Chapter 46: December 24 - Snow (Part 2)
"What the hell did you see?!" George demanded, his curiosity burning brighter than a Floo flame.
Fred's face was as red as a Hogwarts steam engine, and George was practically vibrating with excitement. He was sure Fred had seen something incredible in the mirror!
George shoved Fred aside, desperate to see for himself. Fred panicked, trying to block the mirror, but George was relentless. The two wrestled like a pair of overgrown toddlers, Fred desperately trying to keep George from seeing his reflection.
"No! You can't see it!" Fred yelled, but George finally managed to drag him away.
George stood in front of the mirror, grinning. But his smile faded when all he saw was their normal reflections, locked in a ridiculous wrestling pose. "Ugh, this mirror's broken. It only shows the future of whoever's looking at it. Boring!"
Fred sighed in relief, his face still flushed. "See? Nothing special. Let's go."
But George wasn't convinced. "You definitely saw something! Something you don't want me to know. Was it about Joey? Did you confess? Or—Merlin—did you see yourself marrying her?!"
"Shut up!" Fred clamped a hand over George's mouth, his heart racing. Every word George said brought the image from the mirror rushing back—Joey, her eyes closed, snowflakes dusting her lashes as he kissed her. Fred felt like his heart might explode.
On the way back to the dorm, George tried every trick to get Fred to spill, but Fred stayed tight-lipped. He was determined to keep this to himself.
"You'll talk in your sleep," George teased as they climbed into bed. "I'll just wait all night. You can't hide it forever, dear brother."
But George, true to form, fell asleep almost instantly, his snores filling the room. Fred, meanwhile, lay awake, his mind racing. He couldn't stop thinking about what he'd seen in the mirror—Joey, her lips soft, her hands on his shoulders. Was it really the future? And if so, where was that vine-covered wall? What would Joey see if she looked into the mirror? Would it be the same?
Fred finally drifted off, his dreams filled with snowflakes and Joey's smile.
The next morning, Fred woke up early, dark circles under his eyes but a spring in his step. He was determined to take Joey to see the mirror. He had to know what she'd see.
George, noticing Fred's absence, smirked. "That idiot's up to something," he muttered, quickly getting dressed to follow.
When Joey stumbled into the common room, yawning and rubbing her eyes, Fred practically pounced on her. "Come with me! I've got something amazing to show you!"
Joey barely had time to protest before Fred grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the common room, past the Fat Lady, who muttered a sleepy "Good night" as they left.
Joey's hand felt warm in Fred's, and she didn't even think about pulling away. She was too busy trying to keep up as Fred led her to the abandoned classroom.
"Is this your idea of a great place?" Joey asked, panting. "Is there a prank here? Or a funny ghost?"
"No, look at that mirror!" Fred pointed to the ornate mirror in the corner.
Joey's eyes lit up. "Wow, this looks expensive! The carvings are gorgeous. It must be worth at least ten thousand Galleons!" She ran over, running her fingers over the intricate frame.
Fred rolled his eyes but couldn't help smiling. "Just look into it. Tell me what you see."
Joey stood in front of the mirror, her messy hair sticking up in all directions. "I haven't even brushed my hair yet. This mirror's going to call me sloppy—wait, what?!"
Fred tensed. Was she seeing the same thing he had? Was she about to punch him?
"Wow!" Joey gasped, her eyes wide. "I'm wearing the England National Quidditch uniform! And I'm holding the World Cup! You're hugging me and congratulating me! Fred, this mirror predicts the future! I knew I was a Quidditch genius!"
Fred's heart sank. Of course she'd see Quidditch. Why had he expected anything else?
"I'm hungry. Let's eat," Fred said flatly, dragging Joey away before she could try to haul the mirror back to the common room.
At breakfast, Fred was unusually quiet, pushing his food around his plate. Joey, oblivious, chattered excitedly about her "future" as a Quidditch star. Harry and Ron, both sporting dark circles and wearing Mrs. Weasley's handmade sweaters, looked equally exhausted.
"Did you two stay up late too?" Joey asked, tying her hair back with a transfigured rubber band.
Fred shook his head, still sulking. Joey leaned in, poking his cheek. "Why the long face? Did an ice cube hit you or something?"
Fred grabbed her face, pinching her cheeks. "You're such an idiot."
"Hey!" Joey swatted his hand away. "I'm not stupid! Sure, my grades aren't as good as yours, and I'm not as good at Potions, but—" She paused, realizing she was only proving his point. "Ugh, I hate you!"
Professor Snape chose that moment to sweep past, sneering. "Ms. Forest, it seems your troll brain is finally developing some self-awareness. A rare moment of clarity."
Joey groaned, slumping onto the table. "I'm a waste of food. I should just stop eating."
George, appearing out of nowhere, snatched her burger. "I'll help you with that."
"Hey!" Joey lunged for it, but George was too quick.
Fred sighed, watching Joey and George bicker. Maybe he was overthinking it. Joey was Joey—quirky, oblivious, and utterly herself. And he loved her for it.
Later, George cornered Fred in the common room. "So, you're chasing a future Quidditch star, huh?"
Fred froze. "How do you know that?"
George grinned. "I followed you this morning. Heard everything. But hey, at least she saw "you" hugging her, not some other guy. That's progress!"
Fred's mood lifted slightly. George was right. In Joey's vision of the future, it was "him" by her side. That had to mean something.
But George, ever the instigator, added, "Of course, if I'd been there, maybe she'd have seen "me" hugging her instead. Who knows?"
Fred tackled him, and the two tumbled onto the couch, wrestling like kids.
"Shut up, George!"
Fred was determined. Joey might be oblivious, but he wasn't giving up. She was worth the wait.