Slaves of Evans Castle

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 My Beginning as a Slave

 When I arrived at the castle a few hours earlier, I had been immediately led to a room.

 Before I could enter the large building, of which I knew only a few corners, I had been blindfolded.

 Thus firmly held by one of the Marquis's henchmen, I had been pushed inside through what I assumed to be the main entrance, since we had had to climb several stone steps before reaching a flight of steps from which one could access the interior.

 I couldn't see anything, but I tried to guess... suddenly I felt a carpet under my feet. And we walked for a long time before reaching a new staircase on which I almost tripped, immediately earning me a sharp and firm slap on the back of the neck from my "guide".

 We then reached a landing and I was pushed to the left. Finally the man's iron fist grabbed the back of my neck and squeezed to make me understand that I had to stop. I heard the sound of a door being opened and I was pushed inside a room. Finally, my blindfold was removed. It was a square room, quite small, in which a large four- poster bed stood. This imposing bed was the only piece of furniture in the room, the walls of which were bare, only decorated, at regular intervals of about a meter, by thick steel rings sealed into the stone about two meters high.

 Roughly, the man had pushed me against the wall with my back and, grabbing a rope hanging from his belt, he had started to tie one of my wrists to one of the rings, then the other to the nearest ring. I was now exposed, wrists tied to the rings, arms stretched upwards, body naked and totally exposed... offered... exhibited...

 Fatigue and tension were beginning to make my muscles ache when I heard a noise behind the thick wooden door that closed the room where I was standing... It opened violently and a naked young woman was literally thrown inside. She ended her trajectory by brutally hitting the floor and the bottom of the bed... After her, two men entered in turn. One of them was Walter, Sir Evans' butler. He wore riding breeches and black leather riding boots that glistened darkly... a white shirt and a black waistcoat. In his hand, he brandished a riding crop. Just behind him came a large-built man that I had never seen. He was very square- shouldered and his muscular body stretched the fabric of the shirt he wore over black riding breeches-style pants...

 I saw with horror that the girl's body was streaked with red marks. She had obviously been beaten and besides the way she remained prostrate on the ground sobbing spoke volumes about what she must have suffered.

 Walter leaned down and roughly grabbed the thick mass of her long, tangled blond hair.

 He pulled and forced her to stand up. The female could only submit, but she still tried to protect her body with her hands...

 The second man came up behind her and grabbed her arms, pulling them back hard and freeing access to her face and chest. Walter slapped her! The girl didn't move anymore, she kept her head down, covered in her thick hair that cascaded down her chest... The man holding her down laughed, Walter fumed... He came closer to me and I looked down. But he slapped me back and yelled:

 - "Look at me, female dog!" I looked up at him, fearful...

 - "You are here to learn... You must know what awaits you (he pointed at the girl)

 This whore dared to balk when she was told she had to offer her ass! Can you imagine?

 So look carefully (and he pointed his eyes directly into mine)... and learn!"

 He then left me and returned to the girl. Together, they pushed her onto the bed. She was placed on all fours and Walter brutally forced her to lower her face until it was buried in the sheets while she had to arch her back and make her rump jut out. The girl no longer resisted, she sobbed softly but was as docile as a rag doll that her Tormentors could manipulate at will.

 When she was well positioned, the second man undid his fly and made a nice sized cock protrude, already rigid and well erect... he approached the girl, placed his glans against the offered rosette pressed for a very brief moment and let out a moan of satisfaction when his tail found the way to the girl's bottom who, in harmony let out a heartbreaking cry... The cry turned into a hiccup when the Man began to plow her anus violently. With each well-pressed thrust, the girl let out a sort of little chuckle while the one who was methodically fucking her panted regularly.

 Walter watched the show with visible satisfaction... Of course the girl was still moaning too much and I could see that it irritated her. But she let herself be fucked without any resistance, clearly reduced to submission by the treatment she had just undergone. While the muscular Man was still methodically plowing the submissive, Walter approached me and, without a word, untied me to force me to kneel, before tying my wrists again, still shackled by the rope tied to the rings of the wall.

 Walter grabbed my hair with a firm hand and forced me to watch the scene unfolding on the bed: the girl, motionless, trying to keep her pose of total offering, was still being fucked deeply by the Butler's Accomplice. The Man was clearly enjoying making the pleasure last, he knew how to perfectly manage his rhythm, slowing down when he was probably approaching his pleasure, then resuming even more beautifully, pushing his long, thick cock into the bottom of the servile female, whose entire body he sometimes lifted when he accelerated and pressed his penetrations... for several more long minutes, the girl was thus penetrated, fucked, possessed without consideration and even with the most extreme bestiality, until in a long and powerful moan, the Man came inside her.

 He then withdrew and approached me... Walter smiled. He said:

 - "Here you go! After the female whore, let's see what you're worth... Already, the sticky tail was forcing my lips and I could feel it sinking into my mouth.

 The cock pushed all the way down my throat, almost choking me. I pursed my lips at the base, feeling the balls rubbing against my chin and I knew what I had to to do... Slowly, the Man went back and forth between my lips, his cock covered in sperm and the secretions of the submissive fucked my mouth and I, with my lips, with my tongue, I cleaned it. But while I was sucking humbly, I felt The Sex hardening again.

 The man was hard and suffocating me even more... I couldn't help but give Walter a brief, panicked glance, who was smiling as he looked at us a few steps away...

 The tail had regained all its rigidity and vigor and the man went back and forth between my lips, pushing himself deep into my mouth and all the way inside, rubbing against the back of my palate, going back and forth inside me without any restraint, paying no attention to the moans I let out as I tried to find the air I was deprived of each time he pushed himself in like that...

 This Man was definitely insatiable... After having fucked the female for so long, he spent another long time fucking my mouth with great strokes, until a new flow of his thick and salty juice flooded me, flowing slowly into my throat.

 When the final spasms of His Pleasure had calmed down, I had to suck him for a long time in order to clean His Tail well before he finally deigned to withdraw, leaving the room without another batch, leaving us alone, Walter, the submissive and me.

 Walter came near me:

 - "Good whore... But we'll see tonight what you're really worth..."

 With this cryptic remark, he returned to the girl and made her get off the bed so that she stood on all fours on the floor. He attached a short link leash to the dog collar she wore around her neck and left the room, forcing her to follow him at a good pace despite the rump that seemed so sore and made her crawling somewhat ridiculous... But the girl obediently followed The Butler who was leading her towards I didn't yet know what future trials. And I didn't know at that moment that I was going to share them with her very quickly...

 Silence... In the room where I remained kneeling and tied, calm had settled. Gone were the sobs

 of the submissive who had been taken away, the severe words and sneers of Walter the Butler... I was alone and I remained so for a long time whose duration I was unable to measure... an hour? Hours? I no longer knew how to evaluate time and it didn't matter anyway, since this time was no longer mine but the property of the Master who disposed of it at His will.

 So I waited, trying to find some rest and relaxation despite the very uncomfortable position, with my arms stretched upwards, in which I had been abandoned. In this silence that surrounded me, I finally found more anguish than appeasement.

 The screams, the moans, the lamentations, the smacking of the punishments inflicted filled the void in which I was plunged. They reminded me that I existed. In the most miserable of ways, certainly, since I was only a thing, an object in Hands without pity, but I existed. While this heavy silence sent me back to my nothingness, made me realize my total insignificance: I was nothing other than what they wanted me to be, I had an existence only if they deigned to grant me one.

 Otherwise I was only a common utensil, which was put away without paying the slightest attention to it, since it had no immediate use.

 So, despite the fear of what awaited me, despite the anguish of what would be inflicted on me, it was with real relief that I suddenly heard footsteps echoing in the corridor. A moment later, two men entered the room... I knew them well, they were two of the henchmen who had brought me back to the castle. Their arrival in this room and their carnivorous smiles did not bode well... I knew how cruel and brutal they could be.

 - "So, bitch, want to get some air?" one of them asked in a playful tone. And they laughed, exchanging a knowing look. Leaning towards me, one of them discovered a thick black leather collar, decorated with studs and rings, which he began to fasten around my neck.

 - "There you go, the female dog has put on her costume" said the other as I felt the thick, raw leather around my neck.

 They took a few steps back to contemplate the effect of the collar, which was well adjusted, tight but without hindering my breathing. Without another word, they attached a short leash made of metal links to one of the rings of the collar and untied the links that bound me to the rings of the wall. Immediately, I stood on all fours and tried to adopt an attitude such as those that I had seen adopted by submissives already trained to advance on all fours, held on a leash.

 The two brutes were amused by my attempt and a kick in the ass made me move forward without consideration...

 - "Look at this female dog! (they laughed) she doesn't even know how to walk and she already thinks she can"

 The one holding the leash pulled on it and I was forced to crawl forward at a pace far too fast for my inexperience.

 Which made my crawling particularly ridiculous, earning me the many sarcasms of the two men. I followed them as best I could through corridors, which led us to a service exit of the castle.

 There was already Walter and the one who completed the trio of "henchmen" of the castle.

 In their company was the submissive I had seen getting fucked a few hours before. I knew it was several hours, because it was already getting dark...

 The girl stood straight, she was naked but was standing on high heels. She wore the same dog collar as me and Walter casually held the leash, while he chatted with his sidekick. Nearby, a white van was parked, the back doors wide open. When Walter saw us approaching, he tugged on the leash and the submissive obediently followed His steps to the van where he ushered her in through the back doors and I followed, still on all fours.

 The interior of the van was roughly furnished. Hooks were attached to the ceiling and benches had been installed on the sides. An opaque wall separated this rear part from the cabin.

 Quickly and roughly, the girl and I had our wrists tied with cords which were then attached to hooks nearby. We were thus totally exposed and balanced on tiptoes. Around our necks still hung the leashes that had not been detached from our collars. Two of the men took their places on the benches, while the third and Walter went to the driver's cab after closing the rear doors. And the van started up...

 I looked at the submissive whose body was swaying to the rhythm of the jolts that shook the van. We were well secured to the hooks, but unable to keep still and we were like two puppets agitated by movements that we could not control. The girl's breasts trembled and jumped in a very suggestive way... her thin face with the little upturned nose remained closed and her gaze fixed on the ground, she never raised it to me while I could not take my eyes off the zebra stripes that crisscrossed her body with such fine and pale skin. She had obviously been washed and the marks had been treated. She had also been coiffed, lightly made up and even perfumed. The scent of a spring and youthful perfume whose name escaped me was indeed floating in the van. And it was certainly not one of the two Cerberus who wore such a fragrance!

 The two men looked at us with a wicked smile. Sometimes they exchanged a few words in whispers. They could have spoken aloud, since we were only slaves and people could express themselves in front of us without embarrassment or restraint. But they expressed themselves in a completely inaudible way, sometimes throwing us amused glances.

 I was sure they were doing this to increase the anxiety that was gripping my stomach and which, no doubt, was inflicting an identical anxiety on my submissive companion. They knew it and were amused by it.

 This only increased my fear of the nearest future by several degrees. The journey lasted I don't know how long, an hour no doubt, during which my companion in misfortune and I were tossed here and there by the jolts of the van and that, from time to time, our guards took advantage of the situation to let their big calloused hands stray on our rumps or between our thighs. Not even for a specific purpose, but just because the situation offered them the opportunity, like one carelessly caresses the dog dozing at our feet. They seemed almost jaded to see our two bodies thus totally exposed, deprived of any possibility of escaping the slightest gesture, any more intense touching

 that they might have wanted to inflict on us...

 Finally, the van stopped and the third guard opened the doors. Our wrists were untied and we were taken out of the vehicle. The submissive who remained as silent as ever got out first, perched upright on her high boots, while I followed on all fours without yet knowing where we were and what awaited us...

 When I was thrown to the ground I felt gravel under my knees... Suddenly, I felt the glow of the van's headlights coming from behind me, lighting up part of the place where we had stopped. Still on all fours, I raised my head slightly... We were in a parking lot, I could hear the sound of cars speeding along a highway in the distance, but I couldn't see, because a real hedge of heavy goods vehicles formed a curtain that cut us off from the rest of the


 Already, Walter was making the submissive move forward, who followed him obediently. They moved away accompanied by one of the henchmen, while the other two stayed with me. I began to better discern what surrounded me: a highway parking lot, that much I had understood... sheltered by the "wall" of trucks, a group of men was waiting and I saw the glow of their cigarettes. There were five of them and Walter was walking towards them holding the submissive on a leash, naked, wearing only her dog collar and high-heeled pumps that forced her to adopt a swaying gait...

 I tried to take in more of the whole scene, but my leash was pulled and I was forced to follow the two men guarding me on all fours. They led me to a lawn where picnic tables and benches were set up, a dark green area surrounded

 by trees...

 I was dragged to one of these trees, the closest to the tables, and my guards placed me on my knees, back to the trunk, my hands tied, pulled back tightly. I had to spread my thighs wide, leaving my sex exposed and without any protection, my ankles also being tied by a rope that went around the trunk. The two brutes who remained in my company mocked the tension that had taken hold of my sex. They did not comment, but their looks and their laughter were unambiguous. Once again, this degrading situation excited me. I could not escape it. Being humiliated, treated like a dog or a whore, that excited me and I did not even know how to hold back. I was reduced to the state of an animal subjected to its basest instincts, to its vilest sensations. While one of the two men moved away towards the van, I tried to see what was happening further away.

 Walter had joined the group of men near the trucks and seemed to be introducing the submissive to them. He had pushed her into the center of the circle formed by the smokers and they were contemplating her, while she remained motionless in the middle of these men with looks that I could only imagine, but which must have weighed without any restraint on the thin and delicate body of the female.

 As I remained focused on the scene, the men beginning to tighten their circle around the girl, the guard who had moved away came back towards me holding an object that I could not define. I understood when he was very close to me and began to fix it on my face. It was a sort of iron circle that was fixed to my lips and my chin, while a leather strap came to close on my neck. It was like a metal gag, but an open gag. The way it stretched my mouth forbade me from speaking, but kept my mouth wide open. I breathed deeply and began to feel my saliva flow abundantly...

 Meanwhile, the group gathered around Walter had moved and was approaching us. The girl was still on a leash and the men surrounded her. They let their hands wander over her rump, her breasts... And Walter kept a very slow pace, in order to allow them to make the most of this beautiful body delivered to their big calloused hands.

 They arrived at the table closest to the tree where I had been tied up... Walter gave the girl a sharp slap on the rump and she climbed onto the table where she sat on all fours, her rump facing outwards. The one who went with

 Walter began to tie her limbs by connecting them to the legs of the table. He handled his ropes with an agility, speed and precision that underlined great practice. In a few minutes, the female was completely bondaged on the table, her limbs tied, her thighs spread wide, her face and torso pressed against the wood of the table top, but her back arched and her rump well raised. Immobilized, she had become a perfect offering for the men who spoke in low voices while contemplating her thus totally open...

 One of them broke away from the group and approached the girl. He took his place behind her and without any foreplay or hesitation, pulled his cock out and pushed it into the submissive's anus... She made no sound. No complaints, no moans... the man was trying to fuck her deeply. He was giving violent thrusts and panting with the effort. One would have thought that he wanted to make the table move by the sheer force of his thrusts into the female's asshole.

 But the table was perfectly riveted to the ground and it was the girl who received all the power put by the man in his sodomizing hip swing. This lasted for long minutes, until the man let out a long hoarse moan...

 The girl still hadn't made a sound... only the fat laughter of the men watching the scene while waiting their turn floated in the air. What I understood then was what I was destined for. The one who had just relieved himself approached me, his penis still out, sticky with his sperm and the anal secretions of the submissive. He came very close and pushed his cock into my mouth that the metal bit kept wide open.

 The man's cock moved in and out, pushing into my mouth, all the way down my throat. I felt his juices depositing on my tongue, all over the inside of my mouth... while he was cleaning his sex like this, another trucker had already started to fuck the girl in turn.

 The man who was taking the female's ass was loud and he was saying words that were probably crude in a language that I knew nothing about but seemed rather Slavic to me. I couldn't believe the thought of it... I was used as a cock hole to clean the sex of men who had just fucked a female and my thoughts were trying to catch their words!

 The sequence lasted, lasted, lasted a long time... the five men followed one another, first in the girl's ass, then in my mouth, pouring their thick juice and their nocturnal pleasure into it....

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