Chapter 12: Warrior's Code
A Monster-like boom is heard in the distance 3 times. Seems like the normal city of Norrisville (given) had been attacked yet again. But from atop the large buildings, we witness the 9th-grade ninja, observing the damages.
Randy: Alright. I'll get this done with.
But from the shadows surrounding him, out jumps Jayden Shiba, walking up right behind him.
Jayden: Please, Clear out. There's a monster attack right now.
Randy: And who do YOU think is going in there to fix it?
Jayden: Not a kid. That's for sure. Now I repeat. Clear out.
Randy: Nah, I don't think I will.
He puts on the mask as his suit envelopes him, turning him into the Norrisville ninja himself.
Jayden: Nice costume. Now. Leave.
Randy throws a ninja ring at Jayden, who barely dodges it, all with tired eyes.
Jayden: I knew something was wrong with you. I won't let you fill this city with darkness.
Randy: Darkness? Dude. I fight darkness Eve-ry-day.
Jayden: Go Go Samurizer!
Randy: Nice colour sche- WHOA
After transforming, Jayden shoots fire at Randy who almost trips over the first blast, perilously jumps over the first blast and backflips over the last at high pace, before throwing a bunch of ninja disks at the ranger, then his sai. He weaves and dodges and slashes at Randy with his sword, who blocks the blow with his, clashing. Brief swordplay ensues in which Jayden dominates, parrying most of the Ninja's moves and attacking before he transforms his sword into the fire smasher.
Randy: Uh Oh.
Jayden: Take this!
Jayden bashes him into the distance, and observes his work, putting the fire smasher on his shoulder. Soon after, he jumps after him. Randy lands face first on top of another building but has no time to relax as Jayden whips out the Bullzooka on another building. They both jump from building to building, with Randy jumping and ducking blasts from the background while running.
Eventually, Jayden finally nails him, making him roll into the railing of a building.
Jayden: Got you.
Randy: Cheap shot! I got plenty of those! Smokebomb!
Jayden: Huh? Where did he...
He appears from the shadows behind Jayden and kicks him square in the head, leaving him reeling, before vanishing again. He then uses earth attack to terraform the area, pulling 5 buildings closer to him.
Randy: Guess which one I'm on?
Jayden hops on a random building.
Randy: Warm.
It's dark and serene in here. Shadows seem to move in the background.
But Jayden pushes forward, walking down the hallway.
Randy: Getting warmer.
He walks towards a door that says janitor closet.
Randy: Wait, don't open that!
He slashes the door open, revealing, piles upon piles of Bees, which chip and spark at his suit.
Then, as he looks down, he sees Boom balls detonate as Jayden is sent through the roof, with a shot of him flying across the camera.
When he lands, Randy coup de graces him, Balor style, and flips off his body.
Randy: Nice try! But the Ninja's got it!
Jayden: I have a job to do. To protect the city and its people. And I'm gonna see it through to the end. Super Samurai style!
After transforming with the black box, he launches at Randy faster now, slashing him so fast that he spins around. He does that 4 times and with the 5th, draws blood from Randy, who holds his shoulder in pain.
Randy: I'm...not...done yet!
Jayden rushes at him, who smoke bombs at the last moment, leaving a bunch of trip balls, which lead to mini grenades, damaging the ranger. Randy then uses the Hydro Hand to grab and throw the ranger into the air. He somewhat regains his composure mid-air and counters an Ice Blast with a fire one, but is then hit with an air blast, sending him further away. When he has his rough landing, his sword bounces away from him. He lunges for it but is blocked by an earth wall, in which Randy uses his puke poke on the ranger.
Jayden: Oh Go (Pukes) What did you (Pukes) There's no suit hole her- (Pukes)
Randy: Relax. Here's your sword back.
It was filled with more boom balls, which caused a mushroom cloud with its explosion, leaving a lot of smoke. As Randy walks away, dusting his arms, an elongated shark stretches its mouth wide open. Jayden's scarf parries it, a few times, but is overpowered, as the shark carries him into a building, which he slides down, limp.
Jayden: Let's get down to business! Zords, roll out!
The Zords indeed, roll out and start to combine themselves into the megazord.
Randy stumbles to his feet and sees the behemoth monster's legs in the great distance. It shoots a massive beam, tearing through a line of abandoned buildings. Randy barely dodges as his scarf edges are vaporised. He dodges a few more beams like that at high speeds as he runs up the building. The blasts fly through the building, leaving it looking like a honeycomb. Even on top of the building, the robot towers over him.
Randy: I have to do this!
Jayden: What the...
He uses Earth Attack to build up giant sharp stone waves tearing through city blocks. He clasps his hands together as the waves of earth cut through the armour, stabbing through everything in its path. Inside the mech, alarm bells are ringing.
Red Ranger: Systems are failing. There's only one way to end this!
He ejects out of the failing mech and jumps from wrecked building to wrecked building, now clad in Shogun wear. He puts every disk he has on his sword. Randy, still panting, only opens his eyes wide enough to see a fiery power sword, which parts him into two. He delivers a final death scream and as his two halves explode, while Jayden pulls a cool pose.