at least her child was healed from his pitifull and saddening situation before.
And just like that the family finally had it's missing piece, that is being Henry waking up from his long dream. Making their little family is now complete once again.
Five years later...
Our Hero now has reach the age of seven and a half, turning him from a mere toddler that had to be watched by his parents all the time, upgraded into a young boy that filled with curiousity(according to his parents).
True to his parents predictions, he turned out to be a genius from a young age. He start asking his parents to buy newspaper everytime they go back from a district. What he Will do with it, they do not know, and when they ask him about it, he said that he like reading things.
And in some other occations, he sometimes asking them to teach him of how to cook, sewing clothes, cutting wood or even asking his father to bring him in when his father goes hunting. Though the last part was always being denied by his father, saying that it was too dangerous back then when he was still five years old. But other than that, he learned everything they teach with ease, as if that he is a sponge that greedily absorbing water inside him.
But unbeknowns to them, he was never being this genius like what they had said him to be. He was learning mundane thing's very fast, because he has a mental of an uncles age inside of a child's body. So of course all this is beneath him.
As for the newspaper thingy, he had to know what is the current situation outside was, and keeping a close watch into the shiganshina district. The place where all the cluster fuck are began in the not so distance future.
Present time, hunting in the forest.
[Pict of a forest they were in]
His father now, has finally granting his request for acompanying him in his hunt for the family's consumtion. When he see that his son was finally at age of this exausting activity. Not to mention seeing him return home yesterday carrying a full load of firewood on his back that was meant for an adult. And witnessing him chopping a Wood the size of an adult's thight in one strike, like a gorilla.
His father, as an Ackerman himself, knew what's that meant. It means that his son has already awaken his Ackerman's blood that is running through his vein. And at such an early age at that, making him speechless.
But unknown to his father, hanry has already awekening it the moment his conciousness taking over the body, five years ago. He only just showing it now to make his point's accross his father's adamant head. Because he actually need this skill to survive the cluster fuck in the not so distant future.
And now currently, they are walking on a trail of dirt inside a forest that thick with green grass surrounded by trees. Making it the perfect hunting ground for them to search all kind of fauna inside here.
Even though the forest is thick, there are still some space to move around. And because his father's are the only one currently hunting frequently and no one else, in this part of the forest, the wild life in here is still plenty. Making it as if this was their family's personal forrest.
"Dad, i know that we come here to hunt some deer but, was bringing Mikasa is necessary?". He ask his father in front of him carrying a musket and wearing a cloak and a hat for hunting. While Henry looking at his adorable twin walking beside him.
"Hmp!, i can help too!". "Like what?". That question make her pout cutely, "like carrying this meals from home, mama said that she didn't want her genius boy for dying and starve to death, if papa didn't catch anything this time". "Yeah... I call that bullshit". He said unamused. Because he know that his old twin sis was just Made up some excuses for clinging to him.
Since he stop being distancefull five years ago, his Mikasa keep clinging to him like a pair of balls. Even when taking a bath in the river with his mother(definitely not peeping like a goon... Or was it?). But it only goes worse when he start learning from his ma and pa. Sensing that she was about to be left behind, she start mirroring everything he does, and keep insisting their parents to teach her everything he asked them to.
Even for now when hunting deer with his fater.
"Mika!, there is a spider on your back!". He yell with a convincing act while pointing at her back. "Hiiiick, where is it?!, don't just stand there and help me idiot!". She yelled back while shaking her shirt wildly, trying to get rid of that monster. But suddenly she stop her movement, when her brother is laughing loudly while holding his stomach.
Making Mikasa angry at him.
He was hit hard by Mikasa on the shoulder, making him bit his toungue.
"Ack.. ouch!, what was that for!, that actually hurt Mikasa!". "For being an idiot". She said emotionlessly, she then turn her head to the side with a humph!-ing sound.
"Sigh.... If both of you keep making a ruckus, we actually wouldn't catch anything for real". Their father stop his walking and turn to face them entirely. "He started it". She answered back with a monotone voice. "Huh?!!, all this wouldn't happened if you are not here in the first place. Beside, hunting is not something for a fragile girl like you anyway". He argued while smirking. "What did you say?". She asked dangerously with a hard stare.
"Enough both of you, if you want to only eat a plain bread and a cup of water for a week, then be my guess...". His father smirking sadisticly, making them shudder and stop their fight. While gulping loudly thingking of how horrible their meal would be.
"O-okay/yes...". They said at the same time.
"Sigh... Alright then, keep moving then".
After walking for sometime, Mikasa then walking closer to her younger brother to whispered something."Ne... I'm sorry for hitting you earlier, are you not mad at me?". Well, how could he mad at her, when she is making an adorable expression like that.
"Ah, about that... Look, I'm never going to be mad at you mika, it's just that you are so easy to tease. Beside, you are never a fragile girl in my hearth Mikasa, i'm sure you Will became a very strong girl that are capable of protecting me". He wishpered back. But his sudden praise make her cheeks have a shade of pink. "Um...". She turn her head to the side, absolutely embarassed.
Looking at her cute act,he couldn't hold back his smirk. "Don't worry Mikasa, i Will groo-
*Ahem* i mean, i will love you with every-thing i have, to make sure you became an amazing girl you destined to be!".
After half an hour, they finally arrived at his father's usual hunting ground. But instead of hunting a prey immediately, he told them to follow him to learn how to hunt under his guidance.
He showed them how to follow a track, or how to recognized and avoid the territory of a predator in the area, and what to do once you spot them. He keep on and on to teach them everything he knows to them, and eventually it is time to show them the killing part.
They spotted a deer eating grass carelessly in the clearing of the forest, aproximately thirty meters away in front of then. Seeing a perfect prey for a dinner tonight, he told them to be quite and move very slowly to hide behind a bush in front of them. Once Looking at his kids confirmation, he then move silently followed by his kids behind him to move from one bush to another.
After shortening their distance to a mere twenty meters, their father cocking his short musket and take aim locked into the head of a deer.
It was a perfect headshot. Making the deer fall without even had a chance to react.
"Yess!... We can eat some meat tonight!. No more vegetables for today!. Hahaha!".
Henry overjoyed while his hand rised into the sky, happy that he don't have to suffer eating only vegetables taken on front of their house.
His father only nod proudly to his son, and walking ahead to inspect their catch for today's hunt. When Henry was about to follow his father, he noticed that Mikasa is silent behind him looking into the ground.
"What's wrong mika?".
"Ummh... Do we really have to do this?".
"Sigh... Really, this again?". He then aproach the gloomy Mikasa, and placing his hand on her shoulder. "Mikasa look at me". His thumb and finger then gently rised her head to look at his face. "Listen, mine kind sister who can't even hurt a fly.... *Staring at Mikasa* This world is a cruel place, we are doing this because we need to lived and survive in this unforgiving world. So i ask you Mikasa....
If someday the wall that holding back the Titans all this time was destroyed, what Will you do about it?". He stared at Mikasa intensely, while increasing his grip on her shoulder a little. Making her fidgeting uncomfortably by the sudden interogation.
"Umm..... I-i don-". "Or how about this, if our family was killed by a bad guys in front of you. What will you do about it?. Will you avange them?, or will you only watch them butchered one by one including me because you are scare- ugh!", "I don't know!!!, sob.." Mikasa suddenly yelled while grabbing his upper shirt with so much grip that it teared.
Making him surprised by her strength that she was able to lift him up from the ground for a fracture of a second, before it couldn't hold the combination of his weight and her insane grip.
"Mikasa?...". "Gasp!, I'm sorry Ery*release his shirt* i-i don't know what taking over me!"
His father hearing the commotion behind him, stoped tying the dead animal and then look behind him to check his Childs.
"Oi!, both of you, what's the yelling about?".
"Nothing!, we were playing tags just now.... Right, Mikasa?!". He elbowed Mikasa beside him, glancing that she is still guilty about earlier. "Yes papa...". "Hey, this is not a place for playing!. Let's get back home, we are done for today". "Yes!/yes papa". They answered at the same time.
After that, they were going back home with his father leading the way while carrying a deer on his shoulder. But on their way back home their father noticed that Mikasa is silent the whole time.
"Mikasa, are you okay?, you were silent this whole time". He said while looking straight. "It's nothing dad, she was just tired walking all this time *sending a glance at Mikasa* right mika?". "Ah... Ery's right papa". "Oh, do you want to rest for a while?". "It's okay, i just want to sleep at home". "Okay then".
The rest of the walk was uneventfull, and they faced no other interuption on their way.
Back at home. In the evening.
They finally arrived at the front wooden gate of their humble and simple log cabin.
"You two can go inside, i had to skin and guted this deer on the stream down south".
They nod. "Okay behave you two". Their father then waving his hand while smiling at them before go on his way south, leaving them in silence.
Henry decide to ease his sister worries by telling her their Ackerman bloodline tonight.
"Mika... We will talk alone in the room tonight after dinner. Until then, know that i am not scared of your strength". "Umm... Really?!".
She finally release the tension she build all this time, even returning to her cute smile.
He guessed that his reassurance was hitting the spot perfectly. "Hum!, because you and i are the same.*headpatted her while smiling*
So even after all that, nothing will changed between us!". She closed her eyes while laughing cheerfully, enjoying a headpat from her beloved brother. But then she open her eyes and suddenly jumping to smooch his left cheek, while her hands holding his shoulders.
"Muach!... Thank you Ery, i love you!". Without another word she stormed of into her house full speed, without even looking back at her flabergasted brother.
"Uh... Your wellcome, I guess....".
He wishper, while stroking his wet cheek from her messy kiss.
Absolutely sure that no one is watching, he brought his finger to his nose to sniff it.
After smelling her sweet smelled Saliva, then he sucked his finger with a humming sound. Like a complete goon.
"So my Mikasa has finally awakened her Ackerman protective instinct huh?..... Hahaha!, this is good. Although her awakening was never planned from the start, because i was merely telling her to stop being a crybaby back then in the forest"
Some times later, he walked to his home to help his mother preparing dinner tonight.
"I'm home!". "Welcome back Henry". His mother greet him from the kitchen's entrance. "Where's your father". "He gut our catch in the stream". "Alright, help me preparing the dinner then". He nod, then he do as he was told by his mother.
He sweep the wooden floor, washing the dishes on the counter, or helping her making dough for tonight's dinner. Pretty much everything his mother asked him to without complaining. And the only thing they could do is waiting for the family's head to bring their meat.
Bored while waiting his father to comes back to bring their meat, he dozed off on the chair while his head on top of the wooden table.
But then he was woken up by a noisy argument of his mother and Mikasa, who was already sitting on his side when he woke up.
"Ugh... What are you two bickering about?". "Ery!, papa is still not coming back from the river". "Huh?, are you su-". He cut off his question, when he notice that the sun outside is almost gone behind those hills in the distance, outside his window. And he also notice that the lantern inside the kitchen were already litted when he woke up.
"Mom, how long i was asleep?". "Um... More or less two hours". That was definitely unusual for his father to spend that much time butchering an animal. "Maybe i should go after him to the river in south!"
He said while standing from his chair.
"Absolutely not!, maybe he is already on his way here, beside it is dangerous for you to go alone when it is almost dark ". His mother displeased by his reckless idea. But Mikasa unconsiously stand like her brother to support him, when her Ackerman instinct kicking in. "Mama, i would like to go with Ery so that he will not alone looking for papa". Mikasa told her mother while rising her hand.
Making Hitomi even more furious, and standing up from her seat in front of the twins. "Mikasa!, why are you even defending his foolish idea?, i'm more worried about you two recklesly going outside when it is about to go dark!". She then continue to rebuke them, but in a softer tone. "Henry, Mikasa....
Trust me on this, i have known your father for a long time, so i know he can through even the most dangerous things. So, do you two trust me?".
That finally convince Mikasa, but Henry however, he had this gnawing instinct that something's not right. But before he could protest, their father suddenly knocking their front door. "See i was right!". Hitomi smiles, Making Henry grumble. "Tch, i will gave him a piece of my mind for making me worry like an idiot". He go to the front door while cursing on his way.
But when he opened the door, he is frowning when the one in front of him is not his father, but rather four men wearing various civilian clothes and bringing a lantern, while one of them carrying a musket strapped to his shoulder.
"Ah... Who might you four gentleman be?". He said with a cheerful expression that expected from an innocent child like him.
But his heart is Icy cold right now. Because he absolutely understand what is going on right now.
"Haha!, what a good mannered boy... Greeting boy, my name is william and beside me is ja-". Bla bla bla. Henry only keeping an innocent smile as if he is listening to him. But his mind actually goes overdrive making as if the time slowing down for him to assest the situation. His eyes glancing from one side to the other with an almost blurring speed, while taking an information to his brain send by his eyes.
"Four men coming into a remote cabin located in who knows nowhere, while one of them carrying a musket on his shoulder and a rope strapped to his belt. And lastly *Sniiif* seven?, nah... Maybe more, and if they are hiding like the one behind those short stone Walls with a kneeling position. Then i'm afraid that someone Will be waiting in the back door of the cabin to ambush us. Tch, most of the one that hiding is carrying a musket!. Who are they anyway?, some underground traficking ring?, nah... This much people is a serious overkill. So the military pollice?, they looked dicipled enough to block all kind of escape route to capture us, if not possible, to kill it is then".
He already finished his thinking when the bastard in front ofhim is still busy introducing the last crook, in total of five seconds.
"And the last one over there is mister Peter, he doesn't talk much but he is a nice guy.
Ahem... We come here for business with your mommy, is she here?". He said with a gentle smile that Will fool any child. But his Crooks behind him licking their lips with anticipasion, knowing Henry at an age that do not known Jack shit. But he notice that plain and clear.
That finally dropped his act, and his smile replaced with a bitter one, while looking at the ground while gritting his teeth hard. With a single tear slipping down his cheek.
"They killed my father, and now they want to take my mother and Mikasa and defiled them?!, step over my corpse first bitch!, after all this is over, i will go to fucking the royalty that the most likely culprit behind Ackerman purging!".
The one that talking to Henry, notice that the boy suddenly looking at the ground, while his eyes covered by his dark hair.
"What's wrong kid". He said while placing his right hand on henry's left shoulder.
But suddenly Henry staring up at him with a teared up face and gritted teeth,while his eyes blazing with a golden sun pattern. Making the bastard surprised.
Henry suddenly yanking the bastard hand with his left, while his right palm is hardened with a crystal and stab it hard trought his stomach and snapped his spine, and yanking it and making a blood spurt,making the other three surprised and panicked.
"WTF!, fucking monster!". The one with a musket uncock his safety fin and aim it at henry. But Henry run at him with a bursting speed and kick his knee cap hard with a snap. Making it bend backward, but Henry is not done yet,he yank his musket from his hand to the side, to hit a thug in his left with the butt of musket in the head. Then he use the musket itself to shoot the last of the four that is still standing. "Wa-wai--". He yield,
Bam!!, spat!!!.
That making his brain matter bursting from his head, and the body drop to the ground like a sack of grain.
Everyone that is hiding behind the stone wall finally react after the gunshot, when they hesitate to comes out from their hiding, because their own four people was facing with a literal child!. And when they look over from their cover, they look at a carnage done by a little devil.
"Fuck!,forget kidnapping them!,kill them all!"
Someone shouting among's us, making them shoot almost at the same time!.
They shoot at the devil aiming to kill the thing. But when the smoke finally clear, they only see their one partner with a twisted knee being grabbed by the little devil in his shirt. Making him riddled with bullet holes.
Henry then throw the hole filed body of a cheese man to the side, and straight running inside his own house because he is worried , that the one hiding in the back house Will burst inside to harm his remaining family.
And when he go to the kitchen where they last parted, he is reliefed that he was fast enough to outrun the one hiding outside the back of his home. "Henry why are there gunshots outside!". His mother histeric, while Mikasa holding her mother that are shaking non stop. "There's not much time!, you two stay close to me!". He said yelling, but his mother only even more confused.
He had no time to spare, so he grabbed their hips and making them closely packed to his body. "Let's see if you like this fucker!". He snarled and bited his lower lips making it bleeding. At the same time, the backdoor of the cabin Slam open by force in front of them. But before they can go in, Henry's body suddenly going bright with electricity, to avoid harming his family, he let the crystal enveloved them first and transforming into a WARHAMMER TITAN after. So that his family is safe inside the crystal at the chest of the Titan with him.
The house is blasted instantly, when a seventeen meters WARHAMMER TITAN exploded the cabin from the inside. Making the one who tried to go inside the log cabin dissapeared into a bloody mist.
[The pict of the warhammer]
Now standing proudly on it's feet, the white Titan then glancing to the side, to the one that has survived the immediate blast. Unlike the fools that tried to forcing their way inside from the backdoor.
The warhammer then take a step forward with a loud booming sound from the ground.
Making the rest of the bastards abandoning their mission, and start running in every directions while screaming on top of their lung, frightened by a Titan that seemingly appeared out of thin air.
Step!!... Roar!!!!!...
"You mongrels shall die!".
(To be continued)
*Note*: a long ass chapter👁️👄👁️