To Not Be Continued

Chapter 3: What Else Is One To Do?

Alynn ran as hard as he could. Legs pushed and pulled his pounding feet from solid ground. He smiled with content, with glee. There was power here, freedom, and a bubbling of excitement. The wind graced his hair, caressed his face. The wind loved him, and he the wind. After all, he was the fastest thing in Luxos—the fastest human.

Drake ran beside him, and with enchanted boots lightening his steps, he ran swiftly with ease.

The sun graced the earth with its warming presence. The air was comfortably cool. It was a great day to run—if only the crowd behind them would agree.

The crowd chasing Alynn and Drake were not exactly the happiest bunch. In fact, they were bad news. The kind that said, "Run and hope you flee, or else."

To be caught was to be stuck in some dark cave with iron bars; to be caught was to empty their pockets of gold and silver. And if there were any two things the pair valued, it was freedom and money.

As always, shouts of anger and curses faded away as the duo sprinted across the open field. This was a monthly occasion, if not weekly. They meant no trouble, really; situations simply seemed to play out this way.

Alynn and Drake, the pair of the century, were trouble on legs. No one appreciated them being around. Unless there was a fight.

Then, they were the first to be sought after.

And they were always eager if the price was right.

"Alynn!" Drake shouted into the billowing wind. "We're going north!" Without waiting for a response, he pivoted away and toward the forest.

Off in the distance, the tall towers of Auiltzen gleamed from on high. It would take five more days before they could stand among its glamorous buildings.

The two ran for a while, weaving through the floral tapestry. They stopped for a break when they spotted a trail. A signpost confirmed their direction, and the pair continued walking until the sun brushed against the horizon. Removing themselves from the trail, Alynn and Drake set up camp in the dim light of dusk. Alynn pitched the tent and started dinner as Drake left on a cursory scout.

When Drake returned, he wolfed down his meal and his red eyes glistened like fresh blood in the campfire light.

"There's a bandit camp."

"Get to sleep. We're starting early tomorrow."

"The camp's relatively large in members. And it's not far from here."

"Do you want to take the first shift?"

"We could do a night raid."

"Then, I'm heading in—"

The drawing of a grim-looking countenance was thrust before Alynn. He scanned the paper: "Wanted dead or alive: 20 gold."

A smile. "Where did you say the camp was?"

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