Chapter 75: Chapter 52
To say that Miia and Echidna were having the fight of their lives would be an insult to all the fights they had when protecting Titania Palace from invaders.
Even if she were facing a single Level 10 invader, she would have given 100% of her effort to eliminate it, even if a single serious attack from Miia would have disintegrated said intruder to the atomic level.
However, currently…
She was merely playing, so to speak, for playing meant having fun. And Miia, despite understanding her duty and always being steadfast and determined to carry out the Supremes' orders, was bored.
She drew the string of her bow without even half her strength, and manifested an ordinary mid-level arrow thanks to the divine level of her bow, which granted her the impressive ability to have infinite arrows.
And without a single chant, without a single enhancement, without even aiming with 100% of her attention, she fired absentmindedly within what would be the full range of her current opponent.
Yet, even without even exerting any effort, the arrow shot out, breaking the sound barrier, before sinking firmly and deeply into the black flesh of the abomination Echidna was 'holding' in a bout of feuding between her spear and the opponent's spear and shield.
Even without a single modification to the common arrow, Miia's basic capabilities as a level 100 archer made such a projectile impressively powerful.
If the Fairy were to use a mere arrow of common wood and stone, with a bow of mundane wood and string, the bow would break while the arrow disintegrated from the brutal friction with the air. That was how exaggerated Miia's ability was. The Corrupted Champion of Light shrieked in pain as the arrow of pure light pierced him, writhing, until Echidna, after practically remaining idly moving and simply absentmindedly swinging her spear, decided to put an end to the boring game.
Firmly gripping the spear, she swung it forward in a piercing attack, giving the mid-to-high-level summon no time to react.
Even if it was meant to die as soon as Miia and Echidna tired, and its summoner prepared for his ultimate move, the Corrupted Champion of Light was still under orders to "fight with all her might" against the duo.
Therefore, if Echidna were to simply land a careless blow, even with the difference in level and speed, the creature would most likely place its shield in between or avoid most of the damage.
Because of this, the arcane machine made a move that, even for a summon capable of destroying countries, seemed like a blur, taking the attack squarely on its weak spot, where it would take the most damage: its heart, as was usual with most creatures.
Echidna's unbridled damage simply wiped out the abyssal monster's already low HP, causing it to roar in furious agony before it lay still…
And at that moment, the black flesh protruding from the marble armored shell began to melt as the armor and black flesh turned to ash.
With that, the monster finally disappeared…
However, of course, that was just one of many.
Soldiers of the Theocracy and Deorum Regnum fought side by side, trying to combat the armored Demons that overwhelmed them.
But fortunately, throughout the Commander's combat, the B.A.F.W. managed to reorganized, quickly gaining ground on the Demons.
And with that done, it also helped to reduce the losses of a Theocracy combat unit, which entered through the portal the Demons came from in an attempt to ambush them, despite their clear inability to deal with the Demons in the rear.
"Target eliminated." Miia muttered, before looking at the ball of deformed birds within several magic circles.
She drew her bow and fired an arrow toward the pile.
The low-level summons swirled around each other, preparing to contain the arrow...
However, with perfect precision, the arrow was strong enough to pierce through each Evil Thought, practically disintegrating them instantly, but with the arrow disappearing after piercing the last one.
Miia nodded with satisfaction at Echidna, who practically set a new target: the Arch-Archaeologist.
The magic circles around him glowed brighter… He was ready…
"HAHAHAHAHAHA~! TOO LATE, YOU FILTHY RATS~!" The Demon howled with laughter, drawing everyone's attention. "Suffer the hell brought by Her Majesty~! And serve as sacrifices for Her ideal world~!" Betelgeuse hummed, with Echidna shooting out like a missile toward him, seeking to stop him.
Or at least pretend to. After all, if Echidna had truly wanted to, she could have appeared in front of Betelgeuse in an instant. Same with Miia.
The Fairy also loaded an arrow, as if trying to stop whatever the Devil wanted to do, though she had no real intention of stopping him.
"Be sacrificed in the name of Komodo~! And be honored with the hell you will be thrown into by Her command~! Hahahahaha~!" Betelgeuse laughed, before spreading his hands to his sides. "[Ïa Shub-Niggurath]!" The Devil shouted excitedly, as the magic circles around him expanded, as if exploding…
And alongside it, a cold, black wind, or rather, a lack thereof, since, even though the ominous aura of darkness wasn't perceived by even the Demons and the Deorum Regnum soldiers, Betelgeuse, Miia, and Echidna witnessed the invisible shadow spreading in all directions.
Normally, a super-level spell like [Ïa Shub-Niggurath] or [Yaldabaoth Cycle] had two ways to be deployed, or rather, a wide range based on that.
One way was to select an area in a direction from the caster's location, be it left, right, front, or back. That covered a large area, as [Yaldabaoth Cycle] demonstrated.
However, there was another way. Simply deploy it in all directions. This, of course, came with a reduction in the spell's overall range, reducing how far the effect would reach, but increasing the radius of effect as much as intended.
Around the Archarchaeologist, be they Demons, humans, animals, or various Fairies...
Their lives simply snuffed out, collapsing inertly to the ground like puppets whose strings had been cut.
The surviving Fairies, along with all the B.A.F.W., quickly began to retreat.
After all, they knew what was coming.
Miia only felt a slight, insignificant, and barely noticeable shiver as the aura passed through her, feeling only the chill of the forbidden forest unfazed.
Meanwhile, a black sphere formed above the field of corpses, to the horror of the Theocracy soldiers, who barely understood what was happening.
Betelgeuse, unfortunately, couldn't admire the death he caused when Echidna's spear pierced his shoulder, causing him to let out a groan of pain.
While the spear didn't penetrate deeply or hit with much force, it still caused slight damage to his HP and sent him flying along with Echidna's charge.
Miia stared at the sphere in silence before sighing.
Part 2 of the plan began…
And while it did, no one would find out what the Badgers, the Theocracy Unit that caused this disaster, had done… And no one would give any thought to their 'courage' and 'loyalty'.
Much less so since no 'Badger' was alive to one day tell their tale.
To assume that the United Army was suffering the most at the moment wasn't entirely incorrect. But to say that it was the only one dealing with Komodo's forces was certainly a mistake.
A greatsword was violently swung down, cleaving a dozen Knight Demons in half with a single slash. The wielder flapped his enormous, white-scaled draconic wings, moving out of range of the other Demons' spears.
A Mountain Giant stomped down with his metal boots, crushing part of an ocean of Imps and knocking them off balance as the earth trembled.
A Bearman engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a large, armor-clad Demon, pushing each other with their clasped hands as they snarled and roared at each other. The few remaining humans remained in the rear, firing arrows alongside the Eagle Men, only for a pair of the latter to be turned to coal by the fireballs of the Demons' spellcasters, while showers of fire arrows came from the Demonic archers.
A figure armored in shining gold armor and with large, rock-scaled wings edged with platinum flew past the Demons.
Its almost draconic mouth, more similar to a Lizard Man due to its resemblance to a less impressive reptile than a Dragon, opened, and something flashed from the depths of its maw.
Instantly, a bolt of pure electricity shot out from between its jaws, scything through the ranks of the Demons and killing several almost instantly as the electricity coursed through them. Wolf paws trampled their comrades beneath their feet, killed by the Demons' swords, teeth, flames, and claws, while the latter simply stepped over the ashes of those who died.
A plasma projectile shot from Argland's rearguard, impacting with several Demons and sending them flying through the air as their mangled bodies turned to dust and ash.
A robust figure, covered from head to toe in bulky knight armor with large claws, roared as his helmet, deformed into a more draconic one, opened, revealing its jaws. He lowered his head and devoured the head of a Demon, then slashed down and finished off another as if it were nothing.
Overall, it could be said that the Demons, despite their great initial power, were losing.
For every Demon killed, about two or three Argland soldiers died, although it varied significantly considering the vast difference in species. A Demon could easily kill 10 humans and 10 Wolfmen, or a Demon could barely kill a fly to be killed by a powerful Bearman or a Mountain Giant.
Still, the Demons' suicidal ferocity gave them a huge advantage, charging headlong toward the Argland soldiers without fear of death or losing a limb. And while the Demihumans had to trample over the corpses of their comrades or watch the Demons do the same, the latter simply turned to dust upon dying, unhindered in the process.
They almost seemed expendable. No... They even seemed happy to be expendable, as if they wanted to kill and die for a higher purpose that was greater than their lives.
However, one decisive factor: there were three of them.
First, the superior strength of the various Demihuman races and warriors of Argland, be they Bearmen, Eaglemen, or Lionmen, a single one of them was equivalent to perhaps 10 humans or more.
Second, the light brown armor that passed like a graceful, agile serpent among the Demons, wielding his katana like another breeze, slashing Demon after Demon with barely any damage.
What else could you expect from a Dragon Lord?
And third…
The dozen creatures that were mixtures of Dragons and humanoid beings slaughtered dozens of Demons in the blink of an eye.
What else could one expect from the Children of Tomorrow?
"Hahahaha~! Is this all?!" shouted the Child of Tomorrow, who was fighting with claws, teeth, and fists in the front row.
"Ugh, shut up, Calcarion. You almost died last time because of that Demon General." The Dragon Knight, who wielded his sword with grace and precision while slashing Demon after Demon, muttered in annoyance despite the warlike atmosphere.
"Wah!" The one called Calcarion, reminded of this, roared furiously in a mixture of revenge, shame, and mourning, grabbing a Demon and snapping it in two with just his hands, as if it were a twig.
"What a tantrum." A noticeably more feminine Dragon in attire much more appropriate for a magic caster sighed, extending a hand and chanting. "[Thunder Strike]" She muttered, causing a powerful bolt of electricity to shoot out from her hand, slamming into a Demon's chest and sending it flying from the sheer power.
"That fight was tough, after all." Another muttered next to the woman, showing his face as a mix of Dragon and human, with spiky black hair and curved horns between his face, dotted with yellow scales, and golden eyes.
He was holding something that could unmistakably be called a sniper rifle, though not modern enough to be anything but medieval or at least fantasy. After all, the weapon still emitted an eerie aura and pink smoke from its barrel, before the apparent Marksman took aim and fired a powerful plasma round from the rifle, impacting with an explosion against another group of Demons.
"Hmp." The humanoid Dragon snorted before launching a massive ball of ice after chanting a spell.
On the other hand, the rock-scaled Dragon paused in midair before manifesting a long blue spear.
"Hm, that's strange." He muttered loud enough for its companions to hear. At least within the limits of magical communication between them.
"What's wrong?" Another Dragon asked, somewhat thin and much more similar to a lizardman due to its red-scaled body, long tail, and reptilian head with large white teeth and red eyes. It held a large gold and silver battle axe, slicing a Demon in half, only to leave the axe there and draw a purple crystal sword from its belt and plunge it into another demon's neck, retrieving its previous weapon but switching its weapons to a rapier.
"Melgark should be participating." The lancer muttered, before opening his jaws slightly and releasing a weak electric breath toward a group of Imps that threatened to sneak through the surrounding giants and sever the tendons of the Argland soldiers.
"He went to the rear to see how many enemies there were." The knight mentioned.
"He's probably playing like the coward he is!" The Calcarion roared, throwing a punch and finishing off the enormous Demon, like a fat toad with pimples for faces trying to burst out of its body.
"He's not like that." The shooter Dragon sighed, firing another shot and causing another explosion.
"No, it actually sounds a lot like him." The magic caster muttered, receiving a glare from the marksman. "What? It's just like him to take advantage and kill a few enemies from behind." She shrugged, reaching out with a hand and chanting a spell that raised icicles from the ground, burying themselves in the feet of several Demons.
"Ha… I can't deny it." Sighed the red-scaled Dragon.
"Still, it should be listening to us and responding." The lancer mentioned, streaking through the sky, destroying the flying Demons that tried to ambush him or attack the Demihumans from above.
"… That's true." The knight muttered.
"It worries me a bit." The Wyrm Lord finally said, listening silently, but trying not to get distracted and lose an arm or something.
"Is that so, Uncle?" The red Dragon muttered, using a diamond-tipped whip to force back a large Demonic bull.
"Yes. You seven are the only ones we can afford to deploy to avoid losses like Jort and Tyr." The Dragon lord mentioned, remembering the pair of Dragonets who sacrificed themselves in order to save him from that… fat monster.
"…" A general silence fell at the memory of the two fallen.
As far as they knew, their father hadn't even been informed.
However, that didn't make it any less chilling.
Until that day, the Children of Tomorrow believed themselves invincible. They were children of the legendary Dragon Lords, after all~
Even the weakest and youngest among them was capable of fighting one-on-one against humanity's strongest heroes.
However, when that Demon attacked… Even the strongest had to use everything they had to drive it back.
They had never had any information about creatures that strong before… Except for 'those' beings, and those who came from them… But Demons… How had such powerful things lived without attracting even a shred of attention in history?
It couldn't be that all of this had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It didn't occur to them that such strong and powerful beings, who were surely related to the Evil Gods of 200 years ago, had been wandering around undiscovered until now...
And that only spoke volumes about Komodo, who somehow kept them under his will. From what they heard from the Platinum Dragon Lord himself, having to deal with that thing, they doubted Komodo simply kept them as servants out of pure charisma...
However... To the younglings' relief, a shadow writhed between the magic caster and the shooter.
The pair stared in silence, and almost sighed in relief at the sight of the aforementioned Melgark.
Covered in dark robes, his black and red scales and glowing red eyes proved he was definitely his father's son.
Although his head, shaped more like a humanoid, proved he didn't look alike from head to toe.
"Ah, Melgark, you scared us badly, silly~" The magic caster hummed.
"Where were you?" The sniper asked.
At this, the rest of the Dragons calmed down upon hearing this over the connection.
But the aforementioned said nothing. Instead, he lowered his hands, grasping two daggers made of an orange magma-like material and a blade of a different color and shape. One looked like a conventional dagger with a serrated edge and a black color, and the other looked more like a dagger with several hollow parts along its white blade.
The Dragon said nothing, looking toward the Demons.
"I see you're eager as always, haha~" The magic caster laughed, looking toward the Demon army, and preparing to cast another spell.
The marksman sighed, but noticed something before turning around… And opened his eyes.
"Tshira!" He shouted, trying to stop Melgark. But it was too late.
The newly appointed magic caster blinked, before feeling her consciousness fade as she vaguely felt something enter her brain, then very lightly felt something on her neck, and heard something heavy, like a body, fall to the ground…
Vertok, the marksman, stared at the scene in horror, watching the body of his sister-in-arms fall down the cliff where the two of them, along with several archers and other magic casters, were positioned to gain vantage point over the Demons, while Tshira's head dangled from the dagger thrust into the back of her head.
The movement was so swift, Vertok could barely notice it… Worthy of an assassin like Melgark… But…
"M-Melgark… W-Why-?" He tried to ask, his mind twisting in confusion and shock, only to reflexively place his rifle in front of him, feeling a great force impact the weapon and practically sending him flying towards another magic caster.
However, it didn't knock him down, the force was such that it killed him instantly, dislocating every bone in his body from the sheer force.
At that, Melgark lowered the fabric of his mask before opening his jaws.
A faint red dot of unstable energy formed in his mouth… And a moment later, a massive beam of dark energy shot out towards the Argland army, severing the feet of a Mountain Giant and disintegrating a significant number of Demihumans in its wake.
When his breath ended, he stood still for a moment, and it took him a moment to open his eyes as the pain hit his back in a plasma explosion that sent him flying off the cliff.
However, the two bat-like, leathery wings on its back extended, preventing it from falling.
The Dark Dragon looked back, seeing that Vertok had shot it.
The Marksman didn't hesitate long, and fired another plasma projectile.
However, now alert to it, Melgark dropped, avoiding it and causing it to fly by, only for the Dark Dragon to fall upon a Bearman, plunging its dagger into its head and killing it, despite the fact that they were supposedly allies.
"... Gah..." Vortek gasped, rising from the ally he had crushed because of the Assassin. "... Melgark betrayed us." He muttered through the magic channel.
"... Huh?" "What?" The responses varied in similar words from the Children of Tomorrow and the Wyrm Lord.
"He killed Tshira and is causing casualties among the Argland army..." He muttered seriously.
Silence fell over the channel, and Calcarion roared furiously, only for Maravalka, the Dragon Spearman, to speak.
"I'll take care of him..." He muttered with weight in his voice.
However, it was fortunate for the Demons that Melgark had an interesting wild magic spell.
[Wild Magic: Whispering Shadow]
The spell broke, and a woman, atop the Argland army, dropped the bag of meat she'd been holding on her shoulders.
The ground shook more than when Giants stomped with all their might or used their hammers to crush Demons, causing several to even fall.
And at the point of impact, a crater appeared…
"Mm~ Way to treat a Lord, my dear~" A pompous, raspy voice hummed through the dust, taking heavy steps as it left the crater…
And that was a voice the Children of Tomorrow and the Wyrm Dragon Lord knew well…
With a swipe of the figure that emerged from the dust, a violent wind surged forward, sending several Wolfmen flying. And that monster was revealed…
Covered in purple fabric over his back and head, already covered by a white cloth and a shirt of the same color, with gold jewelry in the form of an ostentatious necklace and gold bracelets shaped like skulls, along with gold rings between his long, chubby, bone-like fingers with hook-like claws at the end.
The monster, somehow, was able to stand on his small legs, despite resembling a walking whale, so to speak, with so much fat, it was impressive his shirt hadn't lost its buttons and given way, and his black cotton pants hadn't burst.
It was easy to simply call him fat, but honestly, that was an understatement, bordering on severely overweight… And so, he moved gracefully, as if all that fat were no heavier than a feather…
But if there was something even more terrifying than that, it was his face. Purple-skinned and pale, his face seemed, ironically, emaciated by starvation, with the bone of his skull barely covered by skin clearly showing, almost resembling Undead in the absence of lips, cheeks, and nose, as if he were really just a skeleton, with grotesque, yellowish human-like teeth that almost looked like dirty gold, if not for the fact that they were more like grimy chunks of pus-soaked rock. His eyes were small, two tiny white orbs sunken into their sockets, with surprisingly...
[Evil Gluttony Lord PNG]
And the monster just clutched the cloth, like a successful, plump tycoon instead of an obese, malnourished monster at the same time.
"You…" Kaigalke, the Dragon Knight, who could be called nothing less than the leader of all the Children of Tomorrow for his superiority in all areas compared to his effort and dedication to his role, blurted out, almost trembling…
"Ah~ But you are the children of the honorable Dragon Lords~ Nice to see you again~" The monstrous, obese being greeted with a wave of his hand, walking barefoot without a problem. "I must admit I've been looking forward to our reunion~ Haha~" The Demon hummed in an elegant voice, worthy of a nobleman rather than a monster.
The knight clenched his sword in his hands, flapping his wings and knocking down the Demons that tried to attack him in the face of his apparent distraction.
"RAAAHHHH!" Calcarion roared, grabbing a Demon by the head and throwing it furiously at the obese monster.
However, the Demon only chuckled, catching the Demon that shot out like a cannonball with his hand, proving to be much faster than his body let on.
And instead of leaving the Demon on the ground… He opened his jaws, releasing a mass of deformed flies and black smoke from between the rows of teeth of different animals into an endless abyss of fangs and molars.
And in a single bite, he practically swallowed the armored Demon, not caring that it was supposedly his ally.
At the horrendous display of indifference, Calcarion stepped back slightly, watching as the Demon, despite its lack of lips, audibly sucked its fingers.
"Mm~ Delicious~ I thank you for your entrance, honorable descendant of the Dragon Lords~" The monstrous being hummed honestly. "But if I must say~ I haven't enjoyed anything more lately than those two delicious children from last time~ Haha~" The fat Demon chuckled lightly, reaching into his jaws and seeming to pull something out…
His hook-like claws pulled something out, revealing the large, black, speckled scale, covered in filth like dark mud, only for the Demon to shove it back into his mouth, as if wanting to swallow it properly.
Faced with the stark reminder of what happened to the two Children of Tomorrow lost in their previous confrontation, the Wyrm Lord tightened his grip on his sword.
He looked toward the army, which seemed hesitant to approach or flee from the fat Demon… Then at the black silhouette that was killing several Argland soldiers wherever it passed…
"… Retreat." Zalazikalia ordered.
"What!?" Calcarion yelled.
"We can't fight him in our current circumstances. And our ally is busy right now… We lost Tshira, and Melgark betrayed us." Wyrm reminded the sturdy Dragon of the situation.
In the distance, Vertok aimed his rifle at the obese Demon, trembling as he did so…
"Mm~ Your pulse is shaking, dear~" A beautiful voice hummed from beside him, causing the Dragon to practically jump in fright, taking a large step to the side and aiming at whoever heard…
With beautiful purple hair in drill-like curls, beneath a large black crown with a red gem, the blue-skinned woman showed no qualms about showing off her abundant bust thanks to her very tight and tiny black metal breastplate that reached her hips, giving way to a thigh-length red skirt, black stockings, and matching heels.
Black and gold earrings, a cape of the same dark shade with sharp shoulder pads, a black and blue fabric collar, long black sleeves, and fingers like knives, not even claws, and finally, the long purple tail ending in a stinger dripping with pink liquid—there was something undeniable about the woman.
Her red eyes… Her black lips… Her perfect, feminine features…
[Evil Lust Lord PNG]
She was beautiful.
"Don't tell me it's fear~" She exclaimed, mocking him… Also hearing a laugh from the fat Demon.
"… Who are you…?" He blurted out after taking a couple of steps back.
"Ah~ Right~ How rude of me~ You know my companion over there, of course~ The Evil Lord of Gluttony~" The woman purred with a gentle smile as she tilted her head, as if implying she was harmless. Before opening her eyes, the color changing from red to a murky purple. "I am one of Her Majesty's, the Demon Empress, Demon Generals~ The Evil Lord of Lust~" She blurted out with a sound like a snake's hissing and the sound of insect legs padding loudly over a voice choking on vomit. "A pleasure~" She hummed after returning to her previous tone.
"Always so playful, Lust~" Gluttony chuckled, facing her, having no problem turning his back on the other Child of Tomorrow and the Wyrm Dragon Lord.
However, the Evil Lord of Gluttony spun around surprisingly quickly, extending his hand back and swatting violently.
This movement was not for nothing, instead, Gluttony, with such a swipe, knocked the edge of Keigalke's sword away before opening his jaws, seeking to take a good bite out of the son of Platinum.
Fortunately for this, he managed to say something.
"[Teleportation]!" He blurted out, disappearing and avoiding the bite, which sounded like two continents deciding to collide with each other, letting out a noise loud enough to explode the eardrums of the unfortunate Beastmen around Gluttony.
"Aw~" The Demon let out, almost mockingly. Turning to look in the direction Keigalke had appeared, he saw a small glass in the Demon's hand. "Let's start with a little tequila with salt~ To stimulate the spine and awaken the stomach~" He exclaimed, throwing the glass into his mouth and swallowing it, the glass shattering as he audibly swallowed it.
However, Gluttony could only hum as he looked back, seeing Calcarion practically charge towards him with a violent roar.
"Fu~ Good~ Nothing better than a good main course~" He smiled despite having no lips, positioning himself almost like a sumo wrestler as he waited for Calcarion's charge.
But Calcarion suddenly stopped, stomping his foot on the ground, raising dust.
And from it, a large spear of pure electricity shot out towards the Lord of Gluttony.
He hummed, clearly seeing the attack, and opened his jaws.
The spear sank squarely between its teeth, disappearing into the abyss of its throat…
"Ah~ Stimulating~" It hummed, sticking out a misshapen, pimply tongue and licking its front teeth.
Following the spear, a fist thrust out of the dust, slamming straight into the creature's stomach, burying itself in the fat up to its elbow, sounding like a train had hit a giant pool.
However, the monster didn't even take a step back… It didn't even look hurt…
"Ah~ How generous of you~ It's been a while since I've had a proper massage~ Stimulates the muscles~" The Demon laughed magnificently, watching Calcarion, who was desperately trying to dislodge his fist from the fat… "Let me return the pleasure~"
Gluttony then clenched his fist before slamming it towards Calcarion, hitting him square in the face and sending him flying like a missile to the side, slicing through Demi-Human after Demi-Human along the way as if they were walls of paper instead of muscle, flesh, bone, and armor.
On the other hand, Gluttony extended a hand to the side, just as a curved sword attempted to swoop towards him…
However, the Demon opened his eyes slightly shortly after and moved his hand, trying to push it away from the sword… But not fast enough.
The katana, surprisingly, sliced between his fingers, and managed to remove two, before Gluttony spun around and kicked the attacker, who was barely able to dodge it with a jump.
The Demon repositioned himself, looking at his hand, and seeing that he was missing two fingers.
"Hm… I see they won't be as kind as last time." Gluttony muttered, his tone a little more serious, before moving his head to the side, letting out an unpleasant crack, like bones breaking… And he only cracked her neck… "Fine, we'll fight without a tablecloth, without cutlery, or a tray." He muttered, black smoke pouring from his mouth, practically under pressure, with a growl.
The Wyrm Lord firmly gripped his sword, surrounded by a strange, powerful aura…
"Uncle…" The knight muttered, arriving back with teleportation, seeing the Dragon Lord in silence. "That is…"
"Yeah, it's the only option… Ugh, what a backache…" The Wyrm sighed, feeling every muscle in his body being tensed to the maximum as the powerful aura empowered his entire body, and a golden aura bathed the blade of his katana. "[Wild Magic: Continental Constitution] and [Wild Magic: Blade of Mountains]… The only Wild Magic spells I can use… However… They'll still give me a chance to help them… At least until their parents are finished and can come help us…" He grunted, feeling like he was nothing less than the weight of figurative continents on his shoulders, and the weight of a mountain in his hands.
"… Thank you, Uncle." The knight nodded before looking into the distance, watching plasma blasts fly back and forth, trying to hit a black silhouette passing through the ranks of Argland soldiers and something next to Vertok.
Calcarion roared as he approached the Lord of Gluttony, positioning himself at a distance, while Lekotar, that multi-armed, red-scaled Dragon, took charge of dealing with the army of Demons still fervently attacking.
And of course, Maravalka chased after the black silhouette Vertok was trying to hit.
"Hm~ Let the feast begin then~" The Demon General laughed before spreading his hands, as if he were a beast about to pounce on its prey at any moment.
On the other hand…
"GET AWAY!" Vertok shouted, firing blindly into the darkness, trying to hit the countless pairs of eyes watching him.
"Fufufu~ How fun~" A voice hummed, with the Lord of Lust taking the Vertok Despair cannon from behind and aiming it at the Argland army, making it seem like he was trying to hit Melgark. "However~ Enough of the games~ [Grand Charm]~" She whispered seductively into Vertok's ear…
"G-G-Gahhhhh!" He screamed, resisting as he turned around and fired towards where the Demon should have been, only for his plasma shot to hit a division of archers.
"Mm~ You're strong-minded~ Good~ I like it~ [Grand Charm]~" Lust hummed again, causing Vertok to scream again as he felt his brain tense from an imaginary pressure. "You're much more resilient than your friend over there~ He easily fell for my charms~ Fufu~" The woman mocked from somewhere, causing the Marksman to try to take a shot, but missed in the blinding darkness he was in and exploded the chest of a poor Mountain Giant.
On the other hand, Melgark, under the effects of [Sin of Hell: Lust], slashed the throats of 10 Lionmen before disappearing into the shadows, avoiding the electric breath of his brother, son of the Catastrophe Dragon Lord.
Again, to say that the only army that had to deal with the Komodo forces was the United Army was a huge misunderstanding.
"[WILD MAGIC: APOCALYPTIC EXPLOSION CHAIN]!" A furious and irritated voice roared, not sparing any effort, unleashing the powerful spell, causing a massive series of explosions, each capable of eradicating an entire metropolis, to occur one after the other.
"[Wild Magic: Chrome Meteor]!" Another voice roared, bringing a fist down on a creature that slipped through the explosions as darkness rolled off it, as if it had functioned like armor.
The fist, encased in a massive, ethereal yellowish metal ball, slammed squarely into the beast's head, causing it to shriek in pain while its whip-like tail lashed out at the golden armor, sending it flying and colliding with a platinum hammer. But that didn't save the creature from the platinum spear that pierced its back, causing the monster to roar before slithering like a shadowy serpent, it opened its jaws, firing a rapid breath of demonic energy at the knight who tried to approach the draconic monster, causing the silver armor to retreat to avoid it.
A figure appeared behind the black Dragon, causing it to whip its tail at the figure, only for its tail to be severed by a katana, and the Dragon shrieked, opening its jaws and unleashing an ocean of red fire upon the platinum armor.
However, despite the powerful flare, the armor passed through the flames, delivering a direct punch to the beast, causing it to try to back away again, but instead, an explosion appeared on its back, causing golden claws to grab it by its severed tail and pull it back. Golden's strength was enough to lift the Dragon, which roared, its body covered in raging flames. The armor ignored them, simply slamming the beast into the ground, then again, and once more, until the Dragon managed to swipe at Golden, causing him to let go.
The monster roared furiously, before screaming in pain once more as a sword slashed through its back, severing one of its wings.
"[Instant Attack.]" Silver murmured. Despite being in a slightly exposed position from having just slashed with his sword, his body instantly moved, positioning itself ready to slash a second time. He swung his sword and severed the other wing before the beast could turn and bite at Silver, trapping his arm and throwing him to the side, slamming him into the ground.
The beast slithered away from the armors like a lizard, almost oblivious to all the pain it suffered as it stared at them, roaring violently.
"[Wild Magic: Final Life Explosion]." Scarlet growled, pointing at the Dragon.
Suddenly, beneath their feet, another explosion erupted, creating a dome of flames that engulfed the beast, the light enough to return the surroundings to their original color instead of the reddish light of the sky.
With that, the armors seemed to relax, watching as the dome of energy slowly faded…
And in the enormous crater caused by the explosion…
With claws and teeth, the scorched beast slid off the edge, furious as its entire body glowed red between its scales, growling as its eye flashed.
"Tch, doesn't this thing plan on dying already?" Scarlet grumbled violently. "..." Platinum said nothing, suddenly disappearing and appearing behind the beast, which roared furiously. This roar gave everyone present a disturbing feeling, except for Platinum due to a special situation.
And suddenly, Platinum grabbed his bastard sword and swung at the beast while it was distracted…
And despite the cut being on its back, creating a deep gash, the creature suddenly froze as its roar stopped…
… As if teasing Scarlet, the Dragon collapsed inertly to the ground, all the glow from its body fading away, leaving only a dead beast and a shattered battlefield.
"… That was anticlimactic." Golden sighed.
"… What a nuisance." Silver blurted out.
Platinum looked at his bastard sword, then at the corpse… However, he shook his head, while his real figure far away breathed a sigh of relief and exhaustion.
"... We need to recharge quickly." He said instantly, not wanting to waste time. "This isn't even Komodo in character, and it still took the four of us to get serious… Which speaks volumes about that Demon's power." He snarled, eyeing the Dragon's corpse once more…
"Ugh… Can't we take a half-time vacation?" The golden armor asked wearily.
"Shut up…" The knight armor sighed equally wearily.
Platinum shook his head at his companions' nonsense, staring at Scarlet as he flew towards him.
"How much did you spend?" He asked.
"A quarter. Too much for that insect." Scarlet grumbled.
"... That's too much…" Platinum muttered. For his part, what he spent wasn't too conventionally speaking…
"Can we go? I want to lie on a mama bear's lap…" Golded complained.
"Idiot." Silver insulted.
"... These two…" Scarlet muttered with a droplet on his head.
"... No matter. I received a message from Worm a few moments ago. It seems a Demon General is attacking the Pet Pack. You guys can go, but I'll come right away." Tsaindorcus muttered, undoing his wild magic barrier.
"Hmp! Go then! It's not like I'll miss you! Baka!" Golden blurted out exaggeratedly as he looked away with his arms crossed in mock annoyance.
Although that earned him a punch from Silver again…
"… Be careful, Platinum." Was all Scarlet could say.
"Yes." The armor nodded, before looking towards where the 'Pet Pack' was supposed to be… "Goodb-" He tried to say his goodbyes quickly, but was suddenly cut off by an exaggerated pressure and demonic energy…
The four of them looked towards its source… Seeing the Dragon, recovered from all its injuries and roaring furiously while expelling demonic energy like crazy, to the point that the earth turned into murky, still solid magma.
"… Holy crap!" Golden shouted, seeming to pull his hair out.
"… Tch. Looks like they'll have to wait until we finish round 2…" Scarlet spat, feeling his annoyance increasing noticeably.
"… Damn Demon." Silver growled. On the other hand, Platinum looked seriously at the beast, which charged at them at full speed… Even faster than before…
Komodo had too much power in his hands. And he would pay for all the damage he caused and continues to cause. But mainly, he won't threaten this world.
"... [World Isolation Barrier]" Platinum muttered for the second time…
Name: Zalazilkalia Nahaeunt