Chapter 192 – After Doctor attack.
After the Phantasia home has been completely destroyed, the crafter have asked the Diamond for favor where he can temporarily store all of his not stolen belongings.
"Thanks mate. I know this was the sudden request, but don't worry. After it's all over, I will give you an discount as I promised." – said Phantasia as he put down an giant box down in the room where all of his stuff was stored as well as marked, alongside few of the destroyed golem knights.
"Yea, don't worry. And besides. Having you own an favor isn't an bad thing." – said Diamond as he entered the room and picked up the head of the destroyed golem.
"…. How strong were exactly these golems?"
"Pretty strong…. Not as strong as my giant metallic golems, but still, they were somewhat deadly. They were strong…. However, considering the damage they had sustained, they were easily dealt with like nothing." – replied Phantasia as he took the head back and put it away.
"…. So…. How do you feel?" – asked Diamond after the two men left the room and locked it.
"Well…. Not so good." – said Phantasia as he and Diamond began walking through the corridors of the giant building that was an base of operation of the Blue Diamond guild.
"The Doctor killed me in the past when I was just random nobody, so I just said "Fuck it. I don't want to deal with this guy.", but I wouldn't have ever guessed for that MOTHEFUCKER to attack me directly like this!"
"But…. I maybe know the reason why he did that… Or even few." – said Phantasia.
"Well, he wanted to steal your stuff, right?" – said Diamond.
"Yea…. I was especially rich with materials…. But the problem was that this bastard aim was obviously the magic guns." – said Phantasia as he walked alongside Diamond and watched through the window, noticing the training ground where the players were training.
"The problem with the situation is that he searched through my entire house, even breaking walls and everything, as if he knew I had an secret room."
"There is an good chance that the Doctor is an ranker crafter."
"What did you just said?!" – said Diamond as he stopped.
"His body. It's changing nonstop." – said Phantasia.
"And I doubt that the skills alone could do that."
"His class or race he has must have an ability to "Give modification". However, he must be able to do those modification himself."
"He could make those modification whatever he wanted them to be? Sorry, but there must be a catch."
"And it's obvious one."
"He can add modifications, but he needs to make them himself."
"…. Okay…. So, you figured out that the Doctor has an ranker tier crafting skills, yes?" – said Diamond.
"…." Stay connected through My Virtual Library Empire
"He maybe be able to reproduce the mana guns." – said Phantasia.
"…. What?" – said Diamond with conflict look.
"It's just as I said." - said Phantasia.
"Why do you think I'm doing all of the magic gun research in secret?"
"Its because of the experiments."
"I'm creating an special parts for experiments and those special parts are especial for creating magic guns."
"Honestly, those notes are so valuable that I straight up cannot carry all of them on myself, in case I could possibly drop them. So, I keep an half of them in my secret space in my house."
"However, as if that bastard knew it. He looked everywhere, dig into every surface of my house and then found the hidden room."
"He stole every single prototype, special parts AND even special notes I had…. And if we add the fact that he is an ranker in term of crafting."
"…He will be able to recreate the magic guns before anybody else." – said Diamond.
"Yes…. Honestly, I kind of originally through that this bastard had already magic guns in the past."
"There was an incident in the Dawn city where he wielded the magic like guns that sprouted from his body."
"I kind of through he had already found out how to make magic guns as soon as I found out about them, but I think the weapons he used were different."
"I think he made something to my mana guns, but something extremely inferior…. No. I don't think it was an mana gun at all."
"The weapon he must have made back then was something like an knock off version of the mana gun."
"I think he was using his own mana to fire this thing and it wasn't using an proper mana guns parts, with caused the weapon to not have that much power. He was also forced not to fire the weapon in sometime, I think it was overheating and wasn't able to fire properly."
"Afterwords, he straight up never used that weapon ever again and that could only meant that it sucked too much…. However, now that he is aware of the magic guns."
"He can use that technology to arm himself and this time properly?" – asked Diamond.
"Yep…. The next time he will appear, he will be definitely be upgraded." – said annoyed Phantasia.
"And this action wasn't probably his only reason for attacking me."
"What do you mean?" – asked Diamond.
"I think the Doctor next target is the Rose Tower." – replied Phantasia.
"You heard about the attack, right?"
"Yea… I heard about it. But what does the Rose…. Wait, are you working for Rose Tower?" – asked Diamond as he walked towards the nearby door and began opening it.
"Nope…. But they did tired to buy the magic gun crafting methods from me for quiet large sum of money." – replied Phantasia as he and Diamond entered Diamond office and locked the doors.
"The reason why I refused their offer was simple. I didn't trust them. Something was definitely going on behind the scenes and it was big…. And they were very secretive about it…."
"And I think I maybe know reason why."
"The Rose Tower is preparing for the war."
"Wait, a war?" – asked confused Diamond who also seemed interested in the subject.
"It would make sense if the Rose Tower approached me before, since I'm quiet famous, but instead they approached very recently. Like as soon as the news regarding the minigun were heard by people."
"They instantly made their move and that was weird."
"Why would they need an weapon like this? Weren't they about the whole research thing?"
"And if you put the two and two together, you will realize that the Rose Tower is in secret preparing for something like an massive war."
"And here comes the Doctor."
"There are two possibilities regarding the current situation with the Doctor."
"The Doctor pretended to attack the Rose Tower and instead are working for them in the secret. He was ordered to attack and rob me from my stuff and that wouldn't make the Rose Tower an possible suspect."
"The Doctor found out about the Rose Tower plan of mass producing the magic guns for the war and aimed directly at me, an creator of the magic guns and make any form of creating magic guns much harder, resulting in me not being able to make and sell mana guns, with in turn resulted in Rose Tower being unable to get their hands on the magic guns, with that in turn resulted in Rose Towers plans getting foiled."
"it's definitely either of these two options and the reason why I believe that it need to be either of those options is because of the timing."
"That bastard Doctor. He is part of something big again and I don't like this."
"…. Oh…." – Diamond stared speechless.
(Oh shit.) – though Diamond as he sat down right next to his desk.
(I…. I wasn't expecting that kind of informations... Shit.)
(So, the Doctor main aim wasn't only to just get his hands on the magic guns, but also to either hand them over to the Rose Tower or hinder their plans…. And the possibility of the Roser Tower going to the war….)
"Did you just told me all that to pay off the debt?" – asked interested Diamond.
"Well, you could say so." – said Phantasia.
"…. Oh, you bitch. Fine." – said Diamond.
(Still, all of the informations he just told me are extremely valuable.) – though Diamond.
(One of most important parts is about the Doctor being an ranker tier crafter…. But the question would remain, who exactly hired him?)
(It seems that the Doctor is an mercenary type of guy.)
(In his appearance, nobody knew why he did what he did…. But if we considering the recent incident with the whole royal family assassination and the pope, it would suggest that the Doctor was hired before just how he was hired by the pope.)
(And if we add the fact that the Rose Tower is planning on going to the war…. Shit.)
(This isn't good.)
(Is the Rose Tower evil? Or are they good?)
(Depending on how it is, the Doctor could be currently working for either "Good guy" or an "Bad guy".)
(…. Shit.)
(I though the Doctor was an enemy…. But now I'm not so sure.)
(Who is the real enemy?)
(The person that hired the Doctor?)
(Or is it the Rose Tower?)
(Things suddenly got much more complicated that they originally seemed to be.)