[VRMMO] Chaos Doctor

Chapter 190 – Doctor attacks Phantasia?


"The fuck is this?!" – said the surprised player as he saw the Doctor holding an minigun.

"Is that an mothefuking minigun?! Where the fuck did, he get that!?" – shouted another player.

"Hm… I don't know." – said Doctor.

"Maybe from the house of the guy I just have robbed and walked out from? What the fuck do you think you bloody idiots?" – said Doctor as he started activating the minigun, causing it to have its barrels start spinning around, alarming the players.


Doctor began opening fire with the minigun, firing countless magic shots at the players and straight up riddling one of the players with the bullets to the point he died fairly quick.

"Holy shit…. This is really an beast!" – said Doctor as other players stared speechlessly upon witnessing one of the players death right in front of them after getting instantly torn to shreds by the minigun.

"Damn! This Phantasia guy really knows his stuff, eh? Why I didn't stole from him before?"


"ATTACK HIM! DON'T LET HIM FIRE THE MINIGUN!" – shouted the desperate player.

The players rushed in at Doctor, but then he opened his fire, blasting one of the players to death with the barrage of the magic shots, causing some of the players to get scared and falter, and unfortunately resulting in them becoming easy target for the Doctor minigun as the magic bullets began bombarding them.

The human party leader rushed in at the Doctor with the help of the skill and quickly swinged his sword at him, but before the sword reached him, Phantasia long arm had extended forward and quickly grabbed the man by his neck before he realized it or could prevent the Doctor from doing that. Explore hidden tales at My Virtual Library Empire

The Doctor slammed the player against the ground, straight up buying him into it, as he was still confused and didn't knew what just happened to him.

And before he could regain himself, he saw the miniguns barrels right in front of his face.



The minigun began opening fire straight at the player face, hitting him and straight up showing the mana shots right into his mouth as other players looked with horrified look at the brutal scene happening in front of them.

Moments later, the minigun stopped rotating, ceasing its fire and revealing the headless corpse of the human player that had his head straight torn to shreds by the magic bullets.



"Do you still want to fight me?" – asked Doctor as he looked towards the terrified players.

"I really don't have time to waste on the weaklings like you, so just get out of my way." – said Doctor as he began walking towards the players.

The players looked at each other in fear and confusion, but in the end, they ended up moving aside.

Expect for the female dwarf player who Doctor just ignored and walked past her.


"YOU BASTARD!" – shouted the female dwarf as aimed with her shotgun at Doctor back.


"IDIOT! DON'T!" – shouted the mage who was with the dwarf.

The dwarf pullet the trigger, firing an shotgun blast at the Doctor that hit him…. But did not fazed him at all.

"…." – the Doctor turned his head around and looked at the dwarf as her expression of rage was suddenly shifted to that of a grim.

Doctor turned his entire body around towards the dwarf who pullet her trigger again, firing an second shotgun blast, this time right in the Doctor chest, but not fazing him again.

"…" – the dwarf tried in panicky pulling her trigger over and over, only to realize that her double barreled shotgun had run out of ammunition.

"You done?" – asked Doctor.

"!" – the dwarf quickly took out two shotgun shells.

"[Power Punch]."

Doctor swinged his fist, hitting the female dwarf right in the face and straight up send her flying past the mage, before then straight up getting slammed against Phantasia house wall.

"Do you really think that I need "THIS" thing? To kill you all? Heck. I can kill you all without using an single skill if I want to." – said Doctor as he began walking away.

The players have completely loses their will to fight and anybody stood in the Doctor way.


"Oh. And one more thing." – said Doctor after stopping for an bit as he took out some sort of bottle that was big as bowling ball and had an greenish yellow substance inside of it.

"I may or may not have put few bombs through entire Phantasia house."

"So you know."

"You better run!"

Phantasia threw the bottle right on the ground, smashing it and instantly making an giant and thick cloudy of plague smoke to spread everywhere while also blocking everybody vision, while the Doctor himself got away.

"Shit! *Cough* What is this stuff?!" – said the panicking player as his entire vision was blocked by the thick cloud of poisons plague.

"Wait! Is that the plague thing he is often using?!" – said another panicking player.


"Wait. What was that about the bomb?" – asked the orc player.


"Ah." – everybody stopped for the moment in their tracks.


"RUN FOR IT!" – shouted players as they tried to get away, as the green smoke hindered their vision and even had some players bump into each other by accident.

While the players were trying to run away, multiple present like boxes with an self-moving wind up handle were active.

As for the Doctor himself, he was now currently running through the backstreets of the city as the guards and the players found out about the commotion and tried to chase down the madman.

"Don't let him get away!" – shouted the guard who was chasing after the Doctor who took an turn to the left, making the guards suddenly lose sight of him because of the building.

The guards approached the turn, but as soon as they did, they were hit with the plague mist right in the face, forcing them to retreat and get back.

"Shit! Go around! We can't let him get away!" – shouted the guard that was backing away from the plague mist.

The guards quickly took an different path around the building in order to chase after the Doctor, but as soon as they would take the path the Doctor had taken just moments ago, they were attacked nightmare toys teddy bears that swinged their blades and claws at them.


"Monsters?!" – shouted the confused guard who barely blocked the teddy monster claws in time.

The part of the city that was located where the Phantasia house was in has became an chaotic place out of the blue where the plague mist began spreading around while chimeras and toy monsters started going on the rampage.

However, the biggest chaos would come…. About now.



"What was that?!" – shouted the guard as he and some other guards alongside the citizens they were trying to evacuate had head an giant explosion going off in the distance.

Each and every bomb planted by the Doctor had detonated, straight up completely destroying Phantasia house.

The guards and the players hands were suddenly full with the rampaging monsters as well as the plague spreading through the city and that resulted in chaos, confusion and panic. All 3 things the Doctor needed to disappeared without leaving any tracks to fallow him as the chaos of the situation destroyed any leads.

However, this city was an extremely populated place that was filled with the guards and the players, resulting in them quickly dealing with the situation through the numbers, but alas, not managing to capture or find the elusive terrorist known as Doctor who once again straight up disappeared right underneath everybody noses.

The entire incident had spread through the city almost instantly, alarming the people and worrying them.

"Shit…. So, this is the place where that giant explosion came from?" – said the knight as he looked at the remains of the Phantasia house.

"Yeb…. This is the only place that was blown up like this…. According to the adventures that were at the scenes and tried to stop the Doctor said that the Doctor had planted the bombs inside that place." – said the guard.

"…. Okay… But why did he blown up this house?" – asked confused knight.

"…. Em…. Actually…. We kind of looked whose house is this…." – said the guard who didn't wanted to say something.

"Speak up. Whose house was this?" – said the knight.


"Do you know Phantasia? The guy that came up with the magic guns?" – said guard.

"…. Wait. I did heard about…. Wait. This is his- "– the knight tried saying something.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" – shouted Phantasia as the guards and knights stopped him in the tracks.


"…. Wait." – said the knight as he approached Phantasia.

"Is this yours house?" – asked the knight.

"YES! WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?!" – shouted Phantasia.

"Where the fuck is my house!? I only left the city for few hours and the first thing I found out is my house got DEMLISHED?! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!"


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