Through the Pages of Time: Joey’s Hogwarts Tale

Chapter 56: Cloudy May 20

As final exams loomed closer, most Gryffindor students found themselves wishing they had a good Ravenclaw friend. Joey considered herself incredibly lucky because she had Cedric Diggory—brilliant, handsome, and always willing to help. Oh, and she also had an older brother in Ravenclaw, but he was more of an afterthought.

Every afternoon after classes, Cedric found himself surrounded by four Gryffindors in the library, patiently guiding them through their studies. It was like herding cats, but Cedric didn't mind. He enjoyed the challenge, even if it meant dealing with their endless distractions.

Today, however, Cedric was struggling to keep his patience. He couldn't understand how these Gryffindors had made it this far into the school year with their textbooks still looking brand new. He sighed deeply, setting down his quill. "What exactly do you do in class?" he finally asked, unable to hold back his curiosity.

Fred, who had been copying notes until his hand cramped, looked up with a grin. "You'd understand if you joined us for a game of Exploding Snap! Our skills are unmatched."

"Yeah, and if the exam was about who could fall asleep the fastest, I'd ace it," Joey added, swapping out her quill for a fresh one. "Too bad there's no class for that."

Cedric pinched the bridge of his nose. "Right. I shouldn't have asked."

Angelina, the first to finish copying her notes, stretched and casually asked Cedric, "I heard Dumbledore's been giving you private lessons lately. Is that true?"

The question immediately caught the attention of Joey and the twins. Rumors had been swirling around Hogwarts, with some Hufflepuffs even speculating that Cedric might be Dumbledore's secret son.

Cedric's expression stiffened for a moment before he relaxed and replied, "Oh, Dumbledore's just been checking on my recovery. You know, after what happened with... Voldemort."

Angelina gasped. "Don't say that name! He's still out there!"

Cedric's face grew serious. "He won't spare you just because you're afraid to say his name. The only way to protect yourself is to get stronger."

"Cool!" the twins and Joey exclaimed in unison.

Angelina was stunned by Cedric's words. After a moment, she nodded in admiration. "You're right."

Fred, never one to miss an opportunity for humor, began singing, "He's got no hair, he's got no nose, his face is on the back of his head! Voldemort, Voldemort, the ridiculous bald man!" Joey and George burst into laughter, earning them several glares from Madam Pince.

Cedric watched them with a mix of envy and amusement. Their carefree attitude was something he wished he could share. His thoughts drifted back to the night he'd woken up in the hospital wing after the Triwizard Tournament.

It had been late, the room silent except for the soft crackle of the fire. Cedric had opened his eyes, disoriented, and found Dumbledore sitting beside him. The headmaster's presence had startled him, but Dumbledore had simply smiled and handed him a glass of milk.

"You've been through quite an ordeal, my boy," Dumbledore had said gently. "But you were brave. You saved Harry."

Cedric had shaken his head. "I just did what I had to. But I know that's not why you're here, sir."

Dumbledore's eyes had twinkled. "You're perceptive. Tell me, how did you know about the protection Harry carries?"

Cedric had taken a deep breath. What followed was a conversation that changed everything. He told Dumbledore about his past life—how he'd died at the hands of Peter Pettigrew, how he'd witnessed Voldemort's return, and how he'd somehow been sent back in time to relive his life. Dumbledore had listened intently, his expression shifting from surprise to fascination.

"You've been given a rare opportunity, Cedric," Dumbledore had said finally. "But with it comes great responsibility. You must learn to protect your mind. Occlumency will be essential."

And so, Cedric had begun private lessons with Dumbledore, learning to shield his thoughts from intrusion. It wasn't easy, but Cedric was determined. He couldn't afford to let his secrets fall into the wrong hands.

Back in the present, Cedric realized the four Gryffindors were staring at him intently. "What?" he asked, startled.

"You were frowning, then smiling, then frowning again," Joey said, leaning forward. "What were you thinking about? Spill!"

Cedric smirked and pulled out an astronomy textbook. "How many points do you think you'll lose on the astronomy exam?"

The groans that followed were music to his ears. "Ugh, I forgot about that class!" Joey wailed.

Cedric chuckled to himself. He hadn't told Dumbledore everything—like how, in his previous life, there had been no Joey Forest. But Joey was a welcome addition to this timeline, and Cedric was grateful for her presence.

As the Gryffindors reluctantly returned to their studies, Cedric couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. The future was uncertain, but with friends like these, he knew they could face whatever came their way.

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