Chapter 11: Chapter 1, Luna. The Dark Knight of the After School Care.
Our hearts go out to those whose lives have been lost during this mysterious pandemic. We wish all who have suffered from this disease a speedy recovery, and we hope the families that have been affected will let us pray for them… Conspiracy theorists have also speculated that the illness has something to do with the strange meteor shower that was witnessed last year, but we can assure you that is not the case. We have no proof tying the-
I turn off the TV and sigh. I've always hated the news but this specific story makes my heart rate spike. My parents were hospitalized by that "disease" and I know that it somehow ties into the event last year. Things aren't adding up and I have a feeling they aren't telling the public all of the details. But of course I'm the only family member that can care for my mom and dad so I have to stay strong.
Thankfully since I have been going to school like normal, and I'm seventeen, the staff have let me work as a counselor at their after school care. They didn't even require me to sign a permission slip or anything, because my parents don't have enough strength to do so. I'm very grateful for the principal because I know that I can put the money towards the hospital bills. Even if she isn't very kind towards the children I hope that I can help her care for them as my own form of repayment.
As if on queue with my thought process I hear some of the children arguing over a book. Glancing to the left out the clear windows of the break room, I notice a quarrel near the bookshelf instantly. A child with a blue jacket stands over top of another with a red shirt, yelling at him and waving his hands.
These two children are somewhat notorious with their peers for always starting fights with others. They are both in middle school, and at least a year older than most of the other children. Their fiery personalities have gained them each a band of elementary school followers that they run like mini cults. Fortunately the principal won't let them do anything an adult level cult would do.
They all come from different backgrounds and situations that are preventing their parents from caring for them. So I guess they all have a little bit of a "trouble making" side. I can't help but sympathize with them and treat them well, even if they fight often, because my own parents are now in a similar situation.
I hear a knock from the other side of the door and a woman peeks her head inside. I can hear the two students more clearly now as they argue over a book that they both apparently checked out at the same time. The teacher shakes her head and I can tell she's stuck them in a "blue card" state as we call it. Whenever that happens it's usually better to let them settle it naturally so as to not provoke a "red card."
"Hey Luna, boss said your break is over." The woman is my co worker and I can tell by her face that she has already told them to stop multiple times, and inevitably had things turned from a green to blue card in the process.
This happens often and since I get along better with the children I'm usually asked to help prevent a red card before things get worse. I get them not wanting to listen to her because the children don't seem very fond of her, but I still wish they would listen so that I don't have to go in there and try to dodge a bullet.
"Ah… o-okay I'll be out there in a second." I muster as I click the power button on my phone out of habit. It's almost 9pm and I still haven't gotten an update from the hospital yet so I turn it back off with a worried sigh.
"Don't worry so much girl, I'm sure they will get back to you soon." The woman pats me on the back as I walk past her. I just nod and take a deep breath before walking towards the two fighting children and their followers.
"It's my turn to read that!" The child in the blue jacket shouts as he reaches for the book, gripping the edge and pulling it away from the other child with a grunt.
"No it's not! I checked it out first!" The red shirted child growls before yanking the book back. Each child and their respective groups of followers are now shouting and egging the two leaders on. But just before either can throw a punch, another older child strides into the fray, pushing other children to the side with minimal effort, and smacking both blue jacket, and red shirt with separate paperback books.
They both turn to see who it was, rubbing their heads and readying to band together against their attacker. The third kid is clearly older than the others, wearing a yellow shirt and white shorts. I can tell he held back his strength to not injure the others. And I assume he decided to bring paperback books instead of hardback ones to ease the pain, even though I still don't think that's the best solution.
"You morons are fighting over a poetry book? At least pick something entertaining, like an action novel." The third boy snickers at them and the group of children charge him. Each boy closes a fist and reaches out to hit him. But just before they make contact, BANG!
The sound of a thick and heavy object slamming against the doorway stops all of the children in their tracks. Most of the children scatter while the three main perpetrators are left staring at the newly appeared Principal Constance, angrily boring stares into them.
The principal clears her throat and stares at all three of them. As if in a practiced response, the red shirt and blue jacketed children grumble "Sorry Principal…sorry Skye." before running off into their sleeping room. The third boy, Skye, is left to face me and the clearly angry principal.
Skye stands up straight, and brushes a puff of his golden blonde hair out from in front of his dark brown eyes. He reaches around his neck and pulls on a faded golden chain, adjusting the lightning bolt pendant to lay effortlessly over his yellow shirt. The rest of his outfit is complete with faded white shorts that cover part of his knees and old gray sneakers that look as if they haven't been replaced in years. Skye sighs and looks at the principal from head to toes.
The principal is in her forties, yet looks very young for her age. She has flawless skin and healthy brown hair that goes down to her waist, stopping just before a black skirt.
"Skye, I would like you to come with me back to my office. Oh and Luna you should come too." She says in a raspy voice that even people who know the saying don't judge a book by its cover would be shocked at.
"Why should I-" Skye tries to protest but I cut him off by saying "yes ma'am" and annoyingly elbowing him in the side. The principal scoffs and walks off down the hallway to her office.
"What's the deal Luna! You know how late it is." Skye grumbles before we turn to face each other. I stand around 5 feet 5 inches and despite being a little over two years younger than me, his eye level is just around my neck area.
"Skye, you shouldn't talk to the principal that way. I know she gets on your nerves, but that doesn't mean you're allowed to disrespect her." I sigh, rolling my eyes before I start walking down the hallway in the direction of the office.
I've been working here for months now and everyone, staff and students alike, seem to dislike Skye for some reason. I don't really understand why though, he may be a little older than the other kids but he stops fights between other students before they reach a red card. And he's always been extra kind to me. Especially since my parents were hospitalized and my mother's condition has worsened.
Sure Skye can be a little goofy at times, and every new prank he pulls seems to be a step up from the last one, but deep down he seems to be very sensitive towards violence. He's kind of like a protector, especially during sleeping hours. He was also the first person to show me kindness after the mention of my parents' sudden sickness. I care for him, and I even think of him kind of like a little brother.
I glance back to make sure Skye is following me and not skipping out off his punishment. I notice him following slightly behind me and I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that he plans on at least complying with the principal. He suddenly stops and glances at the floor before bending down to pick up a penny that was lying in the hallway.
"Great, a heads down penny. Not sure if I should be happy for the money or disappointed at the sign of bad luck." He sighs, before pushing the penny in his pocket. He then catches my gaze and holds it with a smile.
"H-hey Skye…How are you?" I try to muster up a voice of confidence for my friend but it comes out in the usual fashion. I frown and try to prepare for his teasing but he doesn't laugh. He instead walks up next to me, bumping me softly and saying.
"Why do you think she called you as well? You weren't a part of the fight. Wait, you didn't get hit did you?" Skye asks in a joking tone before switching on a serious face and frowning. As we near the office doors I open them and walk inside, sitting down in a chair in front of Principal Constance with Skye right beside me.
The room is quite plain, other than a framed picture of a person, and a small piggy bank shaped candle on the desk, there isn't much to look at except the plain white wall. I know Skye hates this room, but I can't tell if it's because of the plain walls, the peppermint smell from the candle, or the distorted face of an extremely angry Miss Constance glaring at him.
"Are we in trouble?" He asks before covering his mouth to stop a laugh. I assume he remembered the increased punishment he got the last time he laughed while in this office.
"Yes, you are in trouble, Skye. But before that, Luna I have a request for you." The principal starts before clearing her throat and continuing. "Skye's class is going on a field trip to the mountains, and his teacher is out with a hand injury. So I was wondering if you could accompany them with a substitute." She asks this all the while glaring at Skye. I sigh assuming that Skye somehow managed to get himself wrapped up in his teacher's sudden vacation.
"Miss you know I didn't-" Skye tries to argue his point but the principal taps a stack of papers a little too aggressively on her desk, signaling that she isn't in the mood to argue. I would intervene now so that they don't start bickering but I'm too focused on slowly my raging heart. Sometimes I can't stand anxiety.
"The field trip is later this week, Luna, you don't have any plans do you?" Miss Constance asks. I can tell from her tone that I'm the last person she wanted to send, but everyone else probably turned her down as soon as they figured out Skye's class was involved.
"I d-don't mind at all, Principal. I won't have to h-help after care on those days will I?" I ask glancing downward and closing my eyes to focus on my response instead of the unfortunate timing. My parents' conditions have worsened in the past few days and I planned to visit them on my days off. But I know I would also feel bad about turning down this job.
"Don't worry, it's not until this weekend so you don't have to worry about work. And I'll give you some time to think about it, especially considering your specific circumstances." She smiles and then coughs as if the sudden change in emotions caught her off guard.
"You are both dismissed." She says after coughing a little more and walking out of the room herself. I notice Skye silently cheering that he got away from another detention. I giggle and then hear my phone vibrate. I almost forgot that the hospital was supposed to get back to me.
"Thank you principal…" I nod trying not to let my anxiety worsen from the anticipation. Taking out my phone I confirmed it was an email from the hospital. "I really hope they have some good news." I whisper to myself as Skye and me walk out of Miss Constance's office.