The Mafia's Desired Dreams.


Something stirred inside him as he watched them pull at her hair and stomp on her like she was some kind of unwanted rug. Something burned deep down within him, and that hot burning was climbing its way up to his chest, and into his fist, and as the man raised his leg to strike her again, a furious right hand landed on the back of his neck, and with one firm pull, Marco yanked the man and shoved him on the counter.

"You…" the other three men leapt forward, but with a swift flick of his wrist, a pistol was in his left hand, and he precisely and sharply swung a shot at their legs, causing all of them to yelp and cry out in pain as they fell back to the floor next to the lady.

"Now that's not how you treat a lovely Signorina" he shoves the pistol into the man's mouth, pressing him down with his elbow, causing the man to tremble and choke.

Balls of sweat soaking up his shirt as he stares into the vicious gray eyes of the man holding a pistol to his mouth.

The lady staggering up to her feet, moves away from the men that laid there groaning and grunting in pain. "Please, let him go," She begged. "You'll only get me into more trouble." What was the point in saving her now, when she'd be badly beaten for this after he's gone? He was just making her situation worse, now she'd receive a double beating for this mess.

"Please, let him go, you don't know these people. I owe them money, so I deserve every beating I get, so please don't make it worse for me." she cried, tugging at his arm even more, but it felt like she was tugging at his chest, for that was where he was feeling the ache. She was begging him to stop, but it only fueled his rage, it only made him want to put a hole through the back of the man's skull even more.

With a hard gaze, he pulls the pistol out of the man's mouth, and she lets go of his arm.

"How much?" he suddenly asks. But no one replies, for they were all confused as to what he was asking off, so he pulls the fat man by the collar again and hits him hard on the counter again.

"Didn't you frigging hear me? I said how much does she f*cking owe you?" he points the gun to his head again, and the man trembles even more

"F_Five th_thousand." the man manages to mumble the words.

"What was that?" Marco asks again, his anger growing even stronger. "Five thousand?" It was ridiculous in his ears. "You beat up a woman this much for just five thousand?" not able to control himself any longer, he smashes the butt of his gun into the man's head over and over again.

"Stop! Please stop!! You'll kill him!"The lady yells while trying to grab him arm and make him stop. If the fat man died, it'd be on her.

But Marco just couldn't control it. Who the hell beats up a woman this badly for an ordinary five thousand? He just couldn't understand this. And to think that this kind of scum was running wild on his streets. He was going to have to uproot them directly from the soil.

For now, he held back as he could see tears starting to fill her eyes. Right there, right then, he shoves the man to the side, and brings his phone out of his pocket, hands it to the man and tells him to punch in his account details.

"W_W_What are you doing?" the lady quavering behind him inquires. But he doesn't give her a reply, he just collects the phone back from the man and… "I said what are you doing?" she asks again, but he still wasn't giving her a response.

"Now you take your filthy fat self and walk out of here, and never come anywhere near her again. She owes you five thousand, right? You just got fifty. So from now on, she no longer belongs to you." He states, the warning and danger was clear in his voice.

"Because you just sold her to me."

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