[VRMMO] Chaos Doctor

Chapter 195 – Doctor in the Frenzy Labyrinth – Part 2.

[You have entered the floor 6.]

(Huh. This new upgrades I did to my body seems way stronger than I had originally though…. Nice.) – though Phantasia as he entered the floor 6 after beating the boss monster.

(But seriously. What the hell was going on with floor 5? I couldn't even hunt an single monster and instead all I could do is to kill players.)

(And from what I heard from both the Diamond and Zeus as well as rumors, the situation on the floor 6 is also chaotic, but instead of an army of randoms attacking you, there are rankers and non-registered rankers on the lose here that may attack you.)


(Actually, I think it's an good think?)

(If the players kill each other to reduce the competition, wouldn't their [Notoriety] increase by a lot?)

(This isn't an PVP free zone or anything like that. Killing players here is still consider a crime.)

(So if people kill other people not in self-defense…. Then wouldn't their [Notoriety] be pretty high? And if rankers have high [Notoriety], wouldn't they end up dropping some good items? And don't rankers often have some nasty or strong stuff on them?)


(Should I hunt down some people?)

(I'm honestly not lacking in any items nor money, since I'm rich and if I'm missing something, I can make something.)

(…. But I haven't had an chance to be an asshole for an long time and…. Fuck it. I just want to mess with people.)

(And who knows? Maybe they will drop something like OP legendary item that I can use?)

(And if that does happened, the victim will be so pissed.) – though Phantasia as he began walking.




As Phantasia started walking, he quickly stopped.

The reason?

Monster had appeared right in front of him that resembles two headed gorilla.

[Twin Headed Gorilla – Level 360]



(Its just really an gorilla with 2 heads? I mean, its slightly bigger than normal gorilla, but still…)

(I did made once an monster made out of monkeys that had multiple-)

The gorilla rushed straight towards Phantasia, alarming him.

The gorilla swinged his arm around at Phantasia, but Phantasia catched the giant fist with his hand.

"?!" – the two headed gorilla monster stared confused.

"Huh. Nice power." – said Phantasia.

(I guess despise having some plain look, it's still somewhat strong?)


Phantasia mechanical hand activated and it began crushing the gorilla hand, causing the beast to scream while also making it desperately swing its other fist at Phantasia, but not managing to hit the man as he grabbed the other gorilla fist before then starting to crush it. Find more to read on My Virtual Library Empire

(Not strong enough!)

Phantasia lifted up the gorilla in the air by its arms, before then swinging the gorilla down and smashing it against the solid ground.


(Huh. He is still alive and still have some fighting will left?) – though Phantasia before swinging down his fist and hitting one of the gorilla faces.


"Huh. Still alive?" – though Phantasia as he noticed the gorilla monster other head being still active and extremely angry.

Phantasia began beating up the gorilla monster and it began screaming in pain and before long, the gorilla monster stopped screaming.

[You have slain: Twin Headed Gorilla.]


(Huh…. Okay. I wasn't expecting that.) – though Phantasia to himself as he looked around to make sure he is safe, before then looking back at the gorilla corpse.

(This guy…. Huh…. It was way stronger than the floor 5 monsters?)

(I mean, each floor difficulty changes by 20-30 levels, but even so, this guy power was… Bit stronger than I had though?)



(Let's not draw anything yet and just see how it goes.) – though Phantasia as he began walking.

(But honestly, lets forget about monsters for moment and think about the rankers.)

(Apparently a lot of rankers and other strong people are competing here, but exactly how much?)

(If there is really a lot, then wouldn't I-)


Phantasia began hearing steps coming from split path corner and instantly prepared himself for the combat.

Moments later, somebody peeked behind the corner and as soon as that happens, Phantasia rushed it and swinged his claws at the person, but when he did that, the person who tried to peek had used their great sword to block the attack, stopping the attack.


"Wait. You aren't an monster." – said Phantasia.

"Yea! I'm not you fucker!" – said Zeus who was blocking Phantasia claws.



(Lol. Deza vu.) – though Phantasia.

"Fucker. Do you want to fight?" – said Zeus who was trying to push his great sword.



(Heavy armor and hand to hand combat?) – though Zeus.



(He said that he will be focusing on repairing his house and strengthening the security.)

(Then who the hell is this guy?)

(Some sort of black knight wanabe guy?)


"So you are Zeus, huh?" – said Phantasia as he pushed back Zeus blades, surprising him.


"You know me…. But who the fuck are you?" – asked Zeus as he was getting pushed back.

"Don't know! HOW ABOUT YOU FORCE ME!" – shouted Phantasia as he overpowered Zeus and pushed his weapon away.


(He overpowered me in rough strength?!) – though surprised Zeus.

Phantasia swinged his fist, hitting Zeus right in the stomach, before then sending him flying.


"Guild master?!" – said the confused member of the Hunting Wolf guild who was standing behind the corner.

"Hey! Who the fuck are you?!" – the members of the Hunting Wolf guild began walking out of the corner and joining up with his guild master.

"Guild master, you, okay?!" – said the priest as he rushed towards the Zeus that was on his knee.

"I'm fine!" – said Zeus as he got up.

"Fucker! So, you want to die, huh?!" – said annoyed Zeus as he began walking towards Phantasia.

"Who knows? I just want to mess with you." – replied Phantasia as he flipped off Zeus.


(THIS FUCKER!) – though pissed off Zeus.

"[Great Sword Slash]!"

"[Arm Block]."

Zeus swinged his sword at Phantasia, but had his attack stopped easily by Phantasia low rank skill that allowed him to grab and stop the blade with his hands.


"Huh. You are much weaker than I thought!" – said Phantasia before using [Power Punch] to hit Zues in the chest and push him back again.

"Bastard!" – the sword wielding players rushed at Phantasia while activating their skills.

"[Close Fight]! [Brawl Out]!" – shoted Phantasia as he activated his both skills while also transforming his hands into claw form.

Two swordman's swinged their blades at Phantasia, but Phantasia swinged both of his arms around, countering both of the attacks, while also smashing both of the players with the single action.

One of the players that rushed at Phantasia managed to slash him right in the shoulder, but not managing to make the blade dig into him at all, with ended up surprising the player and before he could do anything, Phantasia head butted him right in the face, sending him flying.

An female player with the spear tried to use the stealth skill to get behind Phantasia and stab him with the spear from behind, but Phantasia noticed the attack and quickly moved away, dodging the attack, before then grabbing the player by her face and then throwing her at the incoming magic projectile.

"DIE YOU FUCKER!" – shouted Zeus as he rushed at full speed at Phantasia, ramming into him and pushing him back.

"Serios now, are we?!" – said Phantasia as he swinged his fist, forcing Zeus to block with his great sword, before then swinging his sword around, trying to hit Phantasia who then easily blocked the attack and then swinged his fist, landing and uppercut.


(FUCK!) – though Zeus as he quickly swinged his sword, forcing Phantasia to back away, before then backing away himself.

(The fuck is this strength?!)

(I know he used 2 buff skills, but I'm wearing my legendary armor and I have even gotten myself some tank classes. But still! That fucker basic attacks deals so much damage!)

(Black armor…. And brawler type fighting style.)

(Shit. Nobody comes in mind!)

(He resembles Phantasia, but it's not him and I fuking know it since he is at his house!)

(Unregistered ranker then?)

(Or maybe he is an registered one, but he is using the armor as an cover for himself?)

(I need to fuking force him to reveal himself!)

"[Fire Sword]!" – Zeus covered his entire sword in fire before then rushing towards Phantasia.


([Fire Swordman] class?) – though Phantasia before then blocking the blade covered in fire.

"[Lion Slash]!" – Zeus swinged his sword that was enchanted with an fire skill while also using great sword skill, giving enough power for the Zeus sword to go through Phantasia defenses and land an solid strike on Phantasia.

"NOW!" – shouted Zeus as he quickly backed away as the mages and archers began firing projectiles and bombarding Phantasia, blowing him up.


"Are you done?" – said Phantasia as he swinged his arm around, removing the cloud of dust around himself.


"He is unharmed?!" – said the confused mage player.

"Shit! We hit! We hit him, right?!" – said confused archer.



(Fuck me…. This won't be easy by the look of things.) – though Zeus as he got ready to fight once again.

"What are you waiting for?" – asked Phantasia.


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