Chapter 79: Chapter VII
A tall robot appears in the exit of the building. It stands over eight feet and wears a cape that covers its whole body, in its arms are four blades made of aura. Despite the other warriors that came before, this aura felt less sinister, as if they were from more ordinary sources. This inspired hope among the four. "Okay, two blades, four people, let's go!" Remi yells hyping the four of them up. The arms split into two, making it four armed and dangerous. The robot proceeds to laugh as the cape is undone, revealing the flexibility of the warrior. Arlo uses his barrier over the robot but it breaks it, forcing Arlo to the ground in pain. "Arlo?!" Remi yells out panicked. "NO ONE CHARGE!" Blyke reminds everyone as Remi sends a round of electricity at the robot. It shocks and stuns the beast. "NOW! Blyke and Isen charge at the robot, Isen unleashes his fire beast ability and starts to beat the robot, Blyke fires a shot to it, but the robot learns to use its cape as an insinuator and gains back control.
It then swings two of its blades at Arlo, knocking him back and slamming him into a wall. Isen burns up the cape and charges at the robot but gets clapped back. Remi sends her most intense lightning round towards it. Isen looks at the gut of the robot and notices some kind of device, soon he senses more approaching. "Blyke, take care of these guys, Remi and I will cover your six!"
Blyke charges his repelling attack up and crowd controls what appear to be smaller robots that stood just barely taller than the average human. Their limbs were much skinnier, and they wore various colored markings. Blyke proceeds to turn them into spare parts as their guns propel energized aura back at Blyke. Behind them were much bulkier machines with built in aura weapons. They stood with red eyes, and more armor to protect their internal hardware.
Blyke blows them all up with his ability, destroying the metal creatures with a point of his finger, some more roll into the scene, they have bubbles around them. "They have shields now?!" Blyke yells angrily as a small thin blue aura bubble deflects his laser beams. He then proceeds to take cover as the more round robots proceed to fire back their lasers. Waiting for them to approach, Blyke waits for a couple to roll toward him before he blasts a couple, turning them into scrap metal. The remaining stand in place with their shields still active.
"That's it!" Blyke sends a mega laser to the robots, obliterating them. Remi is struggling against the robot overlord as Isen is being pinned by its claw foot, and Remi is being choked out. As Blyke shoots at it, it reflects his lasers and shoots him in the thigh. "YOU LET HER GO!!!!!" Arlo gets back up from his barrier injury and punches the robot in the gut, it freaks out and spider crawls away from them, taking Remi with him. "We need to get the brain located where Arlo just punched him!" Isen yells as Blyke goes flying into the robot and knocks it over a ledge. He throws Remi aside and falls twenty meters down with it. They land on a platform. Blyke and the robot standoff.
Meanwhile at the bottom of the pit. A man from ZetaSci stood with a man dressed in a suit and tie. "Boss, I found something!" The boss approaches. "Hmm, what is it?" he asks intrinsically. "It's your blade, the one the feds took back when you were incarcerated."
"Interesting, looks a little different, alright, move out, we have everything we need, these kids will kill off the rest of those idiots for us." A man with a dark complexion spoke. His skin was void black due to his aura radiation from his body. His hair was snow white, along with his suit and tie. His shirt as black as night. He had bluish white eyes and spoke in a deep tone.
Meanwhile, Jake meditates as Evie practices using her newfound ability. Jake breaks into a sweat. "Lord, he has the blade" he utters as he continues to concentrate. "Don't worry, it's all coming together" The Lord responds. "I trust your wisdom Lord, but not in my own strength. He's too dangerous."
"You won't be fighting him" The Lord responds again. "I know but-"
"Hey, go hang with Evie, she's getting kinda lonely." Jake shakes his head. "She needs to practice if she's gonna keep up with me." Jake opens his eyes to see Evie looking back at him with innocent eyes. Jake goes over to Evie who's shooting the scare crows she made. She blasts one of them in the head causing it to combust. "Hey, nice job" he comments. "Oh, you think so?" she asks. "Yeah, you're getting good with that." "Thanks, I've been practicing a lot lately!" Evie says excitedly. "Wanna spar?" Evie's face lights up. "Um, okay!"
Meanwhile in New Seattle, John, Jackson, Lanna, and Jackson's brother Dale gather together. Dale was a well put together man, a sheriff from a small village north of the city. "So, you're the Golden God? Is that what they call you?" Dale asks with inquiry.
"Yeah" John responds as he keeps checking his phone. "You keep checking your phone, thought you wanted to talk?" Jackson asks. "Someone isn't responding and it's been hours now and she hasn't gotten back. I could just be anxious but I can't help it." John sighs as Lanna approaches him. "Listen, sorry if we freaked out a little, it's just that, I've just broken out of city K." John nods. "Don't worry about it. Hey, you guys know where Hal Gordon and Eugine Smith are."
"I know where Eugine is, he lives downtown where the Ekurins lived" Jackson responds. "Use to live, remember. I cleaned up the streets, I doubt there's many of them left." Jackson rolls his eyes. "Oh wow, it's like you always remind me. Wanna keep rubbing it in." Dale chuckles. "Hey, you made our jobs easier at the NSPD so I applaud you." He takes a tooth pick and plays with it in his mouth. "Alright, let's get packing, everyone in my truck alright? So we can get past the borders, oh and no costumes!" John sighs. "Ight then, just let me wear this mask so I can keep my identity." John says as he pulls out his old Joker mask.
"Alright, let's go get Eugine!" Dale says as he begins to walk towards his car. "Last I checked, he was just arrested near New Seattle's hotel, seen them also pick up some teenage girl." John's eyes widened at that very moment. "We're gonna need him if we wanna break in. So he's a priority targ-" John interrupts. "What was her hair color?" Everyone looks at John confused. "Some shade of pinkish Magenta with yellow streaks, that's all I could get from the news repor-"
"I need to go now." John said calmly. "Hey now hold on, we gotta be smart about this. What's with the sudden rush?" Jackson asked. John shakes his head as his eyes glow a sinister gold. "Hey listen, once we get Eugine, we'll go straight to the prison city. I promise, no wasting time, but we need the numbers, trust me!" Lanna buds in. "Not just that, we need a plan!" John sighs as he takes out his vape, remembering his stress smoking session's with Arlo, who rivaled his device with a classic Marlboro cigarette. "Fuck me" John uttered as he sucked his device until it blinked. His lungs instantly healed from the smoke that raided his lungs. "I know what it feels like, she took my village, I need to get revenge soon." Jackson added. John quietly enters the car, signaling for everyone to follow. Everyone gets into Dale's pickup truck. Dale drives to downtown New Seattle.
The ride was mostly quiet as they entered the downtown area. It was more of a future neon scene, compared to the nation's more classically traditional cultural scene. John's intense aura made everyone nervous. Eventually Jackson broke the ice when they all talked about their powers.
"Yeah, I'm a 8, I can copy abilities as they are unlike your thing. I can only use them with my jack of all trades kit which limits me to projectiles, explosives, a melee, a heavy punch and some enhanced features. I think the more I work at my ability the more aspects of my kit I can unlock." The car ride atmosphere was still slightly quiet. "Pretty sure Eugine is a 2.3 but can become a 10 as an angel, he's either really weak or strong. We're gonna have to rely on that angel form of his." The car did not change. John added his thoughts "Interesting" John noted. "Alright, stop here!" Jackson yelled. "I just got a text from him! It looks like they didn't nab him. I'll go pick him up at his place!" John gets out of the car with Jackson. "What about Sera?!" he insists as Jackson heads over to the apartment complex. He looks at the building that he once called home base, now another crime scene crawling with government officers.
"He said he was lucky to slip by. It looks like they still nabbed her" Jackson says as he walks into the building. John heads back to the car after giving the building one last look, his black blazer, tie, and pants blowing with the wind. He adjusts his white shirt as he reaches for his mask, looking around at all the officers with rage in his heart. "I don't need to change" John thought to himself. "I simply took out my rage on the wrong people" he thought as he remembered Claire and Adrion. His heart grew dark as he felt a sinister whisper in his ear. "John, I'm you" a sudden and abrupt voice told him. "I'm you from a timeline more realistic than this shit. I mean come on, an enemy nation of cripplers, Ember and NXGen taking over the world, you as some superhero! You're fucking lucky you know that. Your broken reality allowed you to surpass the gods of the ancient world in glory and fame." John turns to see his own silhouette talking to him with a golden glow. "You know what it did to me, to you?" John's eyes narrowed. You become a joke." John walks away, not engaging with his past self as he enters the car. "Suit yourself". Lanna, John, and Dale wait in the pick up while Jackson goes into the apartment complex. "John?" They ask as John takes out a walkman. "I just need a minute," he responds.
"HELLO!" Jackson yells as he continues to knock. A door opened. "Hello?: Eugine hollers back. "Hey man, watcha doing?" Jackson asks. "What do you think? I'm laying low, now leave no one can know I'm here!" Eugine closes the door but Jackson puts his foot in between. "Woah dude, come on man, just relax for a second, look we need you." Eugine shakes his head. "For what?"
"Hear me out, we need to pull off a prison break." Eugine chuckles. "YOU IDIOT WE JUST GOT OUT! And you don't wanna find out what me and Lanna went through. I don't know if this is some let's be friends scheme, but I don't need any, I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE!" Jackson looks at Eugine disheartened. "Look man, I get it. I just helped Lanna lose some heat" Jackson pauses as he looks behind his back. The supreme leader, she's there right now, we have the numbers now, come on we can make a real chan-" "NO!" Jackson doubles down. "Yes!" His eyes glow a mean light blue, so does Jackson's. "I'm not going back to city K!" Eugine hops out of a window and flies to a rooftop, Jackson follows him. "Don't follow me!" he roars as his sweater blows with the wind, his hood covering his face as he begins to fly around. "ANGELS AND DEMONS, ATTACK!" Eugine summons some angels and demons, their power levels are all low, Demons are a 1.2 sith fireball, and angels are a 3.4 with lasers. Jackson cuts through them all, five whole rounds of just Eugine summoning minions, only for Jackson to cut them down. "FINE, YOU MADE ME DO THIS!" Eugine roars as he turns into a giant angel, he raises a large sword and destroys a couple of buildings. "DUDE, WE'LL GET SPOTTED! You're making this worse!" Jackson yelled as he dodged a massive attack from Eugine's angel form. "I'm not going BACK! I'd rather fight your obnoxious overpowered ass than take on this nation! I will not lose my powers!"
"FINE, Then here comes heaven, hell, AND JACKSON!" Suddenly John has a massive headache. "YES DO IT!" Joker yells inside John's mind. John looks to see Jackson charging a super move, his unnatural.
"TAKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jackson yells as a red and blue circle forms around Eugine, spamming angels and demons, who slam into the ground causing an explosion of pixels. Three blocks are almost destroyed, John changes into his superhero costume, Lanna looks at his muscular build and blushes. John steps out of the car and begins to crouch like when One punch man was destroying a meteor, he launches off the ground, leaving a crater behind and starts flying towards the angel as his black cape flaps, smashing its head and pulling Eugine out. He then slams Eugine to the ground. His own angels and demons made of black and gold aura form all around them in the sky.
"Listen up man, because I'm not letting you destroy an entire block just so you can sit on your lazy ass and be an isolated loser your whole life! SO LISTEN UP! You're helping us break everyone out of City K, and if someone who I care about doesn't make it out of there, then I'm gonna blow this whole fucking country to shreds with no remorse or mercy, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME! You're not saving the country from your dictatorbitch! You're saving it from ME! "Y-y-your the guy from the States, your the-the-the
The Golden God!" Eugine yells as he looks up to see a dark built figure looking down at him. His cape flapping with the wind as his eyes glow a menacing gold.
"Glad I have a fan, now are you in or not?" Eugine nods with enthusiasm, which catches John off guard. "Y-yes sir!" He says shaking The Golden God's hand. John begins to calm down and gives Eugine a respectful firm handshake. "Good, now we can-"
John and the other vigilantes from the car look at the tanks and apcs that surround them. The entire block swarming with government agents. Everyone activates their abilities and Dale takes out his police issued gun, they all fire at the yellow jacket troops, who return fire with their guns and concrete shards.
Everyone stops firing, a woman with red hair, boots, and a trench coat comes out. Her boots click on the ground as her aura commands for everyone's attention. The Supreme leader stood at a commanding height with an all black trench coat. On her coat are various medals won in valerent combat. The yellow markings symbolize her army's black and yellow color, her nation's flag.
"Oh my, my escapes, and what looks like two new playmates, both mirror abilities, and one of them is quite the celeb" the Supreme Leader comments. John looks down and finds himself hopping to the ground, slamming the concrete street up with just his strength alone. "Yeah, we also heard a lot about you, the fake cripple bomb, the politicians in New Washington, how you lock up and torture people who refuse to take the shot that disables them. Then you claim to be a capitalist nation, so that the other world governments become dictatorships with fake presidents, it's your fault we're all suffering!" The woman laughs at The Golden God. "Oh you child, throwing all the blame onto one single person, as if that would make solving the problem easier, you have the mentality of a high school boy!" John clenches his fist as he finds himself shaking with rage. "What? This isn't good!" he thought. "So listen up, you can either leave now and I'll let you go, or I'll take all of you right now. You caught me in a very generous mood."
"You have no idea what it's like to be a cripple in a nation full of power, do you?" John asks. The Supreme leader gives her vigilante adversary one glance and scoffs. "Well of course not, but even so I've provided a solution haven't I." John's eyes turn slightly red from burst blood vessels. "A solution?" he asks angrily. "You call this a fucking solution?!"
"How would I know if Seraphina is safe?"
"News does travel fast, well it's not like it matters, you're a smart cookie. I'm sure your mind was made up ten minutes ago."
"Get them"
Lanna and Eugine both go in opposite directions, fighting off the soldiers. Fetch goes one way, piercing her lasers through heads and hearts of countless men, while Eugine throws bodies all over the streets in the other direction. Jackson takes Dale and goes far up in the sky while John charges at the tanks and throws them all at the supreme leader, she uses her concrete and destroys them before launching John into a building. He coughs up blood as he clashes with the building. He lays on the ground knocked out, as she goes over to detain him, a dark force stands over John. "And who may you be?" the Supreme Leader asked as she saw the silhouette of her opponent.
"Oh, he's not gonna be your prisoner, I swore I'd be the one killing him, and I wanna see if my new friends will be any help when that day comes." "Hand him over now, or I will use force. I've been too lenient today, don't push your luck." Joker starts to charge up his power, he creates a concrete demon that smashes her and her troops far away, he then takes John and heads to a nearby rooftop as the Supreme leader watches from the wreckage of an APC. "I want him DEAD! NOW!" She roars as she gathers the troops for a counter assault. Joker fades away as John regains consciousness, crying as he comes to the realization that Sera was in a prison camp. Horrible images of her being tortured, worked, and experimented on fill his mind as Joker continues to hover over John. He laughs with delight as John finds himself shaking and convulsing. He looks up to see Joker fading in the distance. "Damn you" John says as he clenches his fist.
Meanwhile Jackson and Dale are landing, it's been ten minutes since the Supreme leader and her troops cleared out. He and Dale try to call Lanna and Eugine but get no response or call back. "Dammit, I don't think they'd both bail, Eugine yeah, but Lanna no." Dale sighs "Which means, they got them, don't they." Jackson shakes his head. "No."
"Not for long"
Jackson looks back as he sees John limping back over to the remaining crew. "Those two pulled them off of us. We need to go now before they get back" John spoke as his wounds rapidly healed.
Meanwhile in a cell in City K. Sera sat in a cold empty cell, thinking about Hal's story on how he got there. "Man, when I got my powers, I was so powerful, I felt like a god!" Hal would tell her.
"That soon ended when the government caught up with me. I was on the run for weeks, trying to rob banks for money for my daughter, just the thought of finally being able to provide for her just made a man smile. Then several hours ago, they caught me." Hal sighs as Sera listens. "So, do I lose my powers? I can't feel them in my system right now." Sera adds. "Not even my new ones, ALL of them are gone." Hal chuckles. "That's the funny thing, they let you keep them at the prison, from what I heard, they bind you up so you can't use them, they'd rather do everything for you so you feel crippled rather than just take them and let you walk around. I think they need some folks to test aura and its capabilities. You can't do that once someone's aura valve is disabled. It's like testing a man's fertility when he's got no junk" Hal said crudely. Sera snickers to herself as she reminisces of her life back in Wellston. "Why is this always happening to me?" Sera thought as she looked out from her cell to see the rest of the prison, empty and cold.
Meanwhile, Joker is in hell with some people, vigilantes, look alike's of Eugine, Lanna, Jackson, while others that aren't recognizable, like a woman that can control plants, a woman that can control paper, a man that can manipulate wired, and a woman that can control glass. "Excellent, we'll be invading soon Johnny boy!" Joker laughs and snickers as he leans back on his throne. "I cannot fucking belive how easy this was, Ember, NXGen, their governments, they're all so easy to use and abuse. It's like, why couldn't I have done this in my own timeline?" Joker then pauses as he finds himself tearing up. He slams his fist on a table. "SO WHY COULDN'T I?!" he roars with rage as the choir's of hell sing the song of agony. Satan is coughing up blood, his limbs torn off and his back stuck on a pole for his body to be picked at by crows. "You started this, but your beauty could not compare to my strength" Joker spoke to the prince of darkness himself. "You think you're gonna beat him? I lost, there's no way you could-"
"I can become what you never were!" Satan chuckles as his wounds only increase his agony. "Take it from an expert, that pride will only drag you. I stand by my actions, I'm simply a creature who does not find content in the good things of creation."
"What's funny is that you, my sir, arguably had more of a choice than me. You could have been redeemed for greatness. I knew exactly what I did because I fucking hate them. I am the archangel! No son of God is greater than a perfected being such as myself. I am simply better in every aspect of the word. You are pathetic, weak, and yet you had more of a choice than me. You will suffer here worse than I ever could." Satan spoke.
"How so?" Joker asked, entertaining his prisoner. "Because while I am capable of being present for my punishment, you will always be suffering in the now and in the past. You will always be serving your sentence while awaiting for it, knowing full well what it'll feel like. An eternity of hell outside of time itself. You won't even have the luxury of abandoning hope, because your punishment is hope in the hopeless.
Joker yelled as his eyes grew with fury and flame. "I am not the monster! Not anymore! They hurt me! They chose to pick on me! No matter what I did I was always their victim!" Satan laughs. "And yet, you had the power to change that, but chose to be a coward. At least I had the balls to stand my ground and fight the losing battle. So good luck taking over, enjoy it while you ca-"
"John felt himself startle awake in the back of the car. He can see himself approaching Sera, running up to her for a hug. "Are you okay, what happened?" John's eyes start to glow red, as if Keon is using him, he sees Sera in an interrogation room being interrogated by some officers who wore yellow and black. "Where is the current location of your accomplice?" Sera shakes her head. "I don't even know!" she panics. "Well, tell us what you do know!" Sera spits at the officer, they take her hand and put it on the table. "NOO! STOP IT!" John thought as he tried to snap out of his state and return to the present moment. In this semi- nightmare state, John swings at the officer but goes through him, he falls on the floor as they take out a device with a blade on it, they put one of Sera's fingers in it. The blade cuts it off, as Sera screams in pain John's head throb. "John? JOHN?!" Sera screams, as she is the only one able to process John. "Is she seeing me?! Is this real? Or is this some kinda fucked up subconscious?!" John yelled as he clenched his fist. "I'll kill you guys!"
"WHERE IS YOUR ACCOMPLICE?!" Sera tries to resist her restraints. "I said, PISS OFF!" As John goes to stop the officers, he falls through them, the nightmare plays out as each finger on Sera's hand gets lopped off by the blade, they then take her to a chair in another room, tying her to the arm rests and removing her shoes. "WHY AM I SEEING THIS, SOMEONE HELP, ANYONE!?" John roars with rage as he finds himself slowly fading into the real world.
"MAKE IT STOP!" A demonic voice in John's mind mimics him. John's semi-nightmare continues as he sees in graphic detail what will remain of Seraphina if he leaves early to go home to his friends. His face covered in tears and snot. "Wait, she was alive this whole time?! IOne year since she "died", all that time, and I just went home?" John asks himself, horrified. John and the others stop to watch current John laugh in denial, confused on how this second John is even existing, John laughs off all the pain. "It's you, it's always been you! You haven't changed one damn bit! You mean to tell me, while she was being mutilated, you just sat by and assumed she died!" John looks to see his copy drinking, soon Meilei and Ventus come, Ventus shakes John's hand, he hugs Meili and gives her a kiss." John grits his teeth as he sees his copy turn as dark as a shadow. "Hey babe, you made it!" John then turns around to see a man with long hair standing behind him. "Who the hell are you?!" The man looks at John and Joker and glares with intense hatred. John feels himself copying the man's ability. "Damn you both!" He roars as he holds out his arm, turning into a monster. John prevents the man from fully transforming as he uses the man's ability to counter attack. An explosion shakes the foundation of this reality, overhearing Joker's conversation with Meili. "I just feel bad, for what I did to you out in that field."
Joker puts his hand on her chin. "Hey hey, what did I say about that?" he asks, looking up concerned at John. "Every time I try to escape, you and that damn bastard always show up to destroy it!" John finds himself in the body of a fifteen meter monster. His hair is the same. He takes a fighter stance against a giant whose hair grew semi long. "This just, doesn't feel right, but I can't help how I feel." Joker, watching the two giants fight each other, looks around to see everyone else going on unphased. "Yeah, neither can I."
"I'LL KILL YOU!" Joker transforms into a giant in an attempt to third party his two advisors. Suddenly, the entire plane of existence begins to morph like a dream changing sequences. John, now the Golden God, watches the mysterious man fade into muscle, then bone, then just a head. John looks back at Joker who smiles devilishly as he sends several slash attacks towards John. The Golden God bursts through the drywall and pins John on the ground, smashing his head on the floor, the whole party notices as the dream resumes to the party scene. "TAKE IT BACK, TAKE IT FUCKING BACK!" John keeps smashing his fake clone into things, he finds a piece of rigid wall and stabs it through the back of his neck, killing him.
Ventus throws wind at The Golden God, who throws some back at him, pinning him against the wall, he then throws a punch hard enough to impale him, Arlo uses his barrier, in a huge flash, Remi shocks John while Isen hits the back of his knees, Blyke charges up some lasers and pierces his knees, taking them both off, John now pinned by Blyke and Isen to the wall with no knee caps. He looks up to see Meili with her demon claws out, crying, filled with sadness and anger. "You, I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" The Golden God's mask falls off. Everyone sees John in a super suit. John looks around and instantly finds ways to murder his friends. Horrified, he realizes he's become Joker, embodying this past version of himself. He looks at Joker in horror to realize he's lost at the game. "It never gets old," Joker said with a wicked smile. John shook as he fell to his knees. "You're right Claire"
"I am a monster"
"I just murder people"
"I'm not a hero"
"The real ones are all in heaven"
"Are these even my friends?"
"This isn't real"
"None of it is"
"I'm in a car right now on my way to save Sera!"
John suddenly wakes up in the back seat of a pickup truck, Dale and Jackson are talking in the front seats. "Hey, look who's awake" Dale spoke softly. "Sorry if we woke you" Jackson noted. "Okay now we're on route one up the country, don't worry though, we'll be there within a week" John jolts awake. "WAIT A WEEK!" Jackson nods. "I'll fly then. I'll fly the whole way!" Jackson sighs with frustration.
"Oh for God's sake, look man, they have Lanna and Eugine! I'd fly too if it weren't for the fact that they have goody two shoes in the prison manipulating their wires around the jail, it's impossible! Quit acting like you're the only one suffering here! We're gonna work together and get them out!" John nods. "Alright, fine." Jackson turns around to face the front. "Thank you." Dale then chimes in. "I know we're wanted so we'll have to sleep in the car, I'll give John here the money to buy food and he'll go in without his mask since no one knows what he looks like." John nods. "Nah the mask is for when we're in the heat. No one knows what I look like right now. So I'll just go in as is." Dale nods. "Alright, another hour and I'm gonna get some sleep, so you Jackson can take over and find a nearby gas station." John lies back down.
"It's gonna be a long ride," Dale said softly to himself. The truck drives off into the night.
Meanwhile in New Washington. Remi, Arlo, Blyke, and Isen take a moment to observe their new opponent. "BLYKE!" Remi yells as the robot pins Blyke down on the floor, as it looks at Blyke with its freaky fleshy eyes, Blyke starts to panic.
"Deal with them!" The robot commanded as his droids responded with action. Five robots with electricity staffs come out, the purple lightning cracks off the spear, ready to strike. "Go, I'll take care of them, just please save my Blyke!" Remi says in a panic as she charges up her ability to take on all the robots. Arlo drops down, watching as Blyke and the robot are now back to square one with their fight. Arlo grabs Isen and the two rush over to assist Blyke.
Remi smiles as she begins to power up while Arlo manages to get the robot off of Blyke, who with Isen, charges at the four armed freak, they land hits on it as it pushes them back. Eventually they pin their arms against each other. The robot squirms as Arlo charges at the robot, it kicks its spider legs up as Arlo charges at it. The robot pounds its legs against the barrier, it starts to crack, Arlo feels the pain from the robot's spider-like feet.
"Arlo, hurry, I can't hold it like this anymore!" Arlo struggles to get back up, he looks at the robot, in front of him is Elaine, her smooth face and warm smile adds fuel to the fire, then suddenly she's ripped apart by the machine in front of him, Arlo freaks out and charges at the robot. He goes through his barrier and rips open the robot's chest compartment, finding out it's actually a cyborg with organs. "Blyke, fire lasers with your eyes at it!" Blyke looks at the robots and charges up his eyes, yellow lasers shoot out from his eyes, they soon turn red, the intensity increases as they melt away the eye tissue and metal in the robots head, the robot panics and starts to frantically kick, Arlo goes around and tries to open the chest from behind, only for the robot to go spider mode and kick an exhausted Blyke and Isen across the platform, Isen falls down and Blyke uses his lasers mobility to catch him, Arlo tries to catch the beast but it breaks out of the barrier, it uses its electronic sensors but Blyke starts to shoot up the robot, eventually hitting them, the robot goes into a dark room, unable to see. "Wait, everyone, wait for Remi!" Isen orders as he holds his arm out. "She's busy with those things though!" Isen turns around to face Arlo and Blyke. "At this point we need to be smart about this. We've been fighting larger numbers of high tiers and elites all day and are somehow still standing. There might be less, but we're tired whether we're aware or not. We're going to assist Remi before we finish this thing off!"
Remi drops down with the head of one of the droids. "What did you say about me?" Remi asks more curiously than anything else. "Never mind!" Isen said as he turned around to use his tracking ability to try and pin the cyborg in the dark.
"Alright team, let's keep moving!"
To be Continued.....