Chapter 6: Leon Von Lionskin
Name: Leon Von Lionskin
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Class: The strongest of the four most popular students at Beast Man Academy
Stubborn, Angry
Power System Stats:
Earth>Sight>Level 3
One of the 4 pillars, the most powerful students in Beast Man Academy. Leon has an ability to shift into a Lion at will and uses that as an advantage in most physical activities. Leon prides himself on his high amount of strength.
Leon has a long scruffy beard that turns into a mane while in his lion form, otherwise he wears a tuxedo and tie combo. When he's angry his tail shifts into appearance unconsciously.
Purpose & Wishes:
Leon wishes to graduate at the top of the entire school, and since he's the strongest of the four most powerful students he just might be able to pull it off.
Conflicts & Relationships:
Leon has a major crush on Tammy, he hates Jackson because he thinks Tammy likes him, and he has a bond of mutual respect for Bame. He also says Theora is just annoying.