Chapter 3: A new PATH(literally)

Paradis,in the year of 835.

Narrator pov.

The island of Paradis, or the island of the Devils, is an isolated land that have been cut off from the rest of the world. It Is a land that full of beautiful scenery such as thick and green forest, rolling mountains with snows on top of it,while flowing rivers comes from the high land, and pristine lakes that scattered accross the land. Making it the perfect place for agiculture or farming and a good place to thrive in. Or it should have been, if not for the fact that a man eating creatures known as Titans, are roaming the land for hundreds of years while spreading terrors anywhere they go. Making humanity have no choise but retreat further Inland into a massive barriers they built known as three holy Walls. The Walls itself are located in the center of this island, and they has been built arround a hundred of years or so to stop the Titans manace from advancing further into their settelements. The Walls was being built as the last Bastion for the remaining humans inside, and also as a symbol of defiance in the face of relentless onslaught from the Titans.

The Walls has been built in three layers of circular design like a shield. That covering a huge area of land that measured in thousands of kilometers. So that if such an unlikely situation ocured in the future, where the wall for whatever reasons was breaced by the titas, they can just retreated back safely into the second layer of the wall and taking a refuge there, while also still have a lot of teritory to sustain themself at least for a while. Well, not that such scenario would happened anyway, not when the humanity inside are being protected by a massive formations of Walls that have the height of fifty meters tall. Making it impossible to be destroyed, even by the tallest Titans that are currently known, wich is fifteen meters tall.

Now the scene was changed. Now looking into a Lone log cabin in the clearing of the forrest, while it also surrounded by a stone wall the size of a child to protect the small farmyard that sustained the family in front of the cabin, from all kind of wild animals that threatened to harm their crops.

Even thougt today is a perfect day for nurturing the crops by watering the plants, when the sky are bright and cloudy in the morning. Strangely there are no one insight, only some noises coming from the log cabin.

Then the changed once again, but now looking into the interior of the cabin's marital bedroom, where the noises comes from a tired mother on labour while writhing in pain on top of the bed, while heavily pregnant under her blanket. And acompanied by a worried husband comforting his wife by holding her hand beside her, while also encouraging her throught this painfull moment of birthing a child/s into this world.

The mother is a beautiful woman with a flowing and smooth black hair of asian heritage, while the husband is a tall man with a short dirty blond hair and a short beard on his Chin.

Inside this room there is also a doctor wearing round eye glasses that overlooking this operation, in case that if the mother's life is in danger. He also bringing an old nurse to assist him by his side. ready to assist the doctor while also telling the mother what to do, to avoid any complication when birthing the child.

(If you notice the parents appearance then Yes, they are mikasa's parents)

[Image here]

Third person pov.

"Miss Ackerman, please relax your muscle and don't tense that the baby is not harmed". The nurse said giving the advise to the mother.

"I'm trying okay!, but it is so goddamn hurt!."

Miss Ackerman responded but with a painfull grunt, following her advise by relaxing her legs and the birth canal, while also pushing slowly the baby with difficulty.

After a few hard times, finally the baby's head popped up from her bloody birth cannal. Making the doctor focused with everything he could to save both the baby and the parent.

"Push a little more!, i can see the baby's head now. Just a little more!". The doctor said professionally with a calm tone.

Hearing those, Mrs Ackerman then push with everythings she got.

" you can do it!, my love". Her husband encouraging her with an assurance tone, while rubbing her head.

Finally, after some intense screaming. The baby fully comes out, and the doctor skillfuly and gently reach the baby and grab it, and then he cutting off the umbilical cord with precise movement using a sterilized tools. Making sure that there would not be any infection.

After that was done, he handed over the baby to the nurse behind him, so that the baby can be washed from blood and other fluid by a warm and clean water.

But the doctor wasn't done yet. Because he knew there will be a second baby after being told yesterday in advance by mr. Ackerman.

And based on the still distressed look of Mrs. Ackerman, it seems to be the case.

After the first baby was cleaned and wrapped by dry cloth, the old nurse then congratulate the married couple and bringing the baby to the husband's hand.

"Congratulation mr and miss Ackerman, the baby's are healthy and it is a she!".

"Ah... My beautiful little princess, i was worried about you".


The father is looking at the fragile and crying little Angel in his left hand, while the other one are still holding his distressed wife.

"Thank you!, doctor grisha and you too miss Olga. I will make sure to pay you in full!". Mr. Ackerman said with gratitude, while tearing a little.

The nurse was only smiling and accepting the gratitude. But the doctor, now revealed to be doctor grisha, only nod while smiling and saying that the labour are not finish yet and will only accept the gratitude after it was finised.

Even thought Mrs. Ackerman was happy, she could only look at her daughter with longing look. Because she can still feel the unbearable pain inside her stomach from the unborned baby. And want to focused on it. So that the baby can quickly be borned and holding her two sunshine in her warm Embrace.

For an almost one full hour of constant groan, finally the mother showing the symptoms of going into labour again.

The process was the same as the first one, it can be said to be a little quicker and easier. The child are also revealed to be male.

But after nurse Olga washing the baby, she finally notice something is wrong with the baby, and immediately handed the baby back to grisha.

"Doctor!, the baby might be in danger, you must check on him!". She said in a panicked tone, making the two parents shocked and a gnawing sense of dread suddenly enveloped them.

"Miss what's wrong with my dear son?!". The mother said with a distressed tone while shedding tears, fearing that her dearest baby boy would part from her too soon. Without even feeling his parents Embrace.

The father, althought feeling distressed, he understand that panicking will only make thing's worse. So he can only hugging his wife with their daughter on her Embrace. While leaving the situation into the expert in this field, that is doctor grisha.

"Doctor grisha, could you please make sure that no bad things happened to our child!".

"Yes!... I will do my best!".

Grisha can only nod to mister Ackerman, and tryinh his best to check and asesed the situation better.

He looked at the baby in his hands for a moment, and finally notice the problem.

The baby was unresponsive, even silent without noises or crying as it normally should. Grisha then slap the baby's butt gently to get a response from the child, but other than it's chest breathing slowly like normal, he got no other response coming from the baby, like a movement or crying or anything. But only breathing peacefully in his hands that it almost seems the baby is only merely sleeping.

But grisha knew that the situation is not at all normal, he have to make sure that the baby's life are not in danger.

"Miss Olga, can you held the baby for a while?, i have to check the baby's heartbeat with my medical tool". He said calmly while giving the child to her.

"Yes, no problem!". Miss Olga said with a conserned look.

Doctor grisha then took a stetoscope from his back on the wooden table, and wearing it immediately and then proceed to check the baby in miss olga's hands. After a few minutes of tense silent in the whole room, doctor grisha finally sighed in relief. Knowing that the baby's life are not in danger.

"How is it doctor?!, is my baby boy in danger?!". The mother said with impatient and in worried tone.

" sigh... Rest asured miss, the child are not in danger. I have checked the heartbeat for a few minutes and it was indicating that the boy's are being healthy, and only showing the symtoms of being asleep". Grisha told the happy news with a congratulate smile. After hearing those, the tense atmosfere finally come to pass. And the parents are now relieved and crying with a happy tear.

"Sob..... Doctor, may i see my baby boy please... I want to see his face.. Sob....".

"Ah.... No problem". Grisha then handed over the boy to her.

Mrs. Ackerman is now holding both of the twins on her chest. Looking at them with a fond look while her tear was dropping into their face. Looking at the scene, Mr. Ackerman feels warm in his heart and can't help but joining them in this happy occation.

Noticing the emotional atmosfere, grisha then packing his tools in his bag and congratulate them, while also saying that he will wait outside the room, and to give them a little bit of privacy. It seems that Olga also has the same thought as grisha, after she was done treating and cleaning Mrs. Ackerman, she then congratulate them for a while and joined grisha outside the room.

Finally left alone inside the bedroom, the husband then asked his wife what should be their Childs names. He also gave the honor for her to be the one that giving a name to their older twins.

"Hitomi, my love.. Would you like to give a name for our first child?". He said warmly while rubbing the head of their daughter.

"Are you sure dear?". She told him looking unsure. He nodded while also remembering her their promise that if the child she birthed was female, she would be the one that naming her.

"Yes, just like our promise remember?"

"Hehehe!, in that case i would like to give our daughter's name to be Mikasa!". She said happily. Making him smile seeing her happy.

"Ah.... A very beautiful name. I am sure that she will become a beautiful lady when she grown up, just like you". She blushed when he said she is beautiful.

"O-okay...". Then she look at her other child that is still sucking her nipple greedily, while fondling them with his tiny hands. Even thought she was conserned that he is too silent before, but after seeing that her son suddenly become lively the moment she feed him, her worries now was dissapeared completely.

"Hmm... It seems like it is my turn for giving name right?!". The husband said exitedly.

" Yes, but make sure that his name is not too horrible....". She said teasingly while gigling.

"Of course not!, it is me that will be giving our son the name afterall. Haha!..."

"Sure-sure... Just name him Neil just like you, and maybe he will silently loath both of us when he grows up..."

"Ouch... Why are you so mean suddenly my love?". Neil said but not actually offended.

"Sigh... Fine, i will tried my best to not messed it up. So then, how abou-". For the next several minutes, they start arguing about the best name for the boy.

"How about Adolf-*she stared dangerously*

Gulp.. No?, okay... I can't picture another good name other than Henry give it or take it". He said quickly readress the name. Making His wife dangerous stare finally softened.

"Sigh... At least Henry is.... Fine". She said, finally accepting her baby boy's name as Henry.

"Hehehe!.... Alright then!... From now on your name would be Henry Ackerman!".

He said proudly, while rubbing his son's head that is still sucking his mother's milk.

Looking at her husband's exited look, while rubbing their twin child. She cannot help but smiled softly and feeling that her life now are finally completed.

Meanwhile, inside our hero's personal pocket dimmention.

Right now our Hero's consiousness are inside of this weird oceanic world with no ground in sight but only water. But what is weird is that our hero's feet can stand on the surface of this pristine water just fine.

This place can only be describe in one word, that is Beautiful. The sky is bright blue and full of white cotton like clouds that are moving lazily above our hero's head.

While the water he stand on is so calm that the only time it reacted, is when he was taking a step when walking on the surface,

Making a riple with every step he make.

The combination of pristine and calm mirror like water, with a bright blue sky that full of white clouds above the surface, making this place like a mirror world that replecting anything that exist inside this place.

Right now our hero's gaze are focusing on something in front of him. It is a single huge pillar Made of golden light that taking an appearance of a tree trunk with no branches, rosing from the surface of the calm water.

Or in another word, he is looking at the manifestation of his founding power or simply...The PATH.

Althought his reincarnation was somewhat succesfull, but it was clear that it is not the straightfull one. Because he was here for an almost a year waiting for his reincarnated body to born. Not to mention that he was aware all this time even when he was still live as a single sperm of his father, and has to control it somehow to succesfully fertilizing his mother's eggs by eliminating every competitor he sees. So that his promised new body could be borned.

(Yuck... I know, its fucking disgusting. But it is what it is)

But thankfully, his consiousness don't have to stay in the dark inside his mother's belly all this time, when his consiousness can come into this place any time he want.

"Tch.. This place is so fucking boring man!, there's nothing to do here other than making collosal Titans for my uses in the future!". He complained, while making a watery figure of collosal Titans by focusing his mind while operating his founding power from the PATH . After he was done creating it, he then command the water to swallow the watery figgure of the collosal Titan. And move it elsewhere to join it's collosal brothers in the distance, so that they will not obstructing the PATH.

He has done this for almost a year, and each collosal Titans he create needed his full consentration for two hours each. Still it was much more easier than the first time he figured out that he can actually making the Titans by only focusing his mind into the PATH. Back then, his progress was soo slow that he can only make one in nine hours each, but from each one collosal that was succesfully created, he failed the other five consecutive tries simply because he lost consentration for a single second, making the whole thing crumbling down.Making him almost went insane of how tedious it was and how exausting his mind was from those wasted hours achieving nothing. But even then he know his method are infinitely easy like a difficulty for a baby shit. Unlike Ymir where her method was so hardcore that she was on another realm of cruelty, like immagine you have to build millions of Titans made of sand manually by hands and using only a bucket to built those Titans.

He gratefull that the diety who reincarnating him here are not sadistic, unlike the native diety that lived here.

"That should be the one thousand and third one, sigh... Althought it was tedious, but it is simply a nececery to do that now, so that i could spam it in the future.... Well, admitedly i don't have any subject to be turn into for now. But i can forcibly turn someone into a pure fifty meters collosal Titans by consuming my spinal fluid, even if the victims was a subject of Ymir". He said mumbling something, while staring at his reflection on the clear water beneath his feet. It was not his previous unsightly appearance. But his new body would looked like in the future, because apparently in this world, the future and the past are blurred by a thin Line. As if the future was already written and happened but it is just that we, the one that lived in the past are not aware of it. The finest example would be the future Eren messing the past shenanigan, or the past Eren knowing the future will looked like, as if he was spoiled by a whole manga when he was just an anime enjoyer.

"Sigh... Enough of this complicated shit, i came here to be horny not to be a thinker damn it!". After admiring at his handsome look of his new future body for a while, he then aproched the shining PATH and then stop at aproximately five hundreds meter in front of it. Just enough not to be blinded by it's golden light but also close enought to basking in it's warm and peacefull aura. He then command the water to make a royal chair for him to sit. The water suddenly rising from the surface and making a form of a chair he wished for, and changing from it's liquid form into a royal chair Made of oak wood and a cuishon for him to sit in comfort. After satting on it he then gestured the water to turn into an Apple then he ate it. Well, it's not that he would gain any benefit from it but it is feels good to do whatever the fuck he wanted.

After he was shutting his eyes for a few minutes in peace, basking under his PATH's golden light, he then jolted awake while cursing. Because apparently he was aware of who is his parents were and it is non other than THE MIKASA ACKERMAN's family.

"Shit.... I fucking wished to have a body similar to the Ackerman, not turning into a full blown Ackerman themself damn it!, i made that wish especially so that i can both becoming an absolute unit while also bagging Mikasa in the process!". He then biting his finger nail feeling frustated by this unexpected set back.

"Should i just turn a full freaky mode and keeping it in the family, or.....".


He thinked hardly for a while, but suddenly he stop biting his finger nail realizing another important fact.

"If i remember correctly, wasn't i supposedly to be Mikasa's younger brother?, Gasp... Does that means, i will become a doting brother while she becoming my yandere overprotective older sister?!". His eyes suddenly darkened and covered by his hairs and can't be seen. But his shoulders shaking from holding his laugh that threatened to come bursting out.

Suddenly his face looking into the sky making a mad expression, as if he was high from using too much crack.

"Kekekehahahhahaha!!!!!! Is not that just amazing!!!. Ghahaha- *cough-cough*". He have to stop his outburst because he suddenly start coughings hard.

When the coughing comes to an end, he then start licking his lips with crazy eyes and start biting his lower lip, thingking of how not only that was basically his ultimate dream, but also of how hot it would be for them to have secret relationship behind everyone's back. He just could't help it because Mikasa for the longest time was his favorite's waifu. Heck he was even buying everythings Mikasa related back in his previous life, from a pillow,wall poster just about anything.

And the fact that now they are basically twins will not stoping him anymore from reaching his ultimate desire. That is breeding all of his waifus and making them his subject so that he can formed a Harem family full of Titans shifters, and trampled anyone who dared to opposed him.

"Sigh.... I don't even remember of when was the last time i am this exited about something....". He then start calming down after realizing that his real body is a litteral baby, and could't even open his eyes much less forming a Harem. He then start doing something that the only thing's he could do in his baby form. That is listening to his parents conversations. After listening for a while and commanding his real body like a drone to sucked her milk and to cup a feel her mommy milkers. He finally understood the overall situation.

"Henry Ackerman huh... Well it's not bad, but maybe a little too plain for my taste... Even so i would take the name Henry than Toshihisa any other days, because the only thing's that keeping me using that name was , i am respecting my father's choise to make my name similar to him, that is being Maeda Toshinoe". After listening to their conversations via his baby's body, he finally become bored and cut off the connection and then stand from his royal chair.

"Yawn..... Man, there is literally nothing i could do with my real body, not even looking around using it's still closed eyes!".

With nothing to do, he decide to be producti-ve at least once. By designing and creating his nine special Titans body from scratch for his uses in the future. Or for his soon growing Harem.

Time skip for two years.

After done routinely making Titans in his PATH. And tediously going back and forth from his body into this place. Finally he will officialy claimed his body the moment the child can open his eyes, rather than controlling it like a drone from the PATH, because he litteraly could't even open his body's eyes, let alone doing something with his puny body.

But now, at the age of two he can finally fully control his body, even walking and talking albeit with difficulty. He then decided to transfer all of his consiousness into this puny body, instead in the PATH. Because that place was fucking boring anyway.

He want to start as early as possible to feel the full experiences of living inside this world. After he has to literally died just to be in here, and even then he have to wait in the PATH for two whole years waiting for this body to actually can do something, while creating all kind of Titans in the meantime .(well three if living as a seed was counted).

But now the waiting was finally over. It is now the time for our Hero to spread his influense inside this world that full of Titans.

Midnight, inside a bedroom.

The room are dimly lit with the light of the moon coming from a glass window of the log cabin. Inside, on top of the bed the twins was sleeping peacefully while the older one hugging her brother under the shared blanket.

But not long after, the younger twin suddenly opened his eyes slowly with an expressionless face, while also revealing two glowing like orbs with a pointy and complex pattern. Making his eyes seems blazing like a sun, especially in this dark enviroment where the only source of light was the moon.

After opening his eyes, the child suddenly have a malicious look with a smile that is out of place coming from a pure child body like him.

"Kekekehahahaha!. Finally.... Nothing can hold me back anymore!...". He said with a wisphered tone looking outside into the moon. Then he turned his head into the sleeping Mikasa's face with a peacefull expression.

"Don't worry Mika-chan... I am promised to be a brother you can depend on... While also the source of happiness in this bleak world". He then shut his eyes, letting his still developing body to rest. While also anticipating of when his moment of greatness will finally shines in the future.

(To be continued)

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