The warmth of autumn

Chapter 51: Chapter 50: Being there for you

"I have decided to help you find a place for the both of you to move out," Dan said as Pam held his hand in protest as tears flowed down her cheek.

"How could you? Are you always like this all this while? After all that we had been through… the times we missed out, here you are pushing me away again just because you're sick? How is this fair to me? Or even yourself… " Pam questioned while reaching out to caress his cheeks. She struggled to keep her sob lower.

"I'm sorry…" Dan pulled his hand away as he blinked away his tears.

"No… I won't leave you as I did before. If I didn't leave you back then, perhaps you wouldn't have these insulin issues at all. Perhaps you would have been a better father to my child…" Pam wiped her tears away as she held his hand. "Dan…" She sniffed and took a deep breath as she faced him.

"I have been thinking these few days and I realised I still care about you. I still have feelings like I did back then… It's just… I am afraid to start again after…" She paused with a choke from her sobs which made Dan tighten his grip on her hand subconsciously to comfort her.

"...but I know this time I just cannot bear losing you again… So, I want to take care of you like you did for me over the past few weeks. I know I may be still in a very tough divorce legal suit but I promise you I will still take care of you and ensure this insulin daily dosage which is your life line be taken care of well. Just don't… Don't push me away again would you please, don't?" Pam cried as she leaned onto his chest.

He sobbed with her as he held her in his arms. "I don't want to lose you again Dan… Please don't…" Pam pleaded in his arms as he kissed her forehead to comfort her.

"Are you sure about this, Pam?" Dan questioned while cradling her in his arms. She opened her eyes and looked into his gentle gaze as she nodded. Dan moved in closer to her as she closed in with a kiss to seal their deal. They both felt the depth of their longing love for each other radiated in their kiss.

"I promise I will protect you and Brisbane for as long as I live…" Dan whispered as they leaned on each other's forehead. "I love you, Pam…"

"I love you too…" Pam said as she smiled in the midst of tearing up when Dan kissed her again to comfort her.

After getting off the phone with Pam, Brisbane sat with Xue Ting in bed thinking about her having two mothers now which made her wonder about Xue Ting's.

"Mummy, do you have a mummy too?" Brisbane questioned as Xue Ting gently tapped her arm in her hug. "Yes, sweetie. Why?" She replied.

"Is she as pretty as you?" Brisbane asked as she reached out to touch Xue Ting's nose. "Hmm… She was very pretty when she was young for sure." Xue Ting answered candidly which reminded her of her last conversation with her was months ago about her sudden marriage.

"Where is she now?" Brisbane asked. "She lives in another city in my hometown, Shan Feng." Xue Ting replied briefly. It made her sigh and realise she missed her and her home.

"How come Matthew and Joy don't stay with her?" Brisbane asked curiously which made Xue Ting a little taken aback by her innocent self.

"Cause I work here now and the twins attend school here…" Xue Ting replied briefly not knowing what else to tell her.

"I want to visit Shan Feng and your mummy. I can bring Matthew, Joy, Mum, Daddy Dan, and Daddy Ryan. We all go together!" Xue Ting giggled at Brisbane's enthusiasm.

Xue Ting pondered for a moment perhaps it was also a good idea but the thought of helping out Pam made her rain check it. "Alright, sounds like a plan. For now, we need to ensure Daddy Dan gets well soon first. Mummy has to help your mum out with her bakery so we cannot go first." Xue Ting explained as Brisbane nodded while cuddling back into her arms. Xue Ting gently rocked her as Brisbane began to fall asleep.

Their little conversation made Xue Ting recall it would be James' death anniversary tomorrow. Xue Ting felt a bittersweet feeling overwhelming her as she wondered if it was the reason Qiu Wen was late tonight.

The thunder began to rumble suddenly sending Brisbane woke abruptly to hug Xue Ting. "It's alright sweetie… It's just the thunder. It's going to rain. Come, let me close the window first alright?" Xue Ting persuaded but Brisbane shook her head vigorously when the twins entered the room to check on her.

"Brisbane? It's alright. We are here…" Joy comforted as she climbed up the bed to gently pat Brisbane while Matthew went to shut the windows.

"There, there. Listen it's the drums rumbling. Bo boom boom boom!" Matthew tried to distract Brisbane as he added the sound of the cymbals which got Brisbane giggling a little but hid back halfway to Xue Ting's protective arms when another thunder rumbled.

Matthew quickly made out some drum beat tempo again with the rumbles where Brisbane slowly opened up and followed Matthew's rhythms and actions as he encouraged her to. She ended up following the twins to have fun in their room where the rumbles would be softer. Xue Ting then took the chance to check on Qiu Wen.

His mobile could not get through so she dialled Jia Yi's number. "Hello, Madam?" Jia Yi answered solemnly.

"Jia Yi? Yes, I couldn't get through to Qiu Wen. Is he alright?" Xue Ting asked worriedly.

Jia Yi looked at Qiu Wen in his office as he made up a lie to say he was still stuck in a meeting which left Xue Ting with no option but to hang up. Qiu Wen was sitting in his office room, facing his own reflection downing glasses of whiskey on his own since hours ago. The occasional lightning took his attention off his mind of missing James as he drowned himself in his grief, refusing to head home.

Xue Ting was not at ease knowing Qiu Wen must be sad. She was tempted to drive to his office as the rumbles of the thunder made her hesitate for a moment but she knew it would be a sleepless night if she did not head over to ensure he was alright. She hastily got dressed and informed the children before she headed out.

That made Matthew worried instead while he kept himself busy by ensuring Brisbane was distracted from her fear of the occasional thunder as the rain poured halfway through the drive to Qiu Wen's office for Xue Ting. She was glad she was just close by when she parked and sent a message to the twins about her arrival to avoid worrying them.

She quickly made her way to the entry gantry and gave Jia Yi a call to come pick her up. She could sense Jia Yi was guilty of lying in the lift as she maintained her smile. "Has he eaten?" She asked briefly in a friendly tone. He studied her reaction before shaking his head in relief.

"Alright, you should head home. Be careful, it's pouring heavily outside. Let me handle him." Xue Ting instructed as Jia Yi nodded hesitantly.

She stepped out of the lift in search of a pantry. She found some instant noodles in the cupboard and prepared one for Qiu Wen. She also made a cup of hot chocolate before making her way to his office.

The gentle knock on the door did not make him move at all in his seat as she walked in and stood behind the table for him to be able to see her reflection on the window. He blinked in confusion as he turned around to find it was really her and the smell of the instant noodles made his stomach growled.

She smiled as she walked over and gave him a hug. He kissed her for a moment before pulling away. "I heard something growling. Perhaps let's get that settled first?" She teased as he nodded and smiled.

"How did you know I was here?" He asked still not letting her go as he had forgotten how comforting it was to have her around. She ignored his question to address his concerns instead.

"It's tomorrow, isn't it? James' death anniversary?" She asked briefly gazing into his twinkling eyes. His smile vanished as he nodded briefly.

"I'm here now. Let's get through it together, shall we?" She asked as he hugged her and let out a sharp sigh while his eyes reddened.

"I now understand why you cared a lot for Dan." She said as he let her off his hug.

She smiled and wiped his wet eyes. "Rest assured. Dan will be alright. You won't be able to lose him with such a great caretaker by his side and a very supportive little minion who is still upset with you at home." She teased which made him chuckle as he kissed her forehead.

"Come, have some dinner. I have told the twins of our whereabouts so they won't worry." She updated him as he sat but still not letting her hand go.

"Would you accompany me here tonight?" He pleaded as she smiled and caressed his face lovingly before nodding, knowing it was closer to visiting the Columbarium if they went from his office.

"We will visit him first thing in the morning." She confirmed only then did he willingly take the first bite of the noodles. Xue Ting decided to feed him the rest of the meal seeing he was still a little absentminded as he began to eat at ease knowing he was no longer alone.

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