Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 28: Compensations and Rewards

***Fifth Bonus Chapter of the Week***

Endless Void

POV of Domeric Bolton

Harry was chosen by Death in his past life and became a Champion of Death or Death Champion. As champion, he was given responsibilities and duties.

And, of course, if there were responsibilities and duties, there were also compensations and rewards.

And his compensation was a new life, which is his life in this world at the moment.

A life was given – willingly - in return for a life taken – unwillingly -.

He was chosen by Death unwillingly, and his fate, his life changed because of that. So, he lost a life that he should live according to his original fate.

But as compensation, he gained a new life after his death that was unbound by fate. A life he can live as he pleases. No responsibilities, duties, or missions. And no saving the world or anything like that.

At this point, Harry finally calmed down and started to think rationally again. What is done is done. At the moment, he wasn't Harry Potter anymore. He left this life behind by walking into the Veil. In this world, he was Domeric Bolton, and there was a whole new life ahead. A life he can live as he pleases.

'A life for a life. That is just a compensation. Let's wait and see the rewards.'

And the reward was…. Well, both surprising and unsurprising. Unsurprising because his reward was the Symbol of Deathly Hollows at the back of his hand. Well, it was on his hand, but it bounded to his soul, so even if he lost his hand, he would not lose the Symbol. It will just appear somewhere else on his body.

It was surprising because it looked like the Symbol was more special than he thought. According to info flowing into his mind, the Symbol was a magical sacrificial altar of Death. He can receive countless things from it as long as he sacrifices what is necessary.

The good news was he didn't need to sacrifice blood, humans, virgins, or anything like that.

The Symbol needed only one thing. And that was the magic. Yeah, all he needs is to let it absorb magic from the air, and it is full, he can sacrifice the magic to get items from the void space, or he can use sacrificial magic to upgrade the Symbol.

For now, as a level one altar, the Symbol can only give him white orbs. And there will be only one white orb in the void at level one when Symbol is full. The three grey orbs were personal gifts from Death for the beginning of his new life.

So, to get the better items, he had to upgrade the Symbol. And to upgrade the Symbol, he needed magic. A lot of magic to be clearer. To upgrade the Symbol to higher levels, he will need more magic.

'I really need to find a way to create Heart Trees. Info says that the absorption speed of the Symbol changes according to the magic density in the air. So, in a high magic density area, the Symbol will absorb magic from the air more quickly, and the time it needs to become full will decrease.'

Domeric thought about his research and let out a sigh.

'Should I go beyond the wall to search Children of Forest? After all, these items and rewards are really attractive. Magical and alchemy items, modern life items, knowledge, power-ups, abilities, resurrecting dead people… wait, what? It can even resurrect people. Can I resurrect my parents, Sirius, and others as well? Is that even possible?'

Domeric was bewildered about what he learned just now. Can he really?

'It should be possible. I should realize this possibility when I saw Hedwig again. I lost her in the past one. But she is now flying around Dreadfort happily. If Hedwig can resurrect, why not parents.'

He had a purpose in this world now. And ultimate goal. He will resurrect all the loved ones and live happily with them.

With a new determination, Domeric looked around and saw a white orb. With a thought, the orb floated and stopped in front of him. He could sense what was inside. It was another book. Named 'Smelting and Forging'. A valuable knowledge for him and his lands.

'But what should I do? I can take the book or upgrade the Symbol. The amount needed for the first upgrade is the same as the amount of magic to get a white item.' He was caught in a dilemma.

'No, I shouldn't be shortsighted. Resurrecting people shouldn't be a low-level reward. To get that reward I need to upgrade the Symbol to high levels. And for that, I need to lot of magic which means I need a lot of Heart Trees. I'll probably have to go beyond the Wall. For that, I need an army, and an army needs weapons and armor.'

'I need to play a long game here to get what I want.'

With that thought he reached and grabbed the white orb.


Bolton Lands

POV of Domeric Bolton

Domeric watched from the distance as his men worked hard to run the Paper Mill he had designed and created with the help of all the blacksmiths and builders under him.

The task was harder than he had initially thought, and there were a few trials and errors in the process. But it was what it was. They finally finished the construction of the paper mill, which started mass-producing paper a week ago.

He didn't want to imagine how long it would take if he didn't get the Book of Paper and Printing. Probably, there would be too many trials and errors in the process for his liking.

The mill was only being run with the power generated by the water wheels attached to the Weeping Water.

The Printing Press had also started producing written copies of the books that he wanted to publish before anything else, and he had already realized that they would be needing more Printing Press in the future as one machine was not enough.

But that was alright. He had not been idle over the past few months and had already designed blueprints for several parts for an advanced Printing Press that would be able to produce at least 100 books in a single day. The machine just needed to be assembled properly, and he would have to do that task on his own in case someone else didn't fuck it up by mistake.

He brought out of his musings as he heard footsteps from behind him and turned to face the maester, who seemed rather excited by something.

"Maester Ryne." He said with a nod as the man neared him. This was one of the maester that Tywin gave to him in exchange for the Valyrian Sword. The man was fiercely loyal to Tywin when he first came here and was sent here with the intention of spying on his lands. But the loyalty charms soon turned his allegiance to House Bolton just as it did to everyone else who was loyal to House Lannister or any other house that was not House Bolton.

Because of his chain links, he had given the man the specific role of focusing on the food supply within this region. And he was happy to find that the man was more than competent at his job.

"My lord. The third batch of the harvest has arrived." The man said with excitement, and he gazed patiently at the man.

"It's a bumper harvest, my lord. The amount of grain that arrived this time was 9 times more than a normal harvest. This is a huge improvement, my lord. The seeds that you distributed worked wonders, my lord. I've never seen something like that in my life."

"Hmm…" he hummed as he thought about the numbers in his head.

"And how much of that grain would we need, Maester Ryne?" He asked, and the man put his hands inside his pocket and took out an account book that was filled with so many numbers that he received a headache just by looking at it.

"Maester Ryne. I don't need an exact number. Just tell me what you can from the top of your mind." He said, and the man stood still for a moment and put on a thinking expression before he smiled.

"Some 28-31% of the food if we don't count the miners and other builders. And some 38-41% if we do." He explained.

"Hmm… So, we only need about 40% of our food in order to feed our people?" he asked, and the man nodded quickly.

"And we don't need to buy food from the Southern kingdom ever again?"

"No, my lord. In fact, we have enough food now that we can even be able to sell it to the other lords in the North. Do you want to sell it to others, my lord? It will provide an excellent source of income for you if you do."

"No." He declined without a second thought "Save all the food we have for now. We'll only start selling the food we have to the other lords once we have enough food to last a 6-year-long siege."

"As you wish, my lord." The maester bowed to him "If there is nothing else, my lord?"

"No. But send Master Tobho Mott to me." He said, and the man nodded once again before leaving.


Author's Note: Thank you, Jordan, for becoming my Patron and a BRONZE Member of my page. This chapter is dedicated to your name.

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