Sousei no Onmyouji: Reborn.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own Sousei no Onmyōuji (Twin Star Exorcist), all rights belong to the goat Sukeno, not every I write is cannon and true to the original.

Additionally: Read Author's Thoughts at the end.

"Ooh. Kamika-dono. Welcome, welcome. I believe you must have seen the message that was dropped at the Kamika household."

Kanto Branch Association

After about an hour's drive, Ayato finally arrived.

It was a small office building—nothing grand, unlike Tsuchimikado Island, which boasted several highly profiled architectural structures.

The building had a ground floor and a first floor, and though simple, it was spacious.

Upon entering, the reception area was immediately in front, with two corridors leading left and right.

However, Ayato was fortunate to run into one of the executives of the Branch Association he was familiar with, right at the reception.

"Ah, old man Kanzaki. It's been a while."

Ayato replied with a small smile, making the man who had a, slightly robust physique, round stomach and face with grey hair laugh.

"Hahaha. The sudden transfer of someone as capable as Kamika-dono is quite a loss."

The man glanced around before gesturing for Ayato to follow him to his office. 

After all, he was the one handling the transfer process.

Both entered a room with a desk and chair at the back, with additional shelves spread across the space.

Taking a seat—

"As Kamika-dono already knows, the number of Kegare has been increasing over the past month, with them gathering in large numbers."

"We've also reached out to HQ; however, they've yet to reply. We were expecting a report about the situation, but instead—shockingly—we received a letter of transfer for you to Narukami."

Ayato blinked in surprise. It was unbelievable that HQ would directly order his transfer.

Since the letter was signed by the Exorcist Head, he had a feeling something was happening—

But he never thought he was that important of a person for the Exorcist Head himself to personally issue his transfer.

"Haah. Knowing Kamika-dono, he's probably thinking: "I'm not that important of a person for the Exorcist Head to personally issue a transfer for," am I right?"

The man gave a weary smile, looking at Ayato who simply blinked cluelessly. Ayato would only do this when you've caught on to him.

Shaking his head before continuing.

"Be that as it may, you underestimate yourself, Kamika-dono. In case you don't realize it, you're more valuable than you believe yourself to be."

With a dramatic sigh, the man said those words. Normally, overseeing an area required at least three or more exorcists.

For larger zones, it would be a squad of five or more. However—

Kamika Ayato single-handedly guarded an entire area all by himself.

He was just above average among them, but even at that level, he was still far ahead of others like him, who were nearing their twilights.

—Exorcists like him who had been training, doing this job since their early ages like Ayato himself was doing.

"Is… that so?"

Once again, old man Kanzaki sighed, nodding melancholically.

"Yes. I believe your parents would be proud of how far you've come."

Hearing that, Ayato opened his mouth slightly—yet no words came out. Praise like this was rare.

He had always remained grounded, constantly reminded of his shortcomings by a certain "dead fish-eyed person."

Even now, he could almost hear that person's voice sneering at him—

"What? It's nothing new for an incompetent to praise a higher-standing incompetent. What's there to be happy about?"

Thinking of that, Ayato grimaced, his expression turning bitter for the fraction of a moment.

'Seigen. Go to hell.'

He thought that playfully, yet with a straight face, before turning his attention back to Kanzaki.

"So? What will happen? Especially my house…"

"Don't worry, we'll assign people to take care of your region. Additionally, we're considering implementing a rotation-based system for coverage."

Ayato nodded, thinking it over. "Makes sense. That way, it would be a different exorcist per week."

"That's about it, Kamika-dono."

As long as they performed their weekly task of clearing out low-level Kegare, there would be no risk of a higher-level one appearing—which was good news.

The rotation-based system also wasn't bad, as it would assign different exorcists per week over a set period of time.

"So? Do you have any idea why the Exorcist Head would go out of his way to transfer me to Narukami?"

"Unfortunately, no idea. Almost nobody knows what the Head is thinking, after all."

For most exorcists, they had only ever seen or heard of the Exorcist Head.

However, those who had seen or met him knew one undeniable truth about him.


That man had roundabout ways of doing things and often came off as playful.

But those who truly knew him also noted that he could be dead serious when he wanted to be.

For Ayato, who had only ever heard of him, he couldn't help but wonder—What does he even look like?

Mixing a serious personality with an eccentric one—what kind of person would that even create…?

His father? That smoker definitely had something close to that personality.

When it came to household matters, the man became completely lazy, going as far as to whine when his mother refused to cook for him due to him doing something she didn't like.

But when it came to exorcism, he would always have that dead serious especially with a cigarette in mouth. Of course he loved that part of his now deceased father, he was cool person.

"I see then…"

Having said that, Ayato slowly nodded his head, once again clearing away the nostalgia.

"Well, I can't decipher the intent of someone as eccentric as that. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they just wanted to transfer me away for the sake of it. But well—orders are orders."

Kanzaki narrowed his eyes, exhaling through his nose. He could have argued, but what was the point? Some things were better left unsaid.

He knew who Ayato's parents were, after all.

They were among the few above-average exorcists left on the mainland.

Ayato's father was the main fighter, while his mother supported him from behind.

And like Ayato, they not only protected their assigned regions but also took on jobs clearing out Kegare in other areas.

Most of the time, they would drop Ayato off here, which was why he was so familiar with him.

As for the boy himself—

It seemed he emulated both his parents' traits.

His mother's fighting style was unique, to say the least.

She was one of the few who could cast something called "Remote Enchantments."

One of the very few, if not the only, person to ever break the distance barrier.

Normally, an exorcist had to keep their enchantments around themselves, unless they were casting a directional spell outward.

However, she—on the other hand—could cast enchantments remotely.

Rather—her ability allowed her to stimulate and assist others in the use of both enchantments and spell power.

This, in turn, allowed his father—that "damned smoker," as he often called him—to fight as recklessly as possible, since his output was being controlled for him.

He had only gone on missions with Ayato a few times, but it was clear.

The way Ayato fought was eerily similar to the way those two crazy people fought.

Reckless, yet measured.

No one else he'd seen—besides the three of them—fought like that.

In the face of danger, especially when confident of victory, they would stand right in front of their opponent and fight head-on.

Something most other exorcists failed to do. 

However—'This world is cruel.'

Most exorcists had fixed upper limits—once set in stone, they could barely push past them.

Of course, being supported by a spiritual guardian could help one grow further, but even spiritual guardians didn't grant massive power boosts.


There was one way. Just one way for an exorcist to grow stronger.

But this was a secret—unknown to most. And by most, that meant 99% of all exorcists alive.

It was a treacherous path, one that would turn the entire onmyōdō world against them.

Not to mention, the grave risk of losing oneself completely. If this world weren't so cruel…

'Then perhaps—both Ayato's parents and himself—could have become more than this.' He thought.

"Well then, let's proceed with the formalities, shall we?"

"Yeah. Let's."

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