Surviving the Apocalypse with my Multiplier System

Chapter 40: Pistol Acquired

(A/N: Thank you corazonmio for all of the golden tickets! This chapter is dedicated to you!)

Rayne was getting ready to leave for her marksmanship class when she noticed moving trucks parked outside her building.

She walked out into the hallway and noticed that someone was moving into the unit next door to her. She lingered in the hallway for a few minutes, trying to see who her new neighbor was so that she could introduce herself, but it was hard to tell with all of the movers going back and forth.

Rayne decided to try again after her lesson, as she was already running a little late.

She quickly ate a banana for breakfast while driving over to the shooting range, hoping that would be enough to prevent her stomach from growling.

During her previous lesson, she hadn't eaten anything, and the entire time, her stomach made loud growling noises, making her feel very embarrassed.

She walked into the lobby and noticed that her instructor, Yasmin, was already waiting for her.

"Good morning, Rayne! Ready for today's lesson? Today should mark the completion of the basic course!" greeted Yasmin.

"Good morning, Yasmin! Yes, I'm excited to move on in my training!" replied Rayne. Once she completed the basic course, a lot more freedom would be granted to her. She would gain access to the beginner ranges where she could practice on her own, with limited supervision.

The two young women made their way down the staircase to their usual spot, the small side room with the desk.

"Okay, Rayne, let's start from the basics. Show me your stance," she said, handing her an unloaded pistol.

Rayne grabbed the pistol and turned toward the wall, where a practice target was painted. She adjusted her body so that her feet were shoulder-width apart and her legs were slightly bent.

Lifting the gun in her hands, she aimed at the painted target, keeping her arms straight and elbows slightly bent.

"Good, your posture is perfect," said Yasmin, lightly clapping. "I think we can move on over to the shooting lane and do some dry firing before we start live firing."

Rayne lowered the pistol, nodding. "Okay, sounds great!" she replied and followed Yasmin out of the small side room and toward a firing lane.

Rayne put on her protective gear and resumed her stance in the firing lane.

"Go ahead and pull the trigger, focus on sight alignment," instructed Yasmin.

Rayne stood still, focusing on aiming. She pulled the trigger only when she was confident that she would hit the target.

Yasmin watched her carefully from the side, helping with slight adjustments.

"Okay, great! I think it's time to fire some real shots. Wait here, I will go get the ammo!" said Yasmin.

Rayne nodded, secretly excited for a moment alone with the pistol. Just as Yasmin turned to leave, she carefully placed her hand on the pistol and stored it in her system!

Her heart was thumping loudly due to her excitement. Of course, she hoped that she would never have to use it, but based on her nightmares, it was very likely.

As soon as the pistol was stored, Rayne patiently waited for Yasmin to come back.

"Okay, I'm back! I'll let you load the magazine. Do it like I taught you earlier," Yasmin instructed.

Rayne carefully loaded the magazine, albeit a little slower than she would have liked. Yasmin nodded and gave a few instructions on live shooting.

For the rest of the class, Rayne was given time to shoot still targets in the shooting lane. Yasmin encouraged her as well as pointed out a few things she needed to fix.

By the time class ended, Rayne felt comfortable with the gun. She no longer flinched from the recoil, marking a successful transition out of the beginner level.

"Great work today, Rayne! Next class, we will start with live-fire practice and go from there! You'll be a sharpshooter in no time!" praised Yasmin.


Rayne went home to take a quick shower. She tried seeing if her new neighbor would show up since the movers were gone, but there was still no one there.

"I guess I'll give them some time to settle in," she shrugged as she unlocked her door.

She went inside, rinsed off quickly in the shower, then headed over to the kitchen. Although the banana helped her keep her stomach quiet during the lesson, she was very hungry now.

She was craving a large Cobb salad, so she opened her system and began to take out the needed ingredients.

She pulled out: lettuce, spinach, various microgreens, tomato, cucumber, green onion, avocado, as well as bacon, an egg, and a chicken breast.

Walking over to the stove, she pulled out a new pot and began to boil the egg. Then she took out a stainless steel frying pan to sear the chicken breast and bacon.

While those items were cooking, she quickly washed all of the remaining ingredients and began to chop them into small cubes.

She diced up the egg, chicken, and bacon once it was finished cooking and added it to the large bowl with the vegetables. The last step was to pour some dressing on top and enjoy!

She was so hungry that she almost forgot to add the prepared salad to her system.

The salad was made from fresh organic ingredients and was very flavorful! The lettuce and cucumber created a very satisfying crunch with every bite. Rayne thoroughly enjoyed her filling lunch.

"Ah and the best part after such a delicious meal is that I don't need to do dishes afterwards!", exclaimed Rayne as she tossed all of the used dishes and utensils into the trash bin of the system.


Later that night Dillon found himself standing in front of Rayne's apartment door. He paced in front of the door for a few minutes, trying to calm himself down from his anger.

He took a deep breath, "Okay, I'll give you one last chance to submit to me Rayne, else don't blame me for being rough".

He knocked on the door.


Dillon felt annoyed that Rayne wasn't home again. "Maybe she got a job or something, I'll wait".

Dillon waited for about twenty minutes before he gave in and decided to pick the lock.

Click. The door opened but what greeted him was a completely empty apartment. Not even a crumb was left in the corner.

Dillon flared up with anger! "Good, good. You got me good this time Rayne. You can run but you can't hide forever", he muttered.

He was so angry that he stood in the empty apartment and began to laugh maniacally, losing his rationality.

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