The Prophecy of Ice and Lightning.

Chapter 8: Tammy Von Quickclaw

Name: Tammy Von Quickclaw

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Class: The fastest of the four most popular

students in Beast Man Academy.


Obvlivious, fast

Power System Stats:

Earth>Touch>Level 3


Tammy secretly crushes on Leon but thinks that since he's a lion she has to be strong for him to like her. Has a habit of wearing a different prom dress for every school day, regardless of what day it is.


Always has on a different prom dress that seems to get prettier and more expensive by the day.

Purpose & Wishes:

Tammy openly says she wants to graduate from Beast Man Academy at the top of the school but doesn't get very good grades. Wishes with all her heart that Leon will love her.

Conflicts & Relationships:

She thinks that every boy in the school seems to have a thing for her except Leon so she is harsh to them all to quote "not get their hopes up."

Tammy doesn't like Jackson but always seems to run into him when she wants to be alone with Leon.

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