Chapter 15: Vol. 1 Chapter 13 - Young Tiger’s Exhibition
/The morning after Uhtred's strange dream, a dream full of reviewing his life, Uhtred rose alongside the sun, in his hotel room in Dorum city. Uhtred then, met up with his brother, and the duo headed-out, making their way to the venue, for the 'YTE, the 'Young Tiger's Exhibition, taking place on planet Bentheim./
/Uhtred was given a medium-armored, 'currentgen-mech, to pilot during the opening-day of the event. Uhtred would spend the day, mech-battling unworthy opponents, all hailing from his birth-country. A 'third-rate galactic-state, where a 'C or higher-grade aptitude can make instant-celebrities./
/Ves on the other hand, triumphed his competition, but not like how his brother, Uhtred swept his competition. Ves had remarkable opponents for competition, such as Edwin McKinney and Patricia Schneider, both being very talented and capable 'apprentice-designers themselves./
/Ves and Uhtred, both caused many media groups to flock to their respective arenas, causing quite a stir among the audience, attending the 'YTE./
/Ves garnered much attention, being the only Larkinson mech-designer, in history. Many reporters looked for anyone among the audience, who had knowledge pertaining to the twin competitors, whom both were currently leading the rankings, so to say, in each of their respective-competitions./
/After a long day of competing, the brothers exited the venue together./
/Location: Dorum City, Young-Tiger's-Exhibition/
"Edwin McKinney and Patricia Schneider, are your only competition, the rest might as well stayed at home. How are you feeling?" My brother asked me, as we were hailing a 'hover-taxi, to catch a lift to the hotel.
"Exhausted… Excited but exhausted, I believe, I can fall asleep, the moment my face lands on my pillow." I said, replying to my brother's question.
"You earned a good night's rest, younger-brother. Excellent performance, out there today, I bet gramps already received news, of both our results for the day." Uhtred told me, whilst he grinned, wide as possible.
"You were born, less than ten minutes before me, that barely counts as the elder brother. Whatever, I really require rest, let us just get to the hotel." I said to Uhtred, as we entered the 'hover-cab.
"Like you, just said yourself, it barely counts. So, therefore it does indeed count even if only barely… I rest my case." Is Uhtred's reply, as he raised his head, whilst combing his fingers through his beard, which now has me, starting to think about growing one as well…
/The Larkinson brother duo, reached their hotel, and went their seperate ways, to their respective hotel-rooms. To prepare for, entering their slumbers, for the evening./
/The next morning, the morning of the first day, of the Fusion-Cup event, that was added to the YTE this year. The event 'pits this year's rookie-pilots, and pairs them with the rookie-designers, to compete as pairs against other duos, to penultimately find this year's best mech-pilot and designer duo./
/Due to the event, being for mech-pilots who were eliminated from the main-event already. Therefore, Uhtred did not get his chance, to pair-up with his brother and work as a team for the Fusion-Cup./
/Uhtred did go on to win the first-place, of the mech-pilot competition at the YTE, on the other side of the venue, Ves enjoyed gaining the experience and prestige, that comes with winning first-place, in the mech-designer competition of the Fusion-Cup./
/Immediately, after sweeping Edwin and Patricia, and defeating the rest of the competition, in the designer-contest. Ves met up with Uhtred, to find a mech-broker to work with, and hopefully sell plenty of Ves' mechs./
/The Larkinsons eventually arrived, at the office, of the such a mech-broker, one Marcella Bollinger. They were introduced to the broker, by the test-pilot, Hans, whom piloted all the rookie-designed mechs, in the first round of the designer-contest./
/Location: Marcella Bollinger's Office, Dorum City/
"Surely, you agree, Ves is a potential gold-mine. He is very young, and already winning mech-designer competitions, I am sure you have heard of him, sweeping his competition at the 'Fusion-Cup. I believe a ten-percent commission, will be sufficient payment, for not only your services, but also all your connections that comes with it. Ves is already willing to sign a ten-year contract with you, as his exclusive mech-broker. Just a bit of information, you might be interested in, I'm already an Expert-Candidate. I plan to have Ves, build me a personal mech soon, I will use it on the mech-battling circuit. Here on planet Bentheim, I will let his work speak for itself. Just know, if you refuse this offer today, once we are well-known. Our 'price', will rise steeply. Early-bird, gets the worm, atleast thats what I am told." I spiel out, a lengthy rendition of my view, on how this negotiation should go. To the shorter, stockier, and war-like vibe giving off woman. Who obviously, has seen her fair share of battle and war, by the sight of her prosthetic-limb.
"Ok, you win, ten-percent commission, for a ten-year exclusive mech-broker contract, I accept your terms." Marcella told me and Ves, she was willing to work with us, under our preferred terms.
"Great, I already have plenty of the metal-alloy, I need for the first 'Marc Antony, I will fabricate. Why do you want the right to manage, my 'Iron-Spirit' designer-account?" Ves asked the broker, while looking confused over the matter.
"It is important, because my clients will appreciate, being able to try-out your mechs. Even if, the simulator-game is not like the real-thing, it is close enough, for them to get a general-feel for your work." Marcella said, explaining to Ves, the benefits of her running his game-account.
"That makes sense, I never thought about it, from that angle. Ok then, I guess just let me know, when you have a buyer lined-up for me. I look forward, to us working together." Ves told Marcella, as he offered his hand, for a handshake with the woman.
"I as well, look forward to working with such a beautiful woman, as yourself. It truly was a delight, in meeting you madam. I do hope, we meet each other again, very soon…" I said to the woman, whilst also placing a gentleman's kiss, on the back of her offered hand, that she offered to shake my hand with. I believe she was not expecting my aristrocratic mannerisms, for I think, I saw her blush visibly, when my lips brushed her knuckles…