On getting closer to him, her smile instantly fades, the light that was lit inside her instantly dies as she sniffs the smell of a woman from his body. It was so strong that she did not need anyone to explain to her what he'd been doing to get a woman's smell all over him like this.
Drunk and hazy, he grabs her shoulders "Who's this? Piccola, my one and only Piccola, why aren't you in bed, you should be asleep by this time." He moves to place a hand on her face but she turns her head away from him with her eyes filled with tears and heartbreak.
He didn't have any commitment to her, so he was right to do whatever he pleased, but it still hurt her. It still broke her heart to know he was with a woman.
"OH, I'm sorry. I reek of alcohol, don't I? I'm really sorry about that. I didn't know my love would be awake till this time." He says and strides away from her side.
With light strides, he staggered into the house, heading straight for the bar. Alcohol had become his only means of survival.
Drunk and wasted, he could always see her, in every single thing. Especially in this house, as long as he was drunk, he could see her running around, in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bathroom, in her tailoring room where she worked, and in their bedroom.
"Ara darling, I'm home!" He announces as he pops open another bottle and Luna watches him stagger his way up into his bedroom.
"So he's really always like this?" she wipes the tears from her eyes.
Marco sighed, "I'm afraid so." He nods.
Nothing hurt more than seeing the one you love become a complete wreck, Luna had never felt more helpless in her life. The DK she knew was strong and brave and cool and sophisticated, but this person now was not even worthy of being called Zeno's shadow. He was not Zeno Silvestri.
Zeno, in his bedroom which he had shared with his wife, he laid back flat on his enormous bed, flipping around, lays with his chest, burying his head deep into the pillow and wrapping himself up in the sheets.
It's been five years now, but if he breathed in strong and hard enough, he could smell her orange tulip scent. Drowning in alcohol was just a means to get him to her. Dragging in a long and strong breath, he could smell the fragrance in the air.
And just like that, he'd let sleep wash over him because for Zeno Silvestri, this is when his life begins. His paradise. This is when he gets to live in the dreams he desires.
He could feel it… Her hair, the glossy lush of gold that spread out upon the pillow, entangling him up in its enchanting snare.
Her naked skin was smooth and soft as cream silk, binding him to touch every inch of her. Her eyes were as blue as the ocean, even bluer than his. Just looking into them had him spellbound to her.
Her perfect frame, warmly wrapped up in his huge muscles, buried deep inside his arms. Her full rounded breasts pressed into his chest, one hand over her shoulders, and the other played on her hips.
She meant the world to him. She was his first and most definitely his last as he'd always say. The way she loved, nobody could ever love like that.
"I Love You." He says, pulling her deeper into his embrace as if she had previously tried to escape from him. "I know." She replies, lifting her head from his chest, stretching up a little as she locates his lips, claiming it as soon as she finds them.
Her hands massaged his chest romantically. Lords! how he loved this woman. He was crazy for her.
"You should sleep more." She advises. "You're always out working, so you should rest more. And also quit drinking, you'll really destroy all the functioning organs in your body. Also, stop… mmph" he doesn't let her finish her words, he eagerly claims her lips, seizing the words right from the tip of her tongue.
"Don't nag me in bed." He kisses her nose. "Just kiss me," he places another kiss on her left cheek, and low muffled giggles escape her lips. "and then give me you, over and over again. Till we're both numb and almost lifeless." He squeezes her bum in his hands, and kisses her all over her neck and shoulders, causing her to squirm and giggle underneath him nonstop.
"But you just had me, and I'm already numb." She whispers.
"But I'm not." He tickles her, causing her to laugh and wiggle like a worm in salt. "and I don't think you are either."
"I bet all those girls who dream of a Mafia boss falling in love with them don't actually know that the Mafia boss is a love-making machine."
"So? You hate it?"
"How can I hate mixing my body with yours? Just take it easy this time or you'll really break me."
"Ara, you drive me insane, my love."
"I know, and I like that."
Meanwhile, in reality, with tears filled in her eyes and pain in her heart, Luna sat next to him on the bed, watching how he groaned and muttered the name of his dead wife over and over in his sleep, his face cringed like he was in pain.
"Are you having a good time with her there?" she places a finger over his cringed forehead, trying to iron out the frown from his head. "If you're so happy in there, then why do you look so heartbroken out here" she wipes a tear that squeezed its way out of his eye in his sleep. "Why are you crying here, when you're having a good time there?"
He was suffering. He wasn't living. This wasn't a life. He needed to get out of this misery. She couldn't watch him sink further.
"I'll save you Zeno, please let me help you."