rwby of ragnarok

Chapter 27: (21) second slime get! I explore the third floor with Ozpin.

(Dc universe)

In the home of John Constantine Batman and Dr.Fate were watching the body of John Constantine looking for any changes, Batman was scowling harder than ever because of the situation at hand, the longer Constantine searches the more lives potentially lost!

Suddenly there was a light and an unusual orb appeared in the hand of the now stirring Constantine as he opens his eyes, "well that was an interesting interaction." He said as he gets up and slaps his clothes removing any wrinkles as he looks at the orb of materia in his hand, which caught Dr.Fate's attention.

"Constantine, what's that in your hand?" The lord of order asked as Constantine turned to look at them both with a smile on his face, "you aren't going to believe this." He says as he recounts the tale of his meeting with Shirou and his world, how the world of remnant is constantly at war with dark forces called grim and how the boy he met had parents who were the first man and woman to ever exist in the Bible.

"And before he left he made me this little orb of magic he calls materia so I can enter his world anytime I wish." He says before summoning an enchanted jewelry box to place it in as Dr.Fate and Batman alike contemplate what this implicates, a world outside of their own multiverse.

"We must keep an eye on this boy, children are easy to manipulate, and if they hold any potential in magic they will be prime targets for the lords of chaos." Dr.Fate says and Batman is working on contingency plans for Shirou.

(Am I getting their personalities right? and don't get me wrong I like Batman but he is just too damn controlling he's basically nick fury on steroids!!)

"Look if it will help you two relax ill watch over the boy, and maybe I'll invite the league, but for now let me help the young man out, and no contingencies Batsy!" Constantine says as he ushers the two out and grabs a new beer, "looks like I'll have to play the role of teacher."

(Now back with Shirou and the dungeon.)

It was an hour after Ozpin left and explored the second floor, while I was spending time with mom and dad, we decided to look into a new scroll that only had the name Li Shuwen, but I realized his movset was too complicated for my body.

"Shirou maybe you should save that one for beacon." Mom says with concern when we hear a door open and we find Ozpin holding a ball that wasn't silver but dark gray, "Shirou was this what you were talking about earlier?"

I turn to see the slime in Ozpin's hand, "yeah that's exactly what I'm looking for!" I say as I pull out a new tame materia and place it on the slime and watch as it absorbs it and pounces on my shoulder and begins muzzling my cheek before joining its kin.

"I still can't help but be fascinated by your materia, instead of reciting lines for a spell you only need mana to activate them." Ozpin remarks as I get up from the table, "Ozpin did you defeat the second floor boss?" I ask him as he takes a sip of water, "I did not, I figure you want to take them on?" He asks as I nod.

"Well I did see them, a goblin kobold combination, the goblin rides on the kobold and fights like it's on horseback." Ozpin says as I grab the sword and dagger and open the door, mom and dad tell me to be safe as Ozpin walks out the door with me as I see the kobolds lurking not far from the safe zone.

They were small, dog like creatures that were quadpedal and attack with their teeth or claws, but they were intelligent to a degree, using armor and setting traps, I also saw that they work better in close combat than the goblins, I ready my stance as I see four kobolds charging in for an attack while one extra was circling around me.

"A pincer attack huh? Well at least you aren't mindlessly flailing a club." I say as I using TCB(Total Concentration Breathing) the ground beneath me showed cracks as I charge in and slash at two of the four kobolds before using the flame materia to burn the other two to a crisp.

"Im done on my end! How about you Ozpin?" I say as I see Ozpin dancing with the remaining kobold as it tries and fails to get a solid hit in as Ozpin swing his cane breaking its neck, "done on my end as well." He says casually as I think about something.

"Hey Ozpin, if you are a weakened mage do you think this dungeon can help you gain your original power and more?" I say as Ozpin start moving deeper facing more monsters on the way, "that would be a good thing, but what makes you think I can gain more power in the dungeon?" He asks as I realize he's wanting to ask if it was possible.

"Well we got books showcasing spells and I figure you might be able to use them." I simply say as I hear the grunting of the boss as I see the goblin riding a kobold, and this time the goblin was wearing a quiver full of arrows.

The monster aimed and fired an arrow at Ozpin who dodged as I run in dodging the kobolds claw attacks and I try to find any weak points I could exploit, but I realize that Ozpin was keeping the goblin occupied so using the nearby wall I jump onto it an jump against the wall parkour style as I throw my dagger at the goblin's head and watch as the goblin turns and sees the dagger but fails to dodge as it embeds itself into its skull and it falls onto the ground dead as I slash at the head of the kobold decapitating it.

I hear the rumbling near the dungeon wall and see a new corridor with stairs, I turn to look as Ozpin who watches with interest, "so…onto the third floor?"


Well folks I apologize for the dry spell of no new chapters so I hope this was worth the wait.

But besides that what type of materia should I have Shirou make next? Maybe a materia that when used in a spot where someone(phyrrha) recently died that materia will rewind time to a point before they died.

But with this I'll see you all next week, peace😁✌️

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