[VRMMO] Chaos Doctor

Chapter 187 – Rose Tower visit.


(Why the hell members of the Rose Tower here?!)

(I would like rather deal with Sky Wrath guild over them.)



Phantasia began approaching his door where the group of four people that consisted of an mage, an two knights and an person wearing an noble attire.


"Halt." – said the female mage as she saw Phantasia approaching.

"No. This is my house." – said Phantasia as he approached closer.

"Can't you read the sign? Don't bother me when I'm not open."


"You are Phantasia?" – said the elf nobleman.

"Yes." – replied Phantasia.

"I don't want to sound rude or anything, but I'm quite busy today."

"So state your business already. Rose Tower."


"My, my. So, you- "
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"I don't want any flattery. I'm not that kind of person." – said Phantasia, cutting off instantly the nobleman who was speaking.

"…." – the nobleman looked annoyed at Phantasia.

"Well… Can we go inside and discuss the matter?" – said visible angry nobleman who tried to hide his expression behind the smile.

"Tell me first what do you want." - said Phantasia as he approached the nobleman, scaring him.

"You have brough both an mage and two knights with you, so how do I know I'm not the one in danger?"

"Tell me your goal now if you want me to trust you."

"I…. Em…." – the nobleman was intimated by Phantasia and didn't know what to say.

"We want to buy the production method of your mana guns." – suddenly spoke up the female mage.


"No. End of discussion." – said Phantasia.

"…. May we know why?" – asked the female mage as she remained calm.

"I just don't wish to." – said Phantasia.

"I maybe an greedy and selfish bastard, but its just matter of time before somebody manages to crack down my mana guns and find out how to make them as well."

"It won't be surprised if that soon happens, but before that happens, I wish to gain as much money as possible."


"How does 1 000 000 gold sounds like?" – asked the mage with straight face.

"Hm…...Nope." – said Phantasia.

"…. Will 2 000 000 be better?" – asked mage.

"Its not about money. Its about trust." – said Phantasia as he walked very closely to the mage.

"I don't know what, but something is off about you four and I can't put my finger on it."

"However, one solid reason why I don't trust you is how you straight forward you want to get my mana gun research."

"I did say that I want to get down to the business, but the way you acted is…. Weird."

"It would be more untestable if that scared guy would say it, but your attitude is off"

"Sorry, but I can tell you are hiding something from me and I can't trust you."

"So, bye."


"Wait!" – said nobleman.

"No." – said Phantasia as he entered his house and locked his door shut.


"HEY! YOU BASTARD!" – shouted the nobleman as he began hitting the door before then getting stopped by the mage who grabbed the nobleman by the shoulder.

"Stop it. We are going." – said the mage.

"But- "

"We are going." – said somewhat angry mage while shutting the nobleman up.

Moments later, the group walked away as Phantasia observed the situation through not his door peephole, but instead an hidden one.


"Those two knights…."

(They remained expressionless through the entire thing.)

(They didn't even stopped me when I approached the nobleman nor the mage.)

(They remained usually calm…. Were they that chill or were they able to suppress their emotions completely?)


(Or were they homunculus?)

(Either way, something is off as well about the situation.)

(Why they tried to contact me now of all the times?) – though Phantasia as he began wandering through his house before arriving at the underground storage house where he would take out an hidden communication device in an form of a sphere.

After taking out the device, Phantasia would activate it as the orb began glowing with very faint glow.



"Yes?" – said the voice from the orb as the orb itself had become brighter.

"Can we talk?" – said Phantasia.

"…. An moment." – said the voice from the orb.



"Okay. You can talk now Doctor." – said Shadow Mask who was on the other side of the device.

"Rose Tower approached me." – said Phantasia as he held the orb in his hand.

"They wanted to buy the research and creation method of the mana guns."

"And? What did you said?" – asked Shadow Mask.

"I said no." – said Phantasia.

"I made up some stuff about not trusting the messengers and them acting weirdly to make my statement look convincing."

"The group that approached me consisted of an mage from Rose Tower. An nobleman elf. And two human knights… But I don't know if they were really humans or were instead homunculus."

"…. Well, that is at least an good thing that you said no to these bastard." – said Shadow Mask.

"Yea, but the problem is timing." – said Phantasia.

"Why did they approached me of all the times?"

"I will brag. I'm quiet famous."

"And considering what place the Rose Tower was originally, then they would have definitely found about me and my mana guns long time ago."

"Not only that, but the amount of money they were offering was quiet huge and when I declined, they straight up doubled it without carrying."

"Not only that, but they went back already after I shut my door in their face and that surprised me."

"I though they would harass me a bit, but nothing."


"Are you suggesting they may end up targeting you or your shop to gain the mana guns crafting method?" – asked Shadow Mask.

"No. They wouldn't do that." – said Phantasia.

"They must be aware that I'm famous and that attacking me like this would straight up make them look like bad guys, even if they do come up with some made up story."

"I have been selling my mana guns to both adventures, nobles and merchants alike, so it won't be surprising if Rose Tower had already got their hands on multiple mana guns and are already in the middle of the process of finding out how it works."

"But the whole timing…. Why now?"

"…. Yea. This is suspicious." – said Shadow Mask.

"…. They want to equip an army with the mana guns?" – said Shadow Mask.

"Maybe." – said Phantasia.

"And considering how they came now means that they want to start production about now for their homunculus."

"And you remember what I said before? The homunculus soldiers sucked with magic and were not really anything big of a threat. But what would happened if they equipped them with mana guns?"

"It does make sense…. However, their plan could also be somewhat different. Maybe they just want to find an alternative means of fighting for their homunculus OR they want to speed up their plan and to do that, they approached you."

"Yea…. But the question is, what they are planning to do?" – said Phantasia.

"Are they really planning on going to the war as we suspected?"


"Hm… Well, that maybe your fault." – said Shadow Mask.


"You mean the mana gun?" – asked Phantasia.

"Well, this…. And the whole mess you made with the two kingdoms. They had become an easy targets."

"Maybe they plan to conquer both of the kingdoms? If they do that, then they would secure a lot of different resources and that is the problem since we still don't know how they are making homunculus, nor we know their end goal."

"Not only that, but we cannot forget about the neighboring kingdom of Shakalam. An kingdom that is very deep tied to the heaven in terms of their religion and history."

"These guys could be preparing for the war or something else, or maybe both the war as well as something else we are not seeing."

"Anyway, I will send some of my guys just in case to the city where you are staying at and see if there will be anything weird going on."

"Thanks." – said Phantasia.

"Well, them, I will be going now. See ya." – said Shadow Mask before turning off the orb and causing it to lose its bright color and get darker instead.


"What the fuck are they planning?" – said Phantasia to himself as he hid back the orb.

(They came to do business with me, but they didn't send anybody high ranking or somebody of any proper status?)

(Are they planning really to attack me?)


(But then again, if they do something as foolish as that, then they would get fucked and they would end up getting gazes of many and I'm not talking here about players only.)




(Did they found out about miniguns?!)

(This mana gun type is extremely deadly and the timing…. No wait. Would it make sense?)


"No. It would make sense. They are observing the Frenzy Labyrinth since its an extremely big source of income to the kingdom as an whole."

"Did they made an move because they found out about miniguns?"

(Maybe they considering the mana guns as something not worth their attention before, but now that minigun had made its appearance, their perspective changed. They now see it as an strong and extremely poetical weapon.)

(Shit. I should have told that Shadow Mask. Why did I only though of that now?!)


(No…. The real question I should be asking here should be this.)

(Did they got the information about minigun from the rumors?)

"Or did player told them about it?"

(It would make sense for the Rose Tower to have some player spies... But then again, wouldn't the best source of the info be either players that used the minigun?)

(Or the people that fought against the somebody who wielded the minigun.)


"Sky Wrath and Blue Diamond guild…... Are either of them possible working for the Rose Tower?"

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