The Senju Prince & The Last Uchiha

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

They both stink of smoke and flames; but the smell wasn't entirely unpleasant.

Sakura glanced at the flustered clan heirs. "Is something wrong?" she asked hesitantly, studying their flushed faces and disheveled clothes.

Satsuki was the first to recover. "No, nothing happened," she answered much to the pastel-haired girl's surprise.


Satsuki glowered at the Senju who glared back. She ignored Sakura's inquiry and said, "Why did you interrupt me?" she spat.

"I saved your life, you bastard, and this is the thanks I get?!"

"Now, now, arguing won't bring you three anywhere close to success."

"Damn, he sneaked up on us," Haruto cursed and he hadn't even felt the man's presence!

"You're just bloody idle, idiot."

"What was that, bastard?!"

Kakashi sighed. He had never seen a team with worse teamwork than this. They weren't just bad—they were awful in a way that required active effort! Did they meet up and trained to achieve this? Was it on purpose? If Kakashi hadn't known any better, he would've thought they were pulling his leg but the sheer distaste in the clan heirs's eyes for one another told a different story.

He had the worst luck in the world; a Senju and Uchiha on the same team? He doubted things would work out well. And Team 7… he was the teacher of the most accursed team in the history of Konoha's founding.

Kakashi refrained from groaning as the Genins continued to argue among themselves—it was like they were deliberately sabotaging themselves. He rubbed his forehead, recalling the many, guaranteed deaths of all members of Team 7. The silver-haired man shook his head, bringing his precious book to his face and continued to read. He giggled, ignoring the genin's incredulous glares.

"You…" began Satsuki, clenching her fists. "You think you can take me that lightly?"

"Hm?" said Kakashi. "Did you say something? I was just coming to the best part, you see, the one where—"

Kakashi struggled to keep his face in an innocent expression as Satsuki's wrath approached a boiling point. Just as the dark Uchiha was about to charge at him, the Senju stepped before her, intercepting her. She glowered heatedly at him. "Get lost." she growled.

"Uchiha, wait," said Haruto calmly. "I have an idea."

Satsuki scoffed. "That would be a first."

Haruto ignored her, throwing an arm around her and Sakura and pulling close, whispering things Kakashi can't hear but he doubted it'll be any good for them anyway. Inside the circle, Satsuki remained silent, glaring at Haruto but obviously calming down.

"What does it cost you to go along?" the Senju was whispering, debating with the Uchiha. "If this fails you can just call me an idiot like always and try it your way. It won't take long, I promise."

Satsuki eyed him suspiciously. "What do you have in mind?"

Haruto brought his hand to a bruise on Satsuki's arm and it began to glow. As Haruto waved his glowing hand over the blue-black Kakashi had inflicted, the flesh healed itself in its wake. Kakashi inhaled slightly. The boy knew medical techniques? Oh, he was Senju Tsunade's son after all, Kakashi berated himself, of course the boy would know medical jutsus.


Satsuki grunted. "What do you have in mind?" she repeated again, less grudging this time.

Haruto grinned foxily. "All you need to do is grab the bells when you have the chance." The girls retreated and the sole boy strode almost casually towards Kakashi. The jonin remained passive, warily assessing the redhead Senju, but he didn't put his book away which the boy was apparently scrutinizing. "Oh, this, volume three. Ero-sennin—I mean, my godfather, Jiraiya, already had the fourth volume ready. Do you know what happens next from the cliffhanger? Well, Izumi and Katsuki finally—"

"No!" Kakashi yelled, his hands flying to his ears to block out the boy's next words.

"I'm not telling," the Senju smiled sweetly, victoriously, placing a finger to his lips and this was what truly distracted Kakashi. The way the boy smiled, his grin-cheerful, cheeky and all the good memories—was so much like Arashi-sensei's that it was simply impossible—

"We got it, Haruto-kun!" Sakura cheered, holding up a bell she took from their stunned teacher. "Your plan worked."

Satsuki studied Kakashi, obviously, her standard of him had dropped from zero to negative. "Just for a erotic book? The plot?" she demanded, befuddled and crossed.

Kakashi ignored her, straightening himself and assessing the group of Genin with mixed feelings. "Well, it seems like only the girls will pass and the sole boy will go back to the Academy."

Sakura's grin dimmed, her shoulders slumped in accordance with her mood. Much to everyone's surprise, Satsuki threw her bell at Haruto. He looked at her with a new light. "Wow, really, Uchiha?"

Faint pink tinted her pale cheeks but Satsuki chased it away quickly enough. "Shut up," she grumbled, crossing her arms. "I just don't want to be stuck with such a teacher."

Kakashi was well adept enough to know a lie when he saw one. Though the girl was only partially lying, he chuckled, he supposed it would be okay to pass them. The three of them together, if they could work on their teamwork, would be spectacular.


Now that their test was over, they were dismissed; Kakashi-sensei said that he had to go to the Hokage to make sure their team would be official. He'd left the three Genins to their own devices after saying that; Haruto pouted at that, their teacher though cheerful looking, would also be quite distant and hard to reach like Satsuki even though he had a more pleasant demeanor.

Wiping the sweat of his forehead—man, was Konoha hot or what, he'd hate to see Suna if it was already scorching hot in this four-seasonal town—and feeling somewhat adventurous despite the weather, Haruto glanced at Satsuki who was walking in front of him.

"Hey, wanna go somewhere?"

Sakura perked up; but Haruto's attention was mainly on Satsuki who didn't bother turning around but from how her steps faltered a moment, he knew she'd heard.


"I'll treat you girls to lunch! What do you say?"


"Forget it," the cold and flat tone definitely belonged to Satsuki. Haruto felt like he'd been rejected which was totally lame because he didn't even confess his love or anything. That thought was also freakish and impossible; he wasn't into Satsuki, maybe, even though the girl had looked to die for. Then again, Haruto rarely settled for looks, the personality counted too. The girl he would settle down with someday must not be a demure someone, must be hot and someone who pose as a challenge; fierce, someone who would not be a pushover; and for the looks, maybe someone with long dark hair or complexion opposite of his—

Hold it, why did that sound suspiciously like Satsuki fitted the criteria? Man, his choice in girls was screwed up. It had to be his dad's genes; he heard that the girls his dad chased after were hot-tempered, strong, no pushover, very fierce and would always engage him in verbal wars. His mother was also hot-tempered, strong and fierce. Satsuki was also like that.

Stop, he told his brain as he came back down to earth and saw Satsuki stalking away. "Wait, I told you I'd pay!" Why was he even bothering to persist with her? He was baffled himself, but that didn't stop him from keeping pace with her.

"Come on," he whined but of course, that was ineffective when it came to Satsuki. He huffed, using the last card. "How about I be your sparring partner?"

She stopped and glanced back, her expression softening from steel to rock. "I'm going so that you'll stop pestering me. Got it?"

He grinned. "Sure. Whatever you say." He quickened his pace, taking the lead. "I'm choosing the place."

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