The Storm Pirate Luffy

Chapter 61: Back to The Sea

Hello, Drinor here. I'm happy to publish a new Chapter of The Storm Pirates.

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The following 10 chapters are already available to Patrons.

Chapter 62 (Training and Pleasure), Chapter 63 (Aokiji), Chapter 64 (Ice Admiral V Storm Pirate), Chapter 65 (A New Ship?), Chapter 66 (Water 7), Chapter 67 (An Emperor's Anger), Chapter 68 (Where Lightning Strikes Twice), Chapter 69 (No More Storms to Weather), Chapter 70 (When Friends Become Strangers), and Chapter 71 (The Captain's Burden) are already available for Patrons.

They went back to the city, "Hey, Robin. Vivi hurry up! We're running away. We stole some gold," Luffy yelled from the other side. "We're richer now."

The sky people were shocked to see them leave already and were about to give them the piece of gold, but apparently, the other pirates misunderstood and thought they were angry they took the gold. Vivi cut a small piece of it off, "Looks like they don't need it," before they both ran over to the others.

They ran toward the ship and were ready to sail back to the blue sea. The only way down was to go to a place called Clouds End. Everybody was sad to leave but excited to go back, but Conis and her father were there to see them off.

"Thank you all for saving us," Conis shouted, waving her arms at the pirates with tears in her eyes. Her father stood beside her, looking at them all with gratitude. But before the pirates could sail away, they saw Cricket and his monkey brothers approaching.

"Cricket, come on. We are leaving," Luffy shouted with his wide smile, but they were all caught off guard when Cricket shook his head, much to their surprise. Even Robin seemed like she wasn't expecting that.

"Not Today. Straw Hat Luffy. I want to spend more time here and write about this place, and when I'm ready, me and my brothers. We will build a ship here using the trees on the forest, and one day go back to the Blue Sea, but not Today." Cricket announced before grabbing his pirate hat, something Masira and Shoujou did likewise, and placed it against their chests.

"Monkey D. Luffy, from now on, the Saruyama Alliance is your ally. If you ever need our help, call us, and we will be there to help, even if it costs our lives!" Cricket shouted, followed by a roar of approval from his two brothers. Luffy smiled widely before handing them a vivre card so they would know where to go if they ever needed help.

"Thank You for Helping Us, FOR SAVING SKYPIEA!!" The sky people shouted, their voices echoed for miles ahead, with Usopp and Chopper waving back at them; even Luffy waved at them with his injured arm as they sailed away.

The south bird they caught back at Jaya landed on the ship, and the next island's course was already set, "Be careful during the drop," the blond girl yelled, and a second later, the going Merry went for a free fall down 10,000 meters. Everybody's eyes were out of their skulls, and screaming was heard throughout the sky.

Suddenly, a giant octopus flew out of the sky and caught the ship with its tentacles. Zoro was about to cut it when most of them fell hard on the deck. The animal held them like a huge balloon, slowly lowering them down to the sea.

Vivi smiled, 'This adventure has been amazing'. They descended, and the Golden Bell sending them off made it perfect.

Vivi sat on the rail and enjoyed the ride down. The world was full of surprises, and it was never boring. It felt like they were floating in the sky.

The sun was about to set, and they were getting closer and closer to the sea. That was until Sanji noticed that the octopus was getting smaller, and soon it shrunk completely.

Once again, There was a free fall down, and Nojiko leaned over the rail and made a spring of water to lower it gently. It was heavy and getting harder to hold, but when the ship finally touched the sea, Nojiko could breathe again.

The thought of them sailing with a damaged ship had given her a bit of a scare, but it was understandable. They were falling 10.000km, and the ship might not even survive.

Vivi was so happy to be back; while she enjoyed the Sky Islands, she enjoyed being down here much more, especially now that breathing was much easier.

"It seems even further away after falling from it," Robin started.

"It's like we were dreaming," Nami said and looked up.

"Well, it was a country of dreams. Think you'll be able to go there again someday?" Chopper wondered.

"We'll be able to go there when we die or close enough." Zoro answered.

"Zoro... You think you're going to make it to heaven?" Usopp asked, surprised.

Everyone laughed as Sanji told everyone to get inside so they could eat something. While waiting, Nami got the bags of gold and told them they would divide it between them, but she would get eighty percent of it.

Vivi found it amusing when the guys complained, and she quickly said, "Just kidding."

Vivi smiled as she stretched out her arms. For the first time since the journey started, she didn't know why, but she felt much more relaxed than ever before. She had made her decision to stay, and her face looked much brighter now, something that a few noticed but didn't bother pointing out.

"We need to find someone who can fix our ship. Going Merry is not going to last long in this condition," Luffy said, his voice suddenly changing from 'goofy' to 'captain's voice.'

He looked at all the gold they had now and wondered how much they would need to fix the ship. He figured they needed a lot of gold, but that wasn't all that was going through his head. Zoro and Nami had informed him of Nojiko's abilities.

He had wanted to ask her after they escaped Akainu, but with his injured arm and his mental condition not being the best, Luffy had completely forgotten about it. Now, he made a mental note to have a private discussion with Nojiko about her powers and everything.

"Luffy." He looked up to see Vivi approaching him, standing in the middle of the deck; she looked a little nervous as she cleared her throat, loud enough to grab everyone's attention quickly.

"Everyone. I have to say something." Everyone fell silent as Sanji let out a puff of smoke from his mouth. Everyone's eyes were on Vivi, whose eyes were focused on Luffy, who sat down on the staircase leading to the captain's quarters and motioned for her to continue.

"Since I joined this crew, I have never had this much fun in my whole life, but when Akainu told me what happened back at home, I would be a liar if I said that I didn't regret joining the crew." No one said anything; no one looked at her with anger and waited for her to continue.

"I wanted to return to my father. I wanted to return to my country, to tell them that they are all important to me. That I haven't forgotten about them, but I have realized that in a way. I'm not really a Princess anymore. I'm Vivi, a Pirate of the Straw Hats. That's who I AM." Everyone quickly applauded, and even Zoro clapped a few times as Nami jumped Vivi, hugging her tightly.

"Welcome Back." She shouted, and the two were quickly joined by the rest of the crew besides Zoro, who rolled his eyes at their antics, and Robin, who enjoyed the sight of them, but she found herself not smiling.

"Welcome Back, Vivi!" Luffy shouted before turning around and facing Robin. "Did you leave it in my room?" he asked eagerly with a wide grin, and the Archaeologist told him that it was inside his room. Everyone looked at one another, wondering what was inside Luffy's room, and their question arrived in the form of Luffy carrying two small treasure boxes.

"More treasure?" Nami shouted with berry eyes, but much to her disappointment, Luffy shook his head as he grabbed a nearby table, placed the two boxes on top of it, and moved the table in front of Vivi, who looked at her captain in confusion.

"You can choose one of them, Vivi, or neither. The choice is yours." Luffy told her as he opened the two boxes before her, and the former Princess gasped at the sight before her. She might not know as much as them about Piracy and that sort of thing, but she knew what was in front of her.

"On the right box is Enel's Devil Fruit, Goro Goro no Mi, and on the left box is Crocodile's Devil Fruit, Suna Suna no Mi. You can choose to have one or neither, but you can't have both. People die if they eat two devil fruits." Luffy informed her, and everyone backed away to give her space; Vivi was left looking down at the fruits, not sure which one to choose.

"Sanji, will you get the one that Vivi will not choose?" Usopp asked curiously, both of them still watching Vivi, who was observing the fruits.

"Nope, the one I want is different." Sanji said with a perverted smile; Zoro rolled his eyes before murmuring something about 'Stupid Blonde Chef,' and Nami felt a shiver of creepiness in her body, not just her, but every woman in the world.

"What about you, Usopp? I would have choosen the Lightning one, but I have already eaten a devil fruit." Chopper asked curiously, looking up at Usopp, who quickly shook his head.

"If I ever eat one, it will be a different one, something that might come in handy with my revolvers and aim," Usopp answered reluctantly, wondering if he should really eat one, even if they found one that suited him. Usopp remembered his captain telling him his father was no Devil Fruit user.

"Luffy, I have been wondering. Devil Fruits are quite big in size. What happens if two people take a bite out of a single devil fruit at the same time?" Usopp asked curiously as he scratched the top of his head. Luffy looked deep in thought; he hadn't really thought about it, but he remembered what Shanks had told him a long time ago when he was still training under him.

"Shanks once told me there can never be two people having the same devil fruit at the same time, so in that case, if two people take a bit out of the same devil fruit. I think one of them will get the Devil Fruit ability, while the other will get nothing." Luffy said with a small shrug of his shoulders.

"This one," Vivi suddenly decided, making everyone look at her as she grabbed a devil fruit. Without a single moment of hesitation, she took a large bite out of it. The moment it entered her mouth, she felt the terrible taste in her tongue.

"Disgusting!" She spit out small bits of the devil fruit, but she forced herself to swallow small bits of it; what was left of the devil fruit slipped from her hands, and everyone watched as the rest of the devil fruit suddenly lost all the color that made it unique, now looking like a completely normal fruit.

"So, how does it feel?" Luffy asked eagerly as Vivi spread her arms. She was suddenly engulfed by a sandstorm. She watched as her arms turned to sand before reforming back to normal. She had never felt something like this before.

"Congratulations, Vivi!" Luffy shouted as everyone congratulated her, but when Vivi tried to hug Luffy, she passed through him, her body turning to sand and back to normal.

"What the Hell!!" Vivi shouted, irritated, as she lay on her stomach, looking at her hands. Before standing up, she touched herself almost cautiously. She expected her fingers to turn into sand, but much to her relief, she could still touch her face, and her hands felt warmer now.

"Don't worry, Vivi. This is normal. It took a whole weekend for Ace to control his body after eating the Fire fruit," Luffy told her as he used his Haki to touch her face. Vivi smiled at him tenderly before hugging him tightly, her arms around his neck, and kissing him in front of everyone.

"We really don't have to see that. How about you two find a room?" Usopp groaned as he walked away, followed by Chopper, who clapped cutely at the sight of Luffy kissing Vivi.

Luffy was happy that Vivi had finally made her decision and with the new power he had. He knew he was more prepared to fight against Admirals.



A man slowly walked to the shore. He looked around anxiously, but no one was nearby except a few seagulls on top of a cactus tree. He quickly unzipped his pants and edged closer to the shore, ready to relieve the tension he was feeling. He felt the sand under his feet and the small waves tickling his feet.

"Oi, what are you doing?" The man let out a scream as he tried to run away, only to trip on his own pants that were dangling around his knees. He fell face flat on the sand, his face turning red. He quickly turned around to see a tall man in front of him, looking down with a look of disgust.

"Where the hell did you come from? Can't a man have some privacy?" the man shouted, feeling embarrassed, when he noticed something odd.

The man is incredibly tall, slim, yet muscular, at 298 cm tall. He has black, curly hair cut to chin length that fans out at the tips, tanned skin, and an altogether lean, long build.

His outfit consists of a white buttoned-up vest with a standing collar over a long-sleeved navy blue shirt, matching white trousers, and black dress shoes. This is rarely accompanied by a matching white suit jacket. He also wears a yellow tie divided geometrically by black lines and a sleep mask on his forehead.

"Sure, you can have all the privacy you want, but not here. Don't torture the fishes; they don't want to get sick," the tall man said as water vapor came out of his mouth. He spoke as if it was freezing outside, but it was very warm around them despite being the middle of the night.

"Okay." The man said grumpily as he stood up and wore back his pants, ready to walk away when the tall man's voice reached his ears.

"One more thing, have you happened to see a Pirate Ship around here?"

"Pirate Ship?" he asked confusedly as he turned around to face the tall man. Only now did he notice the bicycle leaning against the man's waist.

"Yes, one in particular. It's flag is a Skull with a Straw Hat."

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