Rizz Taoist Master [A Reverend Insanity Fanfiction]

Chapter 25: Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord (Part One)

Meanwhile, while Fang Yuan and Fang Zhen were squabbling over what was basically petty change in the grand scheme of things, in the Central Continent, the Heavenly Court found its foundations shaken.

One thing was the matter of Femoid Zi Wei's panty flash leaking on audio-visual gu, to which she was trying to rizz a gu that would delete all such footage.

While the leakage of this footage was problematic, it was not enough to truly bother the current Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord.

The Heaven Overseeing Tower was the pillar of the Heavenly Court's strength, standing tall and being able to oversee all five regions and the currently intact two heavens like the worst kind of oppressive government in a futuristic sci-fi cyberpunk dystopia.

That was not to say that it did not have its flaws.

The Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord walked up the stairs to the top of the tower. With every step he took, new images would appear on the black mirrors that lined the stairs.

As an example, one of them went:


Iwatani Naofumi took a glance towards the shields he had unlocked.

Slave Defense Shield

Raises defense proportional to the number of slaves you control, up to a maximum of 10 x the user's level.

Ah, so that was how he could raise his defense- but that was just defense, how was he supposed to attack and level up?

Enslavement Shield

Can be used to attempt to enslave a creature- the chance of success depends on how weak it is versus your own level and factors in other things into account. Can be done even if you don't have slave ink.

Wow, so Naofumi could get other slaves by using his own slaves to weaken them- this was just like a human version of Pokemon! Very much like Palworld actually.

Slave Maintenance Shield I

Slaves need less food, less sleep, and can work for longer periods without getting sick. Also makes the likelihood of them becoming sick lower and decreases the duration of mild sickness.

That was good, it was important to improve efficiency.

Master-Slave Bond Shield

The longer you have your slaves, the more they will get attached to you. Over time they will even have endearing feelings towards you, and will demand to remain your slaves even if freedom is offered to them. This will remain in effect even if their slave crests are removed.

Now, this was a very good shield! Any idiot could keep slaves in line with force, or magic like this world did- but a true slavemaster was one who would convince slaves that it was their rightful place!

Naofumi couldn't help but think of the House Elves from Harry Potter- despite his other gripes with J. K. Rowling, he had to say that she had made a wonderful race in the House Elves and how subservient they were. Yes, he needed to aspire to create a group of slaves who looked up to him like House Elves, though of course, he needed to make sure that no 'Dobby' ever came about.


What was this? 

This was a new webnovel chapter that had been published. 

Whenever a new webnovel chapter would be published, it would appear here.

And the Heavenly Court would deal with it.

Taking in a deep breath, not really wanting to waste his time actually reading what was in this scripture, the Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord began typing.

"Yeah, so this work is okay and all, but do you know what's actually good? Lord of the Mysteries. It blows this out of the water, and if you want to enjoy true fiction, you should pick it up..."

His hands flew over the keyboard, having done this many times in the past.

Once he was finished, he hit 'send', being one of the first people to comment on this new work.

With every step he took further up, more and more new webnovel chapters would flash before his eyes, and he did the same. 

He had been so practiced to this that he could do it in his sleep.

With that, as he ascended the many stairs to the very top, he beheld the great treasure of the Heavenly Court.

A copy of Lord of the Mysteries!

This book sat in the center of this gu house, and was the source of the Heaven Overseeing Tower's power! The volume of Lord of the Mysteries was what gave the immortal gu house its power.

Unfortunately, there was a flaw.

No, not in the Lord of the Mysteries series itself, no, that was definitely peak fiction, the Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord thought to himself.

Many thousands of years ago, Red Lotus Sigma Venerable had damaged this copy of the Lord of the Mysteries, such that it was missing several volumes.

Because of this, this work had only about 50% of the original script left.

Many of the Heavenly Court's top fanfiction writers were trying their best to repair the damage done to the series by writing the rest of it from memory. Unfortunatley, most of them were busy writing 'Self-insert OC fanfiction of Lord of the Mysteries Number 346,987' and were so immersed in such that they had forgotten how the actual story went.

As such, their attempts to rewrite the rest of Lord of the Mysteries was met with failure after failure as people kept inserting their OCs or writing characters into romance subplots that would never happen.

The Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord was, as a matter of fact, working on his own fanfiction, 'Lord of the Morbius' in which Morbius joined the Lord of the Mysteries universe. He was sure that it would attract over a Morbillion viewers and readers. No matter how much he cried upon writing the words, "Everyone is the Morbius of their own story," after which Klein and Morbius made out, remarking about how it was 'peak fiction', he knew that there were other problems at hand.

Despite all of their setbacks, the effort to repair Lord of the Mysteries was going well, with it being about halfway done. 

Unfortunately, something had popped up which threatened to shake the near unfathomable foundations of the Heavenly Court. 

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