Shadow Slave : I am Sunless

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The Sad Life

In a three story house, inside one of the rooms, we could see five figures, four were beating up a kid who appears to be in his teens with iron rod or by simply punching and kicking him.

The kid clothes were toned off and could barely even cover him, his whole body was covered in deep knife wounds and bruises. The kid could barely even breath as another kick landed at his chest, that seems have let all the air out of his lungs.



Two of the four figures stopped as they checked their phones, they seems to have received some messages.

Seeing the two figures stopped, the other two also stopped beating up the kid as they both looked at the two figures with curious expression on their faces.

"Luke! i think we need to go now!" said the women to the man in front of her, the women appears to be in her mid thirties, with long dark blond hair reaching her waist and dark black eyes, and while skin, with red lips. she also has some winkles on her face, which she was able to hide with her makeup. 

But looking at her face one could say that she must have been a beauty in her younger days.

The man heard his wife and shifted his gaze from the message to her.

The man name is Luke, he appears to be in his mid thirties, he has long black hairs reaching his shoulder, deep crimson eyes, and a white skin, he face was rather attractive even while being in his thirties, with sharp jawline and hunter like eyes.

He nodded his head, then he look at the beat up kid at the floor.

"What about him ?" he asked, while pointing at the kid, his voice sounded without a single bit of concern as if the kid life didn't matter to him.

Everyone gaze shifted to the kid who still seems to be breathing faintly, after all the beating he took.

"Father, leave his responsibility to me and big brother." said the girl in a cheerful manner, as she looked at her father with pleading eyes.

The girl appears to be 17 or 18 years old, she has long black hair black eyes, her skin was white, she has a cute face that can make anyone think of her as an angle. Her name is Maya.

Luke gaze soften at the sight of his daughter, his eyes were now filled loved, as he patted her head.

"Ofcourse my little angle." he said in his sweet voice as he ruffle her hairs

He then looked at the boy, the boy has long blond hair and red eyes and a attractive face to the point that he could make any women faint on spot, he was cleaning blood stains from the iron rode with a white cloth, with an unknown smile on his face.

"Ren make sure, this thing doesn't cause trouble." he said as he leave for the room with the women.

The women kissed both of the children on their forehead before following the Luke.

Now it was only the three kids in the room, the daughter looked the door, then she turned around with a smile, which quickly vanish as she looked at her brother.

Ren looked out of the window as he saw their parents leave the house, in their car. He then looked at her and nodded his head, Maya smirked as she looked at the kid on the ground, she then started removing her clothes.

Ren did the same thing as he too started removing his clothes.

Now both brother and sister was naked, looking at the kid who has a fearful expression on his face.

"Ready for getting fucked up, Alex baby~" said Maya as she moved towards him and started removing what was left of his clothes.

Alex the name of the kid that gotten beaten up, he could barely even say anything else as his whole body was hurting to the point that he could not even open his eyes.

As Maya removed his clothes or what left of them, her brother Ren started tying up Alex hands in ropes, after tying him up he looked at his sister who seems be playing with the sharp knife in her hands.

She was about to throw the knife at Alex leg when her foot slipped from the blood that was on the ground and she accidently throw the knife at his chest.

Alex body trembled for a movement before he become still, his mouth was opening and closing, blood started coming out of this mouth, the knife seems to have dug deeper inside his chest his face become deadly pale as he looked at his culprit, after a while he stopped moving his body. 

"W-what... t-the..." 


Ren and Maya both of them panicked as they didn't know what to do, the one who was panicking more was Maya since she was the one who stab Alex in the chest.

Maya quickly pull out the knife hoping that it could save him, but it seems to have made the wound more worse, the movement she pull out the knife, more blood come out of his chest covering his whole body.

They both started panicking moving from here to there, not knowing what to do.















'So this how i die huh... well it was good while it lasted.' i thought as i could feel the pain that was coming from my chest disappearing slowly, soon i was starting to lose the feeling of my body. 

Breathing was getting hard and hard.

It is said when a person is in his/her dying movement their life would flash before their eyes, mostly the good memories, but it seems that their were none for me.

All i know is that the movement i was bone, my parents died in an car accident.

And i was send to the orphanage, where i spend the 7 years of my life, life in the orphanage was hard.... very very hard.

Their was not enough food and water for everyone, and not even a proper sleeping bed for children, as someone of them were told to slept in the floor.

Even the clothes that was provided to us were old, worn out with multiple holes in them and some were left with only underwear. But in this regard i was a bit lucky to get clothes, it was nothing but a small grey shirt that only reach till my knees.

I spend most of my time in the orphanage broken library reading books that i find interesting, i don't really have a friend in the orphanage as nobody want to associated themselves with a crippled like me, that right i was bone with a disability, i can't speak.

I was a mute.

And because of this disability a lot of children take advantage of it and started bullying me, and i who was all alone could do nothing but endure.

Not because i was a coward but because, i couldn't fight back against 10 children, if it was one vs one i was confidence that i could handle them, but against 10 well i could only run away hoping that they would not catch me.

Forgive me but i am not batman.

I even tried to complained to the caretaker, by telling her by writing in papers ( Yes i know how to read and write ) but she just ignored me and sometimes she even would mock and make fun of me for being unable to speak.

'That bitch.'

I mean from what i know is that the orphanage was run by a elderly couple, a husband and wife.

The wife was the caretaker and the head of the orphanage was her husband, they didn't really care about the condition of the children's, nor the building which really needed some maintenance. 

The funds they were given for the maintenance of the building and the for the children's education by the state government were spend on their livelihood and for their two children's education.

That's right they were stealing the funds given to them by the state government.

How this i know this information ?

Well one day i was running away from the bullies and accidently enter the office of the head of the orphanage and their i found some paper that contains the funds that was send that year.

I was really shocked and angry but even if i were to know what could i possibly do.

I mean i was a mute and didn't even know sign language, since in the orphanage library their was not a single book about it, neither anyone in the orphanage know.

And even if somehow i were to tell the children's, they would not even understand what funds are, after all for them getting food and adopted was more important.

Their was also a fear of what if they told the caretaker about it, so because of this i didn't even try to do anything else.

But all of it change when i turned 7 years old, i remember it clearly it was a rainy night.

I was following one of the older child as the head of the orphanage had call me in his office, soon i reach their and saw the caretaker talking with two unknown figure one man and one women, as i enter the room, they stopped talking and turned their eyes on me.

Their eyes seems to be judging my every move and one was even evaluating me.

"Is this the kid ?" said the unknown men, as he looked at me up and down, as if trying to see what so special about me.

"Yes sir, his name is Alex." said the caretaker as she moved towards in my direction and started patting my head.

As her hand made a direct contact with my body i couldn't help but feel scared, under those eyes.

'Why is she looking at me like that!!'

"His!? are you telling me this kid is boy." said the women she seems to be surprised, as she looked at me closely, while examining my face, like i am some sort of item.

"Yes my lady, he might looked like a girl but he is indeed a boy." said the caretaker, after hearing her statement the man and women were both left surprised.

'They talking about my appearance ?' i mean i know that i looked like a girl, since i was born with a girly face, but i never felt insecure about this, after all to me it was nothing but a face.

But that's not important, surely they all just didn't come to the orphanage just to see if i am a guy or girl right!!

'Are they here to adopt me?' i thought as i glanced at the men and women who were now talking with the head of the orphanage.

Since their is no other reason to come to the orphanage, if they are not going adopt a child.

'And the fact that i am here in the middle of the night.' all the fact lead to the one point.

And my thoughts come true as i saw the men taking out some heavy bills, he then handed the bills over to the head, the head quickly took the bills with a greedy expression on his face, he then licked his finger and started counting them one by one.

'That's a lot of money...' i thought while looking at the thick bundle of bills.

'It seems like these guys are rich.' although i don't know how the money works, but looking at their clothing and their lack of reaction after giving that much amount of money.

After he was done counting, he let out a satisfied smile as he looked at me then at the couple.

"Well then, i will take care of all the paper work...." he paused in mid sentence as he signal the caretaker who brought some paper.

She then handed the papers to the men and women.

" both just need to sign there and this child is yours." he said as he pointed where to sign, both men and women read the document first before singing one by one.

'Did i just get sold...???' i thought as i looked at the happy faces of the caretaker who seems to be saying something to me, like behave yourselves in your new home and don't cause any trouble for your new parents.

'Am i some sort of item...' They didn't even asked for my permission, if i wanted to go or not, then again why would they need my permission, since i was nothing but a item for them to sell.

I have always wonder aren't orphanages are nothing but a place that sells children's legally.

I mean think about it, why were orphanage were made, so that they can give shelter to the children's who lost their parents or too those who were abandon by birth a place to live. 

"A place they can all call their home."

But for some orphanage like this one, it is nothing more than a business of child trafficking, here they can sell the children to the peoples who wants them, the highest bidder wins.

And looking at the face of the the men and women, i have a bad feeling.

'I mean i should feel happy that i am finally getting adopted.'

But something inside me is telling me that something really bad is going to happen and i should just run away.

'And run away to where??' i mean i can hardly even out run the bullies, then how am i supposed to outrun an fully grown adults.

After they were done talking, the women put her hand in my head.

"Welcome to your new family." she said with an unknown smile on her face, her eyes were closed.

'She doesn't seems like a person i could trust.' i thought while nodding my head.

Soon i started following the man and women who were now supposed to be my new parents.

As i reach out of the orphanage, i couldn't help but glanced back i mean this is the place where i have lived for 7 years. 

'I'm sure not gonna miss it.' i thought as i moved towards the parents, not knowing that i was going to regret having these thoughts very much in the future.











'8 years has passed since that time...'

Now i have finally turned 15 years old.

'I mean, i am basically a teenager now.'

I thought as i looked at broken mirror, which display my nude reflection.

My face has become more girly to the point that it was now hard to even identify if i was a even a boy.

But that's not all!!

My skin was pale white to the point it looked like a blank white sheet, their was also some cracks on it too. It was all because i have not seen the sun for the past 3 years. My hairs dull black in colour with a bit of pale white mix in them. 

They were long enough to reached my back, my eyes were dull black too with long eye lashes, but the thing about my eyes was that, their wasn't a single bit of emotions on them, they looked almost dead as if this person has lost all hope in living.

'Which was true.'

Then comes my thin and boney figure, my body was thin showing my skeleton like frame, but that's not all, it is also covered in scars, hundred of them, burn marks which were pitch black in colour and multiple small bruise.

My rib cage was fully display, it was even showing me the two upper ribs that were missing from my rib cage, since someone broke them not to long ago.

How did i become like this ?

Well the answer is simple, the day i was brought here, the couples immediately dropped their mask, they didn't want a child, since they already have two children's of their own.

All they wanted was a punching bag or in their language should i say a stress reliever, the one that didn't break and would last long, But at first they didn't started beating me, since they want me to last long. 

So at first they told me to do all the chores of the house, which was not that hard since i used to do it a lot in the orphanage, i was not perfect in some chores like i don't know how to use a washing machine, since in the orphanage all the children would wash their clothes with their hands and i did that to here too, but this didn't sit well with them and because of this they started beating me.

i cried, to the point that my tears stopped coming, i tried screamed but no sound come out of my mouth, i beg for them to stopped while bowing in my knees putting my head down, but those monsters didn't stopped as it seems to have fuel their happiness more, to the point that they increased the amount of force in those punches and kicks. 

'That's was the first time in my life, i was beaten that much.'

It was a painful experience, even the bullies didn't beated me that much like how they did.

That night i was not able to sleep. How could i, since my whole body was hurting like hell, even laying down on the floor was hard, and the fact that it was cold.

And the next day the parents even let two of their children's join the fun too.

So yeah my life was like this, getting beaten up in the morning because i didn't learn how to cook the breakfast, in evening getting striped in front ( not like i had clothes to begin with ) of them why just because they felt like it, or sometimes they would make me wear very little clothes to the point that it didn't even cover my privates part.

And in night the whole family would ganged raped me, they would tied me up in ropes or in chains and stuff a big long stick inside my mouth, i don't know why thought.

But that wasn't all that they would sometimes even starve me for weeks, giving me very less and less amount of food and water.

But in those times instead of food they would they give me some pills that made my body really hot.

I didn't even have a room, i would sometimes slept in the hallways after all most of the time i was in their bed rooms getting laid by them, then after they were done they would throw me to the side of the room.

But in winters it was bad, they would put me outside of the house in nightime without any clothes on, and would watch me shiver, they would sometime even let out a laugh.

Standing naked in the winter was not a good experience at all.

And it all goes for straight 8 years.

'How did i survive for that long is something even i don't know.' i mean i always wanted to kill myself, i even tired it, but some obstacle would always come in my way, like that time i tried to jumped from the house only to landed at the small swimming pool, second time i tried to cut my hand and even stabbed my neck, only to discover my the Ren who then tried my hands and feet, and put a blindfold in my eyes and lock me up in the basement, but i then tired other such things, and after failing for 100th time i stopped doing it.

I mean i didn't see any result, and i know that their was some unknown power trying to stopped me from killing myself, probably my Guardian Angle.

The only thing enjoyable in this house for me was the TV in which their were multiple series and movies to watch i would watch TV when the coupled were not at home and their children would go to the place called School, i saw a lot of movies in that time

But when i turned 12 years old Maya throw a broken phone at me, i dogged the attack, she was cursing saying that it was not working fast and other such things, but i ignore her as i was looking at the phone, in that phone i saw a lot of apps, i randomly clicked on one and it show me the world of novels and anime.

My favorite one was Reverend Insanity, Lord of the Mysteries, Solo leveling and Shadow Slave.

The were the only source of entertainment for me in this hell.

But just like someone said "All good thing must come to an end."

Like today i was caught eating a piece bread by Maya, she told everyone and then they dragged me in the room, beat me up for hours, after their parents left she and her brother were planning on raping me, when her knife accidentally hit me in the chest.

Which leads to the current situation.

'What a sad life i had....' i mean i did have the sad life, and now i can't read the latest chapter of the novel Shadow Slave.

'I wonder what would happened in Chapter 2221.......' these were the last thoughts in my mind before everything went dark in front of my eyes...











Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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