Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Phantom Lord & Lucy Heartfilia
Echoes of Convergence (continued)
Gajeel moved swiftly through the shadows of Magnolia, the four-star Dragon Ball clutched tightly in his hand. Its orange surface gleamed under the moonlight, occasionally pulsing with an inner light that seemed to respond to his dragon slayer magic. He couldn't suppress the predatory grin that spread across his face as he considered the implications of what he'd overheard.
"Dragon Balls that grant wishes, huh?" he muttered to himself. "Master Jose's gonna have a field day with this."
As he approached the outskirts of town where a Phantom Lord transport waited, the Dragon Ball suddenly flared with brilliant light. Gajeel hissed, attempting to cover the glow with his hand, but the sphere grew hot—not enough to hurt him with his iron scales, but enough to command attention.
"What the—" he started, when a voice interrupted him from the darkness.
"I wouldn't take that any further if I were you."
A woman stepped into the moonlight, her stance casual yet unmistakably battle-ready. Her hair was pulled back in a practical ponytail, and despite her civilian clothes, something about her radiated danger. Teilanne Clive's eyes fixed on the Dragon Ball, then on Gajeel's face.
"That doesn't belong to your guild," she said evenly.
Gajeel's arm transformed into an iron club. "Yeah? And who's gonna stop me? Some random lady out for a midnight stroll?"
Teilanne smiled, but there was no warmth in it. "Not random. And not alone."
Four figures materialized from different directions—Gajeel's enhanced senses hadn't even detected them approaching, a fact that momentarily unsettled him. He recognized two from glimpses around the guild hall—the calculating one with glasses and the girl with the fighting stance. But the other two males were unfamiliar—an imposing figure whose mere presence seemed to distort the air around him, and a teenage boy with wild hair and a confident smirk.
"The whole Clive family," Gajeel observed, recognizing the surname from Phantom Lord's intelligence on Fairy Tail. "Minus the old man. What an honor." His voice dripped with sarcasm despite the slight unease he felt at being surrounded.
"We're not officially with Fairy Tail in this matter," Uruk stated clinically, adjusting his glasses. "This is a family concern."
"The Convergence is accelerating," Teilanne explained. "Those spheres are from our world—our responsibility. Hand it over, and we can avoid unnecessary conflict."
Gajeel laughed. "Not happening, lady. Phantom Lord pays well, and Master Jose's got plans for this little trinket." He shifted his stance, preparing to fight or flee as necessary. "Besides, I'm curious what would make the entire Clive family come out of hiding. You've been keeping pretty low profiles since arriving in Magnolia, haven't you?"
"Not hiding," Teilanne corrected. "Adapting. The Convergence affects my children differently than most. We've been... managing the transition."
"Mom, we don't need to explain ourselves to him," Gine interjected, her fists clenching.
It was then that Gajeel noticed something unsettling—the tallest of the siblings, a muscular young man with a quiet intensity, hadn't spoken a word. Kizuna Clive stood slightly apart from the others, his eyes fixed not on Gajeel but on the Dragon Ball itself. There was something in that gaze that made even Gajeel's battle-hardened instincts scream danger.
The youngest boy, Cumber, stepped forward, eyes also drawn to the Dragon Ball. "It's resonating with him because he's a Dragon Slayer. Just like it did with Natsu."
Gajeel's eyes narrowed. "How'd you know I'm a—"
"Iron Dragon Slayer Gajeel Redfox," Uruk recited. "Power statistics indicate mid-S class potential, specialized in metallurgical transformations with secondary skills in enhanced audio surveillance. Structural weaknesses include overconfidence and susceptibility to sound-based countermeasures."
"You've been studying me?" Gajeel growled, genuinely unsettled now.
"I study everyone," Uruk replied matter-of-factly.
Teilanne stepped forward, hand extended. "Last chance. The Dragon Ball. Now."
Gajeel's response was immediate—his arm extended as an iron pillar, shooting toward Teilanne with devastating force. But it never connected. In a blur of movement almost too fast to track, Teilanne sidestepped and caught the pillar with one hand, her feet barely shifting position despite the impact.
"Wrong choice," she said softly.
What followed happened so quickly that Gajeel could barely process it. Teilanne's grip tightened on his extended iron arm, and with a swift turn of her body, she hurled him skyward with such force that he rocketed above the Magnolia treeline. Before he could orient himself, Gine appeared above him, delivering a devastating axe kick that sent him plummeting back to earth.
He crashed into the ground hard enough to leave a small crater, but years of combat experience had him rolling to his feet immediately—only to find Uruk standing precisely where he landed, palm extended.
"Calculating impact trajectory was trivial," Uruk explained calmly, before a blast of concentrated ki erupted from his hand, sending Gajeel skidding backward.
The Dragon Ball tumbled from his grasp, rolling across the ground. Gajeel lunged for it with a snarl.
"Iron Dragon's Sword!"
His arm transformed into a jagged blade, slashing toward the sphere—only to come to an abrupt halt as a massive hand closed around his transformed arm, stopping it mid-swing. Kizuna had moved, and the pressure on Gajeel's metal limb was enough to dent the iron.
"No," Kizuna said, his voice a low rumble that seemed to vibrate the very air. It was the first word he'd spoken, and the power behind it was unmistakable.
Gajeel stared up into eyes that flashed with barely restrained power. Unlike the calculated moves of his siblings or mother, there was something primal in Kizuna's presence—raw power held in check by what seemed like tremendous effort. The air around him shimmered with heat, and Gajeel's dragon slayer senses detected an energy unlike anything he'd encountered before.
"Let. Go," Gajeel managed through gritted teeth, but his bravado was hollow even to his own ears.
Kizuna's grip tightened slightly, the metal of Gajeel's transformed arm groaning under the pressure. Then, with deliberate control, he released his hold and stepped back, his breathing measured as he visibly reined in whatever power had been building.
Cumber darted forward and retrieved the Dragon Ball, quickly moving it away from both Gajeel and, notably, his oldest brother.
"We're not looking for a prolonged conflict," Teilanne said, stepping between Gajeel and her children, though her eyes flicked briefly to Kizuna with a mixture of concern and pride. "This is about something bigger than guild rivalries."
"The Dragon Balls are dangerous," Uruk added, moving to stand near Kizuna in what appeared to be a practiced formation. "Especially in this world, where the rules of magic might change how they function."
Gajeel spat blood and forced a grin, though his instincts were screaming at him to retreat. Something about the eldest Clive sibling set off warning bells that even his battle-hungry nature couldn't ignore. "All the more reason for Master Jose to have them."
"You don't understand what's at stake," Teilanne pressed. "The Convergence is—"
"Save it," Gajeel cut her off, eyes darting between the family members, calculating his odds. "I've got my orders. And now I've got something even better to report back." His grin widened despite the unease he felt. "The Clive family's involvement. Master Jose will be very interested to hear you're taking a personal interest outside of guild business."
Teilanne's expression hardened. "If Phantom Lord targets my family—"
"Then what?" Gajeel challenged. "You'll call in the old man? Gildarts Clive, Fairy Tail's ace?" He laughed. "He's not even in Fiore right now. Our intelligence is thorough."
"We don't need our father to handle Phantom Lord," Gine stated flatly.
Kizuna said nothing, but the ground beneath his feet cracked subtly as his power fluctuated.
Gajeel assessed his options. Five against one—normally he'd relish those odds, but something about this family was off. Their power didn't feel like Earthland magic. It was more... primal. More direct. And the oldest son—there was something contained within him that Gajeel's instincts recognized as beyond his ability to challenge.
"This isn't over," he promised, backing away. "Phantom Lord doesn't take kindly to interference. And now we know what we're looking for." He pointed at the Dragon Ball in Cumber's hand. "Six more of those out there, right? Race is on."
Before they could respond, Gajeel transformed his legs into iron pillars, propelling himself high into the air and over the nearest buildings, making his escape.
Teilanne watched him go, then turned to her children. "This complicates things."
"Phantom Lord was already targeting Fairy Tail," Uruk noted. "This merely accelerates their timetable and adds a new objective."
"We need to tell Master Makarov everything," Gine suggested. "About us, about the Dragon Balls—everything."
"And Father?" Cumber asked, looking up at his mother.
Kizuna's voice cut through the conversation, deeper and more resonant than his siblings'. "He won't come." There was neither bitterness nor disappointment in the statement—merely certainty.
Teilanne placed a hand on her eldest son's arm, a gesture both affectionate and cautious. "Your father is on a century quest. By the time any message reaches him, this will be over, one way or another." She turned to Cumber, taking the Dragon Ball from him and examining it thoughtfully. "This is our fight now."
"Does this mean we're officially joining Fairy Tail?" Gine asked, a hint of excitement in her voice.
"It means we're officially involved," Teilanne corrected. "The Convergence is affecting our family specifically because of our unique heritage. These Dragon Balls are part of our world—our responsibility."
"And Phantom Lord will be coming for them," Uruk added, "with or without guild sanction once Master Jose understands their power."
Teilanne nodded grimly. "Which is why we need to find the others first." She pocketed the four-star Dragon Ball, then turned to her eldest. "Kizuna, how are you feeling?"
The young man's eyes, which had briefly flashed green during the confrontation, were back to their normal dark hue. "Controlled," he answered simply, though the tenseness in his shoulders told a different story.
"Good." Teilanne's voice held equal measures of command and maternal concern. "We need your strength, but carefully. The Convergence is affecting your power more than the others."
"I know." His voice carried the weight of someone constantly holding back something tremendous. "The Dragon Ball... it resonates."
Teilanne nodded in understanding. "Uruk, how close are you and Levy to completing that detection device?"
"With this specimen to calibrate against, we could have a functional prototype by morning," he replied.
"Good. Gine, Cumber—I want you both to join Fairy Tail's defensive preparations. Uruk, continue your work with Levy." She turned to her eldest. "Kizuna, you're with me. We need to check our old sites for any signs that Dragon Balls may have materialized near other convergence points we've identified."
The others recognized the strategy—keeping Kizuna away from the populated areas of Magnolia while his power fluctuated under the Convergence's influence. Only their mother could safely monitor him if his control slipped.
As the family moved purposefully back toward Magnolia, Cumber looked up at his mother. "If we collect all seven Dragon Balls, could we wish for the Convergence to stop? To separate the worlds again?"
Teilanne's expression softened as she placed a hand on her youngest son's shoulder. "It's not that simple, Cumber. The Convergence is happening for a reason. Fighting it entirely might cause more harm than good."
"Then what do we wish for?" he pressed.
"First, we make sure no one else makes a wish that could destroy everything," she answered firmly. "Then... we'll see."
Kizuna's gaze lifted to the night sky, where the stars seemed to shimmer with unusual intensity—a visual manifestation of worlds in flux. "They're coming," he said quietly, more to himself than the others.
"Who?" Cumber asked, catching his oldest brother's murmur.
Kizuna's eyes reflected distant stars, and something else—a knowledge beyond his years, a burden he'd carried since childhood. "Everyone. The Convergence isn't just merging worlds. It's calling them home."
In the distance, storm clouds gathered over Oak Town, home of the Phantom Lord guild. The Convergence sent ripples through the atmosphere, causing unnatural lightning to illuminate the guild's imposing silhouette. Inside, Master Jose would soon receive Gajeel's report, and the conflict that had been brewing would erupt into something neither guild was truly prepared for.
But the Clive family had faced world-ending threats before. It was, after all, in their blood.
Chapter 11: Echoes of Convergence (continued)
As the Clive family made their way back toward Magnolia, Cumber fell into step beside his eldest brother. Though several years separated them, the youngest sibling had always looked to Kizuna with a mixture of awe and aspiration. In the moonlight, Kizuna's imposing silhouette cast a long shadow, yet there was gentleness in how he slowed his pace to match his younger brother's stride.
"You're worried," Kizuna observed, his deep voice pitched low enough that only Cumber could hear.
Cumber glanced down at his hands, which had been clenching and unclenching unconsciously. "I've never been in a real guild war before. What if my magic isn't strong enough? What if I—"
"Look at me," Kizuna interrupted, coming to a stop and placing a massive hand on his brother's shoulder. The others continued ahead, giving the brothers space—a familiar family dynamic when Kizuna chose to speak at length, a rare enough occurrence that everyone respected its significance.
Cumber met his brother's gaze, finding not the barely contained power that had intimidated Gajeel, but the steady presence that had guided him throughout childhood.
"Your Saiyan ki is developing well," Kizuna stated, his confidence in the assessment absolute. "And the crash magic you inherited from Father—it's more potent than you realize."
"But it's unpredictable," Cumber protested. "Sometimes it works, sometimes it just... fizzles."
A rare smile crossed Kizuna's face. "That's because you're trying to control it like Uruk controls his energy, or like Gine channels hers. Your magic is unique—the combination of Saiyan power and Gildarts' crash magic won't follow conventional rules."
"Then how do I master it?"
Kizuna looked skyward, where the Convergence had begun to paint ethereal auroras across the night sky—ribbons of energy linking worlds that were never meant to touch. "Stop trying to contain it. Your power isn't about precision—it's about disruption. Breaking what shouldn't be broken. Creating chaos in perfect systems."
Understanding dawned in Cumber's eyes. "That's why it reacts so strongly when I'm frustrated or angry."
"Exactly." Kizuna nodded. "In the battle to come, don't overthink. Let your instincts guide you." His voice lowered further. "You may be Fairy Tail's secret weapon against Phantom Lord. They'll be prepared for wizard magic, even for the Saiyan techniques Mother has taught Fairy Tail's fighters. But your hybrid magic? That, they won't expect."
Cumber straightened, bolstered by his brother's confidence. "What about you? Will you fight with Fairy Tail too?"
Something flickered in Kizuna's eyes—caution, perhaps, or concern. "I will fight where Mother directs me. My... condition... requires careful management, especially with the Convergence affecting our powers."
"You mean your Legendary form," Cumber said, using the family's private term for Kizuna's transformation—a power that echoed ancient Saiyan legends about warriors of uncontrollable might.
"Yes." Kizuna resumed walking, his pace measured. "The Convergence is making it harder to maintain control. The Dragon Ball's energy signature resonates with something deep within me—something primal."
"But you won't lose control," Cumber stated with absolute certainty. "You never do."
Kizuna glanced at his youngest sibling, grateful for the unwavering faith. "Let's hope this time is no different." After a moment, he added, "Whatever happens, stay close to Uruk or Gine during the fighting. Their analytical and tactical approaches will complement your disruptive power."
Ahead, Teilanne glanced back at her oldest and youngest sons, a mother's intuition telling her exactly what conversation was taking place. She smiled briefly before returning her attention to the path ahead, where Fairy Tail—and conflict—awaited.
In Oak Town, the imposing headquarters of Phantom Lord stood silhouetted against storm clouds, mechanical extensions giving the building an almost predatory appearance. Inside Master Jose's chamber, Gajeel knelt, his report delivered in full detail—including the unexpected encounter with the Clive family.
"So," Master Jose mused, long fingers steepled before his face, "these Dragon Balls grant wishes. And the Clive woman and her children seem particularly invested in keeping them from us." A cold smile twisted his lips. "How fascinating."
"There's something you should know about the eldest son," Gajeel added, an uncharacteristic hesitation in his voice. "Kizuna Clive. He's... different."
"Different how?" Jose's interest sharpened.
Gajeel struggled to articulate what his instincts had screamed so clearly. "His power doesn't feel like wizard magic. It's more... raw. Contained, but barely. When he grabbed my iron sword, the metal actually dented from his grip alone."
"Gildarts Clive's son demonstrating immense physical strength is hardly surprising," Jose dismissed.
"This was different," Gajeel insisted. "It wasn't crash magic. It was something... older. When our eyes met, it felt like staring at a natural disaster waiting to happen."
Jose leaned forward, intrigued by the uncharacteristic unease in his most battle-hungry guild member. "Are you saying you fear this boy?"
Gajeel's red eyes flashed with defiance. "I'm saying we should have a plan specifically for him. The other Clives use their power differently—more controlled, more focused. But Kizuna... if he loses control, it won't matter which guild you're in. Everyone nearby is collateral damage."
Jose considered this information, turning the stolen Dragon Ball between his fingers. The orange sphere caught the candlelight, four red stars gleaming like drops of blood within its crystalline depth. "Then we shall ensure he does lose control—at a time and place of our choosing."
"Every weapon can be pointed at its owner, Gajeel." Jose's smile widened. "Even a living one."
"What about the Dragon Ball they took?"
"Let them keep it, for now. Our agents have already located a second ball near the northern mountains. And with the intelligence you've gathered about their detection efforts, we'll know exactly where to look for the others." Jose's eyes gleamed with malice. "Besides, I've asked our allies in the Balam Alliance to dispatch a specialist who understands these... Saiyan powers the Clive family seems to possess."
Gajeel's eyes widened slightly. "You're bringing in outside help? That's against the non-interference agreements between legal guilds."
"This conflict has evolved beyond simple guild rivalry." Jose rose from his throne-like chair, his magic aura pulsing with dark purpose. "When Fairy Tail harbors individuals with powers that could threaten the very structure of Earthland's magical balance, the Council's petty rules become irrelevant."
Outside, the storm intensified, lightning striking in unnaturally geometric patterns as the Convergence warped even Earthland's weather. In Magnolia, the Fairy Tail guild stood illuminated by similar lightning, two bastions preparing for a conflict that would determine far more than simple guild supremacy.
And scattered across Fiore, five more Dragon Balls pulsed in synchronized rhythm, as if awakening to the gathering powers that sought their control.
Echoes of Convergence (continued)
The journey back to Magnolia was completed in relative silence, each member of the Clive family absorbed in their own thoughts. As the familiar silhouette of Fairy Tail's guild hall came into view, Teilanne quickened her pace, sensing the urgency that permeated the air.
"They're preparing," she observed, noting the increased activity around the building. Guild members moved with purpose, carrying supplies and reinforcing magical barriers under Mirajane's watchful direction.
Uruk, the second eldest Clive sibling, stepped forward. Unlike Kizuna's imposing presence or Cumber's nervous energy, Uruk moved with calculated precision, his eyes constantly analyzing their surroundings. "Master Makarov has already initiated defensive protocols," he noted, his voice even and analytical. "The magical signature suggests he's expecting an attack within twenty-four hours."
Gine, the only daughter among the Clive siblings, adjusted the power-limiting bands on her wrists—a precaution she'd adopted after accidentally destroying half a mountain during training. "The Dragon Ball we recovered is pulsing more frequently," she reported, glancing at the sphere secured in a specialized container of her design. "Its energy signature is synchronizing with something in Magnolia."
"Another ball," Teilanne concluded, her expression hardening. "Makarov must have found one already."
The guild hall doors burst open as they approached, revealing Natsu Dragneel, his face lighting up with recognition. "They're back!" he called over his shoulder before bounding toward them with characteristic enthusiasm. "Did you find it? Did you run into Phantom?"
"Both," Teilanne answered curtly, placing a restraining hand on Natsu's shoulder when he tried to examine the container Gine carried. "Where's Makarov?"
"In the strategy room with Erza and Gray. They found another one of those orange balls yesterday—it was hidden in the East Forest."
Kizuna's eyes narrowed slightly. "That makes two in Fairy Tail's possession."
"And one in Phantom Lord's," Gine added.
"Four remaining," Uruk calculated immediately. "Statistically, our chances of collecting more than Phantom Lord are—"
"This isn't about statistics," Cumber interrupted, an uncharacteristic edge to his voice that made his older brother raise an eyebrow. "It's about what happens if Jose gets his wish."
The siblings exchanged glances, a silent communication born from years of shared training and familial understanding. Teilanne observed the interaction with quiet pride before addressing Natsu again.
"We need to speak with Makarov immediately. And Lucy Heartfilia should join us."
Natsu's expression shifted to confusion. "Lucy? Why her?"
"Because," Teilanne said gravely, "her celestial magic might be the key to understanding what's happening with the Convergence. The Dragon Balls have appeared here for a reason, and I suspect it's connected to the boundaries between realms—something a celestial wizard might help us comprehend."
The strategy room of Fairy Tail was crowded with the addition of the Clive family. Maps covered the central table, marking confirmed sightings of Phantom Lord members and possible Dragon Ball locations. Makarov stood on the table itself, his diminutive stature belying the immense magical power that radiated from him—power currently barely contained by his concern.
"Two balls in our possession, one with Phantom Lord," he summarized after the Clives had shared their encounter. "That leaves four unaccounted for, and the Convergence growing stronger by the hour."
Lucy Heartfilia stood nervously at the edge of the group, fingers unconsciously brushing against her celestial keys. "I've been researching the anomalies in celestial magic since the Convergence began," she offered. "My spirits have confirmed that the barriers between realms are weakening, not just between Earthland and the Celestial Spirit world, but... between other worlds too."
"The Dragon Balls come from our world," Teilanne explained, nodding to her children. "In our reality, they were created by Namekians—beings with the power to create magical artifacts of immense power."
"But why have they appeared here?" Erza questioned, her arms crossed as she studied the pulsing orange sphere now resting beside another identical ball on the table.
Kizuna, who had remained silent until now, finally spoke. "Because they're drawn to convergence points. Places where realities intersect." His deep voice commanded the room's attention. "In our world, gathering all seven grants a wish—any wish within the creator's power."
"And in this world?" Gray asked, a chill emanating from where he stood.
"We don't know," Teilanne admitted. "But considering how the Convergence is affecting our Saiyan abilities and your wizard magic, combining all seven balls could have unpredictable consequences."
Makarov's expression darkened. "Jose wouldn't care about consequences. If he believes these artifacts can grant power, he'll stop at nothing to collect them."
A sudden tremor shook the building, causing dust to drift down from the ceiling. Everyone tensed, but Uruk raised a hand.
"Not an attack," he assessed calmly. "The Convergence is intensifying. Look." He pointed to the two Dragon Balls on the table, which had begun to rise slightly, hovering inches above the wood as energy crackled between them.
Lucy gasped, her keys suddenly glowing at her side. She unhooked one—the key of Crux—and held it up. "Something's happening with the celestial pathways!"
The key projected a star chart into the air above them, but instead of the familiar celestial constellations, it showed multiple overlapping realities, shimmering lines connecting worlds that should have remained separate. At the center of this cosmic map, seven points of light pulsed in perfect unison.
"The Dragon Balls are acting as anchors," Teilanne realized, years of study on ki manipulation allowing her to recognize the energy patterns. "They're stabilizing the Convergence, preventing a complete collapse of the boundaries between worlds."
"Then we need all seven," Makarov concluded. "Not to make a wish, but to stabilize reality itself."
A slow clap from the doorway drew everyone's attention. Mystogan stood there, his face covered as always, but his posture tense with urgency.
"If only it were that simple," he said, his voice muffled by his wrappings. "I've been tracking the Convergence effects throughout Fiore. The Dragon Balls aren't just stabilizing the intersection of worlds—they're drawing them together, accelerating the process."
Erza stepped forward. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying," Mystogan replied gravely, "that the Dragon Balls are both the problem and the solution. In their scattered state, they pull our worlds toward collision. United, they might allow whoever possesses them to control how these realities align—or separate."
"Which is why Jose wants them," Teilanne concluded, meeting Mystogan's gaze with dawning comprehension. "He doesn't just want a wish—he wants to reshape reality itself."
Kizuna's energy fluctuated momentarily, causing the air around him to shimmer with heat. Gine placed a hand on her brother's arm, her touch bringing his power back under control.
"Then we split into teams," Makarov decided. "We locate the remaining balls before Phantom Lord can claim them. But we must be cautious—based on what you encountered, Jose is likely deploying his strongest members."
"And possibly outside help," Teilanne added grimly. "The magic I sensed tracking us... it had traces of Zeref's influence."
The name sent a chill through the room. Even Natsu, normally the first to rush toward a fight, sobered at the mention of the legendary dark wizard.
"I suggest three teams," Uruk proposed, already calculating optimal distributions of power. "The Dragon Radar indicates two balls in close proximity to the north, near Mt. Hakobe. One appears to be moving southward along the eastern coast. The final ball is stationary in what appears to be the ruins of an ancient temple west of here."
Makarov nodded. "Teilanne, you'll lead Erza and Gray to Mt. Hakobe. Mystogan, track the moving ball along the coast. Natsu, Lucy, and Happy will investigate the temple ruins, accompanied by..." He glanced at the Clive siblings.
"Gine and Cumber," Teilanne decided after a moment's consideration. "Their powers will complement Natsu's team."
"And Kizuna?" Makarov inquired, his eyes assessing the eldest Clive sibling with cautious respect.
"With me," Teilanne answered, her tone brooking no argument. "His power is... most vulnerable to the Convergence's effects. I can stabilize him if necessary."
Unspoken was the concern they all shared—that if Kizuna's legendary form were triggered in the midst of the Convergence, the consequences could be as devastating as anything Jose might unleash.
"And Uruk?" Gray asked.
"I must remain here," the analytical Clive responded. "The Dragon Balls we've already collected need protection, and I can coordinate our efforts most effectively from a central location."
With plans decided, the teams prepared to depart. As Lucy adjusted her key ring and Natsu cracked his knuckles in anticipation, Cumber approached them with nervous determination.
"I've never worked with Fairy Tail wizards before," he admitted. "My magic is... unpredictable."
Natsu grinned, slapping him on the back with enough force to make a normal person stumble. "That's what makes it fun! Besides, any kid of Teilanne's is bound to be crazy strong."
Lucy offered a more measured smile. "We'll watch each other's backs. That's what Fairy Tail is all about."
Across the room, Kizuna observed the interaction with guarded hope. Despite the danger looming before them, there was something about Fairy Tail's unshakable confidence that reminded him of the Z Fighters from their home world—warriors who had faced impossible odds time and again, yet somehow always found a way forward.
As the teams dispersed, the two Dragon Balls in Fairy Tail's possession continued their synchronized pulsing, sending out waves of energy that rippled across the fabric of multiple realities. In Oak Town, Phantom Lord's single Dragon Ball responded in kind. And scattered across Fiore, four more spheres awaited discovery, their cosmic energy slowly reshaping the world around them.
The race was on—not just for power, but for the very stability of their intersecting worlds.
Echoes of Convergence (continued)
As the various teams prepared for their missions, Kizuna slipped away from the strategy room, finding a quiet corner of the guild hall where the constant bustle of preparation faded to a distant hum. He closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing as he had been taught—a technique not from his Saiyan heritage but from the meditation practices Mirajane had shared with him.
As if summoned by his thoughts, her gentle presence appeared beside him moments later.
"You're struggling," she observed quietly, no question in her voice. Few could read Kizuna's carefully controlled expressions, but Mirajane had long since learned to detect the subtle signs of strain—the tightness around his eyes, the almost imperceptible tremor in his clenched fists.
Kizuna opened his eyes, meeting her concerned gaze. "The Convergence is affecting my control. More than I've let my mother know."
Mirajane leaned against the wall beside him, close enough that their shoulders nearly touched. To anyone passing by, they might have appeared to be merely guild mates sharing a moment of respite before battle. But the guild's matchmaking barmaid and the powerful eldest Clive had long ago moved beyond such simple definitions, though they kept their relationship largely private.
"Tell me," she prompted, her voice gentle but firm.
"It's like... conflicting currents," Kizuna explained, his deep voice pitched low. "The Dragon Balls resonate with something primal in my Saiyan blood. The legendary form—it's pushing closer to the surface with each passing hour." He flexed his fingers, watching as golden energy briefly flickered between them before he suppressed it. "If I lose control during this mission..."
"You won't," Mirajane stated with absolute certainty.
"You can't know that." For the first time, a hint of genuine fear colored his tone. "The legendary form isn't like your Satan Soul, Mira. You choose your transformations, direct them. This power... it's more like a storm trying to break free. And the Convergence is weakening all the locks I've built."
Mirajane was quiet for a moment, understanding the gravity of his confession. Few outside the Clive family knew the true nature of Kizuna's power—how the legendary Super Saiyan transformation that flowed in his veins differed from the controlled power his siblings wielded. Where they had inherited the focused strength of modern Saiyans, something in Kizuna's genetic makeup had reached back to a more ancient, primal form of the power.
"What do you need from me?" she asked finally, practical as always when faced with a problem.
Kizuna turned to face her fully then, his imposing height requiring her to look up to meet his eyes. "If I begin to lose control, I need you to be the one to bring me back."
"Your mother—"
"Will be focused on the mission," he interrupted. "And she'll hesitate out of maternal instinct. You won't."
A small, sad smile touched Mirajane's lips. "You're asking me to be your failsafe."
"I'm asking you to be my anchor," he corrected, reaching out to take her hand, a rare public display of affection that revealed the depth of his concern. "The only thing stronger than the legendary rage is... this."
He didn't need to elaborate. Their relationship had begun as an unlikely alliance—Fairy Tail's demon takeover mage teaching meditation techniques to help Kizuna control his volatile power. No one, least of all them, had expected how those sessions would evolve, how Mirajane's calm presence would become the eye in Kizuna's storm.
"The guild knows, you know," she said after a moment, a touch of amusement lightening her expression. "Our 'secret' isn't as secret as you think."
"I'm aware," he admitted. "Uruk calculated a 97.3% probability that most guild members had deduced our relationship status approximately three months ago."
Mirajane laughed softly, the sound drawing a rare smile from Kizuna. "And you still insist on being so formal in public?"
"Old habits." His expression sobered. "But if there was ever a time to acknowledge what we are to each other, it's now. The Convergence is unpredictable. If my control slips..." He hesitated, then continued with quiet intensity, "You're the only one who's ever been able to reach me when the power starts to take over. Not my mother, not my siblings. Just you."
Mirajane's expression shifted, the playfulness replaced by the steely determination that reminded everyone she had once been feared as 'The Demon.' "Then I'll go with your mother's team."
"It's not a discussion, Kizuna." Her tone brooked no argument, reminiscent of how she handled Fairy Tail's most unruly members. "If you're at risk, I need to be there. Makarov will understand."
For a moment, they stood in silence, the unspoken weight of what might come hanging between them. Then, with a gesture so gentle it seemed almost incongruous coming from his powerful frame, Kizuna reached out to brush a strand of silver hair from her face.
"There's something else you should know," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "The legendary form... it's connected to the Dragon Balls somehow. When I'm near them, I can feel them pulling at something deep inside me, like they're trying to wake something up."
Mirajane's brow furrowed. "A specific trigger?"
"I don't know. But if all seven are brought together..." He left the thought unfinished.
She took his hand, her smaller fingers intertwining with his. "Then we make sure they're brought together on our terms, not Phantom Lord's." With her free hand, she touched the small communication lacrima she wore at her throat—a standard issue for S-Class wizards during critical missions. "And I'll be with you every step of the way."
From across the guild hall, Teilanne observed the interaction with knowing eyes. Though she couldn't hear their words, the body language between her eldest son and Mirajane told her everything she needed to know. She made a mental note to adjust the team compositions—Mirajane would join them on the northern expedition.
As preparations continued around them, Kizuna and Mirajane shared one final moment of connection, drawing strength from each other before the storm that was sure to come. Their relationship might have been an open secret within Fairy Tail, but its true depth—and its importance in keeping Kizuna's legendary power contained—was understood by only a few.
And as the Dragon Balls continued their rhythmic pulsing, the fabric between worlds grew thinner still, setting the stage for a confrontation that would test not just the strength of their magic and ki, but the bonds that held them together.
Echoes of Convergence (continued)
The quiet corner of the guild hall where Kizuna and Mirajane stood seemed to grow more secluded as guild members bustled about, focused on their preparations. Teilanne, who had been watching from afar, subtly redirected Natsu when he started heading in their direction, wordlessly acknowledging her son's need for this moment with Mirajane. The Saiyan matriarch's eyes held understanding as she guided others away, granting the pair a rare pocket of privacy amid the chaos.
Kizuna noticed his mother's intervention, a flicker of gratitude crossing his normally stoic features. His shoulders relaxed slightly, the constant tension he carried easing in Mirajane's presence.
"Your mother is giving us space," Mirajane observed with a small smile. "She knows, doesn't she? About us?"
"She's known from the beginning," Kizuna admitted. "Even before we did, I think. Saiyan mothers are... perceptive."
Mirajane's eyes sparkled with amusement. "And here I thought we were being so discreet."
The corner of Kizuna's mouth lifted in what, for him, constituted a smile. "Uruk says our attempts at discretion have a 'statistical improbability of success proportional to the obviousness of our mutual attraction.'"
A soft laugh escaped Mirajane. "Your brother has quite a way with words."
As their laughter faded, Kizuna's expression grew more serious, his dark eyes holding Mirajane's gaze with unusual intensity. The golden energy that had been flickering at his fingertips earlier had subsided, replaced by a calm resolve.
"Mira," he said, his deep voice softer than usual, "when this is over—when we've secured the Dragon Balls and stopped Phantom Lord—I want to do this properly."
Mirajane tilted her head slightly. "Do what properly?"
"This. Us." He gestured between them, his usual eloquence failing him. "I want to ask you to dinner. Not as training partners or guild mates or whatever we've been pretending to be. Just... us."
Mirajane's eyes widened slightly, a blush coloring her cheeks. For the fearsome "Demon Mirajane" who had faced countless battles without flinching, it was a rare display of vulnerability.
"Kizuna Clive," she said, her voice a mix of surprise and delight, "are you saying you want to officially court me?"
"Yes." The directness of his answer, with no qualification or hesitation, was quintessentially Kizuna. "I should have done it months ago."
Something shifted in Mirajane's expression then—a decision made, a line crossed. "Why wait?"
Before Kizuna could respond, Mirajane stepped closer, looking up at him with determination that matched his own. The powerful Saiyan warrior, who could face down the most fearsome opponents without blinking, suddenly found himself frozen as Mirajane placed a hand on his chest.
"We don't know what tomorrow brings," she said softly. "Not with the Convergence, not with Phantom Lord. So maybe we shouldn't wait for the right moment."
Understanding dawned in Kizuna's eyes. With a gentleness that belied his immense strength, he reached up to cup Mirajane's face, his large hand framing her cheek with impossible tenderness. For a moment, they simply stood there, the chaos of preparation fading into the background.
Then, with the same decisive certainty with which he approached battle, Kizuna leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.
The kiss was brief, almost tentative—a question more than a declaration. When he began to pull away, uncertainty flickering in his eyes, Mirajane's response was immediate and unhesitating. Her hands moved to the back of his neck, pulling him back down to her as she returned the kiss with a playfulness that left him momentarily stunned.
When they finally separated, a hint of mischief danced in Mirajane's eyes. "I've been waiting for you to do that for ages," she admitted.
Kizuna blinked, a rare expression of genuine surprise crossing his face. "You have?"
"Mmmhmm," she hummed affirmatively. "I was beginning to think I'd have to make the first move."
"You just did," he pointed out, a warmth in his voice that few ever heard.
Mirajane laughed softly. "I suppose I did."
The moment was interrupted by the sound of throat-clearing. They turned to find Uruk standing a respectful distance away, his expression as analytical as ever, though a hint of amusement glinted in his eyes.
"I apologize for the interruption," he said, "but Mother has requested your presence in the strategy room, Kizuna. Team compositions are being finalized."
Kizuna nodded, his composure returning, though his hand found Mirajane's and gave it a gentle squeeze before releasing it. "We'll be right there."
As Uruk departed, Mirajane looked up at Kizuna with renewed determination. "That dinner you mentioned—I'm holding you to it. Once this is over."
"It's a promise," he replied, the words carrying the weight of an oath.
For just a moment longer, they stood together in their private bubble of calm before the storm. Then, with shared resolve, they moved to rejoin the others, ready to face whatever challenges the Convergence—and Phantom Lord—might bring.
But something fundamental had changed. As they walked side by side toward the strategy room, there was no attempt to maintain the pretense of mere guild mates. Whatever came next, they would face it together—not just as Take-Over mage and Saiyan warrior, but as something deeper, stronger, and far more enduring.
And somewhere deep within Kizuna, the volatile energy of his legendary form settled, if only temporarily, anchored by the connection they had finally acknowledged.
Echoes of Convergence (continued)
The mood in Fairy Tail's guild hall transformed in an instant when Elfman burst through the doors, his massive frame uncharacteristically gentle as he carried Levy's unconscious form. Behind him, Lisanna and Cana supported Jet and Droy respectively, their faces grim with barely contained fury.
"We found them in South Gate Park," Cana explained, her voice tight with anger as Jet was carefully placed on a makeshift cot. "Phantom Lord's mark was painted on them."
The guild fell silent, a collective intake of breath as they saw the extent of Shadow Gear's injuries. Bruises bloomed across Levy's pale skin, Jet's leg bent at an unnatural angle, and Droy's face swollen almost beyond recognition.
Master Makarov approached slowly, his diminutive form trembling—not with fear, but with a rage so palpable it made the air around him shimmer with magical energy. "Where," he asked, his voice dangerously quiet, "are the Clives?"
As if summoned by his words, the strategy room door opened. Teilanne emerged first, her warrior's instincts immediately sensing the shift in atmosphere. Behind her came Kizuna and Mirajane, followed by Uruk, who was still reviewing tactical data on a portable lacrima screen.
One look at the injured team members, and Teilanne's expression hardened into something ancient and terrible. Those who knew her history recognized it instantly—this was not just the S-Class wizard of Fairy Tail, but the Saiyan warrior who had fought alongside the Z Fighters in another reality.
"Who?" she asked simply, the single word carrying the weight of inevitable retribution.
"Phantom Lord," Makarov answered, his magical aura growing stronger as his anger built. "They've crossed the line. This was not a battle between guilds—this was an unprovoked attack on our children."
Kizuna moved forward, kneeling beside Levy's cot. Despite his imposing size, his touch was gentle as he checked her pulse. His eyes, however, had taken on a dangerous gleam.
"Gajeel Redfox," he stated, not a question but a certainty. "I can sense traces of his iron magic in these wounds."
From the doorway, Natsu's fists ignited with flame. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's hit them back ten times harder!"
Uruk, ever analytical, spoke up. "This changes our strategic calculations. Phantom Lord is not merely seeking the Dragon Balls—they're provoking a direct confrontation."
"But why attack Shadow Gear?" Lucy questioned, her voice shaking as she looked at her injured friends. "They're not even involved with the Dragon Balls."
"It's a message," Teilanne replied coldly. "They're telling us no one in Fairy Tail is safe."
Gine and Cumber rushed in from the guild's library, where they had been researching Convergence patterns. One look at the scene before them, and both young Saiyans reacted instinctively—Gine's power-limiting bands beginning to glow as her energy surged, while Cumber's hands sparked with the raw, unrefined fusion of Crash magic and Saiyan ki.
"We need to rethink our approach," Makarov declared, growing slightly in size as his Titan magic responded to his emotions. "The Dragon Balls remain priority, but Phantom Lord has made this personal."
Teilanne stepped into the center of the guild hall, her presence commanding immediate attention. The Saiyan matriarch rarely exerted her full authority within Fairy Tail, preferring to let Makarov lead, but in this moment, her warrior's heritage was undeniable.
"We adjust the plan," she stated, her voice carrying to every corner of the hall. "Mystogan continues tracking the Dragon Ball on the coast. Natsu, Lucy, and Cumber proceed to the temple ruins as planned." Her eyes narrowed. "But the Mt. Hakobe team will be restructured. Erza, Gray, and Gine will secure those Dragon Balls."
"And the rest of us?" Kizuna asked, already knowing the answer.
Teilanne turned to Makarov, a silent communication passing between the two veteran warriors. The guild master nodded once, then grew to his full Titan size, his voice thunderous as he declared:
A roar of approval went up from the guild members, but Teilanne raised a hand for silence.
"This isn't just about guild pride," she cautioned, her gaze sweeping across the assembled wizards. "Phantom Lord has aligned themselves against us at the worst possible time. The Convergence is destabilizing reality itself. If Jose gains control of all seven Dragon Balls during this chaotic period, the consequences would be catastrophic."
She gestured to Uruk, who projected a holographic map of Fiore from his lacrima device, enhanced by his analytical magic to show energy signatures pulsing across the landscape.
"These are the current locations of the Dragon Balls," he explained. "Two here with us, one with Phantom Lord, and four scattered. But look at this." He adjusted the display to show something more troubling—dark energy swirling around Oak Town, where Phantom Lord's guild was based.
"That's not just guild magic," Mirajane observed, her experience with dark transformations allowing her to recognize the signature. "There's something else at work there."
"Zeref's influence," Teilanne confirmed grimly. "Just as I sensed earlier. Jose has made some kind of pact with the Balam Alliance."
Makarov's expression darkened further. "Then this has become more than a guild war. It's a battle for the very fabric of our reality."
"And ours," Kizuna added quietly, exchanging a look with his mother. "Our worlds are connected now through the Convergence. Whatever happens here affects our home reality as well."
The gravity of the situation settled over the guild. This was no longer just about defending their honor or even protecting their members. The stakes had escalated to encompass multiple worlds.
"We move in three phases," Teilanne decided, her tactical mind shifting into the battle-planning that had served her through countless conflicts across multiple realities. "First, the Dragon Ball recovery teams depart immediately. Second, a defensive force remains here to protect our two Dragon Balls and the injured. Third," her eyes gleamed with the battle-light that every Saiyan recognized, "a strike force goes directly to Phantom Lord."
"Who comprises the strike force?" Erza asked, already mentally preparing for battle.
"Myself, Master Makarov, Kizuna, and a select team of our strongest wizards," Teilanne answered. "We're not going for a prolonged battle—we're going to hit them hard, retrieve their Dragon Ball, and make it absolutely clear that attacking our family has consequences."
Makarov nodded his agreement. "Mirajane will remain here to coordinate defense and communications."
Mirajane began to protest, but a subtle shake of Kizuna's head silenced her. Though her combat skills would be valuable, her ability to maintain communication between the scattered teams was even more critical.
"What about me?" asked Uruk, his calculating gaze already running permutations on battle scenarios.
"You'll provide tactical support for the strike team," Teilanne told her middle son. "Your analysis will be crucial once we're inside enemy territory."
As the plans were finalized and teams began to prepare, Kizuna found a moment to approach the injured Shadow Gear team once more. He placed a hand gently on Levy's forehead, his expression solemn.
"They will answer for this," he promised quietly. "Saiyans don't forgive attacks on family."
Nearby, Natsu was practically vibrating with restrained energy, torn between his desire to join the direct assault on Phantom Lord and his assigned mission to retrieve a Dragon Ball.
"Hey," Cumber approached him, the youngest Clive sibling still working to control the chaotic energy sparking around his hands. "I know you want to punch Gajeel's face in. So do I. But those Dragon Balls are the bigger picture."
Natsu growled in frustration. "Levy and the others are my friends. I should be there when Phantom pays."
"And you will be," Cumber assured him, surprising himself with his own confidence. "Just not today. Today, we make sure Phantom doesn't get what they really want."
Across the guild hall, Teilanne watched the interaction with approval. Her youngest son was growing into his role as both a Saiyan warrior and a Fairy Tail wizard.
As final preparations were made, an uncommon stillness fell over Kizuna. The barely contained power that had been troubling him earlier seemed to have coalesced into something focused and controlled—a warrior's clarity before battle. Mirajane noticed the change as she approached to say her farewell.
"Your energy feels different," she observed quietly.
"Saiyans were born for battle," he explained, his voice steady. "The threat to our guild—to our family—has given me purpose. The legendary power responds to that."
"Just promise me you'll maintain that control," she said, concern evident in her eyes.
"I will." He touched her cheek briefly. "But if Jose has indeed allied with Zeref's followers, this won't be a simple confrontation."
"Which is why you need to come back," she insisted. "We have a dinner date, remember?"
A rare, genuine smile crossed his face. "I remember."
Outside, storm clouds gathered as the Convergence continued to warp Earthland's natural patterns. Lightning forked through the sky in impossible geometric designs, and in the distance, auroras shimmered where none should exist.
As the Dragon Ball retrieval teams departed and the strike force assembled, one thing became abundantly clear to anyone watching: Phantom Lord had made a catastrophic miscalculation. They had believed attacking Fairy Tail's members would demoralize the guild, perhaps even force them to surrender their Dragon Balls out of fear for further reprisals.
Instead, they had awakened something ancient and terrible—the warrior heritage of a race that had once been the most feared conquerors in another universe. And at the head of that legacy stood the Clive family, Saiyan power fused with Earthland magic in a combination that was about to be unleashed in its full fury.
In Oak Town, oblivious to the storm about to descend upon them, Master Jose smiled as he gazed at the single Dragon Ball in his possession, unaware that he had not merely provoked a guild war—he had ignited a Saiyan's rage.
And that was a force that even the Convergence of worlds might struggle to contain.
To be continued in Chapter 12: Wrath of Fairy Tail's Saiyans