Chapter 15: It's Up to You!
Maxwell checks his notebook one more time and shrugs. The starite was just sitting there, and nothing seemed to be in sight. He walks towards it and all its shiny, gold, beauty it can offer.
As soon as he's just a finger away…
A magical explosion sends him flying into the air, in which he creates a pillow through writing mid-air. He watches from afar as Timmy walks a bit hastily out of the explosion with Cosmo and Wanda close behind.
Wanda: Timmy? Is this was you meant by the most powerful item in the universe?
Cosmo: Oo! It's probably this tasty-looking golden star rock. ( He then pops it in his mouth)
Maxwell: Hey!! Give that back!
Timmy observes this ridiculous-looking child. And something pops up in his head.
Timmy: He's interested in the rock, that must be the item! Cosmo, Wanda, we have to protect the rock!
The 3 get into some sort of fighting stance.
Maxwell delivers a look one can only describe as a mix of annoyance and disappointment, as he looks up at his foes, and back again at his book. He takes one last look before creating a rocket launcher.
We now have a view of his book. The challenge was: to win a Death Battle.1
Maxwell shoots the rocket launcher at Cosmo, causing an explosion. He gives a yelp of pain and flies away. The other two just kinda watch. Maxwell soon after writes Lions into existence and sends them forward.
Timmy: Um uh... I wish for a bigger Lion!
They appear, in all of its bigger Lion glory. They begins to just tear through the other Lions, poofing them one after the other.
Maxwell: Why didn't I think of that?
He is punted away by the Lion, which allows him to let go of his book.
Timmy: Aha! I wish for lasers! From the air!
The lasers begin to fire at him, forcing him to dodge and roll around said lasers before picking up his book and writing a giant nuke into existence, blowing up the area. After all the dust settles, Maxwell witnesses a forcefield disappear in front of Timmy.
Timmy: I wish I was Cleft the boy chin wonder!
A poof of magic later and a grappling hook emerges from the smoke, catching Maxwell. This pulls him towards Timmy, who dishes out a combo before he wishes up a huge fist which sends Maxwell into oblivion.
Timmy: Cosmo! Still have that rock?
Cosmo: DO I ever?
Cosmo then reveals his teeth, showcasing a padlock and a whole ass cage, with a starite inside it.
Timmy: Alright!
Wanda: Um, sport, don't you think we can just... poof back now?
Timmy: Are you kidding? This is awesome!
Timmy jumps into the air before being shot by a Batman-themed rocket, which sends him all the way to a building which Maxwell is in. This time, he's in Batman's attire.
Timmy: Whoa, what superhero are you?
Maxwell: Batman! Ever hear of him?
Timmy is socked in the face by Maxwell's bat brass knuckles, causing him to stagger back.
Timmy frowns, before biting through said brass knuckles and hitting him in the face with his propeller, before then spinning it in his face a bunch of times, his face.
Maxwell: How did you...
Maxwell pushes him back and Maxwell writes Ben Affleck Batman into existence, who rushes at him.
Timmy: I wish to be a good martial artist!
They have a quick scene. Timmy flips over Ben, who ducks a jumping kick. The two clash blows, hand and hand, foot and foot, over and over again. Timmy jumps back and shoots his grappling hook at him, who catches it in his hands and uses it to attempt to slam him into a wall. Before Timmy can take damage, he readjusts his body, jumping off the wall for a frontflip kick. Ben blocks this kick, causing a mini shockwave with the impact.
Maxwell is seemingly baffled.
Timmy mid-air, hurricanranas the hand Ben used to block, flipping him over. He lands on his feet but is startled. Timmy uses that as an opportunity to sweep his legs, bringing him to his knees, and superkicking the poor bat out of the building.
Timmy: Phew.
He feels a tap on his shoulder.
Cosmo: Timmy! watch out watch out watch out!
Timmy: Huh?
Timmy looks behind himself, before being greeted by Bane.
He RKOs Timmy through all 69 floors in the building they're in, before reaching the bottom, where there seems to be bat-themed C4 everywhere. This eviscerates the entire building they're in.
The fairies appear beside Timmy who is terribly injured. Wanda heals him.
Wanda: Don't you think we should head home now sport?
Timmy: Of course not! Let's kick this up a notch!
He jumps into the air again, and this time intercepts a Joker missile, which leaves him covered in Acid.
After that is done, Timmy ponders, rubbing his chin.
Timmy: Where's all this magic coming from?
Wanda: (Creates Binoculars) Probably the magic book he has, sport.
Timmy: Magic book?
Wanda: Aren't you paying attention to the fight Timmy? He writes something, and it appears!
Cosmo: He shot me with a rocket!
Cosmo cries for a bit, while the rusty gears turn in Timmy's brain. Then, it churns out an idea!
Timmy: Then... we get the book!
Cosmo: Wow! Why didn't I think about that?
We cut to Maxwell, relaxing in a Jacuzzi he created himself. But soon, the water inside seems to reduce slowly but surely, to the point that there's nothing there. He removes the cucumbers from his eyes. It was a now enlarged Invincibubble, who delivered a giggle.
Invincibubble: Hi!
Maxwell: Huh.
Soon, yet another window is broken through as Maxwell is punched in the face out of the building, where Danny Phantom, who's waiting by, spikes him into the ground at high speeds. The too then fly for a combined punch, which is blocked by Bowser, and oddly enough, Superman respectively. This clash parts the clouds above them. Captain Man walks in between the two Nickelodeon fighters.
Captain Man: Don't worry team! I got this!
He punches Superman and reels back in pain with a scream before he is scrunched into nothingness by Bowser's telekinesis.
While the two dynamic duos battle in the background, Maxwell, rests against the side of some rubble caused by the clash and sighs. This challenge was indeed proving difficult.
Then Timmy poofs a few meters in front of him.
Timmy: There he is!
Maxwell: Give me back my starite!
Cosmo: Mmm... Nah!
Maxwell growls and starts to write rapidly in his book, seemingly filling his figure with as many adjectives as possible. Genius, Invincible, Strong ETC. Suddenly, He even starts to grow in size.
Timmy: What is he...
Wanda: Use your thinker sport.
Timmy: He's making himself all-powerful?
Wanda: Bingo!
Timmy: Then I wish...
And just like that, the two of them surged with unfathomable power, imbuing themselves with every reality-bending adjective imaginable. They expanded until the very planet seemed insignificant in comparison.
Their fists collided in a cataclysmic clash, obliterating the planet entirely, erasing it from existence without a trace. But even amidst the destruction, their battle raged on, unfazed by the cosmic chaos they had unleashed.
They collide. Over and Over again, each punch growing in scale of reaches unimaginable levels of destruction. Entire celestial bodies are obliterated as the battle rages on, as The Solar System goes next, and then the Milky Way lights up and is eviscerated too. Before they collide punches again, Timmy teleports behind Maxwell and levitates a Galaxy towards him, catching and lifting it, before slamming it into the back of his head. Maxwell rubs it, picks up one of his own, and freezes it over completely. He then shatters it on Timmy, sending his large frame deeper downwards into space.
But Timmy flies at top speeds and grabs Maxwell's book, so fast, it leaves only a page in his arm, as the rest of it from ripped off.
Timmy: I wish the Book disappeared!
And in a magic flash, it did. Timmy then blasted some more magic at him from his palm, rapidly shrinking his molecules inch by inch.
Maxwell reduces in size and lands in Timmy's palm. From his point of view, he looks like a celestial giant, towering over his pitiful self. Suddenly, his palm slowly starts to close up. He begins to crush him, with all the weight of a galaxy. The pain is intense. It felt like supernova after supernova was happening, with him in the centre.
Timmy lets go of his lifeless body and lets him fall into the endless depths of space.
But it was never that easy.
Starites start to fly towards Maxwell, including the one in Cosmo's mouth, which comically breaks through his teeth.
Maxwell's body absorbs all 236 starites, and regains the life energy he lost, glowing bright yellow.
Wanda: Whoa! Look at the power on him!
Cosmo: Timmy... you should probably say something now!
Timmy panics as fast as a guy the size of a celestial being can. Then he realizes something, looking at the ever-minuscule piece of paper in his hand.
Maxwell had given himself the most powerful of all the adjectives.
Maxwell smiles, then flies at immeasurable speeds at his foe, seemingly multi-coloured.
Timmy: (In a deeper voice) There's only one way to win this! Cosmo, Wanda, I wish for more...POWER!
With a flick of their wands in cool synchronization, Cosmo and Wanda unleash a barrage of magical energy aimed directly at Timmy. Brilliant streams of colourful light streak through the air, converging on Timmy, who undergoes a transformation beyond comprehension. In a blinding flash of light, his form expands and distorts, transcending the boundaries of mortal existence. He becomes a cosmic entity of immense proportions. Now, he was Galactimus. What more could you need?
There was an impossibly big size difference between the two. Timmy shot various projectiles at him. Lasers, icy comets, and fiery meteors all of which Maxwell manoeuvres around with ease, dodging every attack around him.
The air crackled with energy as Timmy continued to unleash his arsenal of elemental assaults, Yet, no matter how fierce the onslaught, Maxwell remained calm and composed, his mastery over reality allowing him to outfox every blast with ease. Timmy knew this wasn't working. So he had one more shot.
Timmy: Cosmo. Wanda. Whatever happens after this. I love you guys. Now. Put everything into this last blow!
Cosmo/Wanda: You've got it, Timmy!
Timmy channels all the power at his disposal into a devastating attack. With flames flickering and twinkling with cosmic energy on his fist, he unleashes a blow of unparalleled magnitude towards Maxwell, the force behind it enough to dwarf even the mightiest of galaxies.
Maxwell braces himself and channels every ounce of his own formidable power to meet the oncoming onslaught. He propels himself forward with all his might, meeting Timmy head-on in a collision that echoes throughout the fabric of the universe.
The impact is cataclysmic, sending shockwaves rippling across the cosmic expanse as galaxies tremble in response. Stars flicker and fade as the very essence of reality quakes under the sheer force of their collision.
With that, everything in the universe cracked away. And so did Timmy's hand.
In a sudden flash of action, Maxwell seized the wands of the fairies, his movements swift and decisive as he disarmed them with calculated precision. With a swift motion, he brought the wands together, unleashing a powerful wave of power that obliterated them into shimmering fragments of light.
Cosmo: Our WANDS!
Wanda: Uh oh.
Now, he shrinks in size. All of the armour, weapons and skills he had wished up, were gone. Timmy is back to normal. No power left in sight with him. Just the young boy he started off as. The outer reaches of the broken reality are a breathtaking scene. One he will not experience for long. He had the adjectives, Frozen and Absent on him.
He was disappearing from existence.
But right beside him, were his best friends in the whole world.
Timmy: Cosmo... Wanda, are you guys OK?
Cosmo strains himself, to no avail.
Cosmo: Timmy, try and make a wish!
Timmy: I wish we could move!
Not a single burst of light. Not a single thunderous explosion of magic. His wishes had vanished into the void.
Timmy: So I guess, this is it huh?
Wanda: Timmy... we're so sorry. We tried everything.
Timmy looked at his friends, his heart aching. He took a deep breath, trying to muster a brave smile despite the overwhelming sadness.
Timmy: It's okay, Wanda. It's not your fault. We've had so many amazing adventures together. I wouldn't trade them for anything.
Cosmo: Timmy, whatever happens, our memories can't ever disappear. And that's what matters, right?
The reality around them continued to crumble, the edges of existence wearing out like an old book. Timmy's body shimmered with a translucent glow, becoming more ethereal by the second.
Wanda: Timmy, we love you. You're the best godkid we could ever ask for.
Timmy's eyes welled up, but he held back his tears. He wanted his last moments to be filled with gratitude, not sorrow.
Timmy: I love you guys too. Thanks for everything.
Though he couldn't feel their warmth, the connection between them felt as strong as ever.
Which is when, Maxwell teleports to him, hugging him.
Maxwell: I'm sorry. I didn't think this would all happen!
Timmy: Heh! Hope you use that power better than I did!
Similar journies they went through, didn't they? Both two irresponsible children, entrusted with power beyond their comprehension. Fighting all for nought.
Maxwell's hug tightens until he isn't hugging anything at all, as Turner had disappeared, down to the last atom.
Maxwell soars into the boundless cosmos, blazing with infinite energy. With the flick of his hand, galaxies spiral into existence, stars ignite in brilliant supernovas, and planets coalesce from swirling nebulae. As he moves through the void, the fabric of reality bends and reshapes, birthing new realms and dimensions. The universe is reborn.
3 months after the Universe's rebirth...
Maxwell walks down a bustling street, the vibrant sounds and sights of a restored world surrounding him. Among the bustling crowd, he spots a familiar figure—a boy with two peculiar fish in a bowl. Heart racing, he hurries over.
Maxwell: Timmy?
Timmy looks up, a puzzled expression on his face as he meets Maxwell's gaze.
Timmy: Do I know you?
Maxwell hesitates for a moment, remembering that he did in fact recreate the universe.
Maxwell: Oh, right. Sorry, it's just... you remind me of someone I used to know.
He offers his hand in a friendly gesture.
Maxwell: Nice fish, by the way.
Timmy eyes him cautiously.
Timmy: Thaaaanks...
Maxwell's heart sinks slightly. So does his face. But it rises up again.
Maxwell: Wanna start over?
Timmy: Start over? I've never met you before!
Maxwell: Oh, right.
He stretches out a palm.
Maxwell: I'm Maxwell.