Chapter 57: Chapter 53: Aries
"Makoto, get away from that girl!" Luna yelled. "She knows too much!"
Makoto raised an eyebrow up and looked towards Luna and Artemis, her face turned to one of seriousness. "Is this true?"
Scarlet chuckled. "It seems the cat is out of the bag." She raised her foot up and kicked Makoto in the gut as she back-flips. "And here I was trying to get her to trust me." Her grin widened as she licked her lips. "Oh well."
Makoto clenched her teeth and she held her stomach. "Damn, you were just using me?! Tch. Fine I guess I have no choice." She reached for her transformation pen and grabbed it out of her skirt pocket. "Jupiter star power! Make up!"
Scarlet just stood there, watching Makoto transform. She yawned and crossed her arms, she just let it happen. Letting Makoto transform into Sailor Jupiter. Once that was done, Jupiter glared at Scarlet, her eyes filled with an electrifying glare.
"Spill, just who are you really?" Jupiter asked. "Are you really who you say you are? And how did you know about the Luna and Artemis being able to talk?"
Scarlet rolled her eyes but snickered. "So many questions. Yet, so little time. Why do I have to answer questions, when I could just start fighting?'d rather have a sit down talk and some tea. But that won't be much fun, you went ahead and transformed for it all. It'll just go to waste."
Jupiter gritted her teeth at how Scarlet mocked her. "Shut up!" Her eyes glared like daggers at her. "If you're going to avoid the question, then fine. I'll fight, it doesn't seem like we have much of a choice though."
Scarlet grinned widely as she snickered again, she grabbed Black Rose and twirled her scythe around. "That's more like it, now then. Let us dance, until God smites us down."
Jupiter scoffed, electricity and thunder flicked around her. "Tch, you're getting cocky." She held out her left hand to her side. "Jupiter!" Her palm sparked with green electricity. "Oak Evolution!" A rod shot up from her tiara as it sparked with the same green electricity as she spun around mid air as green energy balls shot from around Jupiter and went towards Scarlet.
Scarlet smirked as she took the attack head on, electricity sparking around her. "Is that really all?" She spoke from within the dust, that was caused from the attack hitting the ground. "Was that supposed to be a mercy attack?" She swung her scythe, clearing the smoke. She stepped forward as a rose came flying down and nicked Scarlet in the foot. Stopping her in her tracks, her eyes glanced down at the rose and then around, then up to the roof of the gym. "Ara, and who do we have here?"
Jupiter looked up as well, seeing Tuxedo Mask. "Tuxedo Mask."
"You won't get any closer to her." Tuxedo Mask spoke, leaping off the roof, his cape blowing in the wind as he lands next to Jupiter. "That's far enough."
Scarlet chuckled and shook her head. "A rose? Really? You think a going to stop me?" She knelt down and picked up the flower, she stood up and eyed Tuxedo Mask, a grin played along her lips. "Think fast!" She tossed the rose back to Tuxedo Mask, it was flying towards him with great speed. He dodged out of the way but it nicked his cheek as blood trickled down the open cut.
"You're just playing with us now." Jupiter spoke angrily.
"Who, me? Never." Scarlet said holding back a small laugh. "But where were we? Oh yes. I remember now." She rushed forward and swung Black Rose at the two, Tuxedo Mask ducked but his hat got caught on the tip of the scythe and Jupiter nearly got her belly sliced opened. She back-flipped out of the way, and then jumped into the air and did a downwards air kick to Scarlet's face.
The kick hit Scarlet in the face as she stumbled back. "Luna, Artemis. Go warn the others. I have a gut feeling this won't be so easy." She wrapped her legs around Scarlet's neck, and slammed her down onto her head. "Try getting up from that one, freak."
Luna and Artemis looked at each other and nodded, they both ran off. Leaving Jupiter and Tuxedo Mask with Scarlet, Scarlet groaned as she got up. Her head throbbed a little but she shook it off. Jupiter noticed this, and did a surprise punch to the gut. Her fist hit Scarlet hard, knocking the wind out of her lungs.
Scarlet gasped, but eventually smirked as she grabbed Jupiter's fist. "Naughty, naughty." She tightened her grip on Jupiter's fist, tossing her over her shoulder and slammed her down onto her back. Jupiter gasped as the air was knocked from her own lungs, she felt Scarlet's grip on her hand tighten more. Tuxedo Mask came running over, grabbing his staff cane from his hat. Extending it outward and smacked Scarlet away from Jupiter.
Scarlet's rib cage broke as the staff hit her hard. Knocking her back once again, she gritted her teeth and coughed up blood. "Lucky shot." She wipes the blood from her mouth, a grin played along her lips once again. "But that doesn't mean you both are safe."
Luna and Artemis were running around the school grounds as they were trying to find Usagi and the other two, they knew Rei was at a different school. But they were also hoping they could maybe find Haruka or Michiru, even if the outer sailor senshi were a bit busy with their own stuff. Setsuna wasn't around for obvious reasons, since she was teaching at Chibiusa's and Hotaru's school. Luckily Luna spotted Ami walking the halls of the school and was heading to the library.
"Look, there's Ami." Luna spoke as she stopped, she glanced around for a way in, but didn't see any windows open. "This is going to be hard, we'd have to run all the way around to the entrance of the school to get inside. Unless."
"Unless we transform into our human forms." Artemis spoke with an uneasy look on his face. "It's risky, but it may be the only choice we have."
Luna sighed as she nodded lightly. "Let's hope Tuxedo Mask and Jupiter can hold on a little longer." She turned her gaze towards Artemis. "We'll have to lie however, to get Usagi, Minako and Ami out of class early."
"Right...we have to pretend to be relatives...but which ones?" Artemis asked with a curious tone.
Luna pondered for a moment as she closed her eyes. "I'll be a science teacher from a university, who wants to interview Ami...Artemis, you can be...." She paused for a moment to think, she sighed as she knew there wasn't really anything Usagi wasn't planning on what she'd be doing after she finishes school. "It's obvious Minako wants to be a idol, but Usagi..."
"I'll be Usagi's uncle, and a manager for a future pop idol group who wants to see Minako's talent." Artemis spoke. "But what if we're asked questions?"
Luna shook her head a little. "Don't worry, the only one who has been out of state is Ami and Mamoru. So I'll have to go with the University of California."
Artemis nodded, both of their crescent moon symbols on their foreheads glowed as their forms changed from cat to human. They went back around the school and to the entrance, they went in both at once, just to get it done quicker.
Scarlet spin kicked Tuxedo Mask and Jupiter, the two hitting each other hard as Jupiter looked more beat up than Tuxedo Mask did. Both of them clinched their sides, Jupiter's sailor suit was torn and Tuxedo Mask's mask and cape were torn as well.
"Damn, no matter what we do. She won't stay down." Jupiter winched and covered her mouth with her hand. "She's doing a number on us both..."
Tuxedo Mask nodded lightly. "Yeah, that's true...what is taking Luna and Artemis so long? At this rate..."
"Venus! Love me Chain!" A glowing yellow heart chain came shooting directly at Scarlet, wrapping around her, flinging her up and tossing her aside. She crashed into the gym, luckily there wasn't anyone inside for the time being.
Scarlet got up, she glared at who had attacked her. She saw three figures standing in front of Tuxedo Mask and Jupiter, she just glared at them, her red crimson eyes glowing as she eyed them,
"We are the Sailor Guardians of love and justice! I am Sailor Moon! And these are my friends. Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury. And we will punish you!" Sailor Moon spoke as she did her classic pose.
"Oh goodie, more toys to play with." Scarlet said sarcastically but smirked. "You three are just right on time too. I was just about to turn those two in chopped liver."
Sailor Moon glared at Scarlet, but secretly she was terrified. Not only did she just watch Venus use her attack on Scarlet to get her away from Jupiter and Tuxedo Mask, but now, she was just standing there like nothing happened. She gulped nervously, but she shook her nervousness away. Trying to digest the nervous feeling of butterflies in her stomach. She clinched her fists tight and then pointed her finger at Scarlet.
"You have no right in attacking my friends!" Sailor Moon spoke with a loud and angry tone. "Just you wait, you're going to be out numbered!"
Scarlet raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms. "Out numbered huh? Well, I'd like to see how many of you show up. It's not like it'll do you any good." She laughed.
"That does it!" Sailor Moon barked as she started to run towards Scarlet. "Sailor Moon kick!" She did a flying kick towards her, but didn't expect Scarlet to grab her leg. "Ahhh! No fair!"
Scarlet smirked as she spun Sailor Moon around, slamming her into the walls of the gym. She then tossed her at Venus and Mercury. Jupiter panted as she swallowed some air to catch her breath. She gathered electricity to her tiara, as lightning sparked around her again. "Eat this! Supreme Thunder Dragon!" An electric dragon took form as it looked down upon Scarlet. "I hope you die!"
Scarlet was a bit surprised at first, but grinned widely. "Come on then!" She welcomed the challenge as she laughed insanely. "Come on then!"
The dragon zoomed down upon Scarlet as it hit her, engulfing her in a blinding yet shocking light. Mercury rushed over to Jupiter before she could collapse onto her back, Mercury slid just in time and caught her. "Hang in there Jupiter."
Tuxedo Mask felt like something was wrong. He looked at the impact that was caused, he turned his gaze to the guardians. "Something doesn't feel right, usually Mars is the one with these uneasy feelings. But....that almost felt..."
"Too easy?" Venus asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice. "Yeah....I got that feeling as well."
"Feeling shmeeling. I say we won!" Sailor Moon spoke feeling confident, she held her hand up in a piece sign. "I say we celebrate!"
Through the smoke and dust, and the caved in floor of the gym. Scarlet slowly rose up from the rubble. Her red eyes glowing through the smoke. "It seems like the time for games are over...But I will let them think they've won...but perhaps I should change my targets to....other matters." She smirked as she vanished into the smoke. "Until we meet again....Sailor Guardians."