[VRMMO] Chaos Doctor

Chapter 203– Doctor in the Frenzy Labyrinth – Part 10

[You have slain: Twin Headed Gorilla]

[You have slain: Twin Headed Monkey]

[You have slain: Twin Headed Monkey]

[You have slain: Long Arm Creep]



(I haven't seen players for the longer time now? Only monsters.) – though Phantasia.

(I'm not even encountering random weaklings as well.)

(Am I by any chance encountering the floor border?)

(I mean, already?)

(Or did I just encountered random spot where there are just less players or something?)

"…. Meh. I guess I will- "

Suddenly, Phantasia was hit right in the back with something before then an explosion occurred.



Phantasia looked behind himself.

"Hey. Who the fuck was that?" – asked Phantasia with bloodthirsty look.


Suddenly, an barrage of spells and arrows came flying from the distance straight towards Phantasia, alarming Phantasia who instantly used [Body Block] skills and take on the defensive stance as he was bombarded with attacks while also trying to dodge some of the attacks, however as the attacks were homing, a lot of the attacks were able to hit, causing an lot of dust to kick up suddenly and create small cloud of dust.


"I know you are not done." – said the female voice as sound of many steps could heard coming from the distance.

Phantasia swiped away the cloud of dust and soon as she did, he saw a group of people from afar approaching him.


(Who the fuck are they?) – though Phantasia.

(They knew about me before I knew about them.)

(Not only that, they were aware of the fact that I was alone, and yet they just went ahead and fired so many shots?)

(They weren't even weak shots to begin with, I lost a lot of HP.)

(Especially that first attack, what the fuck was that?)

(In my humanoid form, one of most reinforced parts is my back…. But that attack still hurt?)



(Well, well, well…. This is interesting.)

The crowd of people walked closer and among the people stood out an cat girl with an green hair who was carrying an bow.

(So, she must be the Trick? And those guys must be the Wanderer guild?)

(Still, how the hell they found me?)

(I had Thanatos write realistic report with some details including that she had to run away back to the area that had been infested.)

(But even so, they shouldn't have found me so soon.)

(I even had Thanatos be my alarm in case they try to contact her, but they did nothing while I was interrogating her.)

(Did they fallow…. No. Trail wouldn't work unless they instantly made an move and even so, they found me way too fast.)

(They have some sort detection or tracking skill?)

(No wait, why the hell would they opened that kind of fire….)

"Hey. Who the hell are you people?" – shouted Phantasia.

"Don't bother. We know who you are." – said Trick.

"Mister Doctor."


"Who?" – replied Phantasia.

"Look. First of all, fu- "

Suddenly arrow flew past Phantasia as he was in the middle of the speaking.

"Drop the act. You ain't fooling anybody." – said focused Trick as she aimed with her bow at the Doctor.

"Besides, you just survived that barrage of shots just now, so I don't think you are just some random guy."



"So, I guess you really want to- "

Before Phantasia could finish speaking, an grey arrow flew straight at him that hit him and blew on contact.


"You know…. YOU ARE SO FUKING RUDE!" – shouted Doctor as he transformed into his giant monster form, scaring and surprising the players upon witnessing the transformation of the black knight into an gruesome mechanical beast.

"I don't even know you guys and yet you act so rude? What gives?"

"Oh well, you can now blame yourselves for getting killed."

(Oh please, as if you weren't planning on killing us from the start.) – though Trick as she pulled her bowstring.

"Fuck him up." – said Trick as she fired her arrow at the Doctor who easily tanked the shot as nothing before the giant metallic behemoth started summoning the chimeras and nightmare toys to his side.

However, while Doctor was summoning his monsters, the necromancer and the summoner on the Trick side began summoning the undeads and elemental beings.

The two tamers have also summoned an twin headed gorilla and the Trick herself had summoned an pair of two giant white feline monsters wearing an armor of bones that had an blade and horns sticking out from its back and from it's the side of its head.


(Wait, I remember those!) – though Phantasia upon noticing the feline monsters.

(Aren't those monsters I fought back on that undead hunting grounds? I even fought an unique variant of it!)

(They look different, but I can tell that these guys are related to those monster. Hers must be some sort of rare variant or an evolved variants.)

(Wait! Does that meant she started in the same starting zone as me?!)

(Ah forget it. For now, focus!)

(If I remember correctly, those cats are an anty undead monsters…. And that is bad. My chimeras are undeads, so her monsters would deal extra damage to them.)

(Shit. I wasn't expecting this.)

(Beside her, there are also the tamers that had tamed the twin headed gorilla? There are also undeads and earth elemental… [Earth Summoner], eh?)

(I also see some close combatants as well as some people with crossbows and staffs.)

(There is also the fact that their opening volley did so much damage to me.)

(These bastards…. They became ranker guild from get go for an reason.)

Doctor lifted up his giant monster head before then tilting it back and opening his giant mouth while firing an green smoke breath attack from his mouth.


"BACK! ITS PLAUGE!" – shouted Trick.

The Wanderer guild alongside their monsters quickly backed away from the smoke of plague, but exactly moments later, the barrage of the magic shots came flying at the players, forcing on the defense.


"BARRIER! NOW!" – shouted Trick as she spotted something.

The players tried to put up their defenses, but then an bright beam of light came flying and blew up multiple players and monsters with the blast of lava.


(The fuck was that?!) – though Trick who was trying to keep herself away from the blast of lava.

After the blast of lava, the monster servants of the Doctor rushed through the plague smoke and started assaulting the Wanderer guild.


"Shit! Don't let them push you!" – shouted the heavily armored player as he used his shield to block off the dinosaur toy monster attack.

However, while the heavily armored player was focused on the dinosaur toy monster, the chimera tank beetle has charged up its attack and fired from its three horns an blast of energy that was quickly noticed by the tank player, but before he could react, he ended up getting blasted and send flying.

The dino monster then rushed at the tank player and opened up its mouth, preparing to fire an fire breath attack, but before it could do that the two white bone armored tigers rushed in and tackled the dino monster, trashing it and ripping it apart before an arrow came flying that completely blew an hole in the dino toy monster head.

"Stand up now and get back to the work!" – said Trick who just saved the tank player before then using skill [Gatling Arrow] to increase her bow type attacks attack speed as she fired arrows at the Doctor nonstop, but had each and every shot blocked by the Doctor monster palm that was enchanted with the [Arm Block] skill.

The archer tried firing the [Piercing Arrow] at the Doctor, but even that wasn't enough against the giant metallic palm enchanted with the defensive skill.

After blocked the archer attacks, the monster Doctor rushed in and began swiping his giant claws around, crushing, shattering and tearing to shreds the summoned monsters while also dealing massive damage to the players that were catched in the rampage.

The two tamed twin headed gorilla leaped at the Doctor, but they were quickly hit with one swing of the Doctor fist before then being crushed against the wall.

"[Silver Pidgeon]!" – Trick fired an silver arrow at the Doctor that splitted up into multiple arrows that bombarded and managed the Doctor.


(Wait, that hurt?!) – though the Doctor that was surprised by the damage received.

"[Silver Hawk]!" – Trick fired another silver arrow, this time an arrow that flew extremely fast and instantly hit the Doctor in the head and pushing it away from the impact.
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(The fuck!?) – though Doctor who quickly regained himself and was attacked by the necromancers and earth mages, only to quickly resilient by enchanting his arm with an [Super Punch] and destroying their attacks with his own attack while also attacking the warriors with one hit.

(Okay, but seriously, what was that?!)

(That second attack did hurt ME! Hell! I'm an giant metallic behemoth that is also have multiple classes that provides an defensive buffs.)

(But SHE was able to hurt me?!)

Doctor aimed with his magic guns at the archer and began opening fire at her, forcing her to use the [Movement Up], an [Rouge] class skill, boosting her speed while also using the [Swift Legs] from the [Hunter] class to boost her speed even more in order to run away as the bullets chased after her.

The Doctor then fired from his lava gun, firing an lava magic projectile at the girl who then quickly flashed with silver light and disappeared.


(Oh, fuck off! Again, this shit?!)

The silver light reappeared and the Trick reparented as the light disappeared midair.

"[Deadly Arrow]!" – Trick fired an skill enchanted arrows shot as soon as she reappeared at the Doctor that flew straight towards his head, but the Doctor was ready for it this time and blocked the attack with his monster metallic arm.



"Welp. I got to admit." – said Doctor.

"I don't know you, but I can say this."

"You are both strong and annoying."

"Huh. Thanks to the compliment." – said Trick as she landed on the ground.

"Then pray you tell me this? Who the fuck are you bastards?" – asked Doctor.

"Are you after the bounty or something?"

"Hm… Well, for your first question, I'm Trick and remember it you fucker."

"And for the second question, yes and no. But either way, I will hunt you down."

"So you should get ready for your defeat."

"Nah. I will just reap you all to shreds if you don't mind!" – shouted the Doctor.

"If you want my head, THEN COME AND GET IT!"

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