Chapter 38: Valthorne

As they left Eternal Camp, Alisan's thoughts drifted back to something Maerith had mentioned during one of their lessons. A city renowned for its magic, a place filled with knowledge and enchantments beyond imagination. Valthorne, she recalled it was home to the Arcane Spire and one of the most prestigious magical academies in Elodrath.

Her eyes lit up with curiosity. "Hey, have any of you ever been to Valthorne?" she asked, glancing at the others.

"Valthorne?" Dylan tilted his head. "I've heard of it big city, lots of magic stuff, floating lights and all that. Never been, though."

Axel chuckled. "Sounds like your kind of place, you and June. Fancy spells and magic dueling tournaments, right?"

Alisan smirked but didn't deny her excitement. "Maerith said it's a hub for magical innovation. We might learn something useful there."

The group pressed on, the golden plains stretching endlessly before them. The wind whispered across the tall grass, carrying the scent of distant rain. They moved at a steady pace, with Dylan occasionally breaking the silence by humming a tune under his breath.

"Valthorne isn't far from here if we stay on this path," Alisan said, studying the map Maerith had given her. "We'll reach it in a few days if the weather holds."

"I'll take that over more thunderstorms," Cauis muttered, kicking a rock down the path. "Getting soaked once was enough."

June chuckled. "Afraid of a little rain, Cauis?"

"Not afraid. Just… strongly opposed," he replied with a smirk.

As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, they set up camp for the night beneath a cluster of tall stone formations that shielded them from the wind. Dylan made good on his earlier promise, preparing a simple meal while the others gathered around the fire.

"So," Dylan began as he stirred the pot, "what's the first thing you want to do when we get to Valthorne? Explore the magic academy? Find out if those talking books are real?"

Alisan tapped her chin thoughtfully. "All of the above. But I'm most interested in the Library of Eternity. They say it holds knowledge from every age of Elodrath."

"Sounds… intense," Axel said, leaning back on his elbows. "I'm guessing it's not the kind of place that teaches hand-to-hand combat."

"You might be surprised," June added. "Magical dueling is taken seriously there. I've heard they even host tournaments."

Cauis's eyes lit up. "Now that sounds like fun."

The fire crackled between them as they shared stories and plans for what awaited in Valthorne.

Though the city promised new opportunities and answers, none of them could shake the feeling that it might also bring unexpected challenges.

The following days passed without much trouble. The group kept a steady pace, the weather remaining kind, with only the occasional gust of wind stirring the golden grasses around them.

They stayed off the main roads, preferring quieter paths that cut through the plains.It was on the third afternoon that they noticed something off.

Dylan suddenly slowed his pace, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the surrounding hills. "We're being watched," he said quietly, his voice calm but certain.

The air around him seemed to hum with faint magical energy a sensation only he could feel.

Axel raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"

Dylan nodded. "I can feel it. Their energy is… scattered but close. Five of them, moving to cut us off."Cauis smirked, rolling his shoulders.

"Well, guess they're about to learn why that's a bad idea."

June conjured a faint swirl of frost in her palm. "How do you want to handle this?"

Dylan smirked, cracking his knuckles. "Bandits, huh? Haven't had one of these in a while. This'll be fun."

Izzy grinned, brushing her hair back. "Oh, yeah. This kind of stuff? Dylan and I specialize in it."

The bandits emerged from behind the rocks, weapons drawn. Their leader, a tall man with a scar along his jaw, pointed a rusty sword at them.

"Drop your valuables and walk away, or things get ugly."

Cauis leaned in toward Alisan. "Ugly? Too late for that."

Axel laughed, stepping forward. "I was looking for a warm-up. Thanks for volunteering."The bandits charged, but the group met them head-on with a relaxed confidence.

Dylan sidestepped the first attack, tapping the bandit on the back with just enough force to send him tumbling face first into the dirt.

"Oops," Dylan said with a wink. "Watch your step."

Izzy twirled through the fray, conjuring bursts of magic to trip and disarm the attackers. "Come on, guys. At least make it a little challenging!"

June sent a thin layer of ice under the feet of two bandits, causing them to slip and collide with each other in a heap. "I don't think they were ready for this," she said with a grin.

Axel caught a bandit's sword mid-swing and snapped it in half with his bare hands. "Really? That was your plan?"

Even Alisan got into the playful spirit, spinning her staff and conjuring a harmless pulse of Rapture magic that sent a bandit tumbling back into the grass. "You should consider another career path,"she advised.

Within minutes, the bandits were on the ground bruised, humiliated, and thoroughly regretting their decisions. Their leader groaned, raising a hand in surrender.

"Alright, alright! We're done!"

Dylan folded his arms. "See? That wasn't so hard. Next time, try farming. Less risky."

Izzy gave a mock bow. "And that, folks, is how it's done."

Dylan crossed his arms, staring down at the defeated bandits. "Oh, you think we'll just let you go after all that?"

His tone shifted, and a mischievous grin spread across his face. His eyes glinted with a hint of dark humor.The bandit leader paled.

"W-what do you mean?"

Dylan leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "It's simple. Give me all of your stuff." He paused for effect, then let out a sinister laugh, rubbing his hands together like a villain in a bad play.

Izzy caught on instantly, playing along. "Oh no! You've unleashed Dylan's true form! Bandit King Dylan, the most feared thief in all of Elodrath!"

June covered her mouth to hide her laugh, while Axel chuckled. "I guess they really messed up this time."

The bandits looked at each other, panicked. One started emptying his pockets, tossing coins, a rusty dagger, and even a loaf of bread onto the ground.

"Here! Take it all! Just let us go!"

Dylan burst out laughing for real this time, waving his hands. "Relax! I'm just messing with you." He pointed at their scattered belongings. "Keep your bread. You're gonna need it."

The bandit leader blinked, still in shock. "...Seriously?"Cauis grinned. "Yeah, seriously. You got off easy. Now scram before he changes his mind."

The bandits wasted no time, scrambling to their feet and running as fast as they could, disappearing over the hill.

Dylan dusted off his hands. "See? That's what happens when you mess with us."

Izzy clapped him on the back. "Classic Dylan. Always keeping things entertaining."

The group watched as the bandits disappeared over the hill, their panicked shouts fading into the distance.

Dylan stood there for a moment, a strange gleam in his eyes as he dusted off his hands.

"Well, that was fun," he said, his usual grin back in place. "Shall we?"

The others laughed and started packing up, none the wiser.

Minutes later, in the distance, a faint explosion echoed across the plains.

A gust of wind carried the sound toward them, but it was too far for anyone to pay much attention—except for Dylan.

He didn't look back. Instead, his grin widened just slightly before he turned to the group. "Looks like we've got smooth sailing from here."

Izzy raised an eyebrow. "What's that smile for?"

"Nothing," Dylan said with a chuckle. "Just glad we handled that without too much trouble."

They continued down the road, the golden plains stretching out peacefully before them. Only Dylan knew the truth of what had happened behind them a secret he kept buried beneath his lighthearted charm.

As they continued walking, Dylan glanced at the horizon, his carefree expression never wavering. To anyone watching, he seemed like his usual self relaxed, playful, and completely at ease.

June walked beside him, her eyes on the distant hills. "We should reach Valthorne in a week if we keep this pace."

"Can't wait," Cauis said with a grin. "I heard Maerith said the city's got great food. Right, Alisan?"

Alisan nodded. "And a renowned magic academy. I've always wanted to visit the Arcane Spire."

The week passed without much incident, the group moving steadily toward their destination. The golden plains gradually gave way to rolling hills and scattered forests. By the sixth day, distant spires pierced the horizon tall, elegant, and glimmering in the sunlight.

The city was a dazzling blend of magic and architecture, its towers spiraling high into the sky. Streets bustled with life, and the faint hum of magic filled the air. Floating lanterns lined the walkways, while enchanted platforms carried people between different levels of the city."

The Arcane Spire," Alisan whispered, eyes wide as she took in the towering structure at the heart of the city. "It's even more magnificent than I imagined."

As they approached the grand gates of Valthorne, the air seemed to shift. The golden light of the setting sun dimmed slightly, and a cold breeze swept across the road.A figure cloaked in shadows appeared in their path.

His face was obscured beneath a hood, but his voice was clear and calm. "You've arrived at last."The group instinctively tensed.

Axel moved a step closer to the front, his fists clenched.

The figure raised a hand in a gesture of peace. "No need for alarm. I bring a message from the king."

The figure chuckled softly. "There are many things yet to be revealed. But you will find your answers in time."

Without another word, the figure turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving only a lingering chill in the air.The group exchanged glances, tension lingering in the silence."

Well, that was mysterious," Cauis said, breaking the quiet.

"What do you think it says?"Dylan shrugged, already breaking the seal on the letter. He unfolded it carefully, and they all leaned in as he read aloud:"

To my dear heroes, Congratulations on your incredible progress. You have already recovered two of the ancient relics a feat many believed impossible. I knew I made the right choice summoning you to Elodrath.I'm proud of each of you for coming this far. With this letter, I grant you an insignia as proof of your status as the chosen heroes of Drakmire. May it serve as a symbol of your courage and purpose. The path ahead will be treacherous, but I trust you will prevail.King Alaric of Drakmire"

June nodded, her expression thoughtful. "He's really been watching our progress… I wonder how much more he knows."

"Enough to make sure we get the job done,"

Axel said with a smirk. "And if this insignia gets us into places we couldn't before, I'm not complaining."

"Well, then," Alisan said with a spark of determination, "let's not waste it. We've got a city to explore."

With renewed energy, they continued through the gates of Valthorne, the bustling city waiting to reveal its secrets.

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