Surviving the Apocalypse with my Multiplier System

Chapter 46: It Begins

The girls chatted happily as they sorted out the items that Rayne brought. Ella was speechless as she looked through the high-quality equipment.

"I don't even know what to do with any of this. Maybe we should plan a camping trip once I'm finished with my contract... Oh my goodness! Did you see the news about the CEO?!" exclaimed Ella.

Rayne nodded, and the two girls began discussing the news. After a while, a delicious smell wafted out from the kitchen, making Rayne's stomach growl.

"Haha! Rayne, you are the biggest foodie I've ever met!" laughed Ella. They both then entered the dining room, excited for dinner.

"Will your parents join us for dinner?" asked Rayne.

"Nope. They're at some event for Dad's company. They'll probably be home very late today," replied Ella as she motioned for the kitchen staff to begin serving the food.

A few minutes later, the table was covered in delectable dishes, including the cooked king crab. Rayne looked at all of the food on the table and immediately felt regret that she couldn't openly store any of it since Ella was there.

"Oh! I need to take my medicine before I eat. One second!" said Ella as she hurriedly left the room. Rayne was speechless; just as she wished she could store the food, an opportunity presented itself! She quickly stored the most appetizing-looking plates, thanking the gods for the opportunity in the process.

Ella came back very quickly, and they both began to eat. The most popular dish was the crab, but the other dishes were also very flavorful and delicious.

"Mmm! Rayne, this is the best crab I've ever had. Thank you for such a treat!" exclaimed Ella. Rayne's mouth was filled with food, so she replied with a simple nod.

When Rayne finally got home, it was already getting late. She had a really fun time hanging out with Ella and was glad that she was able to drop off at least a few supplies. Before she left, she made Ella promise that she would not throw anything away, ensuring that Ella would be at least somewhat prepared when the apocalypse came.


1 Month Later.

Rayne woke up to the sounds of alarms and the ground shaking. The earthquake was so fierce that she could hear all of her smaller decorations, like vases, falling and smashing.

She quickly got out of bed and went out on the balcony to see what was going on. The sight in front of her was frightening. Many taller buildings were falling down, and giant sinkholes appeared in the middle of the street, sucking in cars and houses.

Rayne was shaking, looking at what was happening. She didn't expect such a drastic start to the apocalypse! She had initially hoped to live in her house a little longer, but with how strong these earthquakes were, she knew that her building wouldn't be safe for much longer.

She quickly ran to take a quick shower, unsure of when the next time she would be able to afford such a luxury would be, and got dressed.

She stuffed her kitchen cabinets with a variety of non-perishable food and bottles of water, hoping that these supplies could help whoever might come looting her house in the future.

As Rayne left her house, she ran into her neighbor in the hallway. This was the first time seeing her neighbor, and she was surprised to see that it was an elderly woman.

"Miss, what's happening outside? I keep feeling earthquakes?" she asked, looking frightened.

Rayne felt bad for the elderly lady. "Hello, it's not looking good outside. Many of the taller buildings have fallen over. Do you live here alone?"

"No, I live here with my grandson, but he's not home right now," she replied.

Rayne felt a little better knowing that the elderly woman wasn't completely alone. "Here is the key to my house. I need to leave to go be with my family, so I most likely won't be back for a while. Please feel free to use anything and everything in my house. I'm not sure how long these earthquakes will last, but I know that things will be rough for a while."

Rayne reached over and placed a copy of her house keys in the elderly woman's hands. Before the woman could reply, Rayne quickly left, heading toward her car.

As soon as Rayne sat down in her SUV, she felt the earth shake once more. The dust from the shaking building fell on her windshield, causing Rayne to slightly panic. Although this building wasn't that tall and still looked sturdy, Rayne wasn't sure how much longer it would stand.

She quickly drove out of the garage and onto the highway, heading toward the remote valley area she researched earlier.


Rayne slammed on the brakes as soon as she saw a giant sinkhole appear in the middle of the highway. Thankfully, she stopped in time and avoided what would have been her death.

She had the radio on in the car with the emergency broadcast playing. The message kept telling people to stay away from tall buildings or any loose objects, as they may get injured. So far, no one was able to pinpoint where these earthquakes came from; even scientists were unaware.

She stepped out of the car and carefully walked over to look inside the sinkhole. It was a massive crater-shaped hole that was deep enough to swallow a building. Rayne felt a chill go up her spine, thinking that she could have ended up at the bottom of that hole just now if she didn't react as quickly as she had.

She got back into the car and drove off the main road into the small field adjacent to the highway. Thankfully, the car was equipped with satellite GPS, allowing her to locate herself properly.

It took her a few hours of driving to finally get to the start of the nature preserve. Unfortunately, it was a very heavily wooded area, so driving her SUV was no longer an option. She drove her SUV in as far as she could before she stepped out.

It was now early morning, so Rayne took some extra time to make sure no one was watching her before she stored her SUV into her system.

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