Chapter 752: Chapter 731 ( Yggdrasil - II )
"This is important for our race, that's why I want you to tell me where the offshoot of the tree world is" - said Ulfric while squinting his eyes.
"I'm sorry to tell you that it's impossible for you to go to that place, even if I told you where it is, which I can't do because of an ancient contract" - Cloud replied while shaking his head.
Ulfric's expression darkened as he felt his mana start to get out of control - "I'm not kidding, Cloud-dono, knowing about Yggdrasil is something important for my race, that's why I'm not willing to let this opportunity slip through my hands."
Cloud raised an eyebrow before frowning as he felt a group of elves begin to surround this location - "I see you already had this situation budgeted for, though at the same time I'm surprised you'd act this way towards someone who has saved your ass more than once."
"As grateful as I am for your help, the general welfare of my race is far more important" - Ulfric replied regretfully - "That's why I again ask you to tell me everything you know about Yggdrasil, after all, I don't want our friendship to end over something we can negotiate"
"I don't think we can negotiate in this situation, besides, I think you're not understanding something important" - Cloud said as his eyes sharpened - "I'm not the one who is at a disadvantage in this situation"
Ulfric was silent for a few seconds before ordering his subordinates to retreat - "You're right, the difference between you and my troops is huge, I'm sorry I did this."
"You don't have to apologize" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "Now if you'll excuse me, I have something much more important to do."
Ulfric was silent before he felt a huge relief because he could feel how the blond's mana started to grow out of control, proving that he was about to create a huge destruction.
"By the way, I recommend you not to do this kind of things when you previously asked a favor to the person you threatened" - Cloud said while giving a cold look to the leader of the elf clan - "I'll go ahead with my plan for the sole fact that I don't want to hurt the feelings of my cute subordinates, but out of that, don't expect more from me, Ulfric, I'm done with Verbergen and his people, what happens to them now is none of my business, even if I talk to Lyutillis."
Ulfric's expression darkened before he nodded, after all, he was aware that his actions would have grave consequences, though that didn't mean he wouldn't go through with it because Yggdrasil's whereabouts was something extremely important to the elves.
"Did I make a grave mistake?" - Ulfric muttered as he looked up at the sky.
"My lord..." - said an elf as he walked to his leader - "Was it a good idea to let him go?"
The elves did not know why their leader had decided to ambush the person he had treated as a friend until recently, but despite this they followed his orders to the letter.
"If he ordered the attack, we would all have died" - Ulfric replied while shaking his head - "Not only us, but also our brothers, after all, we cannot stop the wrath of a dragon!"
The elves looked at each other before nodding weakly.
"My lord, why did you decide to do this to one of our allies?" - One elf asked with concern, after all, he knew Ulfric would not do something as heinous as betraying a friend for no apparent reason.
Ulfric looked at his subordinates before debating the idea of telling them the truth, or not, though he quickly shook his head because that would be a terrible idea. He had enough self-control because he had all his people on his shoulders, but his subordinates had no such anchor. If they knew the truth of his ambush attempt, they would try to gather as many elves as possible to try to capture the blond, and that would cause the huge genocide of their race, something he, as the leader of the elves did not want to see.
"Sorry, I can't tell them about it" - Ulfric said as he let out a sigh.
The elves nodded before returning to their posts.
"Your majesty, please help your people one last time" - Ulfric muttered as he looked at the huge tree near them, the place where the great Haltina maze was located.
* * * * *
"Did things go well?" - Yue asked as she watched Cloud walk in their direction.
"Not as well as I wished" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "Anyway, it's time for us to enter the maze, we're done with Verbergen after we talk to Lyutillis Haltina."
"I see, they were more stupid than I thought, I guess surviving against the demons made them gain a value as high as their stupidity" - Yue said while shaking his head - "Still, this is good for us, after all, we don't plan to go back to the sea of trees"
Cloud was about to say something else, when he saw how Kam walked next to his wife - "Cloud-sama."
"What's wrong, Kam?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow seeing the serious expression on the Haulia clan leader's face.
"I saw what Ulfric tried to do to her..." - Kam replied as he ducked his head - "I'm sorry for spying on you, it's just that I couldn't stand idly by when I felt a group of elves coming after you."
Cloud looked at the rabbit man in surprise, mostly because he hadn't sensed the presence of the elves.
"They were using a spell peculiar to their race that makes their auras and mana attenuate with the nature around them, that's why you didn't manage to sense them until they were close" - answered Kam, as if reading his master's thoughts - "I managed to sense them by mere chance while walking with my wife."
"Actually, I was the one who sensed them" - snorted Mona as she watched her husband try to gain credit - "It was thanks to one of my abilities, [Ultra hearing]"
Kam smiled awkwardly before explaining his wife's easily understandable ability. She could hear sounds much more accurately, as well as being able to detect sounds that are showing even the slightest bit of hostility against her or her allies, basically, this ability not only enhanced Mona Haulia's hearing, but also allowed her and her people to not suffer surprise attacks.
"Wait, if that ability is so good, why have they suffered so many attacks before she was knocked unconscious?" - Cloud asked as he frowned, after all, Mona's ability was a much simpler version of Shea's ability to be able to see the future, and yet, this made Mona a recon soldier of the highest level.
"It consumes a lot of mana and my weak body couldn't withstand its consumption, that's why every time I heard something dangerous, I was so weak that I couldn't warn my husband" - Mona replied with embarrassment.
"And in the case that we managed to discover the attack thanks to my wife's weakened state, we didn't have the ability to be able to escape or defend ourselves, so it made her suffering in vain" - Kam added with a darkened face, after all, they had lost many siblings during that time.
"I see..." - Cloud muttered before looking at Kam and Mona - "What are you planning to do?"
"I'm going to take my people and live in a safe place, maybe to one of the edges of the sea of trees" - Kam replied as he shook his head - "I can't stay in a place that betrays the person who reached out to them."
"Honestly, I don't care about the people of Verbergen, I helped them, only because that was the request Shea gave me" - Cloud said while shaking his head - "If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have helped them, in fact, I would have told you guys to retreat quietly, after all, this war wasn't yours."
"Now is a good time to do it, after all, we can defend ourselves by ourselves, not to mention that now that their relationship with Verbergen is strained, it is possible that when the reason is known, they will come after us to use us as hostages" - added Mona with a frown - "We already saw what Ulfric was capable of, I wouldn't be surprised if the other elves did something much worse."
"She has a point" - nodded Kam as he looked at his master - "What do you think, Cloud-sama?"
"It's a perfect opportunity to disappear" - Cloud said as he handed him a small box filled with rings - "With this they can survive until we meet in the future"
Kam didn't even look inside the rings, he nodded before taking his wife's wheelchair and walking to their makeshift camp, after all, they still had a lot of preparations to make before mobilizing.
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