Chapter 42: Inspection
Julian was more and more impressed with how ingenious the bunker design was when seeing it in person.
Looking at the construction site, you wouldn't even know anything was being built there if it weren't for the large vehicles scattered around. The large hill was currently being hollowed out from the top, creating minimal disturbances in the surrounding nature.
"This is much better than I initially expected. Money well spent," commented Julian.
"Yes! Indeed, the design is very meticulous. I have yet to come across a problem," said Noah.
The first two floors of the bunker were already hollowed out and framed, allowing Julian to take a look inside.
"...and this room here is the armory, which is adjacent to the mini laboratory," said Noah, pointing to a few empty spaces as they walked through.
Julian looked around, happy with the size and height of the rooms. "Good, the laboratory feels a lot bigger than it looks on the blueprint. I was worried it would be too small."
"I want to make sure that I have access to all the newly researched weapons. Damien's inevitable attack will be something big, and I need to be ready for it," he added.
Once they finished the inner tour of the bunker, Julian wanted to take a look around the surrounding area.
Noah brought him over to a small dirt bike and handed over the keys. "Here you go, boss! Be careful on the west side; there's a small river over there."
"Thanks, Noah. I'll call you if anything," said Julian as he drove off into the valley.
The nature in the surrounding area was beautiful. The valley was surrounded by dense forest with lush vegetation and wildlife. There was a nice open clearing beside a small stream near where the bunker was being built. The entire area was picturesque, surrounded by tall mountains, making it feel like a mystical realm.
Julian enjoyed the scenic drive and fresh air. It had been a long time since he'd been out in the wilderness like this. Most of his time in recent years had been spent in his office or in the underground interrogation rooms.
"At least I'll be surrounded by nature soon," mumbled Julian as he quietly observed the surrounding area. If only I could be enjoying this under different circumstances.
Julian sat there, thinking about alternatives to this crazy plan that would go into effect in mere months, but no other solution came to mind. Damien's threat was too big, and only he had the ability to stop him. The toughest part was making Damien come out of hiding.
For the past few years, Julian had tried everything in his power to locate Damien, but no matter how many of his men he captured, there was no sign of where Damien could be.
This bunker project was a crazy plan designed to get Damien out of hiding.
"I'll see you soon, old friend," whispered Julian, with a mixture of hatred and melancholy in his eyes.
Rayne finally arrived at the first farm. It was enormous, with multiple fields filled with grazing cattle. Behind the central barn was a huge field with several chicken coops and multicolored chickens.
Rayne walked up towards the central barn, smiling at all the cute animals. The barn had been converted into a shop space where people could walk in and buy all sorts of farm products, like fresh eggs, milk, cheese, bread, butter, and cream, as well as a butcher's corner that offered fresh beef and chicken products.
She quickly walked in and purchased one of every item available, then asked around for a good local vegetable farm.
The owners of the cattle ranch were very kind and recommended a smaller fruit and vegetable farm that was just a bit further up the street.
Rayne thanked the owners and made her way over.
Although they described it as a small farm, in reality, it was very large. There were multiple greenhouses and fields full of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Rayne's purpose in visiting the farm was mainly to obtain high-quality seeds and fertilizer. However, after seeing the beautiful fruits and vegetables, she felt like she couldn't pass them up and purchased them as well.
The purchase went quickly since the farmers had already prepared the seeds and fertilizer for sale, saving Rayne from having to come up with a reason for her purchase.
She continued this trend, going from farm to farm and storing all sorts of specialty products over several days. Rayne would have continued her road trip to even farther places, but she didn't want to miss a single self-defense or marksmanship class.
It was late into the night when she finally made it back home, and she was exhausted from all the nonstop driving. She quickly took a shower and went to bed, falling asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.
Dillon stepped out of his car and stood in front of a run down brick building in the outskirts of town. This was the address Rayne left when she declared that she was moving to the leasing office of her previous apartment.
In a fit of anger Dillon smashed one of the already broken windows, causing his hand to start bleeding from the broken shards of glass.
"You really got me good. This is the second time now Rayne", he muttered angerly. He reached into his coat pocket with his bloody hand and pulled out his cell phone.
A few days ago, the small time boss he was running jobs for formally invited him to join their group officially. He didn't give out too many specifics but the benefits were very attractive. The only reason Dillon had yet to accept was the last shred of morality he had left.
He knew that the jobs he was doing were most likely illegal, but the money was worth it. However joining this gang would most likely mean a lifetime commitment. Even the small time leader he was in contact with told him to think it over before accepting.
Now that Rayne had hurt his fragile ego, he only wanted one thing -- to prove to her that she belonged to him.
While he failed to get what he wanted, there now was a second option available to him.
Dillon dialed a number on his phone, slowing bringing it up to his ear...
"Hey, it's me....I've made up my mind. I'm in".