The Hungry Fortress Wants to Build a Battleship in Another World – World of Sandbox

vol. 2 chapter 5 - Check the Resource Map

Currently, Commander Eve and Ringo were reviewing the resource situation around Iron Town.

“Here is the resource map for the Iron Town area.”
“Hmm… It looks like there’s quite a bit, doesn’t it?”
The map displayed responses indicating the presence of iron ore, showing a widespread distribution centered around Iron Town.

“Yes, ma’am. We conducted a detailed survey of the area, which mostly encompasses the Afurasia United Kingdom’s territory. The findings are becoming clearer.”
As Eve nodded, Ringo overlaid a geological map and continued her explanation.
“This region appears to be covered in volcanic rock, with an estimated thickness of several dozen meters.”

“Volcanic rock, huh…”
“Yes, ma’am. It seems the entire territory of the Afurasia United Kingdom rests atop a massive lava flow. Volcanic rock lacks nitrogen, making it unsuitable for plant growth.”
This explained why agriculture hadn’t developed in the area—nothing could grow on such soil.

“However, the lava itself can be seen as a promising mineral deposit. For example, the veins in Iron Town likely surfaced due to tectonic shifts exposing them.”
Iron Town was situated at the foot of a hill, with mine entrances visible halfway up. It appeared they had stumbled upon an exposed vein of iron ore by chance.
“So, if we dig deeper, we might find more?”

“Yes, ma’am. The chances are very high. However, the top layers, about a dozen meters thick, consist of volcanic rock with low metal content. We’ll need to dig deeper to obtain more detailed information.”
“Test drilling, huh… Well, it can’t be helped.”
“The iron ore we’ve been obtaining from Iron Town is low-grade, likely because they’ve only been mining near the surface. Depending on the location, we might discover much higher-quality deposits.”

When lava cools, heavier metals sink to the bottom while lighter ones remain on top. Basins where lava cools slowly often form metal deposits.
“Well, we’ll need to investigate further. I have high hopes for the SR-1 Albatross.”
“Yes, ma’am. We’ll expand the survey area and continue investigations.”

The idea of deposits originating from lava intrigued Eve. If that were the case, they might also find platinum, titanium, chromium, copper, nickel, and vanadium. Discovering additional metal resources would be a welcome development. Rare metals could significantly enhance the performance of various devices.
“With this, we’re finally starting to get a handle on metal resources, right?”
“Yes, ma’am. For now. While we don’t know the exact reserves, developing Iron Town should secure a steady supply of iron in the near term.”
The fortress had been expanding its infrastructure, relying on low-grade iron ore from hand-dug mines. The new facilities included a large dock, improved power reactors, and various machines for defense and reconnaissance.

“The harbor construction is also progressing. Once safety measures are in place, we’ll begin fortification. When that’s complete, we can start producing larger industrial machinery.”
“That’s the one we reviewed recently, right? Mass production should accelerate development significantly.”
“Yes, ma’am. The microwave power transmission experiments are also going smoothly. The design for the high-altitude platform is finished, which will greatly extend our operational range.”

“That’s promising! …Though we’re still not meeting our iron needs.”
“Iron Town shows a lot of potential. Paving is nearly complete. Next, we’ll start laying railways, which will drastically increase both extraction and transport capacity.”
The transformation of Telek Harbor and Iron Town—literal modifications—was proceeding as planned. After the paving was completed, they would implement horse-drawn railways. While using rail vehicles was considered, simulations showed that internal combustion engines like diesel would face fuel shortages, and electric motors required copper for wiring, which was also in short supply.

While the iron ore being mined contained trace amounts of copper as an impurity, the quantities were insufficient. A proper copper vein would need to be identified soon.
“We’re also making progress on upgrading the energy reactors, but finding deposits on land or developing seabed resources will be key. The atomic transmutation reactor still lacks sufficient energy, right?”
“Yes, ma’am. The transmutation reactor requires over 5,000 times the current energy output. A superior reactor, such as a degenerate reactor, would be needed, but we currently lack the construction materials.”

“Hmm… Fusion it is, then. We don’t have issues with deuterium supplies, right?”
“Yes, ma’am. Stable extraction from seawater is feasible. The construction materials remain a challenge, but if the iron ore supply meets expectations, we’ll be able to complete the harbor.”
The consumption of stored petroleum had accelerated with the operation of the Alpha-Class Destroyer and SR-1 Albatross. While current reserves would last about a year, depletion was inevitable, necessitating early countermeasures.

Ringo had already devised plans to establish a land-based hub and construct larger facilities.
“Methane hydrates are promising, but we lack recovery methods.”
“Yes, ma’am. Simulations show that constructing a fusion reactor powered by deuterium would be the quickest route to operational use. Establishing a microwave power transmission system will optimize large-scale mining efforts.”

Battery-powered systems were unsuitable for long-term operations, and while setting up charging stations was possible, they would require extensive wiring. Concentrating resources to establish microwave power seemed more efficient. With sufficient resources, they could invest in oceanic development as well.
“Extracting natural gas or methane hydrates could also lead to advancements in space exploration. Rocket engines using methane are already in development.”
“True. At worst, I was prepared to gamble everything on satellite deployment, but it’s a relief to have potential deposits on land.”

Among the contingency plans had been a rushed satellite launch platform. However, the lack of information about the planet’s surrounding space made it a risky gamble.
Discovering resources near Iron Town mitigated the need for such desperate measures.
“Oh, by the way, Ichigo, I’m considering assigning you to the northern continent’s new fortress base once it’s complete.”

“W-Wait, me?” Ichigo flinched at the sudden comment.
“Yes, though you’ll operate remotely for now. Once the high-altitude platform is operational, communication delays should be minimized.”
“Y-Yes! I’ll do my best…!”

Among her five sisters, Ichigo had the strongest independent streak. The fortress construction presented an opportunity to nurture her potential further. Akane was the best choice for a backup commander, while Utsugi and Erika still required supervision. Olive, meanwhile, was too focused on production tasks.
“In about six months, Akane and Ichigo’s brain units will be compatible with the backbone network. Once standalone android units are mass-produced, base expansion will be much easier.”
“That’s true. Relying entirely on Ringo isn’t ideal—it lacks diversity and is vulnerable to communication disruptions.”

“Yes, ma’am.”
Despite Ringo’s immense computational power—38,000 units compared to a single unit in each android—relying on her alone had its limits. Diversity was necessary, and localized AI for large bases would reduce risks from communication failures.
“Oh, and for additional bases, we’ll need concrete, right?”

For now, they planned to use cut stone to fill the gap. However, concrete’s versatility made it preferable, necessitating further mining exploration.
“Yes, ma’am. We’ll proceed step by step.”

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