The Forsaken Heiress' Comeback

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Choking On The Dead Bear

The anger was rising, the anger was boiling and the anger was not evaporating anytime soon, someone was going to die today and it was sure not going to be Michael. A lot of crazy stuff seemed to have been tormenting one of the two most elite families and it wasn't stopping anytime soon. There had to be someone who was responsible.

Michael Whitmore's eyes were red before but they grew darker and more murderous after witnessing a naked girl on top of the corpse of his son, to say that he was only shocked together with the nurse and his assistant, would be an understatement.

All innocence that was left within him had melted in that exact moment like thawing ice, and instead of his demeanor turning from a warm mourning father, it burned hot like a fierce devil. The last thing he expected was to mourn his son in a disrespectful way, he wanted peace but it was clear this girl who was a stranger to him wanted to die.

Michael didn't wait for the nurse to speak when he forcefully pushed himself past the nurse and headed toward Natalie, who now realized the situation was dire as she sat butt naked on top of Damian's corpse.

She was petrified after the door was opened and seeing Damian's father lock eyes directly with her made her tremble inside. The guilt had started to settle in like molten rocks suffocating a hiking maniac.

She didn't have much time to quickly lift herself from Damian and face the oncoming burning rage of a beast that was his father.

Michael ran past the other corpses in the morgue zipped in body bags, knocking off some of the tables with corpses down to the ground, it was the rage that was controlling him at this moment, he couldn't even feel the cold temperature in the morgue, he didn't care about being rational and when he finally got to Natalie who was struggling to get off Damian she clutched her neck squeezing it and yanked her out of Damian's body like a Lion jumping on a gazelle's neck to kill his prey.

"I'll kill you bitch! How dare you?" Michael growled.

The nurse and Michael's assistant were already on the run to stop Michael from choking Natalie to death.

She was already struggling as it is on the ground where Michael pinned her as she tried removing his hands from her neck, breathing in short gasps as she fought for air.

"Mr. Whitmore! Mr. Whitmore! Mr. Whitmore!" the nurse pleaded, it was a struggle as both the nurse and Michael's assistant were struggling to take of his hands from Natalie's neck as they stumbled back and forth.

But Michael didn't give a shit about the naked bitch beneath him, all he cared about was choking her to death, he kept on squeezing her neck as Natalie struggled for air, it seemed like the efforts of the nurse and the assistant weren't even effective, because they were suddenly pushed back by Michael's vigorous act of dragging Natalie on the floor as she choked her and in that moment, they ended up knocking themselves on Damian's corpse, accidentally making it fall.

The nurse and the assistant were breathing very heavily after that forceful push, "when are they going to get here?" asked the nurse, she had already called for the hospital's security after Michael ran in on Natalie.

When Michael saw that Damian's body was on the floor, he loosened his grip on Natalie a little bit, but Natalie saw this and took this as an opportunity, he kicked Michael on his stomach as she attempted to stand and leave, this made Michael stumble back but it just made him more angrier, when his eyes shifted from Damian's corpse to his cold dick that lay beside his body.

Natalie didn't proceed too far. Just then, Michael yanked her back to where she was before and this time Michael was pulling on her hair. 

"It's his dick that you wanted hoe, right? Here we go," said Michael aggressively.

Natalie was screaming, "Leave me alone you bastard! Fucking get your hands off me!" she cursed loudly making the morgue more chaotic.

The nurse and Michael's assistant, were getting themselves to stand up again, it wasn't going to be an easy fit to get Michael to let go of Natalie, but they had to.

A naked Natalie was still being dragged to the dick she was riding before and when Michael finally dragged her to where the cryptic dick was, he forcefully made Natalie to pick up and swallow Damian's detached dick, it was just unbelievable.

Michael's assistant got to him first, "Sir, please stop! You need to remove your hands from her, you will kill her," but Michael didn't move, he was still forcefully bobbing Natalie's head to pick up Damian's dick.

The nurse also came to try and remove Michael's hand from Natalie's hair but he still proved to be stronger than both, perhaps his rage made him more aggravated than they were, doubling his will to continue strengthening his grip on Natalie.

As they were still fighting to get Michael off from Natalie, it wasn't long enough when Security and some other doctor and nurses came in to stop the fight. The reason why they didn't get to have help much earlier was because the morgue was located on a very secluded floor, few doctors and nurses got authorization entry on that floor, they would have had a second corpse if someone didn't arrive sooner to help them.

The added weight of help, helped slowly separate Michael from Natalie careful enough so that Michael could not have pulled Natalie's hair from her scalp, because he bunched it up and clutched it like a golf ball. The sight was horrific.

Natalie who was now just saved from the verge of death by the help of the security, doctor and nurses, crawled quickly on the other side where her clothes lay attempting to cover herself, shying away from the huge embarrassment that she caused on herself.

Everyone was petrified, not in a century had the hospital ever experience something like that.

"I will kill you, you bitch!" said Michael angrily after being separated from Natalie, "I will make sure you rot in hell."

This wasn't even something the nurses and doctors could defend.

And while the chaos kept on escalating, another figure appeared at the entrance of the morgue, with the sound of her black heels breaking the attention within and directing it to herself.

When they all looked at who it was. Vivienne stood there her eyes widening trying to decipher what was going on there. She had actually changed her mind a while after they took Damian's body to the hospital. She thought it would be really inappropriate if she never went to the hospital to see Damian, considering the fact that they knew each other for a long time, but the traumatic shock of seeing his dead body was the main reason she was stopping herself from visiting Damian.

She decided the last thing she could do was to at least go to the hospital and bid her condolences and there she was.

Michael finally shifted his gaze from Natalie to Vivienne and with his burning rage that hadn't cooled yet, he lashed at Vivienne.

"You've got some nerve showing up here, is she your accomplice?" said Michael as he pointed to Natalie with his fists clenched.

Vivienne looked at Natalie with a confused look, "I don't know what you mean Mr. Whitmore... I-"

"Silence!" Vivienne shook, when Damian's father shouted at her. 

The nurses and doctor still held him still confused as to what was happening, afraid he would try to attack Natalie again who was now curled up under the table of another corpse, "Calm down Mr. Whitmore, we should be able to solve this situation in a more civilized manner." The doctor advised.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" he shouted angrily again. 

"See what's left of him, my only son is lying here dead because of you!" Michael laughed bitterly pointing at Vivienne.

Tears welled up on Vivienne as she shook her head, she did not intend for this to happen. Why was she being blamed for everything lately, when it was his son who actually had it planned out for her, "I swear, I didn't have anything to do with this Mr. Whitmore. Dami-"

"Don't you dare mention his name like you have the right! He loved you! Even after you left him!" Michael's voice was starting to break again as the two male nurses who were holding him still, started to slowly soften their grip on him.

"Please, listen to me, I had nothing to do with this! I loved him once but he was responsible for how everything turned out" Vivienne pleaded as she moved forward.

"Now you're blaming him, is that what you're calling it now? You humiliated him in front of everybody without any remorse," said Michael as his eyes narrowed with extreme venom in his voice.

Mr. Whitmore watched Vivienne, disgust and grief battling in his eyes, " If I find out you had anything to do with this Vivienne, I will kill you myself."


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