Chapter : The World that god made.
The year is 2025. As long as anyone who ever lives could remember, humans have always been born with super powers,. They were gifts and now almost 4 billion people in the world possessed these gifts.
People could fly, others could control fire, the most powerful people could level entire countries in the blink of an eye.
The energy rhat flowed through everything was Archaic Energy. The more Archaic Energy a person has, the more power they have. This Archaic energy was present even in none super powered people but it was way to faint to manifest into anything.
An Archaic dominion was the way a person manifested their Archaic Energy. It was the power that was special to each hero. For example, Theodore Vaughn Gunnes could manifest his archaic energy in a way that stopped him from dieing to any form of damage.
His was an Unkillable Dominion.
The Super hero world association was formed in the industrial age somewhere from 1764 to 1790. But the specific year it was established is not known.
Based on their level of power and impact heroes were ranked in various classes.
World guards - The strongest heroes in the world. They could take on a whole continent and god help the continent
Captains - A captain is technically still a sentinel. They are ranked as sentinels usually given a separate distinction cause they usually have crews and teams that run under them. Their like sentinel leaders.
Sentinels - Very powerful world defenders. Usually don't work for any specific cooperation they just work for humanity
Guardians - It would take the strongest military army in the world to even scratch a guardian. These heroes are large in number and are the backbone of keeping the world safe but sadly they have the second highest death rate
Endeavours - The lowest professional rank. Typically paid an average of 120,000 per year. They have the highest death rate.
D rank or Lowest rank - this rank isn't a professional which is why they don't even have a name. They are not that high in the population and usually roam neighbourhoods. They are considered heroes cause they have a hero license but are usually free lance.
Cooperations are companies within the Association that higher and pay heroes via contracts. Usually the catch is the heroes have to represent a brand and promote the Cooperation that they work for.
The Superhero association was formed to combat the cause of humans near extinction.
As god gave man power, god created creatures with even more power. Creatures who would love nothing more than to see humanity crumble.
These creatures were called Fiends.
Fiends are widely known to be stronger than superheroes. So if a hero meets a fiend in the same rank. They will die.
Fiends see divided to various classes.
Wraith class - a wraith class are larger than humans and the lowest ranking monsters in terms of damage. A wraith is can defeat several endeavour rank heroes at the same time
Beast class - A beast class fiend stands at least 5 metres and at most 10 metres. Otherwise it won't qualify as a beast. Their extremely physical and brutal and have a low level of intelligence and lack the ability to communicate unlike the wraith. A beast could take on a guardian and probably win except it the guardian is at rank 10 or higher.
Behemoth class - Behemoths are all fluent in numerous languages and are extremely powerful. Some Behemoth class friends have bases and beast class friends we henchmen. A behemoth is generally considered just as strong as a Captain
Titan class - A fiend capable of causing immense damage to an area in a very very short time. A titan class could defeat various captains but lose to a sentinel rank hero.
Abyss class - very few have ever existed. There should around 5 dormant abyss class Fiends. An abyss can warp reality which is why they slumber in another pocket dimension for their own creation. They would level any sentinel in the blink of an eye. And only the very strongest Vanguards could stand toe to toe
Omenyx class - Dr Van Heikel theoriesd that there should be a higher class fiend than the abyss. Maybe the creator of all Fiends or a coalition of creators.
The theory is wildly skeptical and controversial so it should be taken with a grain of salt. A grain of salt and prayers.
Such a being should never even exist.