Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

Chapter 473: Chapter 473

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After Luna repeated her offer again I stared at her with slightly wide eyes, realizing that I hadn't actually heard her wrong.

But her offer of a lap pillow was so unexpected and sudden that I was speechless for a moment, trying to understand where it came from.

And when she noticed my silence, Luna began to fidget restlessly, wondering if she had crossed the line and if she had been too forward with her offer.

'I guess I made him uncomfortable' she thought, biting her lip.

But even though she thought she had messed up our friendship, she was still worried about me, and that's why she decided to try to break this strange silence.

"Ethan?" she called out to me, feeling a little anxious.

And upon hearing her voice I blinked, coming out of my dazed state.

"I..." I started to say as I looked at her, before pausing, not really knowing what to say to her and her offer.

But even though I was still surprised and a little confused I started to think about it.

'Uh... Luna asking if I wanted to lie on her lap was something I didn't expect, but I can feel her innocence and honesty, and I know she offered me her lap as a pillow because she's worried about me and wants to help me.'

'And besides, it's not like her offer was anything that shocking or scandalous... It was actually just a little unexpected,' I thought, and I didn't even know why I was taking this matter so seriously.

And looking at Luna I could see that she was a little nervous and shy, but she was still determined as she waited for my answer, which I found quite cute and warmed my heart.

'Well, it doesn't hurt to accept the offer of someone who just wants to take care of me, especially since that person is my dear friend... And besides, I really need a nap' I thought, finally having my answer to Luna's offer.

"Well," I started to say, catching Luna's attention who looked at me intently, "I think I'll accept your offer, Luna," I said, smiling slightly at her.

And hearing this Luna blinked her big dreamy eyes, but then when she finally understood what I said a small happy smile appeared on her face, with her nodding slightly at me.

After that she settled herself on the bench we were sitting on before patting her thigh a few times, trying to remove any dirt that might be on her pants.

And as she did this I could see that her movements were a little clumsy, as if she didn't know what she was supposed to do.

And when she finished getting ready she turned to me, and from her slightly shy look I could tell she didn't know what to do next.

'She's so cute' I thought somewhat amusedly.

But wanting to ease some of her embarrassment I decided not to keep her waiting any longer. I then laid down on the stone bench we were on, and slowly and carefully I approached her, before resting my head on her lap.

And now that my head was on Luna's soft thighs I looked up, staring at Luna's face with a small smile, starting to feel a little shy too.

And she, who was looking at me, also smiled shyly, but I could feel her satisfaction and happiness, as if she had completed an important mission.

And I thought about talking to Luna a little more, but lying on her lap I felt so relaxed and calm, and that made my tiredness finally catch up with me.

And the last thing I felt before closing my eyes completely and surrendering myself to the kingdom of Morpheus was the softness where my head was and the light sweet smell of plums and wet leaves of the kind and cheerful girl who was one of the important people in my life.

And Luna, who noticed that I had fallen asleep, smiled slightly, before starting to run her hand through my hair gently, looking at me with a loving gaze.

And the scene of a boy sleeping peacefully with his head on the lap of a girl with a gentle smile looked so peaceful and happy that anyone who saw it would definitely say that it could be turned into a beautiful painting.

And upon seeing this scene, the girls who had been silent since the moment Luna offered me her lap celebrated silently, happy for Luna's relationship progress while also thinking about how cute Luna and I looked.

And the boys, oblivious to the thoughts of the female part of our group, could only stare open-mouthed at the scene taking place in front of them, feeling that they had missed something.

''''Why do I have the feeling that something is going on here?'''' they thought as they looked at each other, confused and surprised.


-Later – Some time before dinner starts-

After I woke up, which was a short time ago, I had realized that only Luna and I were left in the Clock Tower courtyard, with our friends having already left some time ago to do other things.

I had also realized that it was already night, and that it was almost time for dinner.

And so after thanking Luna and telling her that I would meet her in the Great Hall for dinner I headed towards one of the castle's bathrooms, wanting to splash some water on my face to get rid of my remaining tiredness.

And now I had just come out of the bathroom and was heading towards the Great Hall, feeling much more refreshed than before.

"I have to say, that afternoon nap was really nice and satisfying," I said as I stretched slightly.

My little nap was only 2 hours long, but that time was more than enough to rest my mind and replenish my energy.

And I didn't know why, but I felt much calmer and more comfortable sleeping on that bench next to Luna, than in my bed in my room.

"Sigh, I just wish that stone bench was as comfortable as Luna's thighs," I muttered, before realizing what I said, causing my cheeks to flush slightly.

"Damn, what am I thinking?" I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts.

And to my relief, it was at this exact moment that a family trio of lions, known for their tendency to always get into trouble and unusual and problematic situations, decided to reveal their presence.

"Ethan, we were looking for you!" Rom said, with him, Hermione and Harry coming towards me in quick steps as soon as they saw me.

"Were you?" I looked at them with an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"Yes," Hermione nodded, stopping in front of me as she looked at me with pursed lips.

And looking back at her I could see that she seemed upset about something, but her feelings also showed that she was surprised, excited and curious.

And this set of emotions along with her expression left me confused, and I started to open my mouth to ask her what was going on.

But before I could even say anything the studious girl immediately spoke.

"Why didn't you tell us you had books in Parseltongue? And why did you only show them to Harry?" she asked, crossing her arms as she glared at me with a pout.

"Yeah, and why didn't you tell us that your ability allowed you to talk to other animals too?" Ron joined the conversation, standing next to Hermione.

"Huh?" and I, who wasn't expecting the sudden questions, blinked in surprise.

I then looked away from Ron and Hermione and looked at Harry who was behind them.

And seeing my gaze fall on him, Harry gave me an apologetic smile, "Sorry Ethan, they found out about the books you lent me, and because of that I had to explain the whole situation to them."

"Hmm, I see," I nodded, already expecting something like this to happen.

And Harry, seeing that I didn't react negatively to it, felt relieved.

'Luckily Ethan wasn't mad at me,' he thought, knowing that the existence of those books was something I would want to keep secret.

But unfortunately for the green-eyed boy, his friend and girlfriend Hermione seemed to have a sixth sense when it came to finding interesting books.

'I swear this must be some kind of special ability she has' Harry snorted, remembering Hermione immediately questioning him about the books the moment he arrived in the Gryffindor common room after the conversation he had with me.

And the surprising part about it was that he didn't even have the books in his hands!

The books were shrunken and hidden in his pocket, so how did Hermione know about them?!

But with a sigh the Boy-Who-Lived realized that thinking about it would only give him a headache.

And shaking his head he returned his focus to the present moment, and looking ahead he saw that Hermione and Ron continued to question me.



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