The First Cultivator - Changing Existence

Chapter 61: Terraforming - 61

In order to build a school, Zhou Fan needed a plot of land. At first, he had considered using the imperial capital of the mortaniel empire, but decided that he wanted a big area to himself.

Since he didn't have much idea about the world's terrain, besides the brief and undetailed maps in the Lang Yang library, he stopped by the mortaniel empire's library.

As expected, it was huge. Besides the imperial palace, it was probably the biggest building Zhou Fan ever laid eyes upon.

Like the Lang Yang city library, it was a tall, circular tower, only much wider and much taller.

Zhou Fan didn't bother to get a card and simply walked up. Nobody stopped him along the way due to the fact that they couldn't see him. A simple trick he came up with was to manipulate light Qi to make him invisible.

This was the first time he actually used it and it worked as well as he hoped.

Zhou Fan didn't have to ask where the maps and geography books were due to the signs, and it didn't take him long to get to the right floor.

Once he did, he decided to try something. Since Zhou Fan's divine sense allowed him to view every detail of everything within it, wouldn't it be possible to read a book like that?

Along with his incredible mind, Zhou Fan would be able to read a book in an instant without even moving.

With the thought in mind, Zhou Fan released his divine sense. As he broke through, its range increased from a normal sized house to a huge area.

Unexpectedly, it covered the entire library!

As information flooded into Zhou Fan's mind, his brain moved at its maximum speed in order to understand it.

He only retracted his divine sense after a minute had passed. In that time, he not only read every book in the library, but he also understood the entire structure!

With the information he gathered, Zhou Fan was able to pick a perfect place for the school.

Although it was a barren wasteland, Zhou Fan was confident that he would be able to turn it into a paradise.

Zhou Fan quickly moved across multiple empires in a few minutes and reached the outer empires.

The outer empires were essentially their own world. The place where Zhou Fan had stayed was simply the mainland of the world. Only the 10 empires ruled over the area.

However, besides the 10 empires, there were many others. In fact there were thousands.

The strongest empire in the outer empires was actually at the same level as the 10th ranked empire.

However, Zhou Fan's destination wasn't within the outer empires. In order to reach the area Zhou Fan had chosen, he needed to go to the farthest place from human colonization.

A place where only sand existed.

It only took 10 more minutes before Zhou Fan reached the wasteland. As foretold, there was only sand. Even a mile in the sky, nothing else could be seen.

Without looking around too much, Zhou Fan waved his hand as an endless amount of dirt fell onto the desert. He made sure the foundations of the dirt and stone reached deep into the world, where even sand didn't reside. When he was done, 100 square miles were transformed into a plain and some mountains.

However, there was no green. Next Zhou Fan poured water Qi out. He didn't stop until a giant lake and a couple of rivers poured out. At this point, Zhou Fan was starting to feel a crushing sense of superiority.

With his own hands, he was basically creating a new world. The feeling couldn't even be described. He only wished that he had broken into the new realm beforehand, which would have made the terraforming 10 times easier.

Once there was earth and water, Zhou Fan formed clouds and let a rain of life Qi nourish the land. Before long, plants started to grow and grass covered the majority of the land.

However, Zhou Fan realized that he had forgotten to bring any animals with him. Although he was strong, he wasn't even close to creating life.

Therefore, Zhou Fan made a quick trip back to the 10 empires and picked up every wild and microscopic animal he could see.

He collected them in a sphere above his head and suspended them in the air so that there would be no killing.

It didn't take long before he felt that he had enough and went back to the 'wasteland'.

Zhou Fan paused in the air when he thought that. Since it was no longer a wasteland, he needed a name for it.

After hundreds of ideas flew by his head, he still struggled to find a suitable name. He had considered names like Chaos academy, or Chaos university, but none of them sounded right.

After a few minutes, Zhou Fan decided to not name it after anything special. Instead, he would come up with a random name.

After a while, the name 'Huang Long academy' came to him.

SInce he couldn't think of anything else, he went with that.

With that, Zhou Fan made it back to the academy and finished terraforming. All that was left was to actually build the school.

Since he didn't know much about architecture, he decided to compress natural metals like he did with the formation cube, and shape the outside before furnishing the inside.

Since he needed lots of ores, Zhou Fan dove deep into the earth and traveled as deep as he could. Along the way, he collected every bit of metal, iron, diamond, or gold he saw. After 30 minutes, he made it to the core of the earth.

As the entire world believed that the earth was simply a ball of floating dirt, Zhou Fan was surprised to see what appeared to be a mini sun floating in the center.

It was astounding and very hot. Although Zhou Fan was able to resist sweating, any mortal would turn to ash by just being near it.

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