Chapter 3: chapter 3
After we finished, I was pretty wiped out too, so I just laid down next to her to catch my breath.
Staring up at the blue sky, I felt this weird sense of calm wash over me.
After a bit, I started feeling my strength come back, and she seemed to be doing better too, just lying there and resting.
I turned to her and said, "Crazy how we both ended up on this deserted island, huh? We gotta trust each other to survive. And honestly, getting close like this is probably the fastest way to build that trust."
She looked a bit shocked, like she didn't know how to react at first.
I went on, "I'm Caleb Jackson, by the way. What's your name?"
She took a moment, seemed to think it over, and then said, "I'm Zoey King. I want to survive too. You're right. I'll follow your lead."
Zoey looked serious, like she was really starting to trust me.
This reminded me of something I once heard: making love was the fastest way to a woman's heart. And it seemed kinda true now.
After lying there a bit longer, I helped Zoey up and we got dressed.
As much as I enjoyed our time together, surviving on this island was the main thing.
I told Zoey, "Alright, we need to find some food. We can't survive without it."
Looking around, the only food source seemed to be those coconut trees in the distance.
So I said, "Wait here. I'll go grab some coconuts."
Zoey looked at the trees and got a bit anxious. She grabbed my hand and said, "Don't go. Those trees are too high. It's dangerous. Let's find something else."
I shook my head, "Right now, coconuts are our best bet. It's too risky to look for other food. I'll be careful."
I let go of her hand and started walking towards the trees.
Zoey stood there for a moment, then called out, "Be careful and don't get hurt!"
Her concern touched me. She was starting to care, even if it was just because I was the only guy around.
After a bit of walking, I reached the trees and Zoey followed me.
I found a tree that looked easier to climb and started up.
Zoey watched me, looking really nervous.
The tree was tall, but it had these ridges I could use to climb. After about ten minutes, I made it to the top.
Looking down, I could barely make out Zoey. She was watching me, scared I might fall.
I kept climbing and finally reached the top, starting to pick the coconuts. The tree swayed a bit as I moved.
Zoey was so nervous she didn't even blink, just watching me with her heart racing.
After some effort, I picked most of the coconuts. I rested for a moment, then started climbing down.
Climbing down was harder than going up. I was scared of falling.
After about half an hour, I made it back to the ground with a few scratches.
Zoey had been gathering the coconuts and waited for me by the tree.
When I got down, she rushed over to check if I was hurt. Seeing the scratches, she looked a bit heartbroken.
Back on the plane, she thought I was just some creep. But now, her view of me had changed.
Zoey said, "Next time, don't climb the tree. We can find other food or even skip a meal. You're hurt now, and what if you fell? It's too dangerous."
She gently blew on my wounds, trying to ease the pain. Watching her, I felt like the climb was worth it.
I said, "It's okay, just minor scratches. How many coconuts did you gather?"
Zoey thought for a moment and said, "About twenty."
I looked at the coconuts and did a quick count. "With these, we should be good for a few days!"
I plopped down on the ground, feeling wiped out from climbing that tree. Zoey sat next to me, looking just as tired from worrying about me.
Leaning against the tree, I suddenly felt a weight on my shoulder. I turned and saw Zoey dozing off, her head resting on me.
I stayed still, and after a bit, she turned and hugged my arm in her sleep. Her chest pressed against my arm, and I felt that soft touch again.
Seeing her like this, I felt like she was starting to rely on me. It seemed like sex had really brought us together.
After resting for a while, I got up and grabbed two coconuts. I cracked them open and handed one to Zoey. We started drinking the coconut water together.
Making love with Zoey had drained a lot of my energy, and now I was starting to feel hungry. We quickly finished the coconut water and started eating the coconut meat inside.
After eating for a bit and getting some strength back, my mind started to wander.
I said to Zoey, "During the plane crash, I saw a lot of people parachuting out. I wonder how they're doing."
Zoey stopped eating and looked out at the vast sea and the dark jungle behind us. "Maybe some of them landed near us, but it's tough to move around here. They might be stuck and can't find us." I looked at the endless forest behind us and nodded. What she said made sense. Finding someone else would definitely help our chances of survival.
I remembered that besides Zoey, there were a few other beautiful women who parachuted with us. Especially the girl group, they were stunning.
If Zoey and I landed together, maybe those other women did too. The thought of it made me feel a bit lucky. Despite the crash, being with these beautiful women was something that wouldn't happen in normal circumstances.
As we finished the coconuts, the sky started to darken. In this strange place, I didn't feel very safe.
I didn't know if it would get cold at night or if there were any wild animals around. So, I got up to gather some dry wood for a fire.
Zoey looked at me curiously and then got up too.
I told her, "I'm going to the jungle to get some dry wood for a fire. We need it to get through the night."
Hearing that, Zoey quickly finished her coconut meat and got ready to go with me.
I didn't stop her. With night coming, having another person to help would make things faster.
We gathered enough wood for the night and piled it up where we were. I started preparing the fire.
I tried the method I'd seen on survival shows—using friction to start a fire.
But after about twenty minutes, I realized it wasn't as easy as it looked.
My hands were cramping, and I still couldn't get a fire going.
Seeing the sky getting darker, I gave up and decided to look for flint on the beach.
This was another method I'd seen on TV, but it was a long shot. I had initially chosen the friction method because it seemed more reliable.
After searching for a while, I got lucky. In less than ten minutes, I found two suitable stones.
I struck them together, and after about ten minutes, the sparks finally caught on the dry vine I prepared. We had fire.
Watching the flames, I felt a sense of security, and Zoey cheered for me.
With the fire, we didn't have to worry about the cold or wild animals at night.