The Mafia's Desired Dreams.

Chapter 10: CHAPTER TEN

His huge hand moved to her head, causing her cheeks to instantly flush a bright red as he playfully ruffled her hair, her fingers trembling again. 

They were so close, he touched her all the time, and yet each and every time, she felt like her heart would burst with anxiety. 

His touch was nonchalant, yet it caused her heart to throb. She'd fallen deep for this man, she knew this for years, but with every touch, every half-smile he gave her, she was reminded of this fact. She'd fallen a long time ago, and she was never getting out. 

"So Silver's Shine?" he asks again, one hand on the wheel, and the other still stroking her hair. She just nods her head, "Okay. Let's go!" He takes his hand off her head, but then she impulsively grabs onto him, placing his palm back on her head, gazing deep into his brilliant blue eyes; they'd lost their shine, but they were still mesmerizing to her. 

She sat there hoping he would see through her, hoping he would read beneath her gaze, hoping he would see her heart and see how much she loved him. But to him… 

"Are you alright? Why are you holding my hand? You don't want to go again?" Just like always. Disappointment filled her heart, her eyes, and reached up to her hand that held him, and slowly, slowly she brought his palm down from her head. 

She had confessed to him many times in the past even before he got married, but he had not taken her feelings for him seriously back then, he just felt like she was just being a crybaby.

 Then he met Ara and he fell in love with the blonde at first sight, and Luna lost her chance. 

Back then, Luna hated Ara, but the blonde with blue eyes was a rather lovable woman, so it was hard to hate her just because she was the one Zeno chose. 

So Luna learnt to suppress her feelings for him, and she learned to get along with Ara. When the news of Ara's sudden passing reached Luna, she was sincerely devastated and she cried. But she was more worried about Zeno and her worry was not futile because after her death, the man remained broken. 

Even though he tried to hide it when he was around her, she could still see it. He was not the same Zeno that he was before Ara's death. Physically, mentally and emotionally. He was not the same.

Now Luna felt sorry for Ara, and she was ready to accept the fact that she was a bad human being but she could not watch him waste away forever and she could not keep hiding her heart too.

"Luna? Is something wrong?" He asks.

She hoped he'd look at her the way he looked at Ara, even just once. Just once and realize how much she loved him and how much she needed him to love her back. 

"Since you touched my hair, you're going to have to pay when we get there." she breathes the words out, and he scoffs.

"I'm the boss of Vino Rosato my love, paying for your hair won't put a dot in my account."

Even though it would not be as much as he loved, just enough to pull him out of his misery.

Within a space of minutes, they had reached Silver's Shine, and as usual, wherever he was all eyes fell on him. Mouths fell wide open staring at the awesome wonder of a man, but as usual, his gaze didn't wander.

All his focus was on the little lady he was supposed to be guarding, he couldn't care less for the buzzing of the flies around them, such attention was not new to him. 

For him, his all too perfect aesthetics were mostly a gift which he enjoyed, but sometimes, just sometimes it could feel like a curse too.

Sitting alone in a corner in the salon, he could still see most of the ladies staring at him from the corner of his eyes, as he patiently watched his Piccola make her hair. He could see her telling the lady what to do, and he watched closely as the lady's hand landed on her head, and he was suddenly reminded of the two of them sitting in the car just some minutes ago.

He brings his left hand in front of his face, "why did she do that?" he mutters to himself, looking at her figure from between his fingers, "it's been years already, does she still…"1 He could only wonder. 

The way she looked at him, her dark glowing eyes looking deep into his equally dark soul, he felt it, he felt her demanding gaze, her heart-aching clench, he heard her silent pleas, but he had blocked his ears from listening, hardened his heart from feeling it, and blinded his eyes from seeing it. 

He had pretended not to know what she desired of him. Because he could never give her what she wanted. 

So he hoped and prayed that all this was just a trick of his mind, that she had lost all feelings for him years ago, and that he was just reading what was not there.

 He prayed that he was wrong and that she wasn't expecting anything from him. Zeno sincerely hoped that she'd stop liking him, because that was the only way he could keep her by his side, as his little sister and nothing more. 

There was and will only be one woman for him, Ara, his dead wife, and if Luna still liked him, it would only mean she was still hurting, and keeping her by his side will only hurt her more. 

So he prayed she didn't, because if she did, then no matter what Edoardo said, he could not live with her. He'd have to send her back. That was the only way to protect her heart from him. 

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