The Hungry Fortress Wants to Build a Battleship in Another World – World of Sandbox

vol. 2 chapter 14 - The Story of the Romantic Cannon

"We are initiating a test fire of the railgun."

"Okay. You don’t need to wait for my signal; just proceed as you see fit."
"Yes, Commander Ma’am."
The microwave power transmission system was functioning as expected. While there were issues with convergence weakening over longer distances, they were anticipated to be resolved through transmitter improvements. This was expected to become irrelevant if they transitioned to a spatial coherence-based system.

"Alpha-Class Destroyer No. 18, Romeo, capacitor circuit is open. Charging initiated. Increasing transmission power. Internal load remains within expected parameters."
The railgun, an electromagnetic acceleration cannon, required immense power to fire. To manage this, power was first charged into capacitors, which then discharged it all at once to supply the necessary energy.
Technically, the system could directly supply enough energy to fire the railgun without the capacitors. However, doing so would result in excessive energy output when the railgun wasn't in use. Therefore, using capacitors for power management was essential.

"Capacitor voltage has reached the specified level. Firing the railgun."
In an instant, a flash erupted from the barrel of the railgun mounted on the bow of the ship. Simultaneously, steam generated from the heat burst out of the muzzle, resembling smoke from a conventional cannon.
"The first shot was successfully fired."

"Initial velocity of the projectile: approximately 4,500 m/s. The results match expectations."
For reference, the fired projectile weighed 20 kg, with kinetic energy exceeding 200 megajoules. Comparatively, a 150 mm smoothbore cannon's APDS round had an initial velocity of 2,000 m/s and a projectile weight of 60 kg, yielding 120 MJ of kinetic energy. At this stage, the railgun's firepower was about 1.7 times greater.

While a smoothbore cannon was inherently limited in increasing velocity, the prototype railgun was designed for a maximum initial velocity of 8,000 m/s. This would increase its kinetic energy to 640 MJ. Further improvements to the barrel and projectiles could increase projectile weight, directly converting it to greater kinetic energy.
"Commencing barrel replacement."
Due to the railgun's nature, each shot caused plasma erosion on the rail surfaces of the barrel, gradually wearing it down. As a result, the barrel required replacement after a certain number of shots. Compared to smoothbore cannons, the barrel life was significantly shorter.

Additionally, the immense heat generated during firing necessitated adequate cooling. Without cooling, the metal's electrical resistance would increase at high temperatures, making unfired operation impossible.
"The replaced barrel will undergo a precision inspection. Replacement complete. Starting calibration. Loading the next round. Initiating capacitor charge."
The removed barrel was collected and replaced with a newly manufactured one. Using universal manufacturing printers capable of molecular-level precision, the barrel was crafted and assembled with micrometer accuracy. While calibration was conducted as a precaution, adjustments were generally unnecessary.

The sea was calm, and any minor vibrations were absorbed by the ship's highly effective stabilizers. During peacetime, it was unlikely for connections using 's carefully crafted machinery to fail.
"Charging complete. Firing the second shot. Success. Loading the next round. Charging capacitors. Beginning consecutive firing tests."
The railgun underwent a test of five consecutive firings, followed by trials with increased transmission power to test its rapid-fire capabilities.
"Barrel overheating detected. The safety system has been activated. Firing rate: 20 rounds per minute. Consecutive shots: 13 rounds."

"Is the cooling system the issue?"
"Yes, Commander Ma’am. However, if the heat and cooling gap becomes too large, the barrel could deform. This may be the operational limit."
The recovered barrels were scheduled for precision inspections to examine their condition. This included checking wear levels, deformation, cracks, and electrical flow efficiency, ensuring no unforeseen issues overlooked by simulations had occurred.

was an excellent computational system, but accurately simulating physical properties required highly precise modeling. Creating accurate models depended on meticulous observations of the physical world, which in turn required high-precision sensors. This created a cyclical challenge in advancing accuracy.
Since pursuing such challenges indefinitely would be counterproductive, relied on computational models that were, by her standards, "good enough." Discrepancies between the simulation and the physical results would be examined, and as long as they fell within acceptable margins, further prototypes would be produced. If issues arose, the models would be redesigned.
"If barrel overheating is a problem, a multi-barrel system might be the solution."

"Yes, Commander Ma’am. Considering costs, using eight barrels to achieve a firing rate of 60 rounds per minute would significantly extend their lifespan."
"A railgun firing 60 rounds per minute should deliver sufficient projectile energy..."
With an initial velocity of 8,000 m/s and 640 MJ per projectile, a shot every second would devastate any target. At this firepower, even the hide of could be easily pierced. While it was uncertain whether the mysterious barrier could be breached, its properties were understood, making it conquerable.

"If a creature on the level of attacks, we should feel reasonably secure."
"Yes, Commander Ma’am. Within the range of the microwave power transmission system, we can defend effectively. Additionally, is constructing a large multi-stage electromagnetic launcher coil gun. Once operational, our firepower will be significantly enhanced."
"Oh, that. The ‘Centipede Cannon,’ right?"

A coil gun, unlike a railgun, used electromagnetic fields inside coils to accelerate projectiles without physical rails, thus avoiding plasma-induced erosion. While less energy-efficient and slower than railguns, arranging multiple coils in synchronization could achieve sufficient velocity. Using superconducting coils could mitigate energy loss from heat, although this came at the cost of larger turrets, making them unsuitable for destroyer-class vessels.
"In theory, it could deliver projectiles to targets 1,000 km away. Developing controllable smart rounds could enable long-range, one-sided attacks."
"Such an idea feels like a dream. I can't imagine a practical use in combat, but, well… as long as we develop it, we can mass-produce it with printers..."

"Yes, Commander Ma’am. This also has applications for mass drivers, so development should continue."
was currently in mass-production mode. Large drones for the microwave power transmission network, construction materials for fortresses, and equipment were being produced at scale. Modifications to the Alpha-Class No. 1, prototypes for next-generation ships, and preparations for defensive machinery at the new land-based fortress were underway.
Fortunately, no hostile forces had been identified nearby, so defense requirements were minimal. Preventing intrusions by wildlife would likely be the primary mission. However, with past encounters like and , vigilance remained necessary.

Reports about monsters were being gathered at Telek Harbor. However, due to the sparse local ecosystem, little useful information had been obtained. The surrounding area consisted mainly of barren volcanic rock, leaving limited opportunities for biodiversity.
So far, they had learned about large, herbivorous monsters resembling bulls and wolf-like predators that preyed on them. These creatures were rarely seen. Moreover, aerial observations confirmed that such monsters were absent around the fortress construction site, likely because the environment was unsuitable for large herbivores due to the lack of vegetation.
"It looks like we won’t need to worry about any magic-versus-science conflicts for a while."

"Yes, Commander Ma’am. At least, as long as we stay within our current controlled territory, there should be no disputes. However, as we expand our activity range…"
"...we’ll inevitably clash with some faction. We need to find oil quickly and develop large-scale mining operations. Perhaps we should focus on increasing our firepower first?"
"We’ll also need reconnaissance capabilities. Infiltration bots and humanoid communicator machines should be deployed for scouting."

"Hmm. We might consider establishing a dedicated base at the new fortress. Maybe even installing a specialized AI."
"Yes, Commander Ma’am. I’ll look into it."

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