I sat on my chair, strangely mesmerized by Margaret of Trova's enchanting voice. The famous singer's melody was unfamiliar, yet it resonated deeply within me.

I felt Acrisius' hand squeeze mine in appreciation, and I smiled, knowing he enjoyed the performance as much as I did.

As the song progressed, a creeping sense of unease settled over me. the icy sensation I'd felt when I first shook Margaret's hand returned, sending shivers down my spine. The torches flickered, casting eerie shadows on the walls as the room began to darken.

I tried to shake off the feeling, but it was too late. The sleepiness was contagious, spreading rapidly throughout the hall. I watched in horror as Melissa and my mother slumped forward, fast asleep.

Ramiel's head hit the table with a soft thud, and Acrisius' hand went limp in mine.

I tried to reach for my cousin, but my body refused to cooperate. My limbs felt heavy, unresponsive.

Margaret's voice continued to weave its spell, drawing closer to our table.

Her eyes locked onto Ramiel, and I realized with a jolt of surprise that she was another witch.

Margaret's hand emerged from the folds of her golden dress, clutching a glinting dagger. She raised it, ready to strike Ramiel. I tried to move, but my body continued to be irresponsive.

Just as she was about to swing, a bright red light flashed in my peripheral vision. Margaret was suddenly thrown backward, slamming into a nearby wall with a sickening crunch.

The sound was the last thing I remembered before darkness claimed me, and I fell into a deep unnatural sleep.

My eyes blurred as I tried to open them, Alice was on top of me, shaking me ever so softly "Your highness… my lady" she called, and I regained full consciousness.

The hall was full of commotion, Melissa and my mother were around the still unconscious Ramiel, the guards tried their best to control the scared crowd, while Herbert ordered guards to search the entire castle for any more threats. Two guards hauled Margaret's body off the floor, the impact broke her neck.

Whatever hauled the woman backwards I could not tell. It was impossible that it was a gust of wind, and I could have sworn I saw a red light come from somewhere, but I did not ponder on it as I rushed to Acrisius' side.

He was not dead thank the goddess, he was still breathing. Contrast to how softly Alice shook me, I shook Acrisius vigorously. It only took a few minutes and then he jerked awake. I don't know how or when, but I immediately wrapped my hands around him.

"What happened?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes.

I didn't have the time to give him an answer when Ramiel jerked awake, he was quickly briefed on what happened. "It's a rebellion," he yelled "The witches wish to destabilize the kingdom" my mother tried to calm him down, but he would have none of it.

"Take the king to his chambers!" Herbert commanded, and immediately the guards hauled Ramiel up and took him to his room to rest.

A council meeting was held earlier today, and Ramiel decreed once again that the witches are rising against him, they wished to take his crown and endanger his kingdom.

He commanded that soldiers patrol every inch of the city and the soldiers at the border should be doubled.

I didn't attend the meeting of course, Acrisius briefed me on everything. I on the other hand was still recovering from the events of last night.

"I need to ride out to Sundara" I declared.

Amenadiel stopped his glass mid-way from entering his mouth. "To do what? To meet that witch? Do you forget that this might be the beginning of a witch rebellion?"

I scanned the environment, the courtyard was empty, save for Amenadiel who stood at the far corner "Do you also forget, dear cousin that I'm a witch too?"

He emptied the contents of his cup "I know cousin, but it's different… you're different"

I held his hand "I'm not, both the witches that want Ramiel dead and the ones he'll undoubtedly prosecute after this attempt at his life, and I are all the same, the only thing that differentiate us I think, is our mindset.

He agreed. "I need to learn about my power, to protect myself… to protect you," I admitted. "What if the next assassin targets you or I?"

His shoulders dropped and he took a deep breath. He understood that he was my only true family in this castle, I loved Amenadiel and Alice, but he was my family, my home.

"What do you need?" he asked.

Security in the city right now would be at its tightest, and it would raise a lot of questions if I were to leave the capital, however absurd. "When do you leave the capital next?" I asked with a smirk.

He poured himself another glass of wine and took a long sip "When do you wish me to leave?"


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