Chapter 44: November 12 - Windy
"It seems the Weasley brothers are really looking out for the Slytherin captain! Has Fred abandoned his little sweetheart Joey to become Shafiq's bodyguard?" Lee's voice boomed from the commentary box, dripping with sarcasm. "Hey, Fred! You're really something!"
Fred responded by flipping Lee off from his broom, earning a five-point deduction from Madam Hooch for the rude gesture.
"See? You can't threaten the commentator! I'm under official protection!" Lee laughed, and the crowd joined in.
Joey, meanwhile, was entirely focused on the Quaffle. With Angelina back in the Chaser position, the two Gryffindor girls were unstoppable. They intercepted Slytherin passes with acrobatic flips and slammed the Quaffle toward the Slytherin hoops.
The Slytherin Keeper was no slouch, though. Despite his size, he was agile and made several impressive saves, earning cheers from the Slytherin stands.
Without Shafiq harassing her, Joey wasn't as much of a threat as usual. She took a few hits but nothing serious. However, the Slytherin Chasers soon began targeting her, trying to knock her off her broom.
"Not this year!" Joey dodged their attempts with ease, her movements thrilling the crowd.
Angelina wasn't so lucky. After being hit by a Bludger, she was "accidentally" struck by a Slytherin Beater's bat and fell from her broom.
"Foul!" the Gryffindors roared. Lee jumped from the commentary box, shouting angrily. Madam Hooch deducted fifty points from Slytherin, but it didn't help Gryffindor, who were now down a Chaser.
Wood was furious, yelling about "despicable Slytherins" until a Bludger hit him in the face, leaving him with a bloody nose. As Slytherin tied the score, Fred had to stop guarding Shafiq and focus on defending the hoops.
Shafiq, now free, hovered high above the pitch, watching Joey. He found her fiery determination captivating. But he didn't forget his duty. After a moment, he resumed searching for the Snitch.
Then Harry's broom went haywire, nearly throwing him off. The twins flew beneath him, ready to catch him, while Joey tried to get closer but was blocked by Slytherin Chasers. The crisis passed quickly, and Harry caught the Snitch right under Shafiq's nose.
"How does it taste, Harry?" Joey asked excitedly after they landed. Harry was still gagging but managed a triumphant smile.
Wood, his face covered in blood, was dragged to the hospital wing by Madam Hooch. The team, still in their uniforms, gathered around Angelina's bed, recounting Harry's heroic catch.
"Wood, you looked like the Bloody Baron's brother!" the twins teased.
"But we won!" Wood kept repeating, his voice slurred. Joey suspected the Bludger had rattled his brain.
The celebration in the Gryffindor common room was in full swing, thanks to the twins' endless supply of Butterbeer. Joey wanted to join them but stayed with Angelina for a while.
"Go on, you're useless here anyway," Angelina finally said, shooing Joey away.
Joey kissed her cheek and dashed out of the hospital wing.
The corridors were empty as Joey hurried back to the common room. She was humming to herself, eager for the Butterbeer Fred had promised to save for her.
But as she turned a corner on the second floor, someone grabbed her and pulled her into the shadows. Joey reacted instantly, pressing her wand to the attacker's chest.
It was Shafiq.
Joey's wand didn't waver. She had several nasty spells ready.
"I've been waiting here in the cold just to see you. Aren't you touched?" Shafiq asked, his voice smooth.
"What do you want?" Joey glanced around, sure he had backup waiting.
"I just wanted to see you," Shafiq said.
"I don't believe you," Joey shot back. "You're full of lies. If you want a fight, bring it on! Hey, you hiding in the shadows, come out!"
Shafiq's patience wore thin. "Put the wand down."
"No way," Joey said, tightening her grip.
Shafiq sighed, silently disarming her with a flick of his wand. Joey's wand flew into his hand.
"Two lessons for you," Shafiq said, pulling her closer. "One, don't overestimate yourself in front of a senior. Two, don't test Slytherin's patience."
Joey's heart raced. She felt like prey caught in a predator's gaze.
"Let me go!" she hissed, struggling.
"Who's there?" a voice called from down the corridor.
Shafiq loosened his grip, and Joey seized the chance to grab her wand and bolt.
Shafiq stepped out of the shadows to see Flami standing there.
"Passing by?" Shafiq asked coldly.
"Actually, I came to rescue my friend," Flami replied, her tone polite but firm.
"Good luck with that."
"I will, Senior Shafik."
Joey didn't stop running until she reached the Gryffindor common room, where she collided with Fred.
"What's the rush? I saved you some Butterbeer..." Fred trailed off as he noticed Joey's panicked expression. "What's wrong?"
"Shafiq cornered me," Joey said, still catching her breath.
Fred's smile vanished. "What happened?"
"He must've been mad about losing and wanted to take it out on me," Joey said, her anger returning. "But someone distracted him, and I got away. I didn't even see who it was. I should thank them!"
Fred was relieved. Joey's obliviousness was a blessing in disguise. Shafiq's intentions were clear, but Joey only saw him as an enemy.
"Yeah, that guy's always looking for trouble," Fred said, playing along. "George and I learned that the hard way."
"Are you two coming in?" the Fat Lady asked, smirking at the pair. "Or do you need more time hugging?"
Joey blushed and pushed Fred away, rushing into the common room.
"Oh, your girlfriend's shy again," the Fat Lady teased.
"Yeah, she is," Fred said, grinning.